《The Man Who Got Dragged Into Another World》Chapter 26: The White Tiger 1


After that, Luki and Vera started to sparring. "You could dodge that surprise attack from mine. But can you really still standing after I show you my martial art technique?"

Hearing that made Luki's eye lit with bright light. "Then, show me! Let this weakling feel the power of the strong!"

"As you wish, weakling!" then she started to unleashed her Inner Power. She then prepares her stance, her fingers were formed like a claw. Her legs were separated by a large gap. Then her Inner Power added to every part of her body.

"Martial Aura? Are you really serious in every fight?" Luki felt that his own Inner Power being suppressed by that aura!

" martial art style. Watch.......and.......learn!" she already disappeared from Luki's eyesight. But suddenly Luki felt the push that sends him to the air. 'Really, how should I retaliate?'

Already in the air, Luki could not do much when suddenly another struck hit him from behind. He could only felt the wind that comes with it. His rib cage shattered the moment that attack hit him. "Hey, why are you not fighting back?" Vera asked with a mocking expression.

And a loud sound with a crater and a man inside it created. When he hit the ground, again another bone in his body fractured.

He then tried to stand up but failed. Then he coughed up a mouthful of blood. With the help from his Immortal Energy, his broken bones started to recover at a surprising rate. "Damn, can't see her movement at all! And my back, I'm sure it's like a tiger claw scratching it!"

A loud sound came and Luki heard it clearly. "Is that all? You said you wanted to defeat the Evil God but look at you!"

Vera descended with a grace. "Want to take another chance?" she asked Luki. He could only nod.

The ant king who saw them recalled the martial art that Vera recently used. " is a famous martial art that also known as the most fierce style that equally matched with style. But it looks like the essence was partially gone with the passage of time."


He, as the ant king had seen so much style that he could see the most essential from a style that he sees. "Sadly, my promise to that person still applied to me even today. Mm...."

He then looked at the nine-colored sky, to a certain location.

"Here I go!" Luki had used seventy percent of his Inner Power just to test his own improvement but seeing the huge difference between him and Vera, he would try to gain everything by prolonging the exchange!

He casually threw some strike, trying to get that movement. 'It's really profound. I think I should see it clearly.'

But at the same time, a dozen of claws started to form on his body. At first, Luki could not see even the strike that launched by Vera. But he started to see the attack. Sadly, he could only saw it, unable to dodge it!

By the time he already recognized the pattern, his body was completely bloody. Even Vera who purposely attacked him like that started to hesitate to attack him again. "Hey, are you still fine after your body became like that?"

But Luki already lost in thought. 'That movement was so incredible! Not only fast but relatively strong. Even with all the effort, I had done could not stop its strike.'

"I'm fine. No need to hold yourself. Just continue....." but when Luki wanted to walk forward, his balance was unstable. In the end, he fell and could not stand up. He felt that his power quickly leave his body.

"Are you.....really fine?" Vera asked him then looked at the direction where the ant king stood. The ant king then walked to Luki and then touched his head. He then whispered to Luki, "You almost lost your immortal energy. Your energy come from your [Immortal Decree] but it also has a limit. You don't even reach the initial stage to use it properly."

Luki could only laugh out loud. Using the Ancient God blood just to activate his immortal body was not a good choice to begin with. "Well, I only need to solve the problem those beasts give to this world."


'I wonder if that beast is the really one that the ant king mentioned. If that kind of beast is really that kind, I'm afraid the world already set to fall.'

"Give him some rest. And you, Luki need to absorb everything you had experience." said the ant king. Then he shifted his gaze to Vera and said in a cool manner, "Let me fix those style of yours. It's already a long time I go outside so I really don't know the details but I think I'm the only one alive huh."

His gaze filled with profound meaning in it. "Can you really fix the problem?" surprised, Vera asked him in disbelief.

Luki then just stopped using his immortal energy and instead used his Inner Power to restore his body condition. It was like comparing the speed of a snail with the speed of a jet plane, so slow at that moment.

"So this is a power that reached a higher ground than style. The different was so vast I cannot compare it with my own." Luki thought that he should comprehend the meaning behind every strike and the effect to the body.

On the other side, the ant king now used his knowledge to bring everything he knew about martial art style. "Now this is your turn to learn more about your own style." said the ant king to Vera

Even as an ant, the ant king still had experienced this world's development. He also had some memories that originated from the place above this world.

Then he used the movement that Vera had known. "The Claw of White!" she shouted. The finger formed the claw, which covered in a white layer of Inner Power.

Later, he already appeared in front of her! She tried to use the same move to compared. "The Claw of White!"

Two claws clashing against each other! The power that generated from that clashed spread to their surroundings. Even Luki could feel its power. 'So that is the movement from the style. Ah! Thank you ant king.'

Luki suddenly had an idea regarding this move. But that was precisely the result the ant king wanted to see. 'Two birds with one stone. Make Luki understand the most basic move while also fixing the current move Vera have.' thought the ant king.

But unexpectedly, the AIMAF also had capabilities in monitoring movement pattern. It was because the program that inserted in the AI was capable to observe the movement pattern from the others aircraft. Also, it had the calculation function to predicted what the next move the others would use.

Movement Detected.

Activate the recording program. Create a new file. Set it to martial arts movement.

The temporary user does not permit yet......

The sound that it produced made Luki stared at the fighter. Then he saw that the camera below the body was directed here. He then went there to see the condition from the monitor. "Mm. Cih, I can't believe that even this AI was capable of recording the movement from our exchange."

He hated to see this AI's good side because of its creator. But he then just permitted the usage of the recording program to see its capabilities.

Please permit the drone to go out from the craft...

'Eh, Drone? What's wrong with this plane? Not only have the latest AI but also the drone. I'm afraid the operation that this fighter took was not simple!'

Luki also permitted it. From below the body of the fighter, a room that stored the drone was opened. Then the drone started to move to where Luki was. "Mm, even the drone is also the latest model in my world. And the best part is it can move with the user."

Then he checked the file that the drone already recorded.

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