《Pearl of cold (Old version)》Chapter 2: Leaving home


I woke up - only to immediately hit my on head on the slant wall at my bed.

(me) “Auch”

I rubbed my forehead, where some unwanted pain had appeared. So that was why I din't move everything to the left yesterday. Now I would had to solve this problem instead.

(me) “Moving out is hard “- I concluded.

I stumbled out of my bed, and proceeded to the kitchen where I tiredly started brewing some coffee.

1.5 spoons should be enough…Yesterday had really made me tired.

I turned on the radio:

(Radio, Girl voice)“ oO0oOH! You’re are my sugar to my heart! You make it beat! Beat! yeah! you make it beat! Oh sugar,sugar, you make it beat, cause. you. are. so. swee..”

I turned the radio off again it was way too early in the morning too listen to that crap. Guess no radio this time.

I looked up on the clock: 9:13.

I still had about 45 minutes until my family would come and pick me up. We agreed that they would do that, since there was no point in driving 2 cars to the airport.

I wondered if I should use my new freedom of living alone to buy a steak to eat to breakfast…


I decided I was too lazy to actually do it, and settled on some regular boring cereal instead.

The last 20 minutes was used to practice my [Outwards force] and [Hardening] techniques. It wasn’t something I did every morning or something like that. It was just because my sister had suddenly turned into some sort of magic monster, and it motivated me to practice. I couldn’t just fall behind! On my [Outwards force] technique I was concentrating on making my mana constantly flow outwards only to retract once it hit the edge of my aura, afterwards it would begin to flow towards the edge of my aura again. The trick was to let the aura flow as fast as possible, while changing the properties of the mana in the correct manner. The smaller the distance you had to make the particle flow back before you could it make it flow outwards again, the better.

I had some fun with letting a pebble bounce of my skin like it was a trampoline. If I really tried I could make it hit the roof. Although it made me little dizzy.


My phone vibrated, it was an SMS:

“We R waiting outside J”

Holy crap! It’s already time? Man! Time can fly fast!

I hurried up and took my package and left my apartment. They were waiting for me on the park place on the opposite side of the street.

(Mathilde,) “Ooyy Matt! You got to see this!

I couldn’t quite get the Light emission spell to work, but check this out!”

She lifted her hands up. The hand instantly lit up in bright flames, her hand gloving in all sorts of colors. The flames were reaching a few meters above us.

(me) “woah mann, that’s cool!,”

I laughed.

(Martin)“ I’ve tried to explain to her how to only emit light, but she keeps sending flames out too. She is not yet able to identify the properties of mana that emits light, and then make all of her mana leaving her have that property. It’s the basic when dealing with spells”

(Mathilde) “Oh shut up martin I know that already. I just need to get used to mana. I only had it for less than 24 hours. You had 10 years to practice.”

I could see that this was going to be one of their countless siblings fight. How could twins be so different!?

Considering that she really only became able to manipulate mana less than 24 hours ago, she had made quite a bit of progress already. It’s not as easy as it sounds to manipulate mana! It requires practice to be good at, just like everything else.

I got in the car, and we began to drive towards the airport. Mathilde attempted the practice her light emission spell again, but we quickly found out that it was far too dangerous, as her control of the amount of mana spent on the spell, was limited. I almost got my hair on fire! I could however swear that this time it seemed that there was more light than fire.

We arrived at the airport. The car swung into a free parking spot, and we got out of the car.

(Mathilde) “Okay, guys you might want to see this”

we were heading towards the entrance. She pointed towards something. My mana sense could vaguely fell something.

I looked in the direction she pointed. A human man in his fifties was descending from the sky. He was wearing a black Smoking set. The glider (the one you would wear at parties, not when gliding in the air) was Cyan . He had a cape, that likewise was Cyan, he somehow manged to pull it off. It was something most high-end magicians decided to wear. Don’t know why. Think it has something to do with history and tradition. He also had a staff in one of his hands; a cyan gem was glowing at the top of it. I do know why he had a staff. Those could be used to amplify certain properties of mana, or help as the key component in a few spells. This one probably helped him levitate. After he landed he proceeded to take a little bag from his pocket and showed the entire staff in it. He brushed some dust of his clothes, and proceeded to the airport. He had a very dignified look.


(Me)" seriously? was that just an spacial enlargement enchantment on that purse?"

Spacial distortion spells and enchantments were somewhat advanced spells, but that wasn't the impressive part of it. you could with some money easily find some boxes with about 2 times the space. The impressive part was that the staff was as least 20 times longer than the purse it was put in, and there was no visible crystals on the purse or other items that would enhance the enchantment.

(Martin) “That guy is definitely a very skilled magician, eyy Mathilde after we arrive home from the holiday you might be lucky and let a guy like that be your magic teacher”

(Mathilde) "Because he can put a staff in a purse? Yeah definitely if he wants his pupil to surpass him! I’m going to be the greatest magician the world has ever seen!”

It seemed like her awakening had given her a dangerous amount of self-confidence. Well I couldn’t disagree with her, but why did she have to be that dense?

I delivered my package, let them scan my metal or magic items such as my phone, and a souvenir-charm that would let me see the 2 miles-tower that I once visited in a holiday. High-elf architecture and engineering is truly impressive.

I looked around in the border-shop, watching all the different foreign people is an interesting sight. I could spot a wood-elf family, 10 meter to the left there was some rich looking snake-person talking to his phone, and lastly there was a large orc clearly interesting in buying some of the cheap tax-free liquor. Maybe I should buy some too when I got home…

Snake-people are a little different from the dragonians and argonians. They have the lower body of a snake, a snake head, and then they are of course covered in scales.

I couldn’t distinguish dragonians from argonians, but apparently they were as different as human and elves.

The next hour or so was relatively uneventful. We set camp somewhere in a corner. I ate some noodles, and practiced some aura techniques , Mathildes awakening still gave plenty of fuel for my motivation! as I watched how my brother somehow kept beating my sister in chess in less than 6 moves. I noticed that there were a few persons who appeared to recognize us, especially my sister. Must been duo too the news. There was even a little boy who ran up to her and asked for an autograph!

(Mathilde) “Sure. Why not? I am after all that awesome”

full of herself she gave the boy her autograph.

(Boy) “When I grow up I’m going to going to be a great magician, just like you!”

The boy sounded way to excited.

(Mathilde “Yeah. sure you are, now go back to you parents”.

(Martin) “Just because you got a high amount of mana and mana regeneration doesn’t mean you’re a great magician. It also requires that you’re able to cast a decent amount of advanced spells. “-

Martin mumbled, as if too correct the boy, but the boy didn’t hear it.

The time finally came where we could get on board the airplane. As we entered we were all given a magic-suppression ring that, together with the runic circles integrated somewhere within the walls of the plane, made sure that we wouldn’t be able to perform spells while under flight. The ring could not be removed. It was duo to security reasons.

I got in my seat (21-B). Coincidentally the wizard I had seen at the parking spot was sitting next to me.

The plane began to accelerate and I got that familiar tickly felling in my stomach as it began to ascend. I was now leaving home. Little did I know that I wouldn’t come back for a very long time.

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