《Undead Girls: A different change》Chapter 9: Join the dead parade Part 2


Chapter 9: Join the dead parade Part 2

Carri's story


I really don't know how she managed to convince me to do this. T's sister is such a tasty looking thing, but friends do what they must. Anya came out the door, backpack in hand. A quick glance around confirmed all the other beings were gone.

We need to hurry along. I grabbed her hand gently, trying not to pierce her tender flesh. With anya now in tow, we headed away from the homes towards the distant forest. Maybe there would be other survivors. Maybe not, either way her chances were better in the woods than here.

Moving quickly, I tried not to run too fast for the normal. We got there in almost no time. Nothing stirred, since all the animals had left weeks ago. I took her into the woods and gestured for her to keep going

She should remember the creek and pond in the forest since it wasn't long ago they came here. Making sure once again nothing had followed us, I headed back. Maybe with my new speed I can catch up with Tif quickly.

Ominously, it started to rain around town. A gentle drizzle at first, it started picking up with the town now in front of me. This can't be good. I must catch up to T before something bad happens. I picked up the pace. broken fences started to blur as I ran faster and faster.

Almost 6 blocks cover I spotted Tif and her family. Wow, there must be hundreds behind them. What had happened since I left?

Tif's P.O.V.


Ever been in a kind of daze. That's how I felt escorting my family through town. The world had changed so much in the past few days. First the virus spreading sickness to all corners of the globe. Then the disappearing animals, gone to who knows where. And now me, leading a parade of the risen across our once prosperous town like a conductor for a festival parade.

I only realized something was up when evee started to make weird sounds from behind me. When I glance back there were 30 to 40 other deceased following us. It mostly seemed made up of our neighbors. There were some stragglers I didn't recognize mixed in.

Now knowing we had to hurry and find them a safe place, I started marching slightly more quickly. As I picked up the pace, more started showing up from the nearby homes and ruined vehicles. The parade quickly grew again. I guessed there were at least a hundred mixed in behind us now.

Without warning, the ghoul we saw early started prowling from an abandoned grocery store. It was bigger than I remembered. The ghoul had grown almost twice as tall as us. Another unusual thing had appear with it. This one almost looked human, except for the red eyes with black pupils.


Not knowing if we should run, I decided to pretend they were part of the group. March onwards and forwards. Freaking out a little in my mind, we kept the pace. More and more of the dead joined us. I started to wonder what had happened with carri and anya.

The clouds above us started to let loose with a gentle rain. The others seemed excited by this. We had covered at least 8 blocks by now. I heard something saying my name as the rain intensified. The loud sounds of pouring rain made it hard to hear who was calling for me.

A sudden pounce happened on my back. I got knocked over as I turned to see what had hit me. Carri was on top of me grinning like a fool. She said they had made it to the forest and everything went as planned. You can stop hugging me now carri. Don't you know your own strength foolish girl?

Finally letting me go, she helped me stand back up. I gestured to the ghoul and other thing behind us. Carri said she knew, but had decided as long as they didn't attack neither would she. With my friend back, a weight had been lifted from my shoulders.

We started holding hands and skipping as the parade moved on to the center of town. Who knows what might be left there? Either way there might be something for mom and sis to be safe with.

A pallid smoke cloud loomed over the next block. Rain and smoke mixed to make us look even more dirty. Sudden sounds of fighting could be heard nearby. The others started getting restless. They must have sensed the survivors before we saw them.

A group of mostly younger adults were trading shots with what looked like police. The motley group seemed to be made up of mostly men. I counted 13 survivors in the young group and 5 in the possibly cops.

They had not became aware of us yet, being too focused on each other. That soon changed as the ghoul roared and the red eyed thing shrieked. The parade broke apart as they all started closing in on the non infected. The two groups quickly became aware of us and started running.

That ghoul was fast. I could believe how quick it caught up with the possible officers. As ghoul started tearing them apart, the red eyed chose the younger crowd. If anything it seemed quicker as it leapt high up at the crowd. The screams indicated red eyed had landed in the group and found a victim.

I couldn't see what the new undead was doing in the crowd but it sounded like a one sided slaughter. The crowd that followed us caught up a few seconds later. We turned to each other and tried to decide what to do.


Should we help the adults or grab my family and keep moving?

Anya's P.O.V.


I really am grateful to Tif's friend. She had waited on me to get some supplies together before we had ventured off into the woods. That girl looked really weird though. She was like some kind of late show monster movie creature.

If tif had not made it clear that she wouldn't hurt me, I would be terrified right now. Speaking of sister, what was she now? She looked like something that had nearly died and lost most of it's blood. Maybe she was sick.

I looked around to wooded area carri had dropped me off at. It was almost scary quiet with no animals in the forest. Walking along an old game path, I went to the creek that ran through this forest. I sure hope I'm not the only survivor in this world.

The creek looked as lovely as it had years ago. The rocks poking out of the water glistened with moisture. Not a single fish could be seen though. Spotting an old trail made of stones, I crossed the creek. A lone water bottle empty of water stood out next to the creek bed's other side.

Some people like to leave their trash. Secretly, I hoped the litterer got eaten for that. Moving on I saw some brush, flowers, and different types of trees along the trail. The pond was a good walk from here. Better rehydrate, I opened my backpack and took out a bottle of water. Sipping the cool water, I took the time to enjoy the sensation as it ran down my throat.

Lost in the bliss of drinking, I did not realize it had started raining. At least not until a big drop of water fell on my upturned face. Time to go. I closed the water bottle and put it back in my backpack. If I remember right there was an old camping site down the trail.

It should still be there. I hurried up along the trail. The sight of a slightly rotten wood roof with a few park benches greeted me. It still looked as tacky as ever. Any shelter in the rain, I ran quickly into the covered area. Not a moment too soon apparently. The rain really started to poor down.

Sighing, I decided it was time to double check my supplies. Women stuff you don't need to know, check. Don't ask or I'll scream at you. 10 bottles of water. 6 bags of trail mix. Dad's old pocket knife. A sharper kitchen knife. A can of peanuts.

Something I had not counted on was in there. A 9 millimeter pistol from Dad's locked safe. When had tif snuck that in to my backpack? She always did think about others. Better not take it out right now.

I put the things back in the backpack as thunder started rolling in the distance. At least this place still seemed mostly dry. I started to curl up on the bench as it rained. Will anything ever be the same again? I miss you guys so much.

The rain must have gotten on my face. Don't even think otherwise. I sat curled there for awhile as the storm passed overhead. My eyes started to fell heavy. Maybe just a little nap wouldn't hurt.

"Snore. mom. snore. evee. snore Tif. Snore snore. I miss you."

An unknown figure in the forest


Man we are lucky to be alive. If it wasn't for the quick thinking of our leader, those things in town would have gotten us. I kind of feel bad for the others though. Oh well, got a job to do and all that.

This forest must have something edible in it. I mean the old movies made it like berries and fruits were everywhere. So far all I found were some abandoned birds' nests and a rash. Maybe there's something down this path.

Walking further away from our camp at the pond, I followed the path to what looked like a covered area. Grabbing my spear, I moved towards the spot. The sounds of a female snoring stared to reach me. Score.

I'll go grab her and bring her back to the camp. The boss will be thrilled with me. What a looker to.

First I should be cautious, better scout around here and make sure she's alone. Then, it looks like we got a new member heh.

So how do you like the story so far? The dead parade will b e a 6 part. Also, beware the super ghoul:)

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