《Undead Girls: A different change》Chapter 2: Dead if you do


Author's note: sorry for the delay, here's chapter 2. After today, I will try to release 2 or more chapters a week, and the story line should start picking up somewhat.

Chapter 2: Dead if you do

Quickly reaching a decision, T reaches out to grab the Girls hand. Not noticing anything about her new companion, T looks around the hallway for somewhere to hide. The only choices seems to be back into the bathroom.

T thinks, " maybe we can wait for whoever it is to wander away."

The bathroom seems somehow poorly lit as thy dart in. Not even breathing, T starts to take in her situation.

"something is very wrong here. I can't feel anything and we both should be too injured to move."

T stares around looking for a mirror. Spotting one, she lets go of the girl and takes a hard look at herself. A pale, disheveled girl covered in dried blood and various injuries stares back at her.

"Let's think about this for a moment. I should be hurting all over, tired, and breathing heavily. Come to think about it, when was the last time I breathed at all?"

The Girl next to T seems to slump over by the wall, not really seeming to notice anything.

T thinks some more. " Apart from the dried blood... When have I felt a pulse or bled?"

A scary certainty starts to take a hold of T. The noise outside the door seems to pick up as if sensing her thoughts.

"A heartbeat, do I still have one?" T seem to think to herself. She reaches for her wrist to take her pulse. There seems to be none.

"If I'm dead, how can I still be moving, or thinking?"

T realizes something, she turns to the other girl with a dread certainty in her mind. T reaches over to her, and helps the girl stand up. Guiding the girl to the mirror, T notices the girl is also cold like her.


The girl stares blankly at first, then starts to notice the mirror. A low moan seems to emanate from her.

T thinks to herself, " I bet she is starting to notice something is wrong with her like I did. Maybe we are sick."

As they both seem to be focusing on their thoughts, the girls hear a loud banging outside the bathroom. T stranger who was following them earlier seems to be hitting the wall near them.

The power, seemingly heralding the mood starts to flicker in and out around the town.

"What is going on now?" T seems to think while reaching her hand out to the other girl.

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