《ArmourXDemons》Chapter 9-Losing Feeling
Ehem....the author reappeared from some cave again!
This chapter is not one of my best chapters, I like many other chapters more...actually I think all...
Many reasons why it only now appears.
First: The usual: I'm lazy.
Second: I had many different versions of how the interaction went in my head and every time I looked over the chapter I wanted to delete most of it and rewrite it.
I think if you look close enough you can see that the chapter was written over many different sessions and thus has different styles of writing.
Third: lazy.
And yes, Stein went ahead with his crazy experiment...I mean it is Stein and it's not like somebody can stop the Head of Research from the UK if he wants to do it....
So I hope you still enjoy this.
Please leave comments, point out grammar and spelling mistakes, etc.
Research Report Summary 5089BH102S01/572429827
Researcher in Charge: Dr. Frank Stein
Researchers: Nick Burningham, Jane Black, Tyler Smith, Diana Knight
Aim: Protocol a Broken’s reaction to sexual interaction without their consent
Broken: Male, 6 years Broken, 3 years no reaction, heterosexual
Test subject: Male, 25 years, registered homosexual, occupation: soldier
summary: no reaction during taking off of clothes, no reaction to fixations being applied;
first reaction to obvious sexual interaction, Broken smashed test subjects skull, no further reaction afterwards
Broken: Male, 9 years Broken, 7 years no reaction, heterosexual
Test subject: Male, 29 years, registered homosexual, occupation: soldier
summary: no reaction during taking off of clothes, no reaction to fixations being applied;
no reaction during intercourse, test subject left happy
Broken: Male, 5 years Broken, 3 years no reaction, homosexual
Test subject: Male, 29 years, registered homosexual, occupation: soldier
summary: no reaction during taking off of clothes, no reaction to fixations being applied;
first reaction to obvious sexual interaction, test subject was ripped apart and died
Broken: Male, 6 years Broken, 5 years no reaction, homosexual
Test subject: Male, 26, registered homosexual, occupation: soldier
summary: no reaction during taking off of clothes, no reaction to fixations being applied;
no reaction during intercourse, test subject left happy
Broken: Male, 10 years Broken, 8 years no reaction, heterosexual
Test subject: Female, 23, registered heterosexual, occupation: soldier
summary: no reaction during taking off of clothes, no reaction to fixations being applied; no reaction to injection of Viagra, apart from the physical arousal, no reaction during intercourse, test subject left happy
Broken: Female, 8 years Broken, 7 years no reaction, heterosexual
Test subject: Female, 23, registered heterosexual, occupation: soldier
Broken: Female, 7 years Broken, 5 years no reaction, homosexual
Test subject: Female, 19, registered homosexual, occupation: soldier
Broken: Female, 5 years Broken, 3 years no reaction, heterosexual
Test subject: Male, 22, registered heterosexual, occupation: soldier
Broken: Female, 12 years Broken, 11 years no reaction, homosexual
Test subject: Male, 18 registered heterosexual, occupation: soldier
After 90 tests we can’t be entirely sure of the outcome, but our findings point to one interesting lead.
The sexuality of the broken doesn’t matter for any possible reaction. The only thing that does matter is the time without any reaction, the time they no longer care about anything.
It normally starts 2 years after losing a partner.
Every Broken with only 3 years or less without reaction killed our test subject.
There is no difference the way male or female Broken, heterosexual or homosexual, kill the test subject. It is utterly random.
The most interesting point is that it seems to be some kind of natural response.
It appears to be an unconscious reaction, which can’t be controlled by the Broken willingly.
Our suggestion is to use our new found knowledge to offer our elite soldiers a space for relief, which will generate enough income to cover the expenses for the continued care taking.
We also recommend further research on this subject.
-Broken’s reactions to not consented sexual advances, by Dr. Stein and 4 other researchers, research period: 1-26.09.2054; clearance needed: S+
---Time: 2054.07.30, 5:59---
---Location: Europe, Scotland, Hamilton, DCF, Hamilton Academy, teacher living quarter 50 ---
---Population estimated: 75.500---
---Ragnar Rok, currently teacher---
I wake up and try to move.
Immediately pain shoots through my body. I don’t have any wounds on my body, neither from the fight nor the painglove.
It is phantom pain created through extended use of the painglove.
It is not recommended to stay any longer than 4 hours in it and I used it for over 8 hours.
Every move hurts a lot, but it somehow feels good.
That is just really fucked up. I remember a time I didn't get pleasure and pain mixed up.
When was it? I'm not sure, but I guess it started some time after the failed linking process.
Maybe when I was around ten years old?
Hm, could be.
I slowly get up and put on some sport clothes.
I still have approximately 60 minutes before the breakfast in the big hall.
Not really long enough, but if I hurry I might be able to run my 60km.
I make my way out towards the sport grounds.
At this time most of the students are still asleep and only a few are out and training.
Most of them are from the higher classes, in between are a few teachers.
There are no classes at this hour so all of them are out here on their own, doing extra training.
While I walk over to the running tracks I realize that some of them stare at me.
I wonder what the two Headmasters told the students and the rest of the teachers yesterday after the event.
It was no use hiding the fact that I killed a Controller, we literally crashed through some walls and there are a lot of witnesses.
Well, a Broken would be more exact, but I doubt that anybody does care.
For them she will always be the happy and cheerful Controller Debby, who was killed by her Broken Teacher who lost control and went on a rampage. My guess it is way easier to live with this scenario.
The stares are unnerving me and stare back at the few people and they quickly let it go.
The feeling of being watched just increases my bloodlust.
It already is at a constant high.
It is really depressing and mostly annoying.
I get to the field and start to run my labs.
Still angry at the development of yesterday I push my body to it's limits.
Sweat slowly accumulates and runs down my body.
After around 25 minutes I’m done and start to walk back to my room.
Everybody I come across stares at me, but keeps his distance.
Seriously, what were they told?
I guess I will find out the moment I have my first class today.
Finally arriving at my room I take a quick shower.
As I step into the shower and turn on the water and it feels weird.
I look at the water, but is looks normal to me, but I guess I can’t tell small differences without seeing colour.
It feels like I’m not actually feeling the water itself and my senses are numb.
And the temperature is neither warm nor cold.
I touch the tiles and feel the same numbness.
A look at my hands reveals nothing out of the ordinary.
I decrease the temperature of the water a lot.
I don’t feel any difference.
An increase in temperature has the same results.
No feeling at.
I look at my hands for a second before I start laughing and crying at once.
I should have expected this.
After I lost my smell, taste, ability to see colour I should have expected this.
But seriously this is just fucked.
I punch the tiles lightly and some break.
Rage wells up inside of me.
I was about to hit the bathroom wall again, but stopped myself shortly before I hit the tiles.
I realized my vision began to turn red again.
Punching the tiles and breaking more would just make me angrier.
I would lose control if I continue like this.
Fuming I walk out of my bathroom over to my desk.
There I take out a small plastic bottle filled with pills.
Painpills it reads.
I open them and empty probably around a quarter of the content.
Painpills are the exact opposite of Painkillers, it creates pain. They were introduced some 15 years back in time, for training purpose.
It doesn’t damage you in anyway, it is just like the painglove, but the pain is inside of you this time. It is mostly used for training the DCF members.
As a homeroom teacher I luckily always have access to them, so I can use them as I want.
Nobody really asks how much I use on the students and how much I take.
I’m addicted to these pills.
Now there is only pain left for me to feel, so they are something like a connection to the living for me.
After I munched on them and swallowed them down I wait for the effects to kick in.
To my relieve I’m not disappointed and the pain kicks in.
I shiver in pain and pleasure at the same time.
As I stretch my hand out towards the small plastic bottle, to throw in some more, I hear a cough.
Startled I stop in my tracks and turn around.
There they are, Blue Flower.
Patrick lies in by bed, seemingly enjoying it, sniffing the sheets and giving me the usual lecherous glance. Clara just stands at the door, giving me a cold look.
I’m nude, just lost the ability to feel, am caught red-handed for being an addict, see some guy sniffing my sheets and I can barely contain my rage.
“What. Do. You. Want.”-Ragnar
The same instance I reach for the plastic bottle it starts to float directly into Clara’s hand.
She takes a look at it and her face turns a turn for the worse.
“What. Do. You. Want.”-Ragnar
They never came into my room and the way Patrick behaves now I’m seriously glad for that.
My jaw is clenched tightly.
“Ah, calm down, would you?”-Patrick
My hands start to form a fist.
“That is not very easy the way you behave.”-Ragnar
“Ah, come on. You should know by now that I’m not interested in you at all.”-Patrick
“That is difficult to believe. What. Do. You. Want?”-Ragnar
“We are here to tell you what the Headmasters told everybody yesterday.”-Patrick
“Make it fast.”-Ragnar
My jaws are clenched tightly.
Patrick finally lets go of my sheets and gets up from my bed.
My vision starts to turn a bit red.
“Serious Ragnar calm down, would you? We are not your enemy.”-Clara
“It isn’t exactly easy to remain calm in this situation. I just killed another Broken yesterday, which by the way was really difficult, because I just couldn’t go on a rampage as I normally do in a fight and she was my student. Just a moment ago I realized that I lost my last sense, the sense of touch. The only thing I really do feel is pain. So I only feel pain, taste and smell only blood and can only see red.
My home is suddenly invaded by you two, while I’m nude, I see a guy sniffing my sheets up and down and giving me lecherous glances and the other takes the only thing away which helps me calm down and feel good. And yes, I know that I’m addicted to these painpills.
Apart from that my bloodlust increases day by day and it is really difficult to not just go on a rampage any second.
So, yeah it is really easy for me to stay calm, ignore all of this and be a peaceful and productive member of society.
Now, give me my pills back and state your FUCKING business here!”-Ragnar
“You forgot to add the part of crying.”-Clara
I touch my cheeks and feel tears running down.
“And now I’m emotionally unstable, nice.”-Ragnar
“I’m still waiting.”
“Oh, eh yeah…sorry, we were just surprised by this sudden outburst.
Do you want to hear the short or the long version?”-Patrick
“My temper at the moment is VERY short.”-Ragnar
“The Headmasters told everyone that a sad tragedy happened and you spared her the fate of slowly fading away to nothingness. And that you have two days off.”-Clara
That was indeed very short, very much to my liking.
The last part kind of robbed the first part of the statement the credibility.
“So what I’m supposed to do with my day off?”-Ragnar
“We just have the day off. So we thought you might want to spend your time with us in town eating some ice-cream…..”-Clara
Her voice slowly trailed off.
My anger slowly turns into excitement.
The whole day?
I slowly start to grin and my blood starts to boil.
“Let’s go to the battle area we normally use!”-Ragnar
Clara and Patrick sigh, they know I just want to battle them, but they also know it helps me to calm down.
“Fine, give us an hour for breakfast and stuff.”-Clara
An hour later we stand at the battleground.
We stand 10m apart from each other, for normal humans a big enough gap which needs several seconds to be closed, but we close this distance in the blink of an eye.
They are already in their usual blue Armour and holding their flower decorated blue scythe.
I stand there, thinking what kind of Armour and weapons I should use.
In the past weeks I went with my lightest Armour possible to keep up with their speed.
It was utterly useless. No matter how light my Armour and how fast I was, they just increased their speed.
After I came to that conclusion I started to change my weapon as well, hoping to get an advantage I made my blades longer and thin, just enough to slash them, if I should hit.
It didn’t matter, I never reached them. They were so fast that I never even touched them the slightest bit.
If my reach isn’t long enough and my speed isn’t fast enough then I will just destroy everything around me.
I turn in my heaviest and most protective armour and take out my claymore.
The weapon materializes just after a split second. Today will even be more difficult to even try to land a proper hit.
I just lost my left eye yesterday so I'm going to have problems to estimate angles, distances and other stuff.
They both don't react, they always wait for me to start the fight.
I heave my claymore high in the air and then swing it down as fast as possible.
As it hits the ground ,the ground starts to split in all directions.
I rush towards them, hoping that would take them off balance and might give me an opportunity to attack them. But they not SSS Class for nothing.
They seem to fly over the ground, only touching it lightly where they step.
Blue Flower seems more to be an artist, a dancer or great performer on a small stage, enacting their newest show. They are the artist of death here, if they want they could just split me in two before I realize what happened.
Compared to them my every move looks slow and sloppy, quite a lot of wasted movement and openings. My blade swings in wide and crude arcs, to slow to even get close to hit them.
They brush past me and the blue scythe slightly scratches my left shoulder guard.
A tiny bit of pain flares through my left shoulder and I get more angry.
Angry at my inability.
Angry at them playing with me.
Angry at the events of yesterday.
Angry at the scientists, who killed Alice.
I swirl around, swinging my claymore down in a diagonal slash, hoping to at least take away a bit of their footing. The weapons hits the ground and another miniature earthquake runs through area, splitting more ground open.
Blue Flower doesn't even seem bothered and lightly dances around my.
Before I can retrieve my sword fully out of the ground, they are already attacking me again.
They rush past my right side, leaving another tiny scratch, this time on my right tight.
The fight continues this way for quite some time.
They rush past me, before I can even properly react, leave a tiny scratch and I swirl around trying to destabilize their balance.
I don't know how long this fight went on this way, but the battleground is already split all over the place.
Sometimes the holes in between are deep and wide enough for human child to hide inside, sometimes they are just big enough for a foot to slip in.
I'm slowly losing my mind in this fight and the world turn red.
My vision is enveloped in a red mist.
The many tiny wounds are just annoying and I would prefer a big one instead.
They are always doing this.
They are always just playing around.
In this red mist I'm not able to locate them, or to be more precise, I can't really see anything anymore.
I ram my claymore into the ground and wait.
A few more moments and I will lose it.
Hahaha...just you wait Blue Flower....hahaha...in a few more moments I will paint the landscape with you annoying pests red.....Hahahaha
HEHEHEHEHE....rattle rattle....
HEHEHEHEHEHE...rattle rattle rattle...
“Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar,” I roar.
The scream sounds more from an animal instead of a human being, with a deep and bass like tone it shakes the surrounding.
My music turns on, my vision is still a red mist, but this time I perceive any movement with utter clarity.
Power rushes through my body and it is not just adrenaline.
I throw my head around to see them.
After a second I locate them and start rushing towards them.
Right now I'm a few times faster and stronger than a second before.
You will so regret this hehehe.....
As we both rush towards each I swing my claymore in a horizontal line towards them, hoping to slice them apart.
They disappear from my vision and I suddenly fly to my right side.
It takes me a few second before I realize what happened.
Blue Flower must have kicked, punched or pushed me so hard I just simply left the ground.
The sound of a heavy impact on ground signals my arrival at the ground, but I continue to roll on the ground.
How much power did they push into that single punch?
Just when I finally stop rolling, lay on my back and start to get up a foot appears out of nowhere.
Before I can even react the foot stomps down on my face and hits me.
What the fuck?
Stomp Stomp Stomp
The power of these stomps are just as powerful as the punch, which sent me flying.
Every one of these stomps sends me a few centimetres deeper into the ground.
I slowly lose consciousness and the light fades.
The impact and power of every stomp stunnes me and numbs my thinking process.
Not that there is much left in this kind of situation.
Then it abruptly ends.
I have no idea how long it lasted, probably only a few seconds, but it felt like eternity.
My vision slowly turns from black back to red and my consciousness returns.
The rage starts to flow in my veins again and gives me power.
I stick my right up towards the sky and start to search for earth to push myself out of.
It takes a few moments for me to get up and out of this grave.
When I'm finally out and standing on my two legs again, I materialize my claymore again.
Where are you?
Where the FUCK are you?
After a good ten seconds I finally spot Blue Flower and charge towards them.
The ground rumbles and shakes under my inhuman roar.
The moment my left leg touches the ground I stumble and fall on my face.
How dare this fucking leg to give in?
I need to kill them!
I stab myself with my sword and the pain gives me the strength to get up.
Slowly I get up to my two feet and straighten up.
Just as I'm done Blue Flower is gone before my eyes.
I feel a heavy punch to my forehead and a split second another heavy punch to the back of my head.
Everything turns black and I lose consciousness.
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