《ArmourXDemons》Chapter 7-Being a teacher
So next chapter, as promised :)
I have no idea in what kind of style laws are written in Britain.
I just used laws of my own country as a model for the style of writing.
Point out grammar mistakes and stuff.
And as always feel free to comment, rate, ask questions, etc.
GMP/GMW= genetically modified person/weapon.
Act to increase Family happiness and birth rate.
§1.Every state sanctioned and authorized civil union has to birth and then raise 2 children or more.
Every state sanctioned and authorized marriage has to birth and then raise 4 children or more see §8-§12.
a) This does not apply if both partners are under 26 years old.
b) If one partner is under 26 years-old and the other 26 years or older, a civil court will decide if they are obligated to do so.
§2. A civil union is created the moment two people live together in the same flat, house, apartment or other area which is has the purpose to house people.
a) This does not apply to family members.
b) Exceptions are dormitories of schools and universities, barracks of the army, special work grounds and similar places, where it can’t be avoided to live together with other people, without having a relationship.
§3. If a civil union is created between two people, which are either two females or two males, they may pass on the duty to reproduce.
a) The same applies to a couple which does not identify themselves as one male and the other female.
e) People in a civil union, as stated in §3, §3a, §3b, §3c and §3d, still have the obligation to raise 2 children.
§4. The couples of a civil union, as stated in §3, §3a, §3b, §3c and §3d, can either adopt not related
children from a orphanage or related children from their family.
§8. To get a marriage certificate, a couple must seek out the approval of the state.
To get a marriage certificate following criteria must be meet:
a) Live together for 5 years, date of civil union will be used as reference.
b) Birthed and raise or have raised 4 children.
c) Subsection b) is not valid if the couple fits the criteria of §3, §3a,§3b, §3c, §3d.
If this is the case the word “birthed and” from §8b will be invalid for these couples
§14. Marriage will receive the following support:
a) Decreased taxes for both partners.
b) Increase in child allowance, up to 240£.
e) Public servants will have a higher chance of promotion.
§50. A civil union, with both partners over 29 years old and at least 3 years together without producing children will be expelled from work for at least one week. During this time it is their duty to produce one.
§51. If a couple is actively avoiding producing children there will punishment. The judge is free to decide their punishments, including the death penalty.
§52. The local ethics commissar in cooperation with medical schooled staff is responsible for deciding, if a couple is actively avoiding producing a child.
§60. A civil union will be given medicines to increase their libido, if they have failed to produce a child as stated in §50.
§108. All GMWs, also called Completes, Armour and Controller, as well as every Broken, Neophyte and student at one of the Academies of the DCF is exempt from this Decree.
-Ministry of Family, Healthcare, Happiness and Social Activities, date of publication: 2035.07.09,
coming into affect at: 2036.10.01
---Time: 2054.06.21, 10:58---
---Location: Europe, Scotland, Hamilton, DCF, Hamilton Academy, Classroom ---
---Population estimated: DCF: 3.500---
---Ragnar Rok, currently teacher---
I’m on my way to my classroom to meet my class for the first time.
I sigh. I really tried not to get a class, but the more I talked with the principals about it, the more they got angry.
At first I thought I would just be dragged off to this place and be imprisoned, but they really do mean to have me teach. I have no Idea if I’m qualified for that.
Sure, I already know the stuff, use it in combat to survive and apply it, but being able to teach somebody properly is something else.
The moment I first came here, this campus was still only half finished. That was at least my impression, but truth be told they already finished the most difficult part: the underground labs, bunker, storage and so on.
The rest was all finished two weeks ago.
The Complete Blue Flower work me to the bone.
They taught me some new tricks and skills, and we fight at least once a week to keep my bloodlust in check.
At the end I always pass out and collapse, but it really helps a tiny bit. The exhaustion and pain dampens the bloodlust to some extent. To be honest I thought I was quite fast, strong, have good endurance, but compared to them I’m just a joke.
Sometimes they inflict some injuries on me, but nothing serious. I know they hold back against me, even though I give it my all and that bugs me. What bugs me even more is that I’m not able to break through their defence or injure them. The only thing I’m positive about is that my swordsmanship isn’t at fault.
Normally we fight Saturday night, because Sunday is normally free, so I can recover on that day. For obvious reasons we didn’t fight this time, otherwise I wouldn’t be up and running right now.
I finally reach the door. I straighten up a bit and collect myself for a second before I enter the room.
I slide the door open and close it behind me.
As soon as I enter the little bit of talk dies down immediately.
The somewhat excited and nervous aura seems to turn into slight fear.
Maybe I’m just overthinking this.
I walk to the table of the teacher and stand behind it.
Awkward silence.
I guess I should tell them something?
“Nice to meet you all. I’m Ragnar Rok and from now on your homeroom teacher. I have never been a teacher before.”
“Ok, we will now do a introduction round. State your name, age and hobby loud and clearly. You will start.”
I point at some guy at the left side in the front of me.
I try to remember names. I guess I will need a long time to remember them.
I’m used to just forget them as fast as possible for a good reason. If you don’t know somebody it doesn’t bug you if they die. And now I need to remember 40 at once!
After they are done I talk again.
“Any questions? You know I’m not biting.”-I
After that they start to barrage me with questions.
When will they be able access their power? Second half of the first year.
When will the linking ceremony be? At the end of the first year.
When will be their first mission?
And so on.
While I answer I walk in front of the desk and lean against it.
Maybe they will like me more, if I’m physical closer to them?
After maybe 30 minutes I seem to have answered all their questions.
“Okay, any more questions? None?.”-I
A girl with radiating eyes and very light hair raises her hand.
“Mikaila was it?”-I
She nods.
“Your question?”-I
“Ehm….what is … eh… a Broken?”- girl
My face twitches for a second before I regain my pokerface again.
At this reaction they seem a bit scared.
I inhale deeply and sigh.
“I will only explain this to you once, so listen well because it is important.”-I
I look outside the window while I answer.
“As you all know some of you have angelic genes in them and some have demonic genes in them.
These genes increase your mental and physical abilities and to get the most out of these abilities in a battle normal cooperation and teamwork is just not enough.
That is why the linking ceremony was created. The linking ceremony does something you can’t really describe. It somehow connects you with your partner in such a way that you can’t lie to them, can’t hide a thought or can have a secret. Your minds and souls are connected and you somehow become one being, even though you have two bodies.
But you will experience that soon enough.
As you all know in battles there are also casualties.
Normally both partners die, but not always.
So what happens when your partner dies, but you don’t?
You lost half of yourself. You lost something you can consider half of your being.
It is the worst feeling ever. Most Broken either just stare off into space or go on a rampage after losing their partner. There is even a special combat unit created for Broken.
So we are seen as a ticking time bomb, about to go off anytime.
That is also the reason why most people hate and fear us.”-I
I look back at them and smile.
“But do I look like a time bomb to you?”-I
Telling them that I’m really a time bomb is not going to calm them down.
---Time: 2054.06.22, 7:55---
---Location: Europe, Scotland, Hamilton, DCF, Hamilton Academy, Sportsgrounds ---
---Population estimated: 75.500---
---Ragnar Rok, currently teacher---
I take a last look over the table stating the requirement for physical fitness the first years need to achieve at the end of the year. 150 push up, crunches, sit ups, pull ups, run 5km in 30 minutes, jump over a height of 1m, 2m distance for a long jump, and on and on the list goes.
There is no break between any of these exercises, otherwise it would defeat the whole point.
I just shake my head in wonder.
These requirements are fucked up.
How can we have such low standards? No wonder most Completes are only able to kill off normal demons at the end of their education.
Let’s see if we can push them do at least 250 of every exercise? And 7km in 30minutes.
And I quickly alter the rest of the other requirements.
I hope I can achieve these normal low requirements in only 6 months.
Sure, normal humans will take forever, but since we have the genes of Demons or Angels in us, we have a boost in our physical and mental capabilities. Normal human children at the age of 11 would not be able to pass the test or even achieve this level of fitness after a year.
But these are no longer normal humans. We are GMP, or how some people like to refer to us, GMW. Their muscle growth rate is at least 10 times that of a normal adult. And they have every second day 4 hours P.E in the morning and every other second day 1h P.E. in the morning and in the evening.
And that doesn’t include Combat training, which is everyday.
In front of me are roughly 200 pupils gathered.
P.E. is the only lesson where we teach all 5 first-year classes at the same time, it is only about increasing physical fitness and not teaching, so there is no trouble for having this many people.
Combat training though is something else and we only teach one class at a time, it is mostly about hand-to-hand combat and martial arts. Not like they can already use their demonic or angelic powers and for example materialize a weapon like me.
I look at my watch, 7.59.
Chaos follows.
Oh shit, I forgot to tell them how to assemble, I could face palm myself.
“Class A to my left side, that is your right side. Class B is at the left side of class A. Next comes class C, down to class E. Girls in front, boys to the back. The front line will be 10 people wide and 4 people deep. Between each class there is enough space for me to walk through them.”
After that is still takes a while until I’m satisfied with it.
Nobody is missing? Quite the surprise, let’s see how long that will last.
As I walk back to a place in front of them I start to talk again.
“At the end of every school year you will have a test in every subject.
If you fail any DCF related classes there will be such a painful punishment that you think the insertion process was paradise.”-I
Their faces pale at the mentioning of the insertion process, their memories about the pain still more than fresh. I’m not making that up to scare them, I’m just telling them the truth.
“So, to spare you from this horrible fate, you will have to sweat blood and tears. You will hate and curse me for everything I put you through, but at the end of the year you will thank me.
Class B and D you will start running laps. I hope your electronic gear is working, I put the number of laps you need to run into the computer. Don’t even think about using a short cut across the field, the computer will just add 10 laps for every shortcut. And I will punish the whole class for it.
Class A, C and E assume push up position.
We will switch later. We have 4 hours to use.”-I
I smile at them.
---Time: 2054.07.29, 14:53---
---Location: Europe, Scotland, Hamilton, DCF, Hamilton Academy ---
---Population estimated: 75.500---
---Ragnar Rok, currently teacher---
It rains. Outside is a fierce thunderstorm and it rains cats and dogs.
At times like these I really wonder what we would do, if we could create dimension rips as we wish.
I guess most civilians would leave for a warm and sunny place, while those in drought areas would probably visit us with buckets. Hm, it would probably solve some problems we have.
I’m on my way to the hospital of the campus.
They called me and said it is important and I shall hurry up.
I was in the middle of one of my classes, I really hope it is important.
Even though my strides are long and fast I still need roughly 15 minutes to get there.
Before I even reach the hospital I can hear a person screaming.
I see Completes huddled around, probably over 20, in the corridor around the door of the patient room.
Most of them are blood covered and have shocked faces. Some even have empty eyes and don't react to anything around them. They are in their third middle-school year. I teach them, so I know them personally.
Many of them hug their partner.
I get a bad vibe from that, but continue anyway.
It’s not like I can pretend nothing happened or I didn’t get the message.
Everyone in my class heard it.
Their grey student uniforms stands in stark contrast to the blue teacher uniform I wear.
A nurse sees and signals me to follow her to a patient’s room.
The closer we get the louder the screams are.
Or should I call them howls? I’m not sure a normal human can make these noises.
Sounds more like an animal, a heavily wounded animal I might add.
I already had my suspicion when I was ordered to come here and the closer I get the more confirmation I get.
Inside the room are the two headmasters, 2 Complete teachers, Blue Flower, a handful of doctors, roughly 10 nurses and two other Complete students.
To be honest the room is quite gigantic and is probably made for such occasions.
A occasion I never want to witness. So far I always avoided it successfully.
A wounded and blood covered Controller is wildly kicking around and struggling against the nurses.
The 10 nurses try to push her down and strap her on a bed. For normal humans they do quite a good job. The 2 other completes, and supposedly her squad mates, try to talk to her.
But you can tell that she can’t a hear thing they say, even though she is not deaf.
The girl in question is only bleeding lightly, but I don’t see her Armour.
The 2 headmasters notice my arrival, as well as Blue Flower and walk up to me.
They all have a sad, angry, shocked and grim face.
“She lost her Armour.”-Headmaster
My worst fear was verified. I so hate this situation, but I guess now that I’m a teacher I will see many of my pupil die.
“I can see that. So why do you call for me?”-I
“You lost your partner too, so we hoped you might be able to somehow calm her down.”-Patrick
I look at all of them, keeping my pokerface.
I was only able to maintain some kind of sanity due to my unique circumstances.
“It was our idea, we are sorry.”-Clara
I take another look at the struggling woman.
“I understand. I will try my best, but I will not promise you anything.”-I
“I want everybody to stay away from her at once. She first needs do calm down a bit.”-I
The headmasters nod and wave them all away, while I step in front of the bed.
Everybody jumps away from her. The doctors seem unhappy, her squad mates confused and only the nurses seem to be happy to let go of the struggling teenage girl.
It only takes the teenager a few seconds before she rips the few straps which the nurses put on her.
Her eyes are wide and show an unbelievable amount of pain and fury. Her once blond glittering hair is now soaked in blood, some of it hers, and dirt.
With a loud ripping noise the last strap rips and I brace myself for what is about to come.
A Controller or Amour that is running berserk is up to 6 times stronger than a normal Complete fully boosted, but it only last for up to 15 minutes.
This is not going to be nice and a lot of pain is involved.
I have an idea, but I’m not sure if it will work.
Let’s hope I’m still standing after 15 minutes.
As soon as she is freed she leaps at the closest person, which is me.
She starts to unleash her fury in fast and powerful attacks, trying to kill me.
Even in this state she is far slower compared to Blue Flower, so I can see her attacks and react.
I slip past her arms, grab her throat and smash her a few time against the wall behind her.
The wall starts to crack, but not her bones.
Our bones are used to withstand such powers.
She kicks me in the gut and I’m send flying out of the window.
I land hard on the ground and glass rains down on me.
My student immediately is upon me again.
She screams and howls in fury and pain, but all of the Completes from the room come after us, screaming as well. They are probably confused what I’m doing, having no idea how to handle a Broken. It is a topic most Completes avoid, not wanting to know anything about it.
For obvious reasons I read about it, so I know more than most people.
I ignore their screams and concentrate on the fight.
Her hands are transformed into long claws and she hits my face.
A sharp pain runs through my left eye, as she destroys it with her attack. My eyepatch lies somewhere on the muddy and soaked ground.
Shit, I just lost my left eye for real.
I grab one of her arms, pull her closer and land a proper punch to her face. She sails through the air and I hope that wakes her up.
She lands and does a backflip.
I try to remember her name.
Diana? Daniela?
Fuck, what was it?
Before I have more time to think, she speeds forward and closes the roughly 20 metres in less than a second.
I see her leg flash and try to prepare my ribcage for the impact that never comes.
It was a low kick and I drop to the ground. The moment I hit the ground I immediately roll to my side as she tries to punch my face. The punch throws up a lot of mud and dirt and leaves a huge whole in the ground. I guess I would have survived that punch.
I get up and unleash a kick to her head. She pulls her head back and I kick at her another time. This time the kick connects with her upper body and she is sent flying.
I rush after her with all I have got, trying to not leave her a chance to recover.
A useless hope, she is still faster and stronger than me.
She starts charging at me again and my battle experience starts to kick in.
I have a lot more of it then her and I taught her for some months.
I saw how she fights and what she is able to do.
Now she just does if faster and with more power.
I avoid most of her strikes and the few hits she lands are only superficial hits.
I wonder which idiot called angels and woman more graceful.
If you look at her now there is nothing graceful about her appearance!
What was her fucking name again?
Daisy? No. Daria? Maybe?
Our dance goes on for a few seconds, maybe even a few minutes.
She seems a tiny bit slower than before, but that could be my imagination as well.
The scratches start to pile up, but so far there is no serious injury apart from my left eye.
The whole fight has something surreal. Everything is coloured in different shades of grey, only interrupted by the white lightening and the blood which flies around us.
I feel my bloodlust slowly taking over.
My vision is getting clouded by red mist, an unbelievable amount of adrenalin starts to rush through my body and an insatiable hunger for blood surfaces.
I lose concentration for a second, trying to supress the urge and she kicks me in the chest.
I crash through 3 walls and land on the other side of the building on the ground.
Something let’s a blood curling and deep roar lose.
A second later I realize that it’s me.
That sound wasn’t even human anymore.
The mist is now covering my entire vision and my whole body shakes violently as I try to supress it.
I never tried to do that before, it always happened on the battlefield, so I always let lose.
I enjoyed slaughtering demons in this state, but this time is different.
I will kill her, if I let loose and that is not the goal of this little fight.
I lick the blood which flows down my left eye and the taste just makes the struggle harder.
My mouth distorts into a grin of its own.
A fist suddenly appears out of nowhere and I catch it with my right hand.
A few second ago I wouldn’t be able to stop that fist. I slowly crush the fist in my hand.
The girl howls in even more pain and fury and continues to attack me with her other hand.
She punches, stabs and scratches.
I only stand there grinning and enjoying the increasing the pain, my vision getting redder and redder.
The shades of grey slowly turn into shades of red.
The sudden crack of her hand bones is accompanied by the crack of my left arm.
It’s not like I can move my left arm, so she just grabbed and twisted it in some unnatural way.
The sudden increase in pain blanks my vision for less than a second and before she has any time to react I kick her and she crashes through a wall.
I rush after her and we are in the middle of a classroom, full of students.
We roar and howl at each other while we punch at each other in high speed with our only remaining arm.
After a few seconds she just kicks me in the guts and I crash through another wall.
Suddenly I remember her name.
It was Debby. No idea what her last name is, I always call them by their first name.
As I hit the ground I let out a grunt and get up.
The Controller girl appears in front of me and I grab her arm.
I start smashing her on the ground all around, letting another blood curling scream loose.
After a few second I get my bloodlust under control and stop what I’m doing.
Letting go was a mistake.
The Controller jumps at me and takes a bite out of my shoulder.
At the same she plunges her right arm deep into my body.
The sudden pain slows me down for a mere second and then she jumps back again.
While she is jumping back I can see her face right in front of me and I head-butt her without mercy.
She tumbles down to the ground and just sits there for a few seconds.
It seems she came back to her senses.
Finally she tries to get up and I stretch out my hand to help her up.
The Controller looks up to me, her eyes still showing pain and fury, but she seems to have calmed enough to talk. The girl stares at me crying until she finally takes my hand.
She cried the whole time while we fought.
“I lost him!”-Debby
“I know.”-I
“I lost him! I lost him! I lost him! I really lost him!
Just how could I lose him? Why? I lost him!”-Debby
I just grab her and pull her into a hug. With my right hand I hold her head and push it against my shoulder. Her head is rubbing a bit against my wound, but I doubt she minds that.
All she really does is cry, weep and scream. I’m suddenly aware of the other Completes surrounding us, battle ready and starring holes at me.
I didn’t tell them my intentions and they were surprised.
The girl in my arms continues to mumble away.
My read mist starts to clear and the bloodlust fades away.
“Debby, do you remember what I am?”-I
“I lost him…no….I lost him! I lost him!”-Debby
“I’m a Broken.”-I
“I lost …how…just how are you able to stand the pain? How can you walk around and be happy?
How can you live without your Partner? How is that possible? Please tell me how the pain goes away!”-Debby
“The pain will never leave you. You will always at all times feel it. It only gets a tiny bit better over time, but not enough to even go away. There is no happiness left. In this state you just simply live on and wonder when you are finally allowed to reunite with your partner.
I only have less than a year left.”-I
She keeps quiet for a second and just simply cries.
“They are aliens. …. How can they not understand us? …. I lost him!”-Debby
She looks over the Completes and I understand what she means.
“They never will until the moment they experience it, but then it is already too late.
You know they want to keep you alive? They don’t want to lose you too.”-I
Debby stays silent for a moment.
“Yes, I know, but….. I can’t. Not without him!.... I really lost him! I lost him!... How could I lose him?”-Controller
I stay silent for a few seconds, trying to think about the options.
I could knock her out and bring her back to the hospital, but it would be inhuman to keep her suffering.
I could somehow lie to her and tell her there is another way to make the pain go away, which I didn’t mention. I doubt she would believe me and she would still suffer.
Third option would be to kill her.
I don’t really need to think about it. Third option is the only one which feels right and I know she wants that too.
The Completes probably want me to bring her back alive, they thought I would somehow be able to save her. What a joke, you can’t save a Broken.
The only reason why I’m still up and running is the short duration of the link I had.
“Are you sure you want to follow him?”-I
“Why do you even ask?....I lost him…You know…I never really understood…. what it feels like….and what you…must have suffered....I’m sorry Mr Rok….I lost him.”-Debby
“It’s ok, I don’t hold a grudge for something like this. And this time it is just Ragnar, this is a private matter. Any last words? A special way you want to die?”-I
“No…I lost him…yes my heart… hurts the most….I lost him….I lost him”-Debby
She pushes herself away from me, holding with her remaining hand on to my shoulder.
“I’m sorry, may you reunite with him again and find peace.”-I
Faster than a bullet my right hand flies into her chest and I rip her heart out.
The last I see in her eyes, before she closes them forever, is despair and hope.
I guess only Broken are able to have both expressions at the same time.
I feel a sharp pain as a blade enters my back and comes out in front of my chest.
It disappears just as fast and I grab my dead student in a princess carry.
Then I turn around and look at the 2 Completes, her classmates and my students.
They are furious and scream at me. Patrick and Clara are easily able hold them down.
“This bastard killed her! He killed Debby!”-Guy
That is the only thing they ask
“Do you really have to ask? She was a Broken now. She didn’t want to continue living. So she wouldn’t join the Retaliation Platoon. You would have kept her alive and in a few weeks she would just be staring off into empty space. So before that happens, I put an end to her life. Debby wished for it and was even able to chose how.”-I
I just walk past them, back towards the hospital. The princess carry is not easy with one arm, but somehow I manage it.
The thunderstorm is still raging and I’m thankful for that as the first tears start to roll down my face.
On my way back I pass the walls and rooms we crashed through.
I see some kids from my class, 1-D, looking wide eyed at me and the dead girl.
When I finally arrive I put her down on the bed she was on when I came in.
I realize that I still hold her heart in my right hand and lay it down on top of her chest, not knowing where else I should put it.
“The medicine Doctor Stein and Orahara send. I need it. Now.”-I
The head-nurse wrinkles her head and then nods.
“How much?”-Head-nurse
“All of it.”-I
After a few moments she comes back and gives me a bottle.
I take it and gulp down the whole litre.
Only after I did so, I finally realize what this taste is.
Blood! These bastards did it again!
But my wounds begin to close.
I leave the room and start to make my way to a special part of the training compartment.
Outside the room I see the headmasters and some other teachers explaining the situation to the other students.
I continue my way and come across the Blue Flower.
“I will take the rest of the day off.”-I
“Where are you going?”-Patrick
I just ignore it.
After 10 minutes I finally reach my destination.
This part of the training compound contains the pain resistance training.
It is called the painglove, it is a whole in the ground.
As soon as you jump in a membrane will cover your whole body and send pain signals directly towards your brain without damaging your body.
The duration and amount of pain could be set as one wishes.
As I enter it, I see some students from a class I teach out of the corner of my eye, but ignore them.
The pain resistance is again subdivided in those for students and teachers.
Teachers have to train with more painful ones and normally I set it around 70%.
Most people set it at 60-75%, slowly increasing it over the years they train.
Most are not able to pass 75%, and those who are able are a select few.
Today I don’t care about it.
As I soon as I enter the room I lock it.
I take off my clothes, take a short shower in the back and get in the painglove.
“Setting 90%, duration until midnight. Don’t open the door and/or stop unless in case of emergency. Start.”-I
I grit my teeth as soon as it starts and try not to scream. It is more than mind numbing, it is mind-blowing. There is nothing else, just the pain.
After a few seconds I start to scream.
Luckily the walls of these paingloves are soundproof.
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Fight your war and I will fight mine. If I ever fall, you will help me up and I will do the same for you.
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Warning: the first blue box appears at chapter 24. David always lived his life, looking at the world through a film of grey. He knew he was dull, he knew he was worthless. And the world was too. His life ended in an instant, hit by a truck. Then he woke up again, and the System gave him a mission. Pretty standard isekai, so far. The only problem was that whenever he died, he respawned. After agony and pain, he would come back reforged. And so he died, again and again. And when he completed his mission, another one awaited. On and on. But his life had meaning now.
8 224 - In Serial13 Chapters
In a seemingly normal world. [Welcome to The Game]. Adam, a young adult addicted to gaming, sees this message appear in front of him. The first thought which comes to his kind is 'Damn it the boss killed me while I was distracted.' Follow Adam as he explores the game, discovers the secrets of the world he is living in, and grows ever stronger to take on the enemies which threaten him and his family. The story is mostly about exploring his abilities and the world including possibly others ( No not anime worlds), as well as hunting in dungeons and labyrinths. I am also trying to improve my writing.Constructive criticism is welcome. Disclaimer: Art is not mine , If the artist wants me to remove it, please contact me
8 139 - In Serial27 Chapters
Tales of Regventus Book Three: Raya
**Book 3 in the Tales of Regventus series, see Tales of Regventus: Adalwen and Tales of Regventus: Keene first.** Griffa has taken her place as the leader of the Ring of Nine. She works tirelessly towards the goal of putting Max on the throne of the kingdom. Ansel is struggling with his protector's magic and trying to keep Griffa safe. Max finds an interesting journal that puts before him a puzzle he must work out. King Kedan is having second thoughts about Golnar's plan for the Regventus. Golnar is struggling with his magic and keeping his plans on track. The kingdom is headed to war with both sides trying to organize their forces.
8 166 - In Serial11 Chapters
[LitRPG] The Bayani - Isaiah
[Modernizing in Progress] Please Wait...
8 151