《Cast Out》Prologue Part 1
The year is 2028. It’s Friday, January 21st. Right now it’s 5:59am. It’s also the happiest moment of my life. My name is Raes Bastion. Yes, I’m a guy and I’m crying. I’m looking at the world’s greatest miracle ever. Tears are slipping from my eyes, as I saw my daughter Talia open her eyes for the first time. I couldn’t stop the relieved laughter that bubbled up from my chest. My daughter was just born!!
-----2 years earlier
My name is Raes Bastion. Yeah, you’ve probably heard of me. Who hasn’t, am I right? I’m 17 years old and I own one of the top ten businesses in America. Yeah, I’m THAT Raes Bastion. I could buy and sell small countries with a snap of my fingers, and I probably would if I wanted to. But that’s too much trouble. After all, if I bought a country then I’d have to actually manage it! WAY too much of a pain. I mean, I don’t even manage the business I own! Why would I want to manage a whole country?
Wind flooded the back of the limousine as I kept the windows all the way down. I gotta admit, it’s my favorite time of the day. Just being able to sit back and let the wind flip my dark black hair all over the place. The limo I’m in feels like it’s just gliding through the streets. You can’t hear anything as it moves, and if you ignored the wind then you could almost imagine that you weren’t actually moving at all. I’m on my way to the biggest party of the year, and it’s going to be awesome! For one day a year, New York City turns the entire city into a huge festival. Anyone who’s anyone shows up to the party at the Empire State Building, and all the people that live in this city the other days of the year are kicked out. It’s harsh, but when you got money, you got the means. I’m leaning back in the backseat of the limo there, with my eyes closed and my arms folded across my chest when all of sudden….
The car shudders, and I can see us barely able to make it to the curb to park before the car jolts to a stop.
“Hey Roxy, what’s going on?” I yell up to my driver.
I hear a door open and slam shut. I can hear her propping up the hood of the car as she checks to see what’s going on.
“Sorry sir it looks like the engine is busted.” She tells me.
‘Damn it!! At this rate I’ll never get to the party at the Empire State Building on time!’ I silently start fuming and cursing my bad luck.
“Roxy, can you get it fixed fast? I’m running late over here.” I yell out.
“Sorry sir,” the blonde calls out. “It doesn’t look like anything I can fix easy. I could call somebody else from the company to and get you the rest of the way, but with traffic looking like it is today, I don’t think they’ll be able to make it here for another few hours.”
I can barely hear her over the sounds of the cars rushing past us, but what I do hear doesn’t make me happy at all.
I’d been waiting for this party for the whole year! You can only get an invite once you were of legal age, and since the lowering of the legal age in 2020, that means I finally just became an adult at 17.
So there I was, a 17 year old CEO in the latest thoughtcloth suit, it’s color changing to match my mood by becoming a dark red, with a black half-mask covering my the top half of my face. Fuming in the back of a broken down limo.
‘Alright Raes, let’s think this through.’ I think to myself. ‘I won’t be able to make it to the party with the best limo in town, but I can at least still show up if I can find some other way there.’
Then I heard something different from the background noise of all the cars flashing by. It sounded like the horn of a train.
‘Train? The Sky Rail!!’
Having been finished in the same year that the legal age dropped, the sky rail was the same as the old light rails that used to be around. The difference being that it crisscrossed all the major points of the city AND went from coast-to-coast, it zoomed through the sky faster than Japan’s old bullet train outside city zones. It replaced all the old subway and train systems, and became the best known public transport in the world.
‘Alright, it’ll do. Not as good as arriving in a limo, but at least I’ll be there on time.’ I rationalized.
I step out the door closest to the curb and beckon Roxy closer. The tall, 20-something year old woman in a dark suit walked over. Something flashed in her eyes, something that looked like annoyance at being called over by 17 year old, but that could’ve been my imagination. After all, if she started getting all high and mighty with me, I would’ve just fired her. I’ve done it to others for less.
“Roxy, change of plans. I’m heading up to the Sky Rail, and I’ll use that to get to where I’m going. You can either try to fix the engine yourself, or call a mechanic to fix it. Either way, head back to the house as soon as you can and do whatever Uncle needs doing.”
She grimaced at the mention of my uncle. He’s not the best of people, but he took me in after my father died when I was 15. He’s not actually my uncle either. I call him that, but he’s actually one of my father’s old friends from way back when.
She nodded, and I used the hologram feature on my clothes to make it look like I was wearing cheap, casual clothes. I made sure my mask was put in a pocket, and headed on my way. Even if it is a day for the festival of the rich, New York City is still New York City. Best not to look too rich out on the streets if you don’t want to get mugged.
As I left, I could’ve sworn I heard someone behind me mutter, “Asshole.” Must’ve been my imagination though. I walked down the street to an elevator that took me up to the Sky Rail platform above us. Looking around, the platform was mostly empty. White tiles made up the floor of the platform itself, while the walls and ceiling looked like they were made out of a surprisingly good-looking mix of glass, plaster and metal. There was a giant digital clock that hung on one of the walls, which displayed the time, and the expected time of the next train.
Currently- 4:55pm
Next Train- 5:05pm
I stood close to the tracks, looking in the distance for the train. My arms were crossed, my foot was tapping, and I think I must’ve looked pretty impatient.
The elevator dinged, and I turned around to see a girl my age step out onto the white tiled floor. She had dark, tan skin with black hair that was tied into a ponytail that looked like it went past her shoulders. Dressed casually in jeans and a shirt, from the moment I saw her, I knew I wouldn’t make it to the party at the Empire State Building.
And I couldn’t have cared less.
-----Present Day
The nurse wrapped my baby girl in a blanket and carefully gave her to me. She was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. She looked up at me and smiled the most innocent smile, and made happy noises.
At that point I realized that I wasn’t the most decent person out there. I wasn’t a horrible person, but I knew then and there that I’d been an arrogant prick for so many years. I brought her closer to me and I whispered in her ear,
“I swear that I will be a person that you will be proud of. I won’t be the person I was before.”
She laughed happily in that way that only babies can.
“Raes, bring over here. I want to see her. Let me see Talia.”
At hearing the hoarse voice I looked over at the woman that had just given birth to our child. My wife. I loved her so much, and she loved me. Even with all my faults, she still thought she could change me for the better. We’d been together ever since that fateful day we met at the Sky Rail.
I walked over to her with Talia in hands, bouncing and rocking a little as I moved so that Talia could sleep. She was already yawning, the whole thing must have tired her out as much as her mother. I handed her over to my wife and we spent the whole day looking at our little miracle. We might have only been 19, but we were ready. Come heaven or hell, nothing would separate the 3 of us. That’s what I believed……..
-----The Next Day
I was at the hospital’s cafeteria getting some food for my wife and I. I stood in line waiting to buy something that my wife had been craving for the past hour. Cheeseburgers! All around me you could hear the sounds of people happily munching away at food, and the pleasant buzz of conversation. It was still early morning, but the place was jam packed with people. I don’t know if it was just me, but everything seemed brighter somehow. Happier.
I finally got to the front of the line. The guy at the register had already asked me what I wanted, and I was just about to tell him to that I wanted 2 cheeseburgers when
-“Raes Bastion?” I felt someone put a hand on my shoulder. I cut down the thing I was immediately about to say.
‘Already promised to be a different person, can’t act like the same guy from a couple days ago.’
“Yes?” I turned around to see that the entire cafeteria had gone quiet. I knew why. There was a full team of police officers standing there behind me, and one of them had a hand on my shoulder.
“You’re under arrest for fraud and embezzlement. Put your hands behind your back.” The officer told me as he yanked my arms behind my back and cuffed them together. Stunned, I said nothing. He pushed me forward, and the team of cops took me outside of the cafeteria and out to the hospital parking lot where a squad of police cars waited.
“You have the right to remain silent. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one,” and at this I saw their faces darken, “one will be given to you. Do you understand these rights as you have received them?”
Finally approaching the car, I manage to snap out of my stupor.
“Okay guys, jokes over. You can take off the cuffs now.”
They didn’t move.
“H-hey, this is a joke right? I didn’t do anything! I just became a father for god’s sake!!”
They forced me into the squad car. I was realizing that I was in deep shit. What the hell just happened?!
-----4 Days Later
I was still sitting in jail. I’d used my 1 phone call to get in contact with my uncle. I may have already been an adult, but he and I were still pretty close. He’d taken care of me for a long time, and I’d even left the management of the company to him. If there was anyone that could clear up the situation, it was him.
He’d told me that he would get everything cleared up, but I hadn’t heard from him since. What the hell was happening?!
‘They better not have touched my wife and daughter!’
He sat there in the jail cell at the precinct, just staring at a wall.
‘How am I going to explain this to her? I don’t even know what’s going on....’ He thought to himself. ‘I want to see her and let her know that I didn’t do any of the things that they’re saying, but I don’t want her and Talia to see me like this either.’
So I started thinking of all the things that he could say to her to make her understand everything. To let her know that he was innocent, and that everything would turn out alright. But everything he thought of sounded like crap.
‘It’s fine, she’s my wife! We have a daughter together, there’s nothing that can separate us. If I just tell her the truth, she’ll believe me!’
Thinking that, I started to get my energy back. ‘Yeah, we’ve been together for 2 years. We’re married and have a daughter. There’s no way she wouldn’t believe me if I just told her the truth! When she comes to visit me, I’ll tell her.’
But she never came……
------2 hours after the trial
I was sitting in a van headed to prison. The trial had gone badly. My lawyer was some half-assed person my “uncle” had gotten fresh from law school. Apparently, that lawyer of mine had also been promised a few thousand dollars bonus if I had lost the trial.
How did I know?
Because my uncle had gotten us alone after the trial ended to brag in front of my face before I ended up in prison. His words still rang in my ears.
“You stupid, SHITTY kid! Why the hell would you think I would defend you?! The company is better off without you. You’re just the kid of the founder, someone that keeps stealing all the credit off of mine and the directors’ work!” He had whispered into my ear.
“I’ve been working with the Board for a year now to get you kicked out of the business. Do you want to know the best part about all this?” He’d paused to let everything sink in. “No one will believe a thing that you say otherwise! You’ll just be another person in a prison saying they’re innocent. And if you get out… you’ll be less than nothing.”
The guards dragged me straight to the van afterwards. I was still shocked at everything that had happened. Down inside, I’d known that he was that kind of person to everyone else. But he’d always treated me like a son after my father died. And I’d believed in him…
‘DAMN IT!! Why the hell did I trust him!’
That thought kept echoing in my mind all the way to the prison.
It’s been a month since I got here. Everyone in here knows who I am. Ex-millionaire, party-boy Raes Bastion. Trust me, that kind of fame is NOT good for your health in prison.
But today I don’t care about that. Because I found out that today my wife is visiting me! I’ve been sitting in the special meeting room for a half-hour now. It’s just a normal-sized room that only has 2 chair facing each other, and a table in between. I’m surrounded by prison guards, but I don’t care.
A smile keeps inching its way up my face. I’m so happy that I almost can’t stand it! I haven’t seen my wife since the day she gave birth to Talia.
‘I hope she brought Talia here with her! I know I’m not the best looking person in the world right now, but I don’t care! All I want is to see my family again. We’ll all make it out of this situation somehow.’
The door on the side that I was facing opened, and my heart soared! I saw her walk in, and she was even more beautiful than the day I met her. She was a bit pale, and the way she walked made me realize that she was still a little weak from giving birth.
I stood up to help her, and immediately all the guards in the room turned their guns in my direction.
“Prisoner! You will sit down NOW!!
I sank back down into my chair. They didn’t even trust me to help my wife walk to the chair!
My hands shook with boiling rage, but I managed to keep it in.
‘I can’t be like that anymore. I’m not that kind of person anymore! I promised my daughter that I’d be different, and I will!’
She finally got to her chair and sat down in it. Immediately I felt something off. She didn’t look like she was happy to see me. She looked at me like I was some disgusting thing that the dog brought home in its mouth.
Before I knew it, that happy feeling I had a few minutes earlier was long gone.
“W-what’s the matter? Why are you looking at me like that?” I’d managed to get out.
She slid a folder across the table and got up.
“Sarah? Where you going? Sarah?!”
I got up out of my seat to catch up to her as she walked out the door, and immediately 2 of the guards came and restrained me, while the rest escorted my wife out the door.
The door slammed shut, and I sank back into my chair. Hands shaking, I opened the folder and took a look at the contents. My face paled, and my hands dropped lifelessly to my sides.
‘Please God, let this only be a nightmare.’
There were only 2 things in the folder. One was a note from Sarah. The other was an official government notice.
“Raes, I knew what kind of a person you were when I married you. I knew that you could sometimes be a horrible person, but sometimes I saw a side of you that made me doubt that. I thought I could change you for the better when I married you, but I guess I was wrong. You did such horrible things to people even while we were married, and I didn’t want to believe it at first when I heard about it. But they were right, and that’s why you’re in prison now. You’re not innocent. And the thought that I ever loved you sickens me, because now I know the real face behind the one you used to show me. I’m leaving, and I’m taking Talia with me. I’m going to make sure she never finds out that her father is such an evil person. Goodbye.”
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Ante Portas
Lina Thompson is an independent advisor who works with the Goverment on behind-the-scenes operations. Her speciality is sociology, but the latest project she gets involved with has apparently more to do with her hobbies: gaming and wild theories about aliens. Can she survive and thrive in an alien environment that turns back experienced military survivalists? Can she make first contact in this new world where data and flesh seems to be the same thing? And if she can, is it possible for her to live in the human society afterwards?
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