《New World +》Ch.21 Dragon Fall Perspective 1


As the Kite creature swooped down on them Andrew felt an impending danger without stopping to question it Andrew dropped to the ground.

"DUCK!" Andrew shouted but without need as everyone had already dropped as the monster flew by them its absurdly long tail trailed behind it before bending inward acting like a scythe as it flew across them. Andrew could only watch as the birds they had brought with them to carry their stuff were split in two as the beasts whip like tail severed their heads from their bodies.

"RUN! TO THE CAVES!" A desperate shout sounded and Andrew wasted no time in running no one did.While the group bolted Andrew was able to briefly see the monster as it landed it looked similar to a T-Rex only with wings that were a mix between a bat and a flying squirrels. As Andrew moved into the cave entrance the monster noticed them, rearing up its head it spat a torrent of flames Andrew watched wide eyed as the flames flew not at them but over them to cut into the mountain like a plasma cutter.

"NO!" Andrew shouted as he turned around he watched helplessly as the avalanche covered the cave wall Andrew saw the faces of horror and confusion of the ones trapped outside before his vision was cut of by the flood of rock and gravel.

Andrew dropped his mind reeled as it tried to make sense of what just happened the sound of others crying and sobbing could be heard behind him minutes seemed to pass before he could even realize himself what had happened.

"GODDAMMIT!" andrew shouted as tiers started to stream down his face "GOD DAMMIT I KNEW IT I KNEW WE SHOULDN'T HAVE COME HERE DAMMIT THIS IS WHY I DIDN'T WANT TO COME HERE WHY WHY DID I LET THIS HAPPEN WHY DID I LISTEN TO YOU DAMMIT! "Andrew started to rant letting out his frustration and his gref.

"So this is supposed to be are fault then!" Ashly yelled her face looked both haggard and haunted "How can you blame this on us no one knew that this could happen."


"Dammit... dammit,,,dammit,,,dammit." Andrew continued shouting he was terrified his legs shock and felt like they were made of rock all the warmth in his body seemed to have left him to the point the only thing that told him he was alive was the sickening rate at which his heart beat. "THIS IS ALL MY FAULT DAMMIT WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING!" Slamming his fist on the ground Andrew tried to get some feeling in his body.

"it's not your fault Andrew It's not anyone's fault no one could have seen this happening." Emily spoke trying to calm Andrew down.

"No it is my fault I was in charge if there's a problem or something goes wrong I'm supposed to be responsible for it!" Andrew shouted as he glared at Emily as he stared behind him he felt the tension in his body give out as he looked at the group of pale and terrified faces. Everyone looked lost and helpless even Rachal who had been the quickest to take action was silent as a lamb still clutching the arm she grabbed to drag him to safety. How long had she been there Andrew didn't know but it made him feel more guilt than he already did.

"You didn't do anything wrong Andrew." Emily said as she stared back at him they all did feeling all those eyes on him Andrew stood up.

"No I did do something wrong I abandoned them I was supposed to help and protect everyone as our leader but I ran instead!" Andrew felt himself start pacing as he started to talk only for his arm to jerk him to a stop.

"Wasn't that the best thing to do in that situation." Rachal said having woken from her stupor.

"No I won't be some idiot that thinks that just because the world is grey morals are too just because it was better to run doesn't mean it was right to!" Andrew answered as he removed his arm from Rachal's hand.


"God you're pretentious is that why you have been rejecting treatment every time you've been hurt why i've always found you as one of Lee's or Maril's guinea pigs! What you hurt someone so you decided to be a punching bag for everybody like it makes up for it!" Rachal yelled.

"Shut up!" Andrew snapped back.

"No you shut up you have to be dumbest most narcissistic... *RUMBLE* Rachals rant was stopped midway at the sound of thunder that seemed to shake the cave they were in.

"Dammit I need to think dammit!" Andrew shouted as he passed back and forth.

"What was that!?" Someone yelled.

"It was probably that dragon." Someone answered the fear evident in their voice.

"OH GOD THAT THINGS BREATH CAN MELT THROUGH ROCK WERE IN A FUCKING KILN!" Another shouted as they relived their predicament.

"WILL YOU SHUT UP I'M TRYING TO THINK!!" Andrew shouted so loud that it echoed in the closed space for a few seconds.

After passing the nervous quiet that followed his out burst finally turning around to look at the group of people behind him Andrew took a deep breath and sighed as he made his decision.

"Alright I won't lie we're fucked If we stay here we're either going to starve or were going to burn and be eaten and in all likelihood everyone that was outside were either killed by the dragon or the avalanche. So we have two options either we stay here and die or we try and dig our way out and also most likely die. Unfortunately for all of you I've already decided that we're going to dig our way out of here and try to make a run for it. If the dragon is outside which it probably is I'll be the asshole that tries to slow it down." As Andrew finished his speech he moved to where he saw Lee and started to rummage through his bags.

"What the fuck." Lee yelled "What are you looking for just ask me dammit!" Flailing his arms he managed to get Andrew to back off

"Anti-Fire potions." Andrew stated holding out his hands "I know you have some give me them."

Grumbling Lee handed them over the red liquid filled plastic bottles. "You just had to ask you know." Lee said but Andrew had already moved on to his own pack and started making a fire sticking one of the bottles into the flame it started to die down soon the fire was gone and Andrew was holding a slightly warm bottle in his hands as he moved to the debris covered entrances of the cave. As he went he noticed Rachal picking up his dropped spear and head near the entrance with him.

"Planning on being a presumptuous martyr with me then hu?" Andrew asked as he moved to put the bottle in between the cracks of the fallen rocks.

"Shut the fuck up the only thing I'm planning on is looking forward to you going to hell in the next five minutes." Rachal answered with a sneer.

"Well it will probably take longer than that I don't really know how many of these things Ill need to clear all this way." Andrew said while waving the 'charged' bottle.


At that moment the debris that they were standing in front of shifted away as both of them turned wide eyed to see Jace standing in front of them with a cheeky grin.

"Sup guys hope you didn't wait to long." Jace said with a wave of his hand.

Flabbergasted Andrew took a minuet to come to his seances but as he started to repile the bottle in his hand exploded.

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