《New World +》Ch16. Conflict and Hope


'Crakk' The sound of striking wood resounded around the groove drawing attention from the people therein. From inside one of three large clay houses the sound of crying was interrupted by a sharp crack and a shout of pain.

"God dammit my FUCKING hand!!" Andrew screamed as he cradled the smashed fingers to his chest he was in the middle of a 'spar' if you could call it that Andrew knew better to John and some of his posse had asked him to spar with them to Andrew it was nothing more than a veiled attempt at revenge.

"AAH my leg!!" John yelled as he hobbled for a bit " You're gonna pay for that you bitch!"

Andrew ignored him as he looked as his hand three of the fingers had been dislocated and Andrews body shock involuntarily as he popped them back in place. Andrew looked at John he was bent over a little favoring his left leg no surprise there getting back into stance Andrew measured his pace in his mind as he started to move John did too stepping in to range their staffs struck had sending another cracking sound around the clearing Johns blow won the parry putting Andrews out of position as John moved his staff to take advantage of the opening his head jumped back as Andrew used his agents John's nose. Reeling back from the hit John tried to rebalance himself only to collapse as Andrew viciously struck his wounded leg.

"Fucking hell!!" was the last thing John said before being knocked unconscious. After finishing with that Andrew got hit from behind with a tackle using the wooden staff he had been sparing with as a support he managed not to be knocked down giving him time to put his attacker into a headlock, only to be tackled again from the side. The three of them fell and crashed against each other stuck in between Andrew felt his head get shaken up from the fall. The three disoriented boys began flailing with no clear direction Andrew didn't know what exactly happened only that he had managed to get his staff back and was now the last man standing well sitting down with his back against a wall that might from some perspectives look like the ground dammit if anyone asks him he's standing sideways on the ground.


As he lay there Andrew's mind started to catch up with him. His body calming down from the adrenaline he began to feel exhausted and as his consciousness began to slowly fade he managed to shout one last thing "Fuck you ruined my math!"

"What the hell were you thinking!!" Emily bellowed into Andrews ears "You could have been fucking killed and you didn't tell anyone you're lucky Ann found you or you four would have been in big trouble." Emily continued her rant as Andrew hissed in pain at the ointment was applied to him by Maril.

"OH gods does it have to sting so much." Andrew complained to Maril who only replied that "If it doesn't hurt then you're not incentivised to not fight."

Andrew could only grown " Look I told you I had good reasons first of all this was something that was going to happen sooner or later so it's good to get it out of the way now and secondly. Emily do you remember the hit to kill system?"

"You mean that thing you Don and Lee made up for fighting the birds?" Emily asked still looking cross at him.

"Yeah Lee and Don have told me that it applies to more things than we realized like trees and rocks since it seems to be some kind of fundamental law here I decided to take the opportunity to get what our htk is." Andrew explained to the two girls there was a moment of silence before Maril roughly put a large amount of ointment on a large cut under his eye. As Andrew screamed in pain Emily continued her rant "Are you fucking stupid why would you ever think that was a good idea."

"What I'm the leader it's my job to do these things." Andrew hissed indignantly through the pain of Maril thoughtlessly smearing the ointment into his wounds "OW OW OW OW OW OW OK STOP NOW PLEASE THATS ENOUGH!" Andrew screamed while trying to keep the surprisingly strong girl from applying anymore ointment.


"No Andrew you dumb fuck putting yourself in danger is the exact opposite of what a leader should do your supposed to be a role model for people to look up to not getting into playground brawls! Maybe I should ask Rachal to give you some lessons on how you should act?" Emily started to think

"God no please look at me haven't I suffered enough for science why do you want me to suffer for politics what hive I done to make you hate me so!" Andrew bemoaned he was in no mood mentally or physically to deal with that nightmare.

"Andrew I'm not doing this because I hate you i'm doing this because I don't you need to change if you want this kind of job you're just not a leader." Emily says as she look at Andrew who just shrugs.

"Yeah I know that it's just right now ... look if you don't want me around then just get rid of me you're in a perfect position to." Andrew says as he opens his arms wide.

Emily just looks at him in confusion "I don't understand what you mean by that but I've got to go meet with Don I'll tell Rachal to find you here." As Emily leaves she turns around to address Andrew one last time.

"Look Andy you can be a pretty cool guy when you're serious and you're really smart when you want to be so just try. Ok, you can do something like this easily you just have to be serious about doing it. I'll see you at the meeting latter to day," Emily said as started to leave "Oh and try not to complain to much to Rachal she's just doing her job. bye" and with that she left leaving Andrew in deep thought and a rather confused Maril who seeing an opening put some ointment on Andrews scratched cheek. Andrews reply was a heartfelt "Dammit!"

"So they got into a fight did they, that doesn't surprise me." Don said after hearing Emily complaining about it.

"Yeah I know it doesn't surprise you but what are we gonna do about it like it or not they attacked are leader Ashly already isn't a fan of Andrew. If people are going to keep breaking what rules we have then things are going to get difficult." Emily sighed as she sat down on one of Don's makeshift stools.

"I wouldn't worry to much about all that right now Andrew isn't totally clueless he made sure that it was a spar and unless those three decide to do anything about it they'll probably be fine. That being said you should keep an eye on Ashly she's the one in charge of keeping these types of things from happening." Don said as he gave Emily a back massage after that awkward moment their relationship had become much closer something Don was happy about.

Thinking about the problem Don had to agree something need to be done he also had to admit that emotions were high and everyone was stressed it would be some time before things settled down for now the main thing to do is to keep people busy till everyone calms down. In that way Johns actions were problematic but Ashly will probably keep him on a chain now. while Don was thinking he noticed a someone running up to them Don turned to meet him as the boy came up he was breathing heavily but had a smile on his face.

"Than told me to go get you we found what you were looking for we found a place to live!"

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