《Kingdom of Earthos》Chapter 2: The choosing of three animal friends.


Eagles turn was getting closer every minute as time waits for no man. He could see the other students in front of him looking anxious. Deep down inside his heart, the boy named Eagle hopes that he will be place in the same class as Tomi, who is no other than his crush since middle school. "Jake Brown has managed to control a Steppe green bear, a green eyed polar bear, and a Nile crocodile. He will join the orange class", the same teacher who called out the student's names one by one spoke up. "Wow, how did Jake get to the front that quickly?" Eagle wandered.

"He is such a man!" Tomi commented. "Yeah, he is definately the bad boy whom finishes first. He literally pushes others out of the way to get his way", laughed Mads. "I call your sacasm. You are just jealous that I am dating such a handsome hunk. I am clearly his perfect match", the blonde with hazel eyes retorted. "Whatever", the petite brunette roled her eyes but with a smile combined to her cutesy pout. "I can do much better than Jake", Eagle interjected knowing that Jake was out of the way. "Whatever mate", said the same boy who was behind Eagle before his fight with Jake. Tomi and Mads did not even bother to look at him. To them, he was just as annoying or worst still an attention seeker.

The students in front of Eagle continued decreasing one by one until it was only Tomi in front of him. "Tomi, it is your turn now", the teacher called out on the microphone just several metres away from the blonde forcing her to use her hands to cover her ears. Eagle watched as his middle school crush walked up a huge stage which was behind the fence. The teacher unlocked the gate and let Tomi in following her from behind. The two of them disappeared behind the curtains. Ten minutes later, the teacher came out from behind the curtains and announced. " Tomi manage to command a giant panda, a jaguar and a guinea pig. She will join the green class".


"I better join the green class then. By the way, my name is Eagle, may I know your name miss?" Eagle offered the teacher and handshake. "My name is Mona and I am please to meet you. It is now your turn and I wish you all the best". Eagle could not take his eyes off Mona. She was a pretty woman in her late twenties and just as tall as Mads but with long brown hair and brown eyes. She was wearing a black jacket and a white blouse underneath together with red high heels and a black skirt slightly above her knees. Eagle followed Mona up the stairs to the stage, and pass the curtains after she unlocked the gate which is there to keep the students out until their turn comes.

The scene behind the curtains surprised Eagle, he had to enter a huge arena where there are plenty of animals and cryptics in cages. "What do I have to do?" asked a confuse eagle. "You are to approach any animal or cyptic you desire and look it in the eyes. If it connects with you, it will become your friend for life", Mona calmly explained with a smile on her face. Eagle began to sweat, he was torn between the desire to be in the same class as Tomi and to surpass Jake but he knew he could not have the best of both worlds. "Making an animal or cryptic your friend involves more than just looking it in the eyes. It involves confidence and making it see you as it's 'alpha'. It is kind of like being the leader of the pack", the short brown haired teacher continued. "Wait, why is that man blond with green eyes turning into a polar bear?" Eagle asked. "We have merged all our polar bears with human bodies ever since the global warming in the north pole. I am sure you have seen it one news? This is done to prevent one of the most beautiful animals which turn green during summer from becoming extinct", Mona grinned while placing her right hand on a nervous Eagle's shoulder.


"Well I guess I need to get going", Eagle still trembling responded.

"All the best and remember, show them what you have got", Mona encouraged as she unlocked the gate which seperated the arena from the back of the stage.

"Thank you. I will try my best", the relatively short half Asian boy tried to sound more confident than he really is as he walked into the arena.

Eagle entered the arena and tried to stare down the t rex but a growl from the huge female theropod sent Eagle literally running out of the arena and clinging to Mona. "Calm down, Eagle, there is nothing to fear. The animals are caged up. Besides you are suffocating me", the teacher literally tap on the Eagle (who was squeezing her tightly against him) on the small of his back to let go. Realising what he is doing to Mona, Eagle apologised and quickly let go of the female teacher who is much shorter and smaller than him.

The female teacher gave Eagle a gentle push from behind to encourage him to get back in the arena. This time, Mona locked the gate which seperated the arena from the back of the stage. Eagle attempted to command a green eyed polar bear in human form. The green eyed human turned into its true form a growled at Eagle who tried to run out of the arena but to no avail as the gates were lock. He was literally peeing in his pants while screaming for help. "Calm down", Mona spoke gently, "Remember everything I told you. Try to act like an alpha male". It took ten minutes to actually get Eagle to calm down, Mona trying to hide her giggle seeing Eagle pee in fright. "Its alright, Eagle. I have seen this happen for the past few years". The petite female teacher was in a way please that she had locked the gate seperating the stage from the arena.

Eagle finally managed to command a green and black sun bear (much to everyones surprise), a small green darning dragonfly, and a drop bear and was placed in the green class. He had plan to start with the dragonfly only to realise, it responded to his eye contact. Wanting to control a stronger animal, he managed to connect to a drop bear, and finally a green and black sun bear. "You are done now", Mona unlocked the gates and walked in. "But I still want to command more", the boy protested. "You are only allowed three animal friends. You are now in Green Class", Mona smirked showing him the door to where Jake, Tomi, Mads, and all the other students who were gathered waiting to be sent to their classes.

The students lining up and holding flags which segregated them according to colour. Eagle who was given a green flag by Mona passed the red, orange (he made a face at Jake by sticking out his tongue at the taller boy, knowing that there are enough security guards to stop Jake should he decide to lash out), and yellow group before taking his place in the green box standing right behind Tomi, "We are in the same class. Hurray!" The blonde girl just ignored him but the look on her face showed she was clearly disgusted at the stinky smell which was coming from him because of what happened inside the arena.

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