《Onyx Dragonling》Humans


The smells of cows, horses and chicken were strong as I made my way into this settlement. It was almost dawn now as the sky turned a lighter shade of violet. Everyone must be still asleep and oddly there were no guards stationed nearby. Now that I think about it I only saw docile creatures in the forest. Maybe this area is usually relatively safe. Irregardless it's very peaceful. As I was walking in the center most part there seemed to be a lady washing a cover near what looked to be a well. Her clothing was just a yellow gown and she was kneeling scrubbing. She stopped to brush her sweaty hair from her face and turned her head, spotting me just standing two yards from her. She just stared at me with brown wide eyes. She then patted her face as if she was trying to wake up from a dream. Once it dawned on her this wasn't a dream she slowly picked up her covers and got up. She then slowly back stepped on which I had an urge to follow. I kept my pace with her as we came to a house that was a couple of kilometers west. As she came to her door she slowly opened it and walked inside. I have no clue why i even bothered to follow her but to be honest i got exhilaration from it. Not long after a man came outside holding an axe. As soon as he saw me he stopped moving and just stared. It was some other older woman who grabbed him from behind and tugged him back inside. Their reactions were somewhat very pleasing to watch, obviously they had never seen a dragon before and not one in golden armor. The older lady who was wearing a brown gown came outside boldly holding a bloody steak in her hand. She tossed it at me and it landed right in front of my claws. Not being one to waste any food I decided to eat it and it tasted good.


"Humans seem to know their place. I think you made the right choice in following her here Onyx. Why don't you take a quick break and sleep beside their house."

Now that I think about it I was oddly tired. As I walked beside the house and layed down the older lady went back inside and as she did I closed my eyes. As I slept I dreamt of flying and finding lots and lots of gold. I don't know why but I really want gold and to sleep on top of it. Waking up I found what looked like a tied up goat eating grass in front of me. Was this tribute of some kind. It had to be because there was no goat here yesterday. Looking around I could see there were people standing a couple yards away talking while their kids were looking wide eyed at me while pointing. Should I eat this goat, Precious?

"Yes it's an offering and it's good nature to take any gifts offered to you."

I wasn't particularly hungry but equally not hungry so I walked up on the goat and bit its head off with no resistance. What followed afterwards is me devouring it. Afterwards, not liking the mess I made, I dug a grave for its remains. Once I was done I needed to find a way to clean off the blood. Lucky for me there was a bucket with water not that far from me. After using it to clean myself I decided it was good enough time to go on with my journey to find others like me and gold.

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