《Mortal Energy》Chapter 20


‘Stand nephew, there is no shame in your loss. That young child seems to have an abnormal amount of battle experience and instinct.’ He states while looking over at Seren before he stands and announces, ‘As a said should the young academy student win not only will I allow my children to go their own way, I would also step down from my ruling position. So from henceforth I will be phasing my brother into the ruling position as I step down from power. To my children, I am sorry I was not the father I should’ve been, I was blinded by the power I see others wield. I convinced myself the path you two must take couldn’t give you enough. I’m sorry. As for you academy students, I’ll admit that an upperclassman at the peak 6th hand and a not even fully registered student who can defeat a 5th hand Mana user despite his strongest ability being Psychic at the 3rd hand peak. He certainly has potential to become a powerhouse but it takes more than one or two students of power to raise an academy in a situation like yours up from nothing. I may not be a ruler any longer and my children may not feel safe around me because of choices I made but I’ll be watching. I expect my children to have everything they need to use all the potential they have and develop even more.’

‘We still love father!’ Evan can be seen running to the front of the caravan to shout. ‘We just, we were scared sometimes and now were confused because all the other folk said what was happening wasn’t okay but you’re our father so we just didn’t know what to do.’ Ceris follows after Evan to aslo shout.


Looking at his children sadly he responds, ‘and that very fear and confusion should be things I never caused. My own mother treated me much like I treated the two of you but thanks to the people me and your uncle we’re feared from that situation. It will be my biggest sin that I carried the sins of my mother onto you. Your father will be watching the two of you and know that he is always proud but now I must go and repent in the way of your people.’ Hearing this all the people of CinderSands gasp and Evan and Ceris shout in dismay to their father. ‘Brother there's no need to go so far surely.’ Barrack asks desperately as he knows the risks of such a thing. ‘Is there truly no need? As I said our mother did much the same to us and her punishment was the very one I just declared. The traditional repenting of your people, The Journey Home. After sealing our powers we must cross the lands to return to the graves of our ancestors and ask for repentance. In our history very few repenters every return but without doubt every one that returns invariably reaches at least the peak of the 8th stage with many reaching Godhood. Worry not brother, I have no intention of dying. Now please see the children and the caravan off would you? Think of it as your first task as ruler if you like.’ Averis declares as he walks off.

‘Sigh, don’t worry children. I have no doubt your father can make a trip but it means once you two leave here you won’t see him for a quite a while.’ he comforts the children before he turns to speak to the caravan. ‘You have not only my and the childrens thanks but the thanks of the entire city of CinderSands for giving these children the chance to pursue their path to power.’ Barrack thanks them gratefully as Braz shakes his head and says, ‘No need for thanks city lord Barrack, this is what we were sent to do after all. Collect the future students of the academy so that we can bring them to their new family at the academy. Allow me to say that I have no doubt that under your leadership your city and the academy will continue to have a harmonious working relationship.’ Braz fulfills his duty as caravan leader admirably as he speaks to the new city lord Barrack.


‘Especially you young Seren, thanks to your amazing battle skills we were able to avoid the worst result and need to sneak the children out and risk civil unrest within the city.’ Barrack thanks Seren for his willingness to fight for them.

‘Eh, no big deal. These guys called me their big brother and to pit-whelps like me that's more than enough to fight for them.’ Seren declares proudly.

Finally as Barrack leads the caravan and their two newest members to the exit of the city and back into the forests to continue their journey he speaks to Evan and Ceris. ‘My dear niece and nephew, I’ll miss you dearly but I know in the academy the two of you will flourish.’ He hugs the two of them strongly as they speak, ‘We’ll miss you Uncle!’ the two of them cry as they hug him. Finally he stands and the caravan starts to leave as he watches their backs.

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