《Modern Monsters》Dr. Davis


I was led through a maze of halls and corridors. I honestly had no idea how the AIM members memorized this. We finally arrived at a door labeled: Dr. Davis. A man whom I presumed was Dr. Davis in a pink with green spots business suit and strange goggles awaited us. Dr. Davis smiled, " Pleasure to meet you, Mr..." " Johnson," I told him. " Ah yes, Mr. Johnson come sit on this chair. " I looked and saw no chair. I sent a questioning gaze at Dr. Davis. Suddenly a Chair rose out of the ground, ridiculously tall, looking like it belonged in a superhero movie. I looked around and saw the whole room has changed, neon everywhere, once again fitting in with the mad scientist theme. Dr. Davis's chair looked as ridiculous as mine, perhaps more. The man who led me here smiled. " Ah Victor, you sure do have a flair for theraethics." The man then took his leave. I sat down on the chair bewildered. Where the heck did AIM get its funding and technology? I shook my head, now was not the time to be gawking at this room. Dr. Davis smiled," Mr. Johnson, I take it that you are impressed?" " How do you get the funding for this!? And why impress a person, no offense." " No offense taken, presentation is the only thing that separates us from the monsters we are fighting. On a more serious note, we need to show that the supernatural world isn't just monsters and people in lab coats asking you questions." I nodded. " Now we didn't pull you out of your room just to show you some neon lights. We need to discuss your current living spaces." " Currently you are living in a room provided by us, AIM. Eating free food and not paying taxes. I am sorry to say that this cannot do anymore. The supernatural world has decided that now is the time to introduce you to the larger world." An arch popped up to my left and a contraption that looked like a train appeared. " Well, what are you waiting for? Let's go! " I hopped onto the train and looked around." Well, I'm sorry to say I can't accompany you on this train, but on the bright side you get to ride with others new to the supernatural."



I looked through the window, knowing I would only see stone. A waiter came to me. " Would you like some food? " " No thanks, I'm full." And that was true. The food here was amazing, from animals I had never seen. Gigantic scorpions, large spiders, they had it all. Although I threw up once somebody told me I was eating a giant mosquito. The view wasn't that good, because we were traveling underground. I burped and fell asleep.


A voice on the intercom woke me up," Hey folks, we're approaching Isten in about five minutes, so get ready to see the most beautiful view in your life!" Everybody started rushing to the front, me included, with a camera they handed us at the beginning of the train ride. Finally, we arrived. I held my breath. It was beautiful. I heard rushing water, and flowers everywhere. Beautiful villas with masterful carvings. Everybody was pushing to the front and taking pictures. We arrived at a train station. I breathed in and took my first step into the city.

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