《HP The Birth Of Darkness》Chapter 21


[10 AM September 1, 1935]

I finally got to kings cross station

Alexander was at the station entrance with a small carry-on suitcase

"I must thank Jack for showing me the place, without a doubt he is a good man, I hope that fate does not make us have to face each other, it would be sad to have to kill him," Alexander thought as he entered the train station "

"There are enough people around here"

As he walked looking for platform 9 and 10, everything he saw seemed normal, he saw no signs of wizards or children

as he walked along with the station platform, he looked at the numbering

platform 5 and 6

platform 7 and 8

This is the one I'm looking for, between platform 9 and 10 is platform 9¾ '

"According to Jack, the entrance is on the face of the wall that is on the side of the main entrance, I just have to walk through it and go through"

It seemed kind of strange, I wonder what kind of spell they used so that no Muggle noticed in all these years

Gently I approach the brick wall and at a gentle pace but without stopping I cross the wall

as I go through I can see how what looked like a brick wall was just an illusion, I crossed smoothly, as if passing through a cloud

on the other side, the scene that awaited me was totally different from the Muggle station

There was a fairly large Red train, I can see that there are many young people, the smallest are usually accompanied by their parents or by an adult wizard

something that caused me curiosity is that most of them bring all their suitcases to the train, it seems that paying to take your school supplies to school is a redundant or excessive expense for many wizard families


Watching the scene where children say goodbye to their parents makes me want to smoke a cigarette.

one of the hobbies I've had this last month and a half is smoking some cigarettes and drinking a good glass of whiskey

thanks to friend Tom from Leaky Cauldron, I had some trouble convincing him that they weren't for me

although I still suspect that he firmly believes that it is for my consumption

but I think that he doesn't care what I do with it, as long as I pay him

It is not a very healthy habit, even when I am a child, but what does it matter, this is a world of magic, if a health problem happens, I will surely be able to solve it in the future

I will be surprised if Nicolas Flamel can live more than 600 years and I cannot solve the problems derived from drinking alcohol and smoking

I was also able to verify that drinking alcohol has a positive influence when doing my meditations

I am delighted that that was the case, I had not had a drink of liquor in many years.

as I get on the train and look for a place to sit, I found a cabin with two children, I decided to go into that

After opening the sliding door, I introduce myself "good morning, my name is Alexander Gaunt, if it's not too much trouble I'd like to sit here"

Both children look at me and one of them replies "sure, sit down"

So I quickly detail them, because it seems that my train companions are quite curious

as I sit down, the same young man who had just spoken introduced himself "Hello, my name is Filius Flitwick and he is Mundungus Fletcher, we are both freshmen"

As I listen to Filius introduce himself I can't help but compare him to the Gringotts bank goblins, he's really little,


It seems that while thinking about it Filius realized, while giving me a rather serious look he said "I'm a Half-blood, I have goblin blood in my veins"

"How interesting, I don't think it's very common to see a young wizard with goblin blood" I replied while giving a small smile

It seems that it was not the answer that Filus expected, surely he is subject to discrimination

About the other boy, Mundungus, he seems quite shy because he does not speak, although I can see something in his eyes, something different

"I am also a freshman, I hope we get along very well and succeed this year," I told them both

then I closed my eyes

while resting I thought about what the future held for me

this last month and a half I continued with my training, meditation every day, and many hours of reading

I've been preoccupied with the issue of visions since that time I almost died, but I didn't have any again at this time.

it should probably be one of my priorities, researching all about divination and visions

I'm sure the library has books on these topics

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