《Re: Globus Online (Completed)》Chapter 20. The Start.
Author - Well... The comments said both hostile, peaceful and both with Hostile and Peaceful being equal so Both it is. Time to rip humanity apart a bit and then start the talks.
"We should do both. Hostile takeover and peaceful. We make them afraid of us and then talk to them. That should be fine right?" (Aphrodite)
I think about it for a bit and it seems to be the most logical path.
"Alright. It is fine and it seems to work out well for everybody. Well... Everybody who is not caught in my hostile takeover rampage." (Ethos)
Aphrodite and Hera stare at me in disbelief for some reason.
"Your... Rampage...? Don't tell me... You are going to attack and not the new races?" (Hera)
I put my hands on the table and shake my head.
"No. It's too risky. The new races are going to be transported to Earth, a tottally different technologically advanced planet. They need some time to adjust and they probably won't be good fighting against guns, tanks and jets. I'll show Earth what it would take to kill the new races. I'll show them the power of a God." (Ethos)
The two lean back on their chairs and think about what I said for a bit.
"Hmm... What you say is true. They would just be obliterated under the gunfire. Elves are really the only ones who could sneak into their ranks to do some damage. Dragons could attack them but they would be taken down by the huge artillery and the missiles they have. Yeah. You are the only choice that wouldn't get some of the new races killed or their numbers decreased." (Aphrodite)
"Good. We should start the takeover soon. Wouldn't want the gods to be too weak now do we?" (Ethos)
I get up and so do the other two. Aphrodite picks up Kyra who is still asleep and we go out of Aphrodite's room and to the gate where we teleported from.
There are ten different gods gathered there.
I walk up to them.
"Hello Ethos. We are here to help you teleport the new races to Earth. You probably aren't used to teleporting huge numbers of people." (Chronos)
"True. I've only teleported four at a time. Thank you for your assistance." (Ethos)
I look behind the gods and I notice five gigantic golden blocks floating towards us with... Living beings on them.
The gods form a even more gigantic circle around the blocks.
"Ah. They are here. Let us begin... Ethos and Aprhodite and Hera and Kyra, please go into the middle." (Chronos)
We go into the middle of the gate what is the middle of the entire circle.
The floating blocks each hold a huge amount of one single race totaling in five races and all of them are what I picked...
I was worried that the Dragons might be too big for Earth but they are in their humanoid forms... Sadly they don't seem to get rid of their tails, horns and wings.
The demons are basicaly huge red humanoid Dragons.
The gods start casting a spell and a golden and blue runic circle appears below the blocks and us.
The next second the circle glows and the next moment we are on Earth.
I can tell because I can already see a city from here.
The five different races are all present... Five million total? One million per race?
That is a lot but quantity isn't everything... Especially in the face of nuclear bombs.
I turn towards the five races.
"Alright! I am Ethos. The god that will help you start a new life in this world called Earth! I am going to need a representative from each race!" (Ethos)
After a while a young elven man, an old Lamian woman, a dragon at the peak of it's life, a nymph that is still a teenager but seems to be stronger and more intelligent than the rest of her race and a very old demon walk forward and bow before me.
"Stop bowing, please." (Ethos)
They stop bowing and look towards me.
"Now... I shall go and teach the Humans not to mess with the five new races that I brought. I will need you five to start setting up a city or cities for the races to live in. When I come back I wish to know if you want to build one city or many cities for each race so I can help with construction. If there are any arguments between races then solve them quickly. I will need all the races to cooperate with eachother because this world is very technologically advanced. They do not have magic so you can win in that sense but their weapons are very advanced and can kill you before you can use your magic so we do not need any fights between the races. Do you understand." (Ethos)
They all nod their heads.
"I shall now go and send a little message to each of the major countries that might have an interest in fighting. Aphrodite, Hera. Take care of Kyra and make sure the representatives do their jobs as leaders." (Ethos)
"Understood!" (Hera)
The next moment I am already speeding towards the largest threat I can think of. USA. They have the biggest arsenal of nuclear missiles so they are the biggest threat. Russia second, China third, Korea fourth and from there I don't think the other countries will want to fight and then we can start with the talks.
I appear over the White House and drop into the President's chair. Soon after a lot of guards and the president appear.
"Took you some time to come. I might've had to gone to Russia and taken care of them before getting back here." (Ethos)
The guards take out their guns and aim them at me.
I stand up and walk towards them... One of the guards shoots at me but the bullet turns into liquid metal because I used fire magic to liquify it and when it touches the ground it turns back into solid because of Water Magic that is technically Ice Magic. 'Frost'.
The other guards shoot too and I repeat the process.
"Your guns won't work. I doubt even blowing up the entire planet while I am in the core will even harm me. You are looking at a god after all." (Ethos)
The guards laugh but when I stare at one of them they all stop as the guy falls to the ground lifeless.
"I only need to stare at you to take your life." (Ethos)
To be honest I used fire magic and exploded his heart. The scene inside of him should be bloodier than usual.
The president walks forward.
"Who are you?" (President of USA)
"I am... A god. Ethos is my name. You know about the Globus Online companies sudden fall? And how two girls got hit by lightning? That was my doing with the assistance of Thor and Zeus." (Ethos)
"Impossible! Paranormal things cannot exist! It's been proven!" (President of USA)
A ball of fire, a ball of water, a ball of earth aka dirt and rock, a ball of air appear infront of me.
"And now I said they can exist. Do not argue Human. I need to do things and I need to do them fast. Throw some tanks at me, maybe a missile or two. Maybe then you will understand that I am serious and you will stand down." (Ethos)
"Stand down from what?" (President of USA)
"I brought five million beings. One million of each different race. Nymphs, Dragons, Elves, Demons and Lamias. I need to make sure they can survive in this world so you all will start believing in gods again. Because of you humans the gods are weakening. And gods should never be weak." (Ethos)
"And your proof?" (President of USA)
I grab the president and basically instantly appear where I left. Right infront of all the five races.
The president stares in disbelief as I 'teleport' us back.
"Well? Was that proof enough?" (Ethos)
"Yes... Yes it was... But what do you want me to do?" (President of USA)
"Usually USA would instantly try to take over the area they are residing in... The area is France. So you'd attack France to take over rights to them so you could study them. I want you not to do that and instead try to protect them from the other races.
I shall also have this small talk with Russia, China and Korea. I would appreciate if you told Japan as Japan will deffinetly make this huge news.
I suggest you send a few choppers with cameras to France to take some proof of our existence and make a warning to all of Earth about me existing and walking amongst you.
The warning shall be that no one who attacks one of the five races will be safe from the wrath of a god." (Ethos)
"I accept your terms. They are quite reasonable if you really are a god. Your power is definetly god-like because you teleported me from Washington to France in an instant. But how did you know it was France?" (President of USA)
"I went to the Moon to get a good view before I sped towards here. That's how I knew. Well. I must go now before any country finds them with a sattelite and takes action. You should start doing things aswell." (Ethos)
I wave goodbye and crash through the president's wall towards Russia through Alaska at top speed and appear infront of the president's place in Moscow.
Five tanks immediatly roll out when the camera system notices me nonchalantly walking towards the building.
I dispose of the tanks through litteraly tearing them apart from the middle.
I then proceed to go into the building and I find the office of the Russian president.
I have a nice little chat with him aswell... Let's just say he might have a broken bone now because when he heard about the new races he took out a gun to try to shoot me and probably then try to take over France.
I also told him to send the same warning as USA is sending to Japan to the UK.
I then went to China and repeated the process. Luckily they were a lot more understanding and didn't fight when I showed them a bit of magic.
Infact... They asked me how they can use it. I told them that they should ask one of my races that question since I really don't know how to make non-magicians magicians.
I then headed towards Korea... Where I still am. The Koreans are relentless with their missiles... This is the... Fiftieth missile sent towards me?
Don't they ever learn that if a man litteraly destroys a missile bare-handed before it even gets close to the ground... Don't send another one.
I obliterate this missile aswell and walk towards the Korean capital while more missiles are being shot at me and now even tanks and artillery join in...
Why don't they understand that they can't kill me!?
I cast a spell and a huge boulder appears that I throw towards a huge gathering of tanks and crush them all.
I notice an entire army is now standing infront of me...
"My god... So idiotic..." (Ethos)
I sigh and walk towards them as all of them open fire but the moment a bullet or a missile or anything hits my skin it shatters into nothingness as I cast magic and destroy them all effortlessly.
This army isn't worth trying to tear through because they just try to use quantity over quality.
Maybe if they used silver bullets on me it would work... Wait, I'm not a werewolf. I'm a god.
After a bit of destroying even more missiles I reach the Capital and have a nice little talk with the person in charge there... The person who threw so many men, tanks, missiles and planted so many mines that didn't do anything to me.
I also tell him about what is going on and what he should do after breaking his arms and shattering each bone in the arms to make him understand what I am saying instead of screaming at me.
I then turn on the news and see that the USA has sent the warning to Japan and Japan is broadcasting it to the entire world.
So the whole world is now in an uproar about five new species and magic suddenly appearing and a god walking amongst them defending the new races.
Soon a report comes in that the UK got a warning from Russia that is the same as USA's to Japan.
Then China sends a warning to the whole world that is the same.
The korean president stares at the screen and I tell him to begin doing what I said.
I walk out of the capital and 'teleport' aka just use my speed to appear back at France.
The five representatives are already present in a tent as I notice soldiers from USA here and trying to converse with the species but are failing horribly as they can't understand eachother.
I walk into the tent and a few generals and the president are present trying to converse with the representatives but failing as outside.
"Ethos! How do you converse with them!" (Lamian representative)
"English. I guess an ability kicked in so I can understand every species... We'll need to work on translating and understanding eachother first I guess..." (Ethos)
"I can understand a few words the human is saying... Something about our powers?" (Elven Representative)
"Oh, I guess the elvish language does seem similiar to english a bit. Elven representative. I'll work on a book with all the words in English and Elvish in them with the translations so you can converse with them.
Also... How do you converse between eachother, Lamian and Elven representatives?" (Ethos)
"It appears that a god has gifted us an ability to understand eachother but not humans. Or it might be because we all came from the same world and have been living together for so long that we can understand what we say to eachother." (Draconian representative)
I suspect the latter. Maybe the god but I still suspect the latter is the reason. The gods never did tell me where they would be getting the species from.
"Well... Alright then. I'll be back in an hour or so. President of USA, do you perhaps have some paper I could write on?" (Ethos)
One of the generals brings out an entire ten pages from different pockets and hands them to me.
"Thanks." (Ethos)
I walk out of the tent as there is no room in there and sit on a nice smooth spot and start translating each language to english so the five races and humans can converse with eachother a little bit better.
I'll need to make some kind of economical system where the races can actually do something new...
Before I notice Aphrodite and Hera walk over to me and sit next to me and Kyra is awake and sits on Hera's lap.
Aphrodite and Hera lean on me a little as I translate making it a little bit harder.
A chopper flies over us and I notice it filming us...
Yaay... Now the whole world thinks we are probably a family...
I keep translating for a while so everything goes smoothly...
I don't think the new races are going to have a very smooth and easy time in this world because there always are going to be people against them and maybe even some perverts who will try to kidnap them to have their way with them...
I'll need to teach the people who will go against the new races and the perverts how a god shows his wrath...
But that is all for later... I first need to get the new races accustomed to Earth.
This is going to be a pain isn't it... New races accustomed to Earth, then trying to convicne about 8 billion people that Gods exist and I'll need to name each one of them...
I sigh once and I keep translating.
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