《A Conqueror's Tale》Chapter 4 - Shit! Your That Bounty Hunter!
Chapter 4
Ethan concentrates his chi into his blade, burning off the copious amounts of Lyra’s blood, before sheathing the sword once more.
Such a gruesome event has worked as fantastic crowd control, causing the people to quickly move back from the scene. Due to witnessing a decapitation, some people in the surrounding crowd have thrown up, with even more having turned away to avoid being sick.
Finally, two very old, run-down police cars arrive. It is clear that the police have not replaced their cars in ages. Ethan pays no attention to the arriving police, choosing to walk over and examine the body.
Four policemen step out of the vehicles and attempt to make their way through the crowd. Ethan can hear one policeman in the back yelling for people to clear out.
He casually starts searching to body for identification when he notices writing on her left forearm. The body had fallen forward onto the chest, meaning the forearms are exposed, allowing Ethan to see them. He leans down and fully rolls up the sleeve to reveal a tattoo that reads "#8.”
Number 8? I doubt many people would get this tattoo without meaning. It looks like some form of a brand. It might be nothing, but I should probably check it out just in case.
The police officers finally make their way through the crowd, only to be horrified at the sight of a decapitated body. Ethan approaches them, not noticing how green their faces are.
“Officers, do you know any …”
The two young cops puke almost immediately, while the older ones somehow manage to hold it in. Because the town is small, none of them have seen a decapitated body before.
I should have known. Ethan finally realizes how ill the four cops look.
“Listen, guys. Once you have gotten a hold of yourselves, I need information about any associates or groups she might be connected to.”
They nod in response to his question, not daring to open their mouths and answer. Currently, they are trying to maintain eye contact with him to avoid looking at the severed head.
How can he be so calm with a head right there? This thought roams through the minds of all four small-town policemen.
Ethan walks over to the body to show them what he discovered, but when he bends down to point at the tattoo, the 2 young cops vomit again from being forced to look at the headless corpse.
Really? Ethan sighs at how faint-of-heart the policemen are.
Police Station 5:27 PM
After causing such an incident, followed by witnessing a poor display of authority by the 4 cops, Ethan now sits in the Sheriff’s office.
“I ... uh ... apologies for my guys.” The sheriff rubs his forehead in embarrassment. “None of them had seen brutal crime scenes until you came into town.”
Ethan shakes his head in a forgiving manner. “Don't apologize. I realize not everyone is as desensitized as I am.”
“Also, Sheriff, allow me to offer my condolences for the Officer that was killed.”
“Thank you.”
The sheriff's face contorts as he tries to fake a slight smile before attempting to change the subject.
“Um ... I heard from them that you needed info on something.”
“Yes.” Ethan nods his head. “I would like to know if she had any associates or groups she belonged to.” After seeing how queasy the cops at the crime scene were, Ethan decided it would be best if he directed his questions at the Sheriff instead.
“Uh ... what was her name? Lyra Ozpri?”
After confirming her name, the Sheriff turns around in his chair and opens up the closest file cabinet, where he reveals an alphabetized cluster of folders. He directs his hands to the ‘O’ section and flips through the folders, eventually finding a small file titled ‘Lyra Ozpri.’
He pulls her file out of the cabinet and begins glancing over its contents.
“Huh. No confirmed associates. But, there have been rumors going around that she joined a group called the Vault Ghosts.”
Ethan leans forward, intrigued by the Sheriff’s words.
“Who are they?”
The Sheriff looks up from the file. “They are a group of thieves that break into high-security vaults, steal extremely valuable items, then leave without ever setting off an alarm. The only reason we know about them is word of mouth. Nobody has ever actually seen them. They have committed crimes spanning from Hellenloch and back.”
Ethan’s eyebrow twitches when he hears the name Hellenloch. “That’s quite a range. Hellenloch is hundreds of miles south of here. It’s impressive that they haven’t been caught.”
The Sheriff nods in agreement with Ethan. “Yeah. It's even more impressive when you consider they have hit every major territory from there to here.”
“Even the ones under strict martial law?”
“Yes, as difficult as it is to believe.” Both Ethan and the Sheriff are impressed by this feat.
Many of the territories that have been conquered are under martial law, with the conquerors hoping to ensure the safety of their rule. It should be extremely difficult to even enter the territory, let alone break into a vault and escape.
“Wow. That is impressive. Especially considering how weak she was.” Lyra, while she might have been strong compared to regular people, was only a low level Awakened. When classified with the tiering system, she might receive a Tier 2 rating. Ethan understands that if the ‘Ghosts’ are only a handful of Awakened with similar strength to hers, then they would have no chance at being as elusive as that have.
Therefore, he concludes, “They must have gotten their hands on a power gem.”
The sheriff’s face flinches. “Or maybe they're just incredibly smart.” The sheriff refuses Ethan’s statement, not out of skepticism, but out of denial.
Power Gems, in a small town like Arbhar, are like a myth of old. While he knows the Gems exist, he doesn’t want to think about attempting to catch a Gem user. They are notoriously harder to combat than a standard Awakened because the Gems grant the users troublesome abilities.
Ethan agrees with the Sheriff’s words, but not in the way the sheriff wanted. “That's a given. Even with a power gem, you would need a good strategist. However, they the Gem they possess grants them the ability to somehow slip into vaults completely undetected. Quite troublesome, wouldn’t you say?”
Seeing as to how confident Ethan is about his claim, the sheriff silently laments his future.
Trying to catch a Gem user is insane!
Seeing that that Sheriff has become lost in his thoughts, Ethan loudly taps the desk, snapping him out of his trance. “You understand that this means this town’s high-end establishments will be easy targets for them.”
“Yes, I was just thinking that.” He was not, but the sheriff is embarrassed for spacing out while in the middle of a conversation. Therefore, he decided to use the moment to put forth an excuse.
Ethan ignores the Sheriff’s excuse and continues on. “Assuming the other Ghosts are in town with her, you will need to increase the security at all high-class establishments, especially banks.”
“We only have one bank here.” Arbhar experiences little influence from the other territories, meaning that the large chain banks haven’t established branch facilities in the town.
“That makes things simple.” With security no longer a concern, Ethan leans back in his chair with a troubled expression.
“Here is one thing I don't understand.” Ethan points at her file which the sheriff has laid on the desk. “Why would she expose herself? I doubt these guys are dumb enough to walk around town knowing they have bounties on their heads. Also, she seemed almost excited to see me.”
To Ethan’s question, the sheriff remains silent, attempting to think of an adequate response. After 30 seconds, he finally opens his mouth to speak.
“Maybe they were confirming your presence here.” He shrugs while suggesting his idea. After hearing this, Ethan remains unconvinced.
“I don't think so. She was too desperate. As if she had something to prove.”
After refuting the sheriff’s theory, they both momentarily sit in silence.
Ethan suddenly straightens his posture in his chair. “Let's operate under the assumption that she was acting on her own or even that she went against their wishes. We can use that to our advantage. If that hunch is false, no harm done. I'll hunt them down the hard way. But, if she went off on her own, we might be able to lure them out.”
The Sheriff nods his head. Seeing this, Ethan continues.
“One of their members has disappeared. If they know nothing, that's dangerous for them. If they're truly smart, they'll come looking for information. That's when they'll be vulnerable.”
“Ok, what do you suggest then?”
“Don't release any official information. That way, all they have to work with is rumors and speculation. They'll eventually come to the crime scene. Post 2 officers there and have them attempt to follow these Ghosts back to wherever they're staying.”
Ethan pauses for a moment before asking, “Do you have any info on the other ghost members.”
The sheriff nods his head once more. “Only that the one in charge is Alex Spencer.”
“Okay. Give their descriptions to the officers.”
I'm not an idiot. I know to give their descriptions, you prick. The sheriff’s face twitches at Ethan’s comment. He feels that Ethan's attitude has turned from helpful to almost condescending.
Ethan ignores the sheriff’s prideful reaction. “Also, have them look out for tattoos with a number on it.”
Ethan’s request causes the sheriff to frown with confusion. “Wait what?” He hasn’t seen Lyra’s body yet, so he is ignorant of her number tattoo.
Ethan, seeing the sheriff’s reaction, dispels his ignorance. “On her right arm, she has a tattoo that says #8. Take a look yourself.”
Satisfied with the conversation, Ethan stands up and pushes in his chair.
“Oh wait.” The sheriff stops Ethan from leaving before handing him an old-looking piece of technology, which he got from the top left drawer of his desk.
“This is …” Ethan looks at what the sheriff handed him.
An SDC, or Short Distance Communicator. However, the SDC that the sheriff handed Ethan is at least 30 years old, making Ethan question whether or not the battered piece of technology still works.
One can tell it’s age not only from its condition but from its size. The SDCs from 30 years are 9 inches tall and weigh close to 3 pounds, while the SDCs from today are less than half the size.
“Use this to contact me. It's got a 10-mile radius so it'll cover most of the territory.”
Ethan nods, showing he understands, before pocketing the SDC. He immediately feels his pocket become heavier. He then walks out and shuts the door behind him.
After walking out of the station, Ethan heads back to his hotel.
Sunday 5/29/119
Abandoned Housing District 7:28 AM
Alex groans as he walks down the staircase, rubbing his eyes. For him, 7:30 is too early to wake up. He turns into the meeting room where he sees a nervous Steffan pacing around.
Rubbing his hair, he asks “Yo, what's the problem?”
Steffan turns his head, noticing Alex’s presence in the room. “It's Lyra. She didn't come back last night.”
“Hm. That is a problem.” His lack of enthusiasm is not because he doesn’t care, but because he’s too tired. “I'll have Jarvis go into town to search for her.”
“I already sent him an hour ago.”
What?! Alex looks at his watch. “That's just cruel. An hour ago was 6:30. You made Jarvis go out that early?”
Steffan gives Alex a blank look. “He seemed happy enough to do it.”
Alex shakes his head. “No shit. Cause he's a good guy.” After knowing Jarvis for many years, he is well aware of Jarvis’s personality and is careful to not take advantage of it. Jarvis will seldom refuse a favor.
“Well ... sorry. I'll make it up to him later.” Steffan is not sure what he did wrong.
“Whatever.” Alex yawns before looking at his watch again. “Nobody will be up for a while, so I'll wait here until Jar gets back.”
Two Hours Later ...
Jarvis walks through the door to find Alex and Steffan waiting for him in the meeting room. He nods his head. “Good morning”
“How did it go Jarvis?”
Jarvis sighs regretfully. “I was unsuccessful.”
Steffan’s eyes widen. “What?!” Jarvis is very experienced at finding people. Hence, Steffan’s surprise is warranted.
“My apologies Mr. Arngrimmson, but I checked every hotel, every park bench, every 24-hour diner and anywhere else someone could’ve stayed the night. No one can claim to have seen her.”
Jarvis pauses for a moment, hesitant to share the small amount of information he did obtain.
“Although I did not find her, I did come upon a rumor circulating the town …” Suddenly, Jarvis's demeanor becomes very dark. “And it's not a happy one.”
Alex and Steffan notice Jarvis’s grim look and inwardly pray for Lyra’s safety.
“According to a rumor told to me by a Grand North Motel near the center of town, a crazed woman with short blond hair and a small sword picked a fight with the bounty hunter.”
Their prayers … were not met.
“No! That bitch! She didn't!” Alex grips the armrest of his chair, easily shattering it with the strength of a Tier 3 Awakened.
“But why would ... she ... what happened to her?” Steffan calmly asks Jarvis. He is hoping for the best, but expecting the worst.
Jarvis’s expression darkens further. “They claimed that she was decapitated.” Though he delivers the news matter-of-fact like, the words pain him to say.
Following Jarvis’s words, Alex and Steffan just sit there, dumbfounded. The worst-case scenario had come true.
Steffan is the first to break the silence. “I-I can't believe she actually picked a fight with him.”
Alex immediately slams his hand down on the other armrest, thoroughly breaking the chair. Alex stands up violently.
“Well, I can! DAMN IT! After everything I told her, she still wouldn't listen! I knew he would be too much to handle alone! And yet ...
Alex is at a loss for words, struggling to express how frustrated he is. “Are you sure the rumor is true?”
Jarvis shakes his head to Alex’s question. “No, I’m not. It is just a rumor after all.”
Upon hearing his words, Alex's demeanor began to relax.
“True. I shouldn't get so worked up.” He takes a deep breath. “We need to check this out ASAP. Jarvis, did you check the crime scene itself.”
“I have yet to do so. I thought it best you heard the rumors before I took such an action.”
Alex faintly smiles, glad Jarvis did so. He then turns to the burly man in the room. “Ok. Steffan, let's go down to where they said she was killed. See if we can find out more.”
“Sure.” Steffan agrees without hesitation.
“That is simply a poor idea Alex,” Jarvis interject sternly. “I am the only one lacking a bounty, therefore I won’t be recognized should the police still be stationed in the area. They might try to lure us out with this information if they have discovered Lyra’s connection to us.”
Jarvis preaches this point out of concern for Alex’s safety. Should the rumor be true, every one of the Ghosts that have bounties are in just as much danger as Lyra.
However, Jarvis’s words are met with a determined look from Alex.
“I’m going. As the leader of this group, I think it should be my responsibility to check on the wellbeing of my comrades.”
Rose Hotel 9:22 AM
Currently, in his hotel room, Ethan is sitting in the middle of the floor completely naked. If one were in the room right now, they would notice the ungodly amount of scars that liter his skin.
He currently has his eyes closed while a white aura surrounds him. This is a technique called Cultivation, which allows someone to enhance the strength of their chi by constantly flexing and straining the energy within their own body.
Since Ethan, while cultivating, is still sitting on the floor instead of levitating in mid-air, it means he has yet to become a true ‘Chi Master.’ Masters can levitate while cultivating, meanwhile, Ethan can only influence small dust particles around him. He has yet to reach the status of ‘Master’, more akin to the label of ‘Expert.’
After all, he has only three years of training under his belt.
Suddenly, a voice speaks through Ethan’s SDC. It’s the sheriff.
“Ethan ... Ethan, you there?”
Ethan opens his eyes, dissipating the white aura that surrounded his body and picks of the SDC to answer the sheriff.
Despite Ethan's rather rude way of answering him, the sheriff continues, having gotten used to Ethan’s cold attitude. “I've received multiple reports of a man asking about a woman matching Lyra Ozpri's description. He is a tall, slim man, well dressed, and has glasses. Although there is no bounty linked to his face, he matches the description of Alex Spencer's rumored right-hand man. He was spotted all over town this morning.”
Hearing the sheriff’s report, Ethan nods his head to himself. “We now have confirmation that she was a member of the Ghosts. They'll most likely be showing up at the crime scene location next. Be ready.”
Despite being told something so obvious, the sheriff does not react the same way he did previously. He has become … more tolerant of Ethan.
“You don't have to tell me twice.”
Before the sheriff ends the conversation, Ethan quickly informs the sheriff of his plans for the day.
“Sherriff. I will be out of range for a couple of hours around noon. I'll ask for an update when I return.”
“Got it.”
Ethan hangs up with the sheriff. After putting on his long coat, he exits his hotel room, leaving his sword behind.
Sheffer Residence 9:03 AM
Chris stumbles out the front door of his house. He's wearing a baggy T-shirt and shorts. Since he has just woken up, he rubs his eyes under his glasses and yawns.
He walks towards one of the distant barns to grab tools.
“Damn. I have a test tomorrow and gotta study, but noooooo! ‘Do fieldwork. My back hurts.’ Well, my grades hurt you old geezer.”
Chris’s grades are just slightly below average, mostly because he can not pay attention.
Chris looks at the barn, which about 300 yards away. Not wanting to slowly walk the whole way, Chris starts leaping towards the barn at incredible speed, with each leap traveling over 15 yards at a time. He holds his glasses to his face so they will not fall off.
He has completely forgotten the promise he made to his parents about not using his abilities.
2 Hours and 52 minutes later ...
While Chris has completed his work in under 3 hours, it would have taken Joe a full two days to complete the same job. This is why Joe puts Chris to work. Because the kid can complete tasks in a fraction of the usual time.
Chris walks out of the barn after putting the tools back. No longer having the enthusiasm to study, he walks out to the fence at the edge of their field, which runs along the main road.
He leans forward onto the fence and groans.
“Uuuuuugh. It's gotta be lunchtime by now. You'd think with super speed, one could get chores done faster.” While Joe might think his adopted son’s fieldwork speed is incredible, Chris is not of the same opinion.
He hangs his head and groans once more. He notices on the fence that there is a line of ants crawling up the wooden stake. Oddly fascinated, he watches the ants for a solid minute.
After he is satisfied with the ants’ fence climbing operation, he then pops his head back up to the sound of someone walking towards him.
After raising his head, Chris readjusts his glasses and notices familiar looking man staring at him.
Chris immediately recognizes who it is, causing his jaw to go slack.
After a brief second of silence, Chris point at him and finally manages to blurt out,
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