《A Conqueror's Tale》Chapter 2 - Vault Ghosts
Chapter 2:
Apartment 3H May 28, 119 5:32 AM
In the early morning, before dawn has come and the sun has peaked its head over the horizon, 6 police officers quickly make their way up the stairs of a four-story apartment building.
These 6 policemen were just about to go home, relishing the fact that their shift was over when their Sheriff ordered them to secure an apartment near the edge of town.
Now, with much reluctance, they are arriving at the said apartment, yawning with exhaustion while they do.
Finally reaching the apartment, one of the cops points at the door.
“It’s this one, right?”
“Apartment 3H? Yeah, that’s the one” says the old policeman with a hard sigh. He is ready for bed, having almost fallen asleep on the car ride here. Yet, just now, he was forced to climb up four flights of stairs.
Retirement sounds really great right about now.
After pushing his thoughts aside, the old policeman nods his head at the door.
“Ok guys. There’s supposed to be a body in there, so let’s break it open. However, the supposed dead guy might be an Awakened, so let’s proceed with caution in the event he’s alive.”
The 6 policeman nods their heads before drawing their guns from their holsters and kicking in the door. The officers swarm the room, announcing their arrival while doing so.
“Police! Nobody move!”
However, their announcement is met with silence as they find a deceased Dar George, the wanted hitman which Ethan killed the night before, lying face down on the floor. Surrounding his body is a pool of blood, a gun, and a severed hand. The old policeman stares at the sight with disgust.
Yep, that settles it. Retirement it is. I’m too old for this shit.
Abandoned Housing District 9:45 AM
In this run down, abandoned house on the edge of the territory, 8 people are currently hiding out. They are a group of robbers dubbed the “Vault Ghosts" by the authorities of other territories. They have successfully robbed 40 high-value establishments in 7 territories by, apparently, walking through walls.
The one named Jarvis Bell walks into the room. He is an intelligent, well-dressed man with glasses. He walks into the room carrying a bag containing breakfast and sets it on the table.
“Breakfast has arrived.”
The one named Charlotte Perez gets off the couch and walks towards the food. She is a mean-looking woman wearing leather.
“Finally! What took you so long?”
Ulrike Müller, a man who is standing in the corner playing with a switchblade, also walks over towards the food. He has slicked, jet black hair and pale skin.
“Yeah, what was the hold-up, Jar?”
A large man, who was asleep in the chair in the room, named Steffan Arngrimmson, wakes up and stumbles over towards the table. He stays quiet for the time being, having not fully woken up.
Jarvis fixes his glasses. “My apologies. The line was incredibly long and the girl behind the counter was inexperienced.” While Jarvis is explaining, everyone is trying to find their food in the bag. Charlotte finds her food first and takes it out.
“Why didn't you tell her to get her lazy ass in gear?”
“Because I doubt that would've improved the situation.”
“You're really worthless” Charlotte answers him with her mouth stuffed with food. Steffan takes his food out of the bag and turns to her.
“Come now, Ms. Charlotte. Is that any way to treat a comrade who has gotten you food?”
“Shut up, Steffan. Sorry that I'm not a passive idiot like you.” Charlotte snaps back at him. However, since she was still chewing, none of her words are comprehensible. This causes Ulrike, who is still trying to find his food, to chime in.
“Wow, you're in a great mood today.”
Charlotte swallows. “No one asked you grease head.” Ulrike laughs at her come back like he’s looking at an immature child.
“As if I've never heard that one before. Anyway, have any of you seen my food?”
Charlotte sits back down on the couch after answering and starts eating. Seeing that she is going to be like that, Ulrike looks at Steffan and asks him the same question, to which Steffan answers,
“Sorry my friend. Unless you ordered a shredded beef salad, I believe this is mine.”
Ulrike's face twitches a little.
As if I'd order a salad. Ulrike wouldn’t be caught dead ordering a salad for breakfast. That’s, according to him, what psychopaths do. But if any one of these people heard those thoughts, they would quickly tell him that he is a psychopath.
Steffan sits back down in the chair he was sleeping in to eat. Ulrike turns to Jarvis, who keeps looking at him, hoping to find out what happened to his order.
“So Jar, where's my food? You look guilty for some reason. Did you eat it?”
However, the look on Jarvis’s face is not guilt, but astonishment at Ulrike’s memory.
“As I recall, you did not order anything before I left. I cannot bring you food when I don't know what you want.”
“Whaaaa? I didn't order anything? Not true. I could've sworn I wanted a steak.”
Jarvis’s face further displays his disappointment with Ulrike’s intelligence.
“And I told you they didn't have steaks at 8 am. Then you said ‘bring back a steak or bring back nothing at all’. Consequently, I brought back nothing.”
Ulrike becomes extremely annoyed. “Your fucking kidding me. But they have a beef salad?” He can’t believe what he’s hearing. “Ugh, fine. Is there any way you can run back out and get me something?”
“No. End of discussion.”
“Please retrieve everyone else from upstairs. I have important information that needs to be shared with you all.”
Currently, Urlike is fuming. Jarvis has no idea how close he is to getting punched. After all, Jarvis is convinced that Ulrike is rational enough to not be mad after he clearly warned him beforehand. How sad the truth actually is.
It is then that a shy teenage girl peeks around the corner of the staircase into the room. Her name is Faith Krylova. She is a petite girl with black hair and blue eyes.
“E-excuse me. Is, um, breakfast here?”
Jarvis turns around to answer her question. He speaks to her in a tone not unlike how an uncle speaks to a niece.
“Yes, my dear. Before you eat, can you retrieve everyone still upstairs? I need to tell them something.”
She nods her head before running back upstairs.
A few moments later,
Now, everyone is gathered. Charlotte is lying on the couch, Steffan is sitting in his chair and Ulrike is standing in the corner, playing with a butterfly knife.
Alex Spencer, the leader of this group, is lying on the ground with his hands behind his head and one leg crossed over the other. He is a very handsome man with a chiseled face. Lyra Ozpri, the newest member of this group, is sitting backwards on a metal chair next to Steffan. She is a rough-looking woman with crazy eyes.
Lastly, Guzel and Faith Krylova, the twin sisters that look nearly identical, are sitting quietly on the floor in front of Jarvis, who is standing in the middle of the room.
“Why did you wake me up so early Jarvis? I still have a hangover from last night.” Alex’s head is pounding from the massive headache he currently has. They all stayed up late last night and drank. Alex and Charlotte had a drinking contest, so they are the most hungover.
Charlotte then ridicules him. “Your alcohol tolerance is pathetic. I had twice what you had and I'm fine.”
“Keep telling yourself that.”
Lyra chimes in. “No, I saw it. She totally drank more than you.” Alex smiles at her comment, knowing that Lyra is extremely sexist towards men in even the smallest scenarios. He knows she didn’t see anything, but she still said something anyway.
He won’t let her comment slip.
“Shut the hell up newbie. You passed out way before any of us.”
“Screw you! I won't be talked to like that you disgusting pig!” Lyra suddenly explodes with anger. However, Alex smiles at her reaction. He knows she is easy to piss off, making it fun for him to ‘poke the sleeping bear.’
As Lyra is death-glaring Alex, Steffan tries to calm her down.
“Lyra, please. He is hungover and has a headache. Do try to be quiet.”
Lyra looks at the good-natured Steffan trying to soothe her anger. She almost listens to him, until she hears a mumble from the floor.
“Yeah, Lyra. Do be quiet for once in your goddamn life.”
Alex knows he just pissed her off and restrains himself from laughing too much.
Jarvis interjects by clearing his throat unnaturally loud. It’s clear he has gotten a lot of practice doing that with this group.
“I'm sorry to have to cut you off Ms. Ozpri, but I didn't gather you all here to engage in childish insults.”
He pushes up his glasses. “Now, to the point. I heard some unsettling news while in town this morning.” His eyes sharpen. “There is an extremely skilled bounty hunter in town right now.”
Everyone finally stops and engages their full attention to the conversation. They all fall silent, expecting someone else to say something. Steffan finally breaks the ice.
“That sounds … like a problem.”
Steffan is slapped in the face by Lyra. “To be intimidated by a stupid little bounty hunter. Those guys are pussies, only in it for the money. We should take the offensive and kill him as quickly as possible.”
Ulrike speaks up from the corner. “Chill out Lyra. Jeez. One would think you're trying to mask your fear with big talk. And besides, aren't you only doing this for money as well?”
“Don't insult me, asshole. Unlike you, money isn't the only thing I care for.” Lyra snarls back. Ulrike has greatly insulted her by comparing her to bounty hunters.
“Shut your damn mouth Lyra and let me think.” Alex, despite sometimes enjoying angering Lyra, can also be just as equally annoyed by her. She is, after all, a prideful loud mouth.
She’s like a chihuahua, and no one likes chihuahuas.
Alex closes his eyes for a moment. Guzel and Faith, the sisters still sitting quietly on the ground, stare at Alex who is in deep thought. Alex opens his eyes again when a question pops into his mind.
“Wait, a bounty hunter is not necessarily something to freak out about. Jarvis, since you mentioned it, you must’ve heard something else, right?”
“Indeed. According to rumor, he easily killed Dar George at some point last night.” To this comment, with the exception of the twin sisters, everyone's eyes widen and their jaws drop a little.
Guzel and Faith look around, confused. Since they are not natives of Long Continent and have not been with this group for long, they do not know the significance of Dar George’s death.
“That REALLY sounds like a problem.” Steffan comments while slightly slack-jawed.
Guzel speaks up and asks Jarvis, “ 'scuse me. But, um, what’s the big deal? Who is this Dar George?”
“My dear, Dar George was a contract killer known throughout the Long Continent. At one point, he even held a position under Damon Rose, the strongest Conqueror on the continent. His bounty was far too low to match his underground reputation. The Empire is ignorant of the number of killings he had actually committed.”
Guzel takes another bite of her breakfast. Although she didn’t tell Jarvis what kind of food she wanted, he got her something anyway. Ulrike was furious when he found out.
Guzel, while chewing, says “So what you're saying is, this Bounty Hunter is very powerful.”
“Yes. While they are just rumors, we must keep our guard up at all times until we leave this town.”
Upon hearing Jarvis’s words of wisdom, Lyra stands up and pushes the chair out from under herself.
“You all are a bunch of cowards, trembling at the mere mention of a bounty hunter! Well, if you're so scared of him, I'll go take care of him.”
She starts to walk towards the door, but Steffan grabs her arm with his massive, bear-like hand. It’s clear he isn’t letting go.
“Don't be rash young lady.”
Ulrike agrees with Steffan. “Yeah, Lyra. Don't be a retard. He took down Dar George. You'll be slaughtered in an instant.”
“Screw you, Ulrike! Don't treat me like some weakling. I can take him.”
While the others are just concerned, their worry-words sound condescending to Lyra, stabbing a hole in her pride. Knowing she won’t listen to such an approach, Charlotte speaks up.
“Why are you in such a rush to die Lyra? The way I see it, if we just hold up here, it will be eight-against-one if he attacks. And with our power gem, we'll be able to defeat him easily.”
Power Gems are mysterious, glass-like gems that bind with a person’s Chi, giving them extraordinary powers that would normally not be possible to achieve with ordinary Chi control. However, unlike in most cases, this group has been using tiny fragments of a power gem to create a serum which gives them the gem’s powers for a short period. The method to create this serum was stolen from a lab in Central Continent by Alex many years ago.
“As if I need to rely on a goddamn power gem!” Lyra snarls back.
Well, that approach didn’t work either. Everyone in the room gives up playing nice with her since she clearly won’t listen to reason. Alex is the first to say something.
“Fine Lyra. If you need to prove yourself so much, then go. Run towards your death.”
Alex shakes his head. “In your tiny little territory maybe. Those bounty hunters were small fry. You really have no idea just how tiny we are in comparison to the rest of the world. We are insignificant. Why do you think the GE hasn't pursued us at all? Because we're nothing. Just a few chumps who stole a power gem from some rich prick.”
They all sit in silence for a second after his words. Alex originates from Central Continent, the continent directly ruled over by the Empire, where Awakened and Power Gems are a part of everyday life. He knows the immensity of heaven and earth, unlike the others.
“All he would need to be to kill Dar George is a C rank Hunter. That’s equivalent to a 4th Tier Awakened. If he is B or even A rank, we don't stand a chance. Those guys are insanely strong and will kill you in an instant.”
His eyes sharpen, instantly captivating everyone in the room. They know he’s serious. Even if the group is a bunch of rag-tag assholes, they still acknowledge Alex as the leader of the group, and currently, their leader is giving out an order.
“We need to be extra careful. No one leaves the safe house without permission. Since Jarvis is the only one without a wanted poster, he runs all the errands. Got it?”
Everyone silently agrees, including Lyra, even if she is very unwilling to. She scoffs in anger as she leaves the room, not knowing how wise Alex’s words were.
Rose Hotel 6:30 AM
Ethan wakes up, opening his eyes quickly as if he were never asleep in the first place. He gets up and takes a brief shower.
When he gets out, he picks up his clothes and looks at them for a moment.
He then puts them on and swings the strap of his sword over his shoulder. He checks to make sure he can draw the sword comfortably before leaving the hotel. He then proceeds to walk down the street, scanning over the different wanted posters.
Sheffer Residence 10:30 AM
Chris, however, wakes up like he's half-dead and stumbles down the stairs. He doesn’t have to go to school since it’s Saturday, hence why he’s waking up at 10:30. He goes into the living room and finds Gertrude sitting in her chair.
“Hey, Brat. If your busy schedule is open, I think Joe had something he needed.”
Chris flops onto the couch and groans. He just woke up and now he has to do chores. And on a Saturday no less. What rotten luck. He speaks into the couch cushion, muffling his words.
“You gotta be kidding me. It better not be another ax.”
He then removes his face from the couch and starts speaking a little louder.
“Does he need me, like, right now? I just woke up.”
“Go ask him yourself.”
What kind of bullshit is this? Now I gotta get up to find out what the chore even is? Gertrude can see these thoughts plastered on Chris’s face, but she couldn’t give a rats ass about his laziness. Chris groans again and slowly sits up.
He walks outside where Joe has started some yard work.
“Joe. Gert said you needed something.”
Joe stops hoeing weeds and looks up. “Uhhhhhhhhhhh ... oh yeah. I remember now. Um, can you go to the store to pick up some canned beans? We are all out.”
Chris's face drops a little. “Uh yeah, but, do you need that now? Can I wake up first?” Joe nods his head to Chris’s question. “Sure. Just sometime from now 'til dinner if ya wouldn't mind.”
Chris turns around to walk inside.
“I'll do it after I shower.”
20 minutes later,
Chris just got out of the shower and is now getting dressed. He goes to put on his glasses, before stopping himself and putting on his running goggles instead. These goggles prevent dust from entering his eyes while he’s sprinting at half a bullet’s stride.
He tightens them around his head before putting on shoes that are burnt and falling apart, due to running at high speeds. Chris has been meaning to replace them but his laziness has prevailed.
“Running goggles, check. Running shoes, check. And …” He grabs his wallet off of his dresser. “Bean money, check.”
He exits the house and stenches out his legs before taking off. He sprints down the long dirt driveway faster than the eye can see. He keeps this pace all the way into town.
Albermeyer Whole Goods Grocery Store 11:18 AM
At the grocery store, Chris is holding two different brands of canned beans with a question mark looming over his head. He is in a dilemma.
“Uhhhhhhhhh. I have ... no clue which one to get.”
After giving in and not being willing to take any chances with Gertrude at home, he leaves the store after choosing to buy both brands. He starts walking down the sidewalk when all of a sudden he hears tires screeching; a very unfamiliar sound to him.
Then he hears it a second time. Chris starts looking around to see what’s going on.
“A car? Around here? Are the police headed somewhere?”
All of a sudden, at the intersection up ahead, a car swings around the corner and heads down the street in his direction. Chris watches the car for a moment, questioning what it's doing.
What the hell? Is he getting chased or something?
Chris then realizes that the car is headed straight for pedestrians. Since cars are so rare, people just walk down the road without a second thought. He moves to help these street crossers but suddenly halts his actions.
Shit, if I do something, I'll reveal my secret. Damn, but I can't just …
Before he resolves himself to help, Ethan suddenly arrives in front of the car using a Chi technique called Flash-step. To the average person watching, it appears as if Ethan teleported in from out of nowhere.
Before the driver can react, Ethan pours his Chi into his right hand, lighting up his fist with a white glow, and drills his fist into the hood of the car. Because of the impact, the car flips forward over Ethan’s head.
Chris watches everything from the sidewalk. His mouth widens as the car flips in mid-air. When the car hits the ground, landing directly on it's top with a mighty crash, it slides for 30 feet, due to its momentum, before stopping. Chris watches in awe, as opposed to Ethan's face which doesn't even flinch.
He looks at Ethan with admiration and lots of questions.
H-he's not afraid to use his powers out in the open. Is he from around here? I never knew there were others with powers in this town.
Ethan slowly walks over to the car. Meanwhile, Chris watches his every step with maximum concentration, not wanting to miss a single moment. People have started to gather around, watching the transpiring events.
The driver of the car manages to open the door and fall out.
He starts crawling away from the car, sliding his body over the broken glass but stops when Ethan uses Flash Step to appear in front of him.
The man crawling away is Zet Gergen. He is wanted for a string of car thefts outside the territory. Zet puts his hands up to plead.
“Please ... *cough* ... don't kill me.”
Zet starts crying. To his plea, Ethan picks him up by the neck and lifts him into the air with one arm, his actions containing no semblance of sympathy or compassion.
“Silence. Don't resist.”
Ethan throws Zet over his shoulder and proceeds to walk towards the police station. However, he then flinches, noticing the large Chi level which he had felt the night before.
It’s so close! Surprised, he turns his head and stares directly at Chris, which causes the teen to hunch down.
Why is he staring at me like that?! Why me?! Does he know about my powers and wants to kill me?
Meanwhile, Ethan’s thoughts are not so grim.
That power. Is it him? It has to be. It's coming straight from him.
Ethan, thinking it best they meet under different circumstances, turns around and, using the Flash Step technique, vanishes before people's eyes.
While the surrounding crowd is baffled, Chris’s eyes managed to follow Ethan's speed, which had looked like a vanishing act to everyone else.
What was that?! He just suddenly sped up! He was so fast my eyes could barely follow him!
If the crowd knew Chris’s thoughts right now, they might think he’s nuts. He backs away from the flock of people and releases a hard sigh, realizing he hasn't taken a breath this whole time.
He lets out a slight smile.
I've never seen anyone with powers like mine. This is awesome. I gotta tell Gert and Joe.
Chris sneaks into an alley, puts on his goggles, and speeds away. While running home, he has nothing but a humongous grin on his face.
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