《One Who Questions》Chapter 25


I'm at the guild now, all I could do is wait for Hoggard for this next month, and it will be the path for my creation or destruction.

I could see both Hoggard and Xavier talking; they both sitting eating some full course meal. Putting what I had at Emilia's place to shame, damn food on this planet is good. In an instant, Xavier must have noticed I entered the guild. He waved me over, not even giving me a glance in my direction. First pointing at me, then with a single wave of his hand telling me to come. How the fuck he even know I was here was my best guess, probably some weird earth magic. The next thing I know, he could read my thoughts. He's in the intelligence branch for a reason.

As I got there, Hoggard spoke first, "See, you figured out how to take the bracelets off, can't read your status anymore. Good Job Jack, guess I owe you that month, huh."

"Yeah, it took a minute to figure out, but a quote from back home helped me figure it all out. At this point, I'm pretty sure I got a knack for finding the quick way through these tests of yours."

I guess I said a little too much because Xaiver spoke, interrupting the banter between Hoggard and me. "What was the quote?"

"Huh?" To pique his curiosity and not the mild jab, I put towards their 'test.' It made me question the man-beast slightly. As I looked at him, he didn't repeat the question only looked directly at me. Waiting for my response.

"It was "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" Magic of any type where I come from is all fiction. Such quotes like these are a dime a dozen until I realized that technology is just a set of parameters for whatever you need to work at that given time. Magic's basic form is energy, put two and two together, and I was able to figure out how to reverse engineer the bracelets and conceal my mana and qi.

"You're smarter than you look, Jack. I'll give it to you. Good Job." Just before I was going to thank the man, he continued talking.

"But don't think this training me and Hoggard is about to give your little ass is gonna be a cakewalk. I could truly give two fucks if you die. Hoggard has a family to worry about. Can't have little bro's friend dying on us."


"Shut the fuck, Xavier."

"Make me, green skin, Don't make me tear off another one those tusk-like before and watch it grow back."

"We were kids dipshit. You like bringing up old shit from the past, I see. How about the time one of our cooshee kicked your sorry ass. Ended up with losing your tail. Crying to your mommy, "heal me, heal me, is it gonna grow back."

Before I knew it, the two were going back and forth, slinging insults while simultaneously reminiscing. Each had a somewhat serious but also humorous expression on their face. Almost trying to see who would start laughing first at the next ridiculous to be said. What type of relationship did these have? I had to interrupt at this point. I was gonna find out they lost at least every body part five times over.

"GUYS, can we get back to the topic."

"I love how much you guys care for each other, but back to my training."

They both regained their composure and, for a minute, thought over what I could only assume was the next step in my training.

"Jack, what's your mana element?"

"Fire is my best answer. I don't know if my corrupted soul has an effect on it."

"Xavier, should we take him to Gobi Desert to help hone in on that element or back to Seathra Forest with him only being lower level 10. There aren't that many places to have him matchup against equal foes."

"Take him to the glades, it's level 15, but it would force him to learn mana conversion and teach him tactics instead of brute-forcing everything."

"Are you for real the glades? It's a level 15 area, but the ranking is Single D with the mountain tops being Triple C for a reason. The environmental damage is brutal enough for experienced adventures."

"It's because of environmental damage. My scouts told me about his previous escapade. If it weren't for Hanguk and Chole, the guy would have gone berserk and got himself killed. Probably being some globins fuck toy until his body rotted away."

"Hey, come on."

"Don't you hey come on me, Jack, let me make it simple you would have fucking died without the help of Hanguk and Chole. If he didn't teach you Qi detoxification. That neurotoxin would have made you insane everything in this world is either a poison or a cure. This isn't a game. Newbies like you who don't know shit. Now get access to the all so powerful system and fight against the world and come out on top. Even though the source picked you don't mean shit because, in a year, your people will be here, Whether you were here or not.


" I get it but get off my back. I did the best I could with what I knew at the moment, also. How do you even know my people will be here in a year."

"Every torch is given 1 year from the day of there's arrival on atherion. The last ones were gnomes. Guess what happened to them?"

"I'm gonna guess something bad?"

"They almost went extinct because they thought this was a game. From what I've picked up from the casual words you throw around. Your people and gnome are simply in the structure of how your society developed. 100 years ago, when the gnomes came, they all thought this was a game, and over 80% of them died within the first year, another 10% the next year, and if it weren't because of the ruling kingdom at the time having compassion they would have been wiped out within less than 2 years. In all of Algasta, there is only 1 gnome family. You've met the son too. They resemble dwarves but skinny in build."

"Wait, are you telling me that receptionist is one of the only gnomes in this entire city?"

"Now, your understanding, smooth brain. Suppose it wasn't because of this man," as he pointed to Hoggard with his extended claw. "I would leave you to die, but I'm gonna help you because I trust this man with my life. Now Jack"

As he said those words, he slowed his breathing to barely detectable levels and asked me, "Can I trust you with the lives of the billions back on your homeworld?"

The fear that would typically come into my mind from that question was nonpresent. So I answered honestly. "Yes, I apologize for the disrespect earlier, and I want you both to know I'm grateful for the opportunity to have you both train me."

"Great, Now Hoggard, I definitely think he needs to go to the glades. There is no way for him to realistically gain the strength needed to command billions or even millions without being put into constant survival states. Stats grow in comparison to the number of stressors accumulated on the body. This could boost his physical stats by at least 2-3 times within the 30 days. That's not even accounting for the exp modifier for when he kills a higher level enemy than them."

As they went back and forth on where to take me and what training to implement from free for all beastkin training. To hell on earth breaking bones, tearing muscles literally orc training 3 hours passed. Trying my best to pay attention, I did end up nodding off, not keeping track of all the different word meanings and locations they continue to talk about.

"Jack, get ready, you're going to the glades. I want you to prepare 7 meals, everything else you'll have to hunt. Bring along any gear you want but remember this is an ice environment, so try to blend in. Lastly, don't die."

I went to the cafeteria, ate my fill, and picked my favorite ones to store away for later. I love that they'll stay hot in the spatial ring.

My level 4 ass going into an area 10+ mine, I might as well enjoy my last meal. Dark humor never kills anyone unless I take into account my spirit effects on reality. It really could kill me. That made me chuckle inwardly even more.

"Hoggard, is there any way you could alter the color scheme of my new equipment? I had it made expecting to go back to Seathra Forest."

"Pop it out."

He examined my gear and asked, "Who made this? I know you don't have even half the skill needed for the damn plating."

"Artek and Alfred"



"Let's say the guild has a special contract with him where we can't mess with his crafted gear in any shape or form. Have you ever tried it on Artek and is a bloody master at his work. I would suspect it has some secrets you wouldn't expect."

"Is that why my armor didn't disappear when he crafted it because the first contract superseded mine."

"In a way, you got lucky. He's the only merchant we've given that privilege here. The source does favor you, I see. You should be fine with that armor Artek is a master crafter, he's smart enough to put in a couple of handy features for you"

"Hell yeah Jack 1 Guild 1. I'm catching up I'm about to go change. Then we can head out."

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