《One Who Questions》Chapter 17


ArTek & Alfred POV

"Master, may I ask a question?

"Go ahead, Alfred."

"Why did you test Jack in such a way, first with the illusion, then with the handshake? We already know he has benefactors, so what else would you need?"

"As I told him to test his spirit, we both know I could have easily ripped his arm off, killed him. No one would care, maybe Hogard, but that's a different situation upon itself. A man like Jack that can smile in the face of death isn't a rare breed in these parts. But the look in his eyes of pure victory is. Even with the help of the system, fear is still embedded in our being. You both recently unlocked the system, so you might not understand yet, but Jack has known the spiritual death that comes from fear. That man will do great things, Alfred as my apprentice, you must not ruin this, understand?."

"Yes, Master. Thank you for the words of guidance. I will not disappoint you."

"Yeah Yeah, let's clean up and get back to base. I'm starving. I wonder what Linda cooked up today?".

"I wonder, indeed, Master."

Jack POV:

The walk to the apothecary wasn't a long one with my new equipment in my spatial ring. I had nothing to worry about there. The outside of the store had multiple display cases of various herbs, roots, and plants alike.

Walking in the clerk was a female lioness beastkin. Beauty was the only word I could describe her as. The humanoid features continue to confuse me, not knowing how to respond from the stark contrast of what I believed humanoid animals to look like to what they indeed are.

"May I help you, sir?"

"Um Yeah, I wanted some flowers. I wish to pay my respects to the recently deceased from the attacks earlier this month".

"I understand sir. We have multiple types. My personal favorite is the aural lepod. It may not be the most beautiful compared to others, but the cultural meaning has significant importance to my homeland."


"Can you explain some more? I'm new to this area. A lot of things I'm inexperience with at the moment".

"Rebirth and Death, at the start of its life, it's a beautiful sky blue with shades of forest green. When it is close to death, you can see the mana lifts from its body, similar to a soul. But just as we all do and return to the source and return it will too. For the leaves turn a blackish red. Its roots will split, and from it, two new plants are formed. It will continue to exist and form connections with all life around it. If turned into incense, it's said to help those lingering to pass over and start anew just as it does each life."

"I'll take a bundle. How much would that cost?"

"1 silver, here's some incense free of charge. Fire mana would be recommended to burn, but regular fire is okay too".

"Why fire mana?"

"Mana resonance, when two compatible forces are together that bring forth a stronger path that individually they couldn't do separately."

Buying the flowers, I felt a sense of remorse pass over me as her hands touch mine. Hogard, Hanguk, Emilia, and Emily all came to mind, for they all lost someone or something. My life for theirs was it genuinely worth it?

"Thank you for the history lesson. I'll be back. This conversation meant more than you know".

"It was my pleasure, sir, have a good day."

The mass grave site was further in the compound. Moving further away from the bazaar, the noise started to die down combined with the setting sun. The closer I got to the gravesites, the more people I saw hundreds of people mourning. Man, woman, and children alike. Some were crying while others were stoic, shouldering that pain looking off into the sky.

Further back, there's a monument over 40 feet tall, carved into them what I can assume to be the names of every fallen soul. At its base were offerings of all sorts from weapons, shields, food, flowers, incense, and so much more. Looking at the names, I understood nothing. Not a single name I could read, one person I could pay my respects to. I felt a deep sadness wash over me. I placed the aural lepods down at the base of the altar. With my finger, I dug a small hole for one of the incense. Concentrating on the incense, I activated {Fire Mastery}. The fear from before was gone. I won't burn, for this is mine. A small spark emerged from my fingertips; with that, it ignited. Watching as the smoke rose into the air, and the aroma entered my nose. An almost instant releasing effect came over me.


The same sadness I felt when I signed the contract swept over me again. Every emotion I've ever experienced came forth from rage, grief, despair, and loss of hope. I pounded the ground and balled. Cursing the world and everything it contained. So much was lost because of me for a man who lost the will to live for this many to die for me.

"WHY!!" I screamed those words into the sky. I pounded my fist into the ground until they bled, and my bones cracked. The blood and pain meant nothing. I only wanted this to leave to replace it with something better. Anything would be better.

I felt a hand touch my back, reflexively I jumped. Looking back with my bloodshot eyes, I saw Emilia. Of all places to meet her, it was here.

"It's okay, Jack, we all grieve. Let it out, don't fight it."

"Don't fight it! This is all because of me! All these lives because of me." My heart ached, and my soul cried these waves of emotions I couldn't shake. She was silent as my words processed through her head." I'm so sorry!"

Instead of yelling and spewing verbal abuse with righteous anger, she hugged me and whispered into my ear," It's okay, Jack, the captain, told us, I forgive you. Without you, I wouldn't have my daughter here with me now, and I'm so grateful for you for that. What is, is. Let out all the built-up pain, frustration, grief, sorrow, anger everything let it out. You don't have to bottle it up anymore, Jack."

Those words broke me. I cried like a baby in her arms. No more would I hold this in, avoiding the situation. I have to grow, so this doesn't happen for humanity. So that others don't have to experience this pain. This isn't right." Thank You" I sobbed those words repeatedly as my nose dripped snot and my eyes gushed tears. She was the mother I so desperately needed. "Thank You so much, Emilia."

"Jack, let's go back to my house, let's clean you up and get you something to eat, okay?"

Crackling in my voice, I answered, "Okay."

"Jack, remember this for me. To be strong isn't to always embrace the world with unwavering emotions but to open up to them and let them be, for they are a part of you in all ways. Trust in yourself and trust in the source that created you. It will always be watching over us. Before we go, I want to teach you a blessing".

I watched in silence as she spoke beautiful words into existence. "Blessed ones that have passed, I bring forth you, my love, for we all are children of the source. It will guide you towards a world of peace and joy. For this is not our home, the source love will set us free".

As she finished her words, I felt a wave of joy wash over my body. The sadness and sorrow I felt melted away. I could only smile and stare into the open sky. This was hope at its purest of forms. Hope for a better day and tomorrow. Hope that things to come will pass and tomorrow will bring a better blessing than the last.

I looked over to the woman and was in pure awe. No amount of words could substitute the pure feelings she brought to me. The words were barely audible, but I knew they escaped my mouth. "Thank You, Emilia"

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