《One Who Questions》Chapter 12


"Hey, Jack, sorry we're late, me and Chloe were thinking of going deeper into the [Seathra Forest]. We were thinking of instead of hunting globins. Right now, the three of us in a three-way split in with [galloptors]. So we did the math, and [goblins] seem to be the best bet with a 5 silver average."

I'm okay with Killing [goblins] but aren't they sentient? Will we get in trouble for doing that.

"Jack, I don't know where you come from, but [goblins] around these parts are not sentient; they might be cunning but far from intelligent."

As we left the city's gates, a guard spoke, "God be with you," and Chole replied goodbye.

"What does the saying mean? Is that some cultural thing around here?"

"Yeah, he's just wishing us good luck and have a safe. Since most of the races around here come from different homeworlds. Having different religions, sects and creeds so we all say the same thing 'God be with you' when someone leaves city grounds."

What do you mean by different homeworlds? I thought everyone came from here.

"Jack, how bad is your memory? Only sentients that are allowed on this plane are dead species. Sometimes gods just get bored, and they want to do a reset, so they send their Creations here."

The newfound information gave me an epiphany about {Humanities Torch}. When a civilization discovers new land, the first thing they do is send pioneers. To establish themselves and build for others to settle and expand from. I'm the first to cross worlds, one day, those I left behind will come to this place. They'll have to adjust and deal with the same battles I had. I have so much on my plate, and now this.

We ran towards [Seathra Forest] Hanguk leading the way, me behind him and Chole to the side of me. With this formation, if an ambush happened, I can protect Chloe. With Hanguk providing frontline protection Chloe has support. All the monsters we saw on the way there actually ran away from us.

As we entered [Seathra Forest], the vegetation became dense and hard to move in. Hanguk stopped us before we had any chance to go further in.

"For now on play stealthy, this isn't our playground. The chance of death is real from here on out. Poisons, carnivorous plants, and countless multi-species monsters have settled and thrived in this forest. I'll take the lead, Jack, follow my movements, and you should learn {Sneak}.

"The [goblins] should be a couple of miles in. They won't be the only thing that would be hunting".

"Understood, everyone."

This was a new side hunger that I haven't seen before the commander's side. Hoggard had the same feeling about him: it's something about this world. Can't fight, you die. Can't listen to orders, you die. You can't out kill a fucking {horned squirell} or {Bark Viper} you die. Only the strong get to live and pass on their genes, pass on the cultures and values of what it means to survive in this world. That's what you have, you have the strongest, fastest smartest of people that come from how many millennials of natural selection. Even with that, it still surprises me that Hogard and Hanguk clan are adamant about their anti-slavery system. Even my sin of 5000 lives, and I was given a second chance. What separates man from beast is knowing. The difference between what is right and what is wrong. Even when doing the best for yourself and others doesn't give immediate results. With me being a human and them orcs, that simple foundation still exists.


Leaving my daydream, I answered Hanguk, "Yes, Sir."

The first thing that put me on guard was this pinkish apple looking fruit. Curiosity killed the cat. I walked towards the short bush, bending over, and I picked one up. From the naked eye, it looked rough but was utterly smooth to the touch. With fine hairs lacing the fruit like a peach, it wasn't until I heard Chloe yell to me to throw it the fucker. That it exploded in my hand, the pure shock of the situation numb the pain. Before I could realize what had happened to me, I looked towards Chloe for confirmation. With her hands wrapped in a green light, she touched my then profusely bleeding thump. Whatever nerves that were still intact started to rapidly grow with bones, muscles, and tissue and alike before I could scream to what I just witnessed. Hanguk hand covered my mouth, and he whispered, "I know it hurts, but we need just 1 minute, buddy".

So that's what I did. I count from 60 before I can reach 40. My hand was fully healed. Combined with my health regen and Chloe's healing Magic, I was back to normal.

I asked both of them respectfully what the fuck just happened.

Hanguk spoke first, "The fruit you just picked up is an enut. It's defined hairs is what triggers the explosive reaction. Your stats are higher than I thought for your hand to take most of the explosion. Thankfully we didn't have a chain reaction. I suggest you not touch anything, Jack. Understood?"

I quickly went into to attention and responded with "Aye sir"

We continued our trek deeper into the [Seathra Forest]. The beauty that radiated from all the different forms of life. From small polka-dotted salamanders crawling on the tree bark. To the beautiful birds, almost peacocking in the vibrancy of colors. Peering down from above us, I felt no immediate threat from any of these sources. As if it was a six sense, I could feel an ominous feeling. Something was ready to pounce.

Wanting to clear my doubts, I asked Hanguk, "It feels like we're being watched."

Hanguk responded with, "Yeah, just keep moving and act normal. We're still in the E rank area, so we should be fine. Chloe stay close to Jack, start preparing a {Mana Shield}."

I could faintly hear Chloe mumble something then abruptly stop. It was two minutes before an arrow shot out from the treetops.

Hanguk yelled, "Now!"

Chloe began to Speak, "Dispel all harm that comes my way" before she could finish the last word. Three arrows shot towards Chole, Hanguk was able to deflect all three with his shield. A blue bubble encapsulated all three of us.

Hanguk spoke. "Jack, look for their location."

That's what I did. I scanned the treetops combined with {Corrupted Qi Augmentation} I looked for the slightest movement, nothing was there. The seconds felt like hours as I looked for anything to show us their location. Then one of the fuckers slipped on a branch and fell.

"I got this!" as I left the bubble, a hole appeared, using that I rushed towards the falling creature.

I charged into the green humanoid slamming it into the tree trunk. Vile sprayed from the globin mouth combined it with the smell of its unwashed junk. My nose would need a break from all this fighting. I grabbed its body and slammed it against the ground, using my right foot to stomp on its neck for good measure.


Looking back towards Chole and Hanguk, I could see chole hunched, pulling two arrows out of her leg. Hanguk must-have saw me on my way ago and yelled." Just go deal with the globins! We got this!"

I looked towards the treetops. I could see small figures Trying to hide in the palm leaves. Activating {Qi Augmentation} like a gently flowing river, I directed it towards my legs with my newly created Qi Vessels. I told the Qi to stop and build up in every leg muscle, from my thigh, calves, even the tip of my toes. I leaped from the ground, quickly covering 20 feet in the air. Using {Qi Construct}, I made a square platform mid-air under me, repeating the same process as before. I leaped, clearing another 20 feet. Reaching the top, I spotted two globins. Before I could grab onto a branch for stability, I was shot in my right shoulder, piercing my armor by the globin to the right of me. I could feel a numbing sensation spread from the location. Using my left arm, I caught myself from the impending fall.

Pulling myself up with my left arm, My right arm was numb the sensation was moving down my arm towards my fingertips. I activated {Qi Construct}, creating a rectangular wall behind the two and lunged at the one who just shot me. Using the wall to stop my fall, I grabbed onto the scrawny thing's neck with my left arm. Using it as a meat shield, I stopped the second one from firing a paralyzing arrow at me. This is my chance, I rushed towards the second one grabbing hold with my right arm. I plunge towards the ground below, using all my force, I flung the two forward, activating {Qi Construct} right after. I suddenly stopped my impact toward the bottom below. I was disorientated, gathering my senses, I was still a good 20 ft from the ground. I scanned the area looking for Hanguk and Chole. They had 5 [goblins] attacking them, with Chole still in the fading mana bubble. Burning the [goblins], with what was evident with the 2 burned [goblins] outside the bubble. Hanguk was taking the brunt of the attack using some type of earth armor covering his body.

I had to get down there and help. I rolled off and activated {Qi Augmentation}, spreading my limbs out to reduce the fall's impact. I landed with my head bouncing from the fall. I felt mildly better than I thought. {Qi Augmentation} helped more than I thought it would. Springing to my feet, I ran towards the fight. I didn't have much left in the bank. Fight smart, not hard. Looking at the body of one of the globins I threw down, I spotted three arrows. Grabbing them, I put one in my left hand and held the rest in my mouth. Sprinting towards the closest one, I rammed into it, with it sprawled out on the ground. I lunged an arrow into its heart, hoping to have guessed the right location. I spat one into my hand and sped off, leaving that one to die from a slow {bleed} and {paralyses} effect.

Seeing hanguk cleaving one in half, I rushed towards the two globins flanking his rear, both equipped with a type of small bone dagger. I could see Chloe in the corner of my eyes, mumbling something, let's hope she gets my play. I pounced on the one closest to Hanguk, landing on its small body. I could feel its bones force and contort in unnatural ways. It was weird as I could hear it's pleading screamings for me to spare its life. I felt nothing; a cold silence inside ran through my head. I plunged the arrow into its right eye, the screams ceased, and the smell of burning rotten flesh became apparent in the air. There was one left, and it was mine. It tried to run the fastest it's pipsqueak body could muster. I could smell the fear it was pumping out into the air. I used the last of my Qi to enhance my eyes and arms one last time. I could feel my eye strain and the pressure of it going to pop as I stored my Qi; instead, I layered and adjusted the magnification caused by the effect. With a clear audible whistle, the arrow flew true to its target. The pop, as the [goblins] head burst from the sheer impact, made me giddy with joy.


"Jack" "Jack"

Hanguk was repeating my name, I barely noticed at first. He was approaching me with caution.

"You good Jack, you got shot a couple of times with those arrows" "There laced with a numbing agent, but the side effect is a psychoactive" I'm gonna come over to help you detoxify, okay buddy."

Luckily I was still clear-minded enough to comprehend what he was saying. He said I was shot. I looked below and could see two arrows puncture on my leg and another on my left abdomen. When did I get shot? Confusion wracked my mind. My memories were in snapshots, the fluidity I just experienced all hazy.

Then the same but foreign feeling of another person's energy wash my mind and body.

"Jack, you gotta help me out here, just copy what I'm doing and use your own Qi. You won't get the skill if I do all the work."

I did as told, using my own Qi, I circulated it through my body, gathering all the tiny remains of toxins that spread from the puncture wounds. With each speck, I carried it to my stomach, making a solidified ball. When it was the size of a small jawbreaker, I expelled it from my body. The taste was putrid, but afterward, I felt instantly better.

Regaining my senses, I asked Hanguk, 'How's Chole she was shot to right?"

"She's fine, Jack, she's more prepared than most. Trust me"

Looking around, I finally spotted her. She was sorting the corpses, acting as if nothing had happened. Goddamn, are all the women in this world this mentally tough? It's probably just the average.

I got up from the ground and looked at the carnage. When you imagine life and death fights, you never truly grasp it. This clash was 6-7 minutes, the adrenaline spikes, surges of fear and excitement with the slight feeling of constant dread in the back of your head. I still can't fathom it, and here I am. I walked towards the globins I killed and gathered their bodies, with the ones killed by Chole and Hanguk plus mine. We had in total nine globins, with 3 way split accounting for the burnt, sliced, and mangled. I think our profits dropped a reasonable amount.

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