《One Who Questions》Chapter 10


The system keeps me amazed at every turn. This proves my dynamic system theory; indeed, the skills you gain are nothing more than a representation of yourself. Ingenuity and Strength are Kings, those words rung inside my head. Checking the time, it was 9:00, having 3 hours left before meeting with Hanguk and Chole. I went towards the training grounds. Having guild access does have its perks. There were multiple suspended screens on the left wall In the lobby, with the room's right side, hosting receptionist desk.

"Hey, I want to know how to use the training grounds? This is my first time here" On her desk, she slid to the forefront a crystal clear ball. "Please insert an energy source you want; it will allow me to verify first-time guild status. Not seeing any reason to deny her, I did as told, watching her place her hand over the crystal she had a faraway look. I could tell she was looking at her status screen or some pop up only visible to her.

"It seems everything is in order, Mr. Talbot, to enter a training room, just insert your energy into the gem connected to the doors, and it will connect you to a free room available to your rank."

"Connect me? What do you mean? are the rooms empty?"

"My apologies Mr.Talbot, each room using a combination of Rank D {Spacial Magic} and {Time Magic} with a 3:1 Time dilation which then transpo-"

I quickly cut her off, thanking her for the explanation and almost running towards one of the doors. I touched the cold black gem and inserted my Qi. It changed to a dim grey, and with that, I entered the room.

Time dilation "HELL YEAH" The amount of training I could do here with a 3:1 ratio. Using my finger, I checked off the empty checkbox next to gain strength on the todo list. I was giddy like a kid on Christmas. First, I need to compare my status before and after.

Jack Talbot Race: Human Level: 4 EXP: 10/486 Health: 394.5/394.5

Stamina: 368/368

QI: 336.4/336.4

Mana: 318.17/318.17 GP Unallocated: 0 QI Efficiency 31.5% Mana Efficiency 30% Stats Base Total Modifier GP Allocated Strength 16 21.04




Constitution 22 28.93




Agility 17 22.36




Intelligence 19 19




Wisdom 11 17.33




Health regen 19 Per Min 29.98 Per Min




Stamina regen 19.5 Per Min 30.77 Per Min




Qi Regen: 22.41 Per Min 31.71 Per Min




Skill List Skills Level {Corrupted Dantain Manipulation} 2 {Corrupted Mana Manipulation} 1 {Corrupted Qi Augmentation} 6 {Survivalism} 6 {One Who Questions N/A {Kicking Mastery} 1 {Grappling Mastery} 2 {Fist Mastery} 3 {Astral Projection} 2 {Deception} 2 {Meditation} 4 {Running} 10 {Fire Mastery} 1 {Soul Fire Mastery} 1 {First Aid}} N/A Established Foundations {Low-Stage Root Realm} N/A {Low-Stage Heart Realm} N/A {Dantain Soul Connection} N/A Traits Effects {Will To Live} +1 STR,CON,DEX,INT,WIS {Determination} +2 STR, CON. {Questioner} ⅓ of intelligence gets added to wisdom {Human Adaptability} All skills are learned at 2 times based speed {One who learns} All information gained from books are acquired at 2 times based Titles Effects {Newcomer}

+1 to a stat of your choosing(INT)

After looking through everything, I observed my surroundings; it was easily 20 miles of open land in all directions. The grass was green but still, the light was there but with no source to be seen, the air was stale and bland to breathe. This world was nothing more than the imagery of the real it was good enough for training at least. First, I warmed up, for 2 hours, I pushed my body to the extreme.


I ran and with each full stride accounting for the extra power and adjusting my form each time. I added jumps into the sprints, with my max height being close to 10 feet in height. Jumping was easy. The landing wasn't, the countless times I lost my control mid-air leading to me landing on my ankles or wrist. I became numb to the pain with each bone fracture, rupture of my flesh, and my once teary eyes became dry. Pounding the ground and cursing the fake sky above did nothing for the piercing pain that ran through my body.

Using {Corrupted Dantain Manipulation} & {Corrupted Qi Augmentation} in unison, with each fall, I tried directing my Qi towards the damaged body parts to help accelerate the healing. Each damn time it failed, the Qi had no pathway to travel. From my daintain outwards was the endless void of my inner world. "DAMMIT!"

Every time I've used these skills, I let it flow out, never caring about the pathway it chose or the lack of one it even had. Unlike the spatial ring, I had a physical object to concentrate on to lead my Qi. I could physically see the broken bone, but nothing I did worked. Each time I tried, the Qi would misfire, causing the pain to increase tenfold.

Why couldn't anything just work, slowing my breath and calming my mind I exhaled. Counting to ten repeating until my world became the same as this world still. Just think it through, Jack. I can't use {One Who Questions} every time I need an answer. I can't become reliant on it. Everything comes from within, so again I went, my inner world I entered. The once dark void was now filled with dazzling lights circling around my daintin. At first, it seemed solid until my hand passed right through it, like a cloud, zero resistance. But as if they were drawn to each other, they form the sphere again around my daintin. They wanted to solidify, something in me just said that was needed. I used my will to consolidate the floating lights, an intense pressure radiated from my core out. One light at a time, I fused them to my dantain, but each time the pressure increased until it turned into a sharp pain. I braced through the pain and continued, forgoing the repercussions. As I fused, what seemed to be one of a thousand tiny pieces to my daintain. Pain erupted from my heart, and I was expelled from my inner world. As I hunched over, the feeling of vomit rushed from the pits of my stomach. It wasn't until it came out that the distant color of red came into view. The taste of Iron covered my mouth and the rancid smell of vomit my nose. The once stale dead air from before now had a vigor I desperately craved.

The blood wouldn't stop, and the air I breathe wouldn't catch. My body was breaking down; I could feel it. What the fuck did I do? I opened my Status Screen. For that was my only answer to this.

[Qi Deviation] Your internal Qi has entered a violently unstable state. Total body destruction will follow if not resolved.

Calm down, Jack, CALM DOWN!. My mind raced, seeking solutions. I can't die, not here, not in this fake-ass world. I tried to calm my mind, but as the pain stretched, all sectors of my body. The bloody vomit clogged my airways. Tears of fear of the unknown ran down my face. I couldn't stop here, not now, I've gained so little and lost so much. I still need a chance, then it hit me. "Astral Projection," I screamed my skill to the world as blood sprayed on the ground.


My soul peeled from my body, and the blue stream that connected us appeared. I rushed toward my body, entering my inner world. I will fix this once and for all.

The once gentle lights were now erratic in movement. They stung to the touch, and for each particle to touch my daintain a pain burst from my body. The pain was connected but dulled thankfully. I don't have long thought, Jack. The original problem started with circulation; I kept repeating that word over in my head. Then it hit me veins; the reason this all started was that I didn't have a pathway. I can't just make something from nothing, but I can use a template. My blood, only the fucking void. This isn't right; this isn't my body. I'm not empty; I have life. Every meat bag in the world wants spiritual enlightenment. I didn't care about that right now. I need the blood, the gore, the layout of it all.

"Fuck this void, this abyss" "SHOW ME NOW!" I roared with rage into my inner world. Shifting to my demands, the worldview changed, I could see the irregularity in my heartbeat, my muscles spasms, and my lungs expanded in uneven ragged movements. The one rule I learned in this world, time is a constant. Even while in here, I'm running out of time. Looking at my circulatory system, I could see 3 distinct pathways. The cardiovascular, pulmonary, and systemic, Thank you, Mr. Rogers, middle school biology class. I willed my dantain into view, and it appeared around the center of my stomach. Willing the erratic Qi with all my might, I drew two connected lines towards my heart. I was just completing a copy of the cardiovascular system as I began to feel my mind fade my astral body's light dim. To close, I needed more time. Think Jack, you have the answer; just think. I activated {Corrupted Dantain Manipulation} and shoved the Qi into the blue stream. I'll deal with that later RIGHT NOW is what I need to worry about. Next was {Soul Fire Mastery}, knowing the flame was above the stream exit. I switched to the soul plane, back to the ocean depths I fondly knew. I willed my flames to expand, to burn, and consume everything. The flame refused to budge, to even give my request a thought.

Not here, Not now, Mind Body and Soul, each exist as a part of me but separate on their own. I am the spirit, the one who connects them all. I won't be questioned, subverted, and told NO.





The flame became a raging inferno devouring everything. I could see my mana drain and Qi be sucked rapidly through the connection. This is a bandaid, not a cure, returning to my body's realm. I could see the apparent result of my work. My breathing became smoother, my heartbeat back to regular motions, no muscles spasmed on site. I continued with my work, connecting the pathways, overlaying both circulation systems to match. The ticking time bomb I let loose upstairs had me worried. I sent all the erratic qi up the blue stream. Feeding the ravenous beast upstairs calmed my nerves. Mentally exhausted, I couldn't describe what I felt.

I left my astral realm and returned to the outer world. Blood was everywhere; it looked like an active crime scene. I was to damn near death. Entering the realm of gods, conflict is existence, the body has a will. These damn skills sound so cool, so damn mystical, so powerful, but what the fuck have I actually accomplished. I kill 5 alligators, a damn squirrel and a fucking snake, I slammed my hand into the ground, I get what Hanguk Elder meant finally. The reason you don't allow a child in the weaponry isn't that it would accidentally kill someone, but itself. A world where infants with a sway of emotions can disrupt their internal world and commit suicide without even trying. How can you stop that from happening, say an entire species came here at once. In 1-3 generations, they would either go extinct or barely hold unto the edge with pure luck being there saving grace. This world, this bloody system, puts all the power at your fingertips, but one mishap, one blunder in control, and poof, it's all gone and for what a lousy 10% increase in stats! The risk isn't worth the reward. No more games, No more tricks, I need a teacher.

I have to thrive, carve my own path if I'm {Humanities Torch}. The one thing I learned is that this system doesn't mince its words. It can play around with the peeping tom remark, but the underlying meaning is always there. Something big is gonna happen, and I have to be strong enough to handle it. I stood up and wiped my mouth with the taste of iron and vomit still fresh. I spat the disgusting taste out and tried to regain the neutrality of my palette. I checked the time; it was 10:30 outside the training ground. I was starving with all this internal drama and body destruction. Whatever reserves I had must have emptied out while going through that ordeal.

Before heading out, I wanted to test one last thing, {Soul Fire Mastery}. I've only controlled it in my soul plane, now it's time to try it in real life. I extended my right hand in my palm, I imagine the elegant azure flame that was my soul. Before letting my mana flow, the recent problem of my Qi came into my mind. What would happen if I tried to use this skill and my whole body became ablaze? With my skill description, would me canceling the skill even stop the flames from burning me alive? Does mana even need pathways to begin with, or is an incantation all you need similar to how Chole and Emilia activated their skills? Curiosity kills the cat, and now I see why now I'm set on finding a teacher. Let me get out of here before I start finding new ways to kill myself.

I walked towards the direction I came from, but I couldn't see a door in sight. No matter where I looked, it was just the same environment. I mentally thought exit just as I would the status screen, then the metal door I entered form popped into view. The slight anxiety of being trapped disappeared, and I left.

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