《One Who Questions》Chapter 1


Integration into the system at 99%, welcome to Atherion. You are a mortal that question reality, and for once, you received an answer back. Because of this and your recent death on Earth-20642, you have been given a second life. Strength and Ingenuity are Kings; all else will fail. Grasp your fate with your own two hands and carry forth the flame of {Humanity}. [Jack Talbot] you have been accepted into this world for your one redeeming quality:

A Being Who Truly Questions Their Existence.

New Skills Acquired Skills Level Description/Effect


{One Who Questions} N/A

By using any form of regenerable energy one may ask the origin point 1 question.

24hr Cooldown

+12hrs peruse.

Variable Cost

Reset to original cooldown value after 5 years of non-use

To continue into the world of Atherion, 'think' or 'say' Status screen to complete integration.

It seems like I died. I guess Angelia and Brian finally got to me; this is some freaky shit. I don't know what's going to happen, but right now, I need to get out of this void if that's what you could call it. Having only a blue screen and no other sense, but the thought is weird on a whole different level.

STATUS SCREEN Jack Talbot Race: Human Level: 0 EXP: 0/100 Health:115/115 Stamina:80/80 Stats Base Total Modifier Strength 8 8



Constitution 8 8



Agility 9 9



Intelligence 12 12



Wisdom 6 10



Health regen 8 Per Min 8 Per Min



Stamina regen 8.5 Per Min 8.5 Per Min



Skills Description Effect


{One Who Questions} By using any form of regenerable energy one may ask the origin point 1 question.

24hr cooldown permanently increases the cooldown by 12hrs peruse.


Reset to original cooldown value after 5 years of non-use

24hr Cooldown

Variable Cost

Traits Effect {Questioner} ⅓ of intelligence gets added to wisdom {Human Adaptability} all skills are learned at 2 times based speed {One who learns} All information gained from books are acquired at 2 times based

After I said Status Screen, a two min countdown started; as the countdown progressed, the dark void around me slowly started to light up. Just like how they say back home, don't follow the white light, but this time I don't think I have a choice. As the light slowly engulfed me, I could feel the world hug me like a mother would their child. Ensuring that everything would be ok and that of the father pushing you to not fall under pressure, both were there but not by individual entities but one. Complex was all I could think as my mind completely turned off, and I was fully engulfed by the light.

As I slowly opened my eyes and saw the sun, I could only think of one thing, and that was. Where the hell am I?

Getting up and dusting myself off would be embarrassing since I was completely naked. On Earth, I have brown skin, ear-length dreads, and a 5'10" frame. A quick check seemed to confirm that I still had my original body. Streaking was never my thing, but I have no choice for now. The surrounding area was an endless expanse of dirt and patches of grass. Still, the one singularity that differentiated from earth was the flora, Huge trees the size of skyscrapers with trunks that would cover city blocks. Other than the trees, the vegetation was sparse and barely visible. Something like this wouldn't even exist on earth just because of the massive amount of energy needed to sustain them.


I tried to look around for a city, some form of society but got nothing but trees. The lucky part is that they were widely spaced out from each other with gaps in the shade to have the sun's light still be visible.

Shelter, food, and weapons needed to be my first priority; I will live or die trying, with this being my second life, I won't die on my first day back. I jogged to the closest tree to me, not knowing what to expect, I slowed down the closer I got. Surprisingly I wasn't tired even though it was a good 1-2 miles away; this could be stamina regen. -

The slow walk became a crawl as I got closer to the tree. The bloody corpse of a horned squirrel was in view partially covered by the tree's shade.

The distinct outline of the ragged corpse with the combined factor of the blood in the air almost made me vomit, but what stopped the bile from rising my stomach was the intense death glare the other horned squirrel was giving me. The blood dripping from its matted fur fucking shook me. I wanted to run, but as it noticed me. On instinct alone, I dodged to the left as I did; it pounced with speed; I never have seen any earthborn animal match. Getting scraped on my right leg, I could see my skin start to peel from the deep gash left there. Scrambling to my feet, I could barely control myself as my body shuck, and my breathing became ragged. I could sense the squirrel readying up again. I couldn't die. I wouldn't fail; this was my 2nd chance, and I wouldn't let it fall. As I balanced myself, I pushed off with my left foot trying to gain space between us. Was I prey or predator? That was what this thing was thinking. I could fucking feel it, and I was pissed. Running towards the dead squirrel with all my might, not caring about my wounded leg, I picked up the dead horned squirrel head and turned.

One horn against the other. If I can't escape if I can barely dodge if this thing is too damn fast for me. All that's left is to bull rush this fucker and come out alive. I could feel the adrenaline rushing through my veins, and I felt fucking alive. Energy came surging from my body, and with that, the resolve to win. The horned squirrel rushed me, and this time I pushed back. As we clashed, I could feel my gut be pierced. A scorching pain resonated throughout my body; that didn't matter. I grabbed unto the beast with my free arm and jammed the dead beast horned head into the fucker eye socket. Using all I could, I pummeled it; even after the body stopped twitching, I didn't stop. As I collapsed to the ground with my body twitching, I looked into the squirrel corpse with tears coursing down my bloody I wanted to go home. Scared Cold and Hungry was all I could think of as I passed out from bleeding. This is the end, huh.

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