《Unstable dungeon》How to make School a bit more fun
"You may enter."
"Excuse me. Revered principal, we have an unexpected situation. One of the candidates for schoolarship has written a very heretic answer about our goddess and..." The atendant didn't really know how to explain, but he was interupted by the wrinkled ass of the principal before he could even try.
"Then deduce a thousand points out of their final score. Case closed. We don't make execptions." She said before looking back to the papers on her table.
"With all due respect, we've already done that. And them cheked the score again. And a third time. They still pass." Said the very conflicted and nervous drow. He was very scared of what reaction would the principal would have.
"Well, that is..." Said woman also got quite surprised, but then came back to her poker face. "Not possible. Unless This person got the exact same score as our current empress and somehow wrote a teorem worth many points." The principal refered to the genius in magic and logic that had somehow scored twice the necessary amount to pass their scholarship test (She scored 1800 and you need 800 points to pass) and then some more, when she was only 21!
As aki sat down on his chair, he opened the newly arrived result from the test he had taken the day before. While there weren't many people actually doing the test, it was the teleportation array that allowed for fast transport of itens and some people, plus the fast reading spell that would allow the temporary acceleration of brain activity withouth damaging the user for a small amount of time, that made it so the test could come back to his hand so fast.
[Test result:
History: 250/250 points
Cauculus: 250/250 points
Magic theory: 500/250 points
Theology: -1000/50 points
Logic: 1642 points]
"HAHAHAHAHH!..." Reading the thing made Aki laugh his ass off. Of course he knew what this ment. He had just scored higher then the highest score recorded! Why did you think he'd even suggest not burning his theology test? Something like this, there's no way he wouldn't be getting the attention of the empress and magic council.
Achievements last until someone surpasses them, but failure lasts forever.
Of course, they would want to cover this up. The sage that revised his short introduction to several great thinkers, the people who graded his remaining tests and the fiscals that saw him answer the test, they were either already told to shut up or they were shut up. A royal squad was problably either on the way to do exactly that or already back from doing exactly that, because men and women who completely issolate themselves tend to not give a fuck about others.
"Well, if there is a squad of level 500 coming for me than..." Aki tried to finish the sentence, but he was already drooling with a disgusting smile full of rows of teeth plastered on his face, so he imediatly teleported outside when he sensed that someone dressed like a prick was about to knock on the front door, causing them to jump back and Aki to cover his mouth when he saw that it was not a soldier and that the man was barely above level 200. "You are the academy's messenger right? Sorry, i was expecting someone a bit different. Anyways, would you like to go now or maybe get some refreshments before leaving?" Asked Aki after wiping the drool from his face.
"And so i will be joining you for the rest of the year at the very least. I'm not so good with faces and names, but i hope we can at least have a peacefull relatioship as class mates." Said Aki before sitting on an unocupied seat in the back. The class was in the form of an auditorium, so there were no windows and such.
People found it strange that the new arrival was very young and that she had sat in alone in the back, but when you are in the class with the highest level, people learn to pay attention to what the teacher is saying the moment he starts the 'then to begin the class we shaw...' instead of behaving like idiots.
Said class didn't really leave any impression on Aki and he practically just ignored most of it. Never mind having ease with how to flow mana through his body even more efficiently, Aki could problably give a class just as good as the teacher even though he had a higher level in the skill. Instead he kept designing another monster, this time it was based on a ghost/beast tipe monster that is just adorable. not realy made to kill people, just populate a layer with cuteness.
When Aki decided to take a break, the first class had already finished, so he decided to quickly eat some sandwich he had on inventory. Some students were talking and some even noticed this, but nothing happened. Next was a geometry class, followed by an etiquette class, which Aki actually paid attention to and even made questions when appropriate. Then came the practice class, which made the whole class go to the gym before they could start.
"It seems we have a new face here, we can be introduced later, go practice some magic with the others. Later today we will be doing duels, so don't spend too much MP if you can't regen it." Nonchalantly said the teacher before going to a corner, sitting on a chair that was already there and imediatly taking a nap.
Aki looked at his affinity list and decided to train his time magic, casting a time acceleration around the teacher, which woke him up imediatly. He aparently noticed what was happening, because he looked at Aki right after and made a tumbs up before going back to sleep. All this was very fast, and though the rest of the students could guess the new girl was doing something, they had no idea what, just that their teacher apparently liked it very much.
After that stunt, Aki went and introduced himself to the nobles on the class in a humble way, after all, he was also there for connections, not to be the antisocial nerd. Everything actually went well and he properly paid his respects, introduced his budding corporation and dungeon city and got the attention of mostly everyone.
Though when he went to introduce himself to top student...
"Hello, though i have introduced myself in class i would like to..." *Slash* "Personally introduce myself to your highness." *Slash slash* "And talk about having a friendly bout." This made the girl stop shooting spells at him.
"A friendly bout you say? What makes you think i'd accept something like that?" Asked the drow while turning her head to face Aki.
"Well, your highness seemed bored training alone, so i thought that as a fellow classmate that is also nearing level 200 we should try and become closer through battle." Aki said while keeping a smile at all times.
This got the fifth princess surprised, she had two anti-appraisal treasures on herself, and passing through the first would be needed to read her level, but it was supposed to at least warn her about a breach. This either meant that this new arrival had information from another source or simply could ignore a very expensive treasure.
"I shaw decline. Have a good day." This did not faze Aki either, he simply noded, went to another corner, made a time acceleration bubble, and started to cast several air, water, fire and earth spells.
At the end of the hour, Aki had spent a couple of tens of thousands of mana into holding various spells and casting even more. He didn't actually level anything up, but everyone was certainly surprised.
That meek and cordial girl had all that power? That wasn't much worse than the teachers that had made a presentation in the first day of classes.
During the reccess between classes Aki completely dissapeared, no one found him before he walked back in time for the botany class. This teacher was a bit strict and asked several questions about what she was explaining to the class. Most answered right, but the ones that were answered wrong were thrown towards the fifth princess. The third time this happened, the teacher actually stopped the girl.
"Your highness has always been showing the best results these last months, you're our top student this year and you bring great pride to all staff, but i'm sorry to say i'm going to need to test the new student as well. Miss Akita, do you know what this flower to my left is?" Asked the drow woman while motioning to a flower that looked like a big, blue dandelion.
"Well, to begin with, it's to your right, and yes, it's an alucinogen that is generaly used for drugging beasts, getting people above level 100 high, goes marvelously with bear meat because it changes the smell into something that just tickles the right part of the nose, even though it still smells strongly, and lastly, that i know of, can be used as a sleep poison if mixed with lunar hare tail (a flower)." Said Aki, having prepared himself for some time now. The etiquette teacher was problably going to test him, but he was actually interest in his class, diferently from the other students, because he actually had great experiences with teachers of this specific subject.
"I'm not so sure it can be used to cook, but the rest is completely right, yes." Said a surprised teacher. There were some more questions, but Aki got four in a row before the teacher asked him to tell the properties of a flower she picked at random from her book, which he actually did not know. "Impressive, you realy are fit for this class." Said the teacher before nodding and going back to class.
Later they had elemental class and the teacher was very happy to hear that they had another user with then, so when asked for a demonstration, Aki thought for a bit and asked for a bit of space before raising a golem for each of the four elements and then making a metal pole, proceding to dance with the four beings, who summoned their own poles, which ended as a strangely impressive kata where each element attacked their weakness and strenght while Aki dodged each of those.
Yes, he rehersedd that, no chance in hell he was going to medieval Uni without something at least this amazing worked out already.
Moving on, the last class was duels between the students.
"Yosh, then let's all go to the side and watch the new girl versus the princess." Sleeply said the teacher.
"Wait, why am i fighting her?" Sudenly asked the princess.
"Because she has more combat experience than you. Now shut it and go to the marked area." He quickly answered before shoing her. Aki was already in said area after all.
Huffing, the princess walked over and pulled her saber out of her storage ring. "Let's just get over it" She didn't really believe what her lazy teacher said. Seeing this Aki pulled a saber as well. Taking it as a provocation, the princess started attacking relentlessly.
Aki was being completely dominated in sword play, until suddenly the teacher appeared between and cast a barrier in each hand.
"Why did you interfere?!" Said a irritated princess.
"Because you would lose an arm idiot. Why the fuck did you not use magic? This is a magic academy and you are a magic prodigy. Think a bit. Now look at the barrier on your opponent's side." Said an iritated teacher.
The princess and the rest of the class were startled. Everyone else thought it strange that their prodigy wasn't using magic, but they all could see the other barrier uninpeeded. When frowing princess saw the teacher looking angrily at Aki, she was confused. On the first day she was the one receiving that glare. Them she saw the cracking barrier next to the smilling Aki. The one the teacher put against her didn't have any blemish. She paled a little in realisation.
"What were you thinking?!" Angrily asked the man.
"That i can put her arm back myself if need be." Answered Aki with a shrugh.
"You notice that still hurts like a bitch, right?" The man seemed more confused than angry now.
"She's a princess of the drow! If she hasn't been trained in pain resistance yet than who the fuck would be?" Rebuted Aki while rooling his eyes.
"Are you using mind magic on me?" Asked a frowing teacher.
"No, but my psycology skill is level 5 and my philosophy skill is level 7. Besides, you obviouly have resistance to it, if i can use it without you noticing any influence than you sure are fucked now." Said Aki with a cheeky grin, which made his teacher's left eye twitch, before lifting his arms up high with a groan and going back to his seat.
"Everyone. Duels canceled. We're having a demonstration between those two. Royal ass! Go all out. That bitch is meaner than me!" He sat and waited for his student to do something stupid against the monster she was put in front of.
As expected, the princess was pissed.
End result, 14x0 for Aki.
Each time they used the same elements, weapons and skills, but Aki always won by psycological warfare and being sneaky about his intentions. None of the classmates could believe their princess would lose when it began, but at the end they were all already taking note of tatics and ways to use elements, footwork, certain weapons and dirty tricks.
Aki was really enjoying himself in there.
"The what? Did what? To whom?!" Asked the empress, already preparing to lose her shit over something one of her daughthers did. AGAIN!
"The fifth princess has taken to apprenticing herself under the person who was accepted in the academy despite her heresy." Answered her personal maid, knowing how her sovereing and friend would react.
"Oh, that isn't too bad, the girl could use some eye opener, just make sure not to let her be influenced badly by this person. It's the first time someone has the sensitivity to lower their own grade to be lower than my own, and i've been the empress for five hundred years, those guys were geniuses, a waste to have to kill. When you contact her see if it is possible to use this connection to smooth things up. No need to be too rough, heard she is kind of vengeful and violent for someone so smart and composed." Answered a much more calm queen. That, she could use. Her genius daughter being teached by someone with an even bigger genius than her. Sounds quite good, don't you think?
- In Serial42 Chapters
RETURN, A Dark Lord story.
Return, Synopsis In the Triangulum Galaxy, one of a number of galaxies controlled by the Empire of The DARK LORD, JENNA OF CHRISTOS finds herself on the run after she killed a patrolman. Becoming pilot on a pirate craft, several years later she and other pirates are devastated by attacks of the Imperial Legion and are now trying to regroup. Seeking funds that will help them hide out for a time, their leader THURGOD DRISTA and JENNA meet with a PROFESSOR of galactic history who gives them information, a map and an ancient artifact described as a singing stone. He tells them that this could lead them safely to a legendary treasure trove, called THE DARK LORDS HOARD, on the forbidden planet TRILLA. The hoard is supposed to belong to the ruler of the empire who vanished close to one thousand years before and is presumed to be gone. The treasure is believed to be hidden in a tunnel accessible from the planet surface but no one who has gone into the tunnel has ever come out alive or sane. Leaving the pirate hideout immediately after the meeting and avoiding a major attack by the legion, the pirates travel to the galactic rim for supplies and to leave a false trail. With them they take the PROFESSOR and ILISA, a serving girl. However CAPTAIN TRASKA the commander of a Legions task force called Detachment T, has guessed the pirates intentions and tracked them to the rim. The pirates leave on their next leg to TRILLA unaware that CAPTAIN TRASKA with his force of heavy cruisers, is already there and lying in wait for them. Allowing the pirates to land, including an unexpected second pirate ship, CAPTAIN TRASKA sends a force of troopers to capture both craft and their guards. Before they can do this, THURGOD, the PROFESSOR and others, numbering thirteen altogether and led by JENNA entered the tunnel complex. JENNA, warned by ILISA that she must be the one to hold the singing stone, carries it in the hope that it will guide her and her companions past the many dangers in the tunnel. Shortly afterward, VIS VISTRICER the Legions overall commander travels to Trilla in an armoured planetoid, a spacecraft as large as a moon. On his arrival at TRILLA, VIS VISTRICER meets with CAPTAIN TRASKA but before they can do much, they are both surprised by one of the LADIES OF THE CIRCLE who is waiting for the outcome of what is happening in the tunnels. In the tunnels, JENNA leads THURGOD and the rest of party through many dangers and tests. Four are killed in the tunnels but the rest finally come to their goal where, to their surprise, in a cavern they meet the DARK LORD who is alive and very well. He has been waiting for them so he can return to the Empire. JENNA finds out that the patrol officer is alive and that she and many others have been manipulated all this time by the DARK LORD. She also finds out that ILISA, whose real name is JURA, is a member of the CIRCLE OF LADIES and was sent to teach JENNA many years before on her home planet of Christos. The DARK LORD restores and fulfills a promise to release JURA from her service as a LADY. He next has each pirate declare their own fate and takes them to the surfaces of TRILLA. There, at their election, he executes two of the pirates while JENNA is pardoned and some have the death penalty reprieved. The rest will face the courts of the Legion. VIS VISTRICER is raised to the rank of STAR COMMANDER, the highest rank in the Legion while TRASKA becomes a COMMODORE. The DARK LORD returns to Tihab, the administrative centre of the empire. There he takes up his residence in a surprised and disconcerted imperial palace. JENNA is returned by COMMODORE TRASKA to the planet Christos where she is welcomed by the planets rulers and her family, some of whom were aware of some of what was happening.
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DISCONTINUED. (Story will be reworked on.)Disclaimer: I don't own KNY and MHA, both belong to their respective owners. I also don't own the art cover. (It belongs to Ruttika Raphisuwan)THIS BOOK WILL CONTAIN MANGA SPOILERS FOR BOTH ANIMES BUT OF COURSE THE PLOTS WILL BE CHANGED. I normally update and upload chapter/s daily if I have enough time and ideas.This is my first book, expect some bad storywriting and a little bit of wrong grammar. I try to better my writing skills on every chapter I upload. Hope you stick with me.
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