《Unstable dungeon》Awake for another day
'Uh? This… This ain't a dream. To complex for it to be without me messing it up. Can I turn it off? Can I change it's color? Do I get a sassy assistant?'
Ask Aki woke up, he could see nothing and a blue message window that would be in any rpg or fantasy novel with game elements together with him in what seemed to be a black infinite. It read:
System initiating…
System successfully initiated.
As a newborn dungeon you can select one free construction to facilitate your start in the world. Please select one from the list below and good luck!
'No voice, so I guess have to invent or summon one of those. Though the format and color can be changed at will, so the system is responsive to mental power. Going with a touch screen would be inconvenient for those without hands after all.' Thought the disembodied consciousness of Aki as he went through the list of available constructions. 'I see, I see… I can't understand shit till I scratch this damn itch or whatever it…' And so he started to absorb the instincts of an actual dungeon. Obviously he blacked out halfway through.
'Well, isn't this a lovely cave? Ain't I a lovely little crystal? Just right to pluck out of the wall and put on a ring for the fairest of maidens. *Sigh* I knew it was going to be like this, but it is kind of disappointing you know? I had just started to get results with that diet as well… *sigh*' Said dungeon core 01011009, Aki, now understanding new dungeon instincts and being capable of seeing his surroundings throughout a type of mana based vision.
Besides that he got some basic info and urges such as 'kill shit and get stronger, anything you eat will be deconstructed into energy or stored inside your pocket dimension/stomach' and 'eat something to get info'. It was quite easy to ignore the urges though.
Back to the list of construction:
Monster spawner
Research root
Mineral source
Diamond source
Excavating roots
Simple trap
'Well, isn't that perfect? I can't see any info besides their name and how they look like when I select then. You know what? I will just do it.'
Diamond source selected. As your first construction it will not have a construction time.
With the a message saying so appearing in the corner of his mind, Aki saw as part of the stone of the left wall of the cave he found himself in started turning into a black mass of tumors and quickly change into a mass of diamonds. Literally.
'The black thing is my flesh if I am to trust my gut feeling.' He thought and looked at the description of his buildings. A window that just appeared.
Diamond source: Produces diamonds and magically infused diamonds over time. +50 diamond storage space. +20 magically infused jewel storage space. Can be assigned a minion to accelerate production.
With that out of the way, Aki decided to finally look at his status.
Name: Dungeon core 01011009/Aki
Species: Dungeon core
Level: 1
Hp: 100/100
Mp: 100/100
Energy: 100/100
Diamonds: 0/50
Magically infused jewels: 0/20
Stone: 21/100
'K, so now…'
Monster spawner: spawns monster to which you already have information and resources enough to summon.
Cost: 80 energy and 50 mana
Construction time: 6 hours
Paying the price, Aki put the spawner in the wall to his right. Seeing that the black tumors didn't disappear this time around, but instead turned into a wisp of something, he guessed he really would need to wait six hours to try something else, but right now he was ravenous and couldn't really imagine that.
'Torpor, on!' And so he avoided dealing with it, hoping to wake up to the system informing him of the constructions completion.
Well, not this time.
Intruders detected
Construction time remaining: 1 hour and 21 minutes.
'Change that to be more clock like.'
Construction time remaining: 1:21 hours.
'K, thanks. Now, do I really want to watch two goblins do sex?' Thought Aki as he looked at the two intruders.
One was a green small female with black shoulder light brown hair, at around 1,30 meters, with two oranges, a pert butt and toned legs.
The other was a green male at around 1,38m and had a six pack, messy jet black, a good build and a very obvious raging boner. It was quite big for something coming from a guy smaller than a meter and a half too.
Both had pointy ear, a relatively big nose and and black eyes.
'I do want to watch two goblins have sex. Hell! These two could be pornstars on earth! Now, how do I do that without my… oh, of course…' And so Aki processed to try and find a way to touch his own soul using mana. 'It is… my gods, boning is amazing! No wonder vampires and other undead stay in bed for years on end!'
The following has been redacted for your own mental health.
Yes, forget magic and proceed to use pure mana to act as stimulus to a soul. I hate my job. Why did I get assigned to this guy?
Why couldn't it have been someone that reincarnated as a demon king, slime, tentacle monster… hell, even a plant or farmer would do!
Do I really have to grant this idiot titles!? Even if they fit him, these are not supposed to be granted so easily!
Even if these skills are supposed to be easy to acquire for a dungeon, this is just not the right way any of this shit's supposed to go!
[Congratulations, you have reached the necessary requirements for the titles:
Perverted (II): Obtained by letting yourself go to your sexual desires. +10% XP received for skills based on sexual techniques.
Young genius(I): Obtained by exceeding your race's average degree of wisdom. -1% XP needed.
One who reflects about self(IV): Obtained by almost completely understanding yourself. Resources regenerate 4% faster.
Congratulations, you have reached the necessary requirements for the skills:
Soul detection Lv 1
Mana manipulation Lv 1
Astral sex technique Lv 1]
'It seems that busting… I don't know how much I did it, but the spawner just needs to be ordered to form and it will be done, so me and these guys went on it for more that an hour and half. That's normal for goblins, sure, but I don't think a normal teenager gets like this. Even if I have traits of a sociopath, I guess being a dungeon really does change me somewhat. All that lust was new and actually an amazing experience. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to be a sex dungeon. Get some succubus here and there and the place will be warm and cozy. Hahaha… yeah, like I will just summon demons when I'm practically a newborn.' He thought. Gods, I wish he needed to breath.
'Wonder where those guys are going. Well, I will just play around with the spawner for now.'
Gris'gor just had the best sex of his life. He didn't know if it was the beautiful spot, the news of him being one of the last candidates for chieftain or the new herb Malit had found, but nothing was taking these hours of crazy, beastly intercourse from him, it was like their souls were touching each other while in a sea of…
"Stupid son, stop daydreaming and go prepare for the ritual. The shaman awaits and the clan will have a new chieftain even if you keep to yourself. Now go." His father said before pushing him into the room with the tinctures.
After escaping from his own mind, Gris got was ready as he ever would.
With the bone powder of his ancestors and some very colorful herbs, he painted his body.
Unsheathing the sword of his family he prayed for victory and glory to the tribe. That regardless of his life or death, it persevered.
He was as ready as he ever would be. Or so he thought.
"Malit, what are you doing here?! It is prohibited to…" He was silenced with a kiss. The woman was never one for listening.
"I know idiot. Gris, let's run away. After today, I have confirmed it. I love you. Marry me and let's run away! I don't need you to be the tribe chief, I just need you…"
It was my turn to silence her. She may have been whispering at the start, but her voice was raising the more she talked.
"I love you too Malit, but you know I must… I want to do this. I will be sure to come back and marry you though. If there is a reason for me to win besides this damn prise of mine, it is you. You know Asir'Tor won't let us run away for long. He has wanted me dead ever since we started seeing each other and you know that. I'd much prefer to have you wait for me with a smile and a pouch full of those herbs we had some earlier. When we get home I can show off the most beautiful and smartest woman in the tribe as my wife." He said with a goofy smile.
They were just meters apart, why couldn't it have been him the protagonist?!
"I am sure Father in law is going to be happy his grandchildren will come from the head huntress and the chieftain. But if you lose after so much, I will kill myself and kill your ghost. Now go, my little mount, I can't wait to be with you again."
She said and pushed him outside after giving me a peck. It sure is strange, being pushed around so much but not minding it.
'Would you look at that? There should be around two hundred goblins I guess. And they're reunited for some very likely bloody ritual. Hey, isn't that Ronald senior? Please tell me he isn't supposed to fight that guy thirty centimeters taller than him. Natasha better have taught him something besides how to shake to his hips!' Thought Aki while trying to think of a way to cheat without everyone noticing.
By now, he'd already spawned a few ghosts and a few normal spiders. Those were his choices simply because ghosts used only mana and spider consumed 1 energy for spawning 10. When you consider everything, those were his only options after putting himself in a corner.
'Oh, I know!'
And so the tiniest spider he had walked back through the small hole he had made in the wall.
One of five in random directions.
He is apparently right below the ritual chamber, the kitchen, the prison and the latrine.
While it is nigh dangerous for him to be so close to a society and if one half baked mage finds him he's toast, it is also beneficial for his growth since can steal biomass from them.
Claiming territory only needs mana, and that regenerates at a rate of 5% per minute now, so he just bore through the walls in a desperate attempt. Getting a rat family that walked in killed by his spider might have been anticlimactic, it gave him enough energy to not starve.
Luckily he did not need to use energy for a digester. He could and should, but he only had mana to use without killing himself, and it was an option for the digester and boring root.
Apparently a failsafe in case the dungeon got too idiotic and depleted most of its energy reserves.
Aki got five energy and five XP for a family of rats. And then went back to trying to rob the kitchen. He even kept a little spider just at the limit of his territory, since he could not get them outside of it without starting a monster surge, which he obviously didn't pass the requirements to do, and needed to see.
When our id… retarded main character found himself in another small tunnel, he decided that mice double their size would be too much for the spiders and sent the 2 ghosts instead.
Luckily it was possible to claim the whole rat hole at once, and even though it took 20 mana, it was better than taking a shit ton of time just to kill a few of the little pests.
Aki was never one for patience.
Finding most rats asleep, he possessed 2 with the ghost and sent the little things inside the gullets of the biggest mice. Well, not the biggest, more like second and third, since the big guy could choke down the two little patrols he got.
Probably what one would call a dire rat.
As the possessed rats got bitten and scratched, the ghost were soon forced out of then so as to not take damage, said damage would come from keeping the still living rats in place against their will instead of the physical attacks, but that didn't change the fact there were rats blocking the airways of the newly dead young dire rats.
At least that was what the appraisal function called them.
Why didn't Aki use that on the first rats he found? Because he was too hungry to notice he did actually use it. As for the goblins… hunger was there too, wasn't it?
Anyways, after possessing the dead bodies of the young dire rats, the rats went back to the new tunnel entrance, and took the rats out of each other's throat.
They weren't that smart or nimble, so it took a while, but by then, the digester was already at the bottom of the small hole before the first rat hit the ground.
Even if Aki was curious how much each dire rat was worth, he decided to just try it after suffocating the biggest rat. It was quite easy since it snored. Somehow.
It did take long for it to die, and one ghost possess it.
Still a team effort to take the rats out of its throat though. At least it was simple to take the other rats to the hole since they were easy to carry and easy to kill for dire rat body.
Face to face with his only rival for the chief position, Gris felt afraid. Afraid to die. Afraid to be humiliated by the much bigger goblin in front of him. Afraid to leave his loved ones behind. But he didn't have time to be afraid.
The shaman started her prayer and the man on the two sides came forward. After swearing to do our best for the tribe in case of victory and abdicate from the right our family have to ask for a compensation upon our death in case of such.
With weapons at ready, Grin's sword and Asir's hammer, the shaman declared the duel started.
Immediately shooting for each other, Asir swang his hammer horizontally and his opponent dodged by rolling forward. Darks9uls style.
Having his thrust avoided by a sidestep, they started exchanges of skill, power and speed. To which he lost.
It was only his cunning that got him in here for this long, but it had no place in a exchange of weapons, so when the hammer hit his chest, he thought it was over.
Flying away and falling, he noticed fiery pain every time he breathed, his head was spinning and he saw stars. That is why he thought it strange when his arm suddenly move and grabbed something.
He didn't want to give up, but he didn't feel any strength. When he threw what appeared to be a big rat, Asir rapidly caught it before it hit his face and snickered. He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came of it and when I noticed I was already with my sword in his gut. His eyes came back to my sword and my other hand came down to it, pushing it down and slicing his hip bone together with his penis. Then I headbutted him. I heard him fall and while my head fell on my legs.
The pain became more and more apparent. I didn't move and all I could do was hear my opponent screaming while smelling shit, piss and blood.
Besides the feeling of not being able to breath right, the next thing I felt was a soothing touch to my back, the pain started to fade and I noticed my health going up. My breathing picked pace again and when u looked up, all I saw was the shaman and the corpse of my opponents.
"Congratulations boy, you are our new chieftain."
[Congratulations, you have reached the necessary requirements for the title Puppeteer (I): Obtained by secretly changing the results of an event influencing hundreds. +5% XP obtained for related skills.
Congratulations, you have reached the necessary requirements for the skill Direct control.]
'Suck it! Even got another title out of it. Are those supposed to be easy to get? Who cares, I will just use the chance and see what I can get.' Thought Aki while trying to use mental power to mess with mana so as to see if he can't use magic.
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