《I died reincarnated and died again》Chapter 20: B rank Exam


Receptionist POV

Since a few days we have a new guild member – Kreon – even so he is new on the first day he got here he had outstanding materials from strong and rare monsters with him. He got the attention from many people because of that. After that he wasn’t here for about 1 day but today, I heard loud noises outside the guild again and I could only think of one person… Kreon.

As he came in he had two small wyvern in tow. But my experience from last time told me he has probably more. He asked me to come to the back of the guild so he could take the rest out. As we walked, I wondered what else he might have but as he took it out I was shocked he had in over 50 wyverns and most of them were not so small like the ones he had in tow. Almost all of them were adults and even when wyverns aren’t as strong as dragons, they are still A to S rank monsters. And at least two of them look like S rank wyverns… With this he can get to B rank right after the ‘exam’…

> he said with a smile on his face as if not knowing what he just presented.

> I said. I think I trembled a bit.

> he said with a questioning tone.

> I said luckily, I didn’t tremble this time…

> he said while looking at me.

> I said this time I managed to get my normal guild receptionist tone again.

> he looked interested.

> I said while he… smiled?

> He asked with a… weird smile on his face…

> I said. I stutter a bit I think…

> he said with his weird smile…


Kreons POV

This is the moment to get 100% proof of the strength of this body! I choose a normal B rank quest but I degrounded Nitos a bit earlier to help me. I told him to get a few strong monsters to chase him and get them to the area I will do my quest. With other words even so I am only allowed to get a B rank quest I can get to kill a few S rank monsters before the eyes of examiners.

> the receptionist said with for people in tow. The right one was surely the adventurer. He had blond hair a light armor a long sword and a pouch. The others had the guilds official stuff uniform so I can say for sure they are from the guild.

> I said and held a B rank quest to kill two cyclops in a cave near Dasos forest.

> She said and send us of.

On the way to the caves, we had a bit small talk while riding the carriage I got to travel. It took a few hours till we were there.

After we arrived, we went to the cyclopes. First, I used stone magic to shoot it inside there eyes and then took my sword and beheaded them both with my sword. (I made a new sword for this body but it looks almost the same as the old one.)

The three were impressed and talked a bit about how I fought but of course they couldn’t really determine how strong I was because it was no problem for me. But then there were loud stomps and roars in the distance. They came closer. The three guild officials backed of a bit while the A rank adventurer took his sword out.

We walked outside and what we saw scared the four. It was a horde of 30 monsters mostly B and A rank but also a few that are probably S rank. They didn’t know why they headed here. I did of course. They were the monsters Nitos attracted.


A rank adventurer POV. (Yes, I am not going to name him)

Today I was supposed to make an exam for a B rank adventurer it wasn’t the first time. The only difference to the last ones was that this time it was an outranking adventurer or at least that is what many people think. I personally don’t believe things before I can witness them with my own two eyes. So, I was a bit happy that I can be his examiner but what I saw was outstanding indeed. He defeated the two cyclopes in mere seconds. I am sure that he can become a S rank adventurer in the future.

After I talked with the other Examiners however loud noises could be heard in the distance. Kreon readied his sword, and I did the same while the others who didn’t have any weapons on them backed of a bit. We walked outside the cave just to see a horde of about 30 black fangs, a wolf race in which some individuals can become alone S rank. In groups of this size, they are a threat that is normally taken by at least 4 S rank adventurers. But we only have 3 examiners one soon to be B rank adventurer and me a veteran A rank. Just from ranks we can’t win this, but we also can’t run they are almost here… I could probably only take on 7 of them while the examiners 1-2 each. The only thing I can hope for is that Kreon over here really is as outstanding as I think he is. If that is the case maybe, we can somehow win this…

But before I could think any more, I only saw a shadow fly past me. It was kreon. He stormed to the monster horde, and we could only watch… Watch how he killed one after another… That wasn’t even a fight… it was a slaughter…

After he finished, we stood there in shock for probably minutes before Kreon snapped us out of it with the sentence: “Want to go back now?” He already stored almost all corpses away. The only thing that proofed the battle real was the one B rank Black Fang Wolf over his shoulder and the blood on the floor…

To be continued in Chapter 21…

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