《I died reincarnated and died again》Chapter 15: Departure


After the 5 were gone I started preparing my departure. With other words I started to think what I want to take with me and if I take Dimensional Home or Dimensional Domain. For the moment Dimensional Home would be more than enough but in the long run I think Dimensional Domain would be better… The next thing is if I want to take the whole mansion with me or just the things, I need from them. And if I don’t take the mansion with me, will I build a new one in the Dimensional Domain? Also, if I make a Dimensional Domain, I have a choice how it will look in the inside, but I have that choice only at the beginning… The more I make at the beginning the more MP it will cost to make Dimensional Domain also if I expand it, I can Choose what will come there but what I already made can only be remodelled by hand also if I want to have a lake or something I need the water attribute if I want mountains or something I need the earth attribute for plants I need water and earth… You understand I can’t just do anything but lucky me that I got those attributes. Well, the next step would be levelling and preparations of material things. Maybe I should make more bodies to use… For the time being I went into the forest and started levelling but after I levelled up to 380, I noticed that there weren’t any monsters anymore that had a higher level than me with other words I didn’t get much exp. But that wasn’t really bad for me because I already had enough skill acquiring points for Dimensional Domain.

But Before I create my Dimensional Domain, I have to decide what my Spiritual Domain will look like… I want something comfortable with a lot of plants… probably a forest with a house or a mansion in the middle… on the surface it is should look beautiful and comfortable… underground I will build a an underground facility with all my things and a Laboratory, a Library and other rooms… I think this is the best thing. I have to remember to put a “gate” wherever I go. Gates are the connection between the Dimensional Domain and the outside world. If all are destroyed while the users are inside the Dimensional Domain, then there is no known way to get out. That is one of the reasons you can’t use the Dimensional Storage like a Home where you live. Dimensional Storage can only be opened through the User and if the user is inside, he can’t open a way out. Of course, the gates don’t have to be open the whole time and if you don’t have enough knowledge and something like a password for the gate you can’t open it if you aren’t the user. And there isn’t really a limit to gates but there is a limit to how many can be opened and that is the MP of the user. It is always 100 times the number of gates that are opened per minute. So, its like 1 gate 100 MP per minute, 2 gates 200 MP per minute, 3 gates 300 MP per minute, 4 gates 400 MP per minute and so on. For the time being I will use 800 acquiring points for the Dimensional and use stat points to get my mana stat from 1734 to 2300. Now I should have enough MP to make a considerably large Dimensional Domain. I will make the Domain like I described it. I will make the house in the middle of the forest similar to a Japanese house you see often in manga or anime. Because it is a Dimensional Domain, I can make the house bigger from how it looks outside but I will keep it in moderation. I then made a somewhat hidden entrance to the lower floor where I will keep all my stuff and make my research. Then I focused on the plants outside… I tried my best to make many different types of plants. I can’t create animals because they have a soul so I will later bring harmless animals in the dimensional domain. After the forest there will be mountains on the one side and an endless sea on the other side. Of course, the sea only looks endless and behind the mountains is nothing, but It looks pretty good. Then I made a river from the mountains through the forest into the sea. The river is near my house. Also, I have the control over every plant in a radius of 200 meters around me in that Dimensional Domain It took me about an hour and all the MP I had and regenerated in that time. I had proma protect me in that time. After I finished the Dimensional Domain, I was completely worn out. I was at 0 MP. The problem with having so little MP left is that no matter how high your regeneration is you will be unconscious for at least an hour and you will start regenerating after waking up on a low pace so it will take about 2 times longer to regenerate. That is the reason why normally you will not exhaust you MP to that extent.


When I woke up my MP was still really low. I decided to wait doing things with MP till it was at 50% that of course also includes possessing my body so while I read Proma had to flip the pages. Another reason to be careful not to exhaust my MP otherwise they will realize I am not human anymore. After I recovered to 50% of my MP, I created two gates near the mansion. I know two types of gates the first is the spiritual and the second is the material one. The reason I built two, one material and one spiritual, is that the spiritual one can only be seen by spiritual being or people who have a skill to do so. And because the gate is only a point to connect the two it doesn’t change if it is a spiritual or a material one. That means if the material one is destroyed, I can still use the Spiritual connection as long as no one has a skill to influence spiritual object or is a spiritual being. With other words if anything or anyone destroys them, I can still go there. But if I only used Spiritual one and everyone knew that when they don’t like me coming there, they will get people who can destroy them but with this method even if they don’t want me to come there, they will thing that I only made material ones. I will also hide one spiritual gate behind the door in the abyss. I will protect that one with some extra measures. That one will be the emergency exit if all others are destroyed. Well I don’t plan to get on anyone’s bad side but it’s better to be safe than sorry. Another nice feature of gates is that technically everyone can open them as long as they are by that gate – the user can do it from everywhere – but only if they know “the password” of that specific gate or have an insanely amount of knowledge about them. So, with other words as long as I give them the password to a gate they can enter my Dimensional Domain from there without me. For example, I will give Proma all passwords from my material gates. Even so I call them passwords they aren’t some numbers and characters it is a special magical formal. And even so I call them gates as long as they aren’t open, they don’t have to look like a gate. I can for example use a tree or a boulder as medium for the gate. Of course, it can’t be some rock it has to be greater than one square meter. For spiritual gates I have to make one before and it also has to be at least one square meter. After I made the two gates near the mansion – I made the material one in a boulder and for the spiritual one I put it inside the material one – I started moving my thing from the mansion in the dimensional domain while using myself as a gate – did I mention that the user can open a gate to the dimensional domain where he is? After I put everything I needed in the Dimensional Domain I started to improve my sword because after leaving the forest I will use it to fight so no one notices that I am a ghost. I increased the sharpness and density of the material and powered up the Spiritual Object. After I finished that I embedded magic into it. With the first one it is possible to change it’s weight. It costs MP depending how much you change its weight. With the second one it is possible to engulf the blade with fire. The MP costs depend on how hot and big the flame is. With the third and last one it is possible to create a windshield to reflect attacks. Then I made another body. It is again a body for battle but this time it doesn’t look like a 9-year-old. This time it’s a 14-year-old looking body. From the looks it’s pretty similar. Blue middle long hair with green Eyes and white skin. Like this I will be underestimated but I won’t be seen as a kid who can’t possibly know how to fight. I could even be mistaken as an Adult because you will be an Adult at 15 in the most countries on this continent. After I finished making adventurer looking clothes for Proma and me I said goodbye to my servants at the mansion and left with proma. Of course, I gave them the password for the material gate so it’s not like I won’t see them I just left them so they could take care of that mansion. For the time being we are heading to Valus, a kingdom next to Irethos, because there is a big library. I will use the skill copying that I bought for 30 acquiring points to copy interesting books there. Also, they have one of the biggest Academies there. I want to try and enrol there to get a hand on the Magic Scrolls there to learn magic. I can buy them, but I want to use the Points for skills that are hard to get because I it will get harder and harder to level up. To get to the Valus Kingdom we had to walk through the middle part of the forest where the monsters are the strongest but since they are not much higher in level then me, I let Proma level up. When a monster was stronger than Proma I helped him a bit. He is now level 230, and his stats are a bit higher now but because he doesn’t have a skill like Ghosts Theft, they didn’t go up as much by him. When we left the forest I made some Zombie Horses and disguised them as still living ones. We used them to get to the next city. I used a map from the mansion to find it. It was a bit old but still useable. Because the Forest is dangerous there are almost no Villages between the forest and the City we will go first before the Capital where the big Library and the Academy are. The Adventurer city Armado!


To be continued in chapter 16…

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