《monster evolution world》Chapter 6 Ceremony coming


So I evolved

Now hmmm there isn't really A lot of Changes

Let's Test My power since I was in Qi Sovereign Realm I really couldn't test my power

but I can't test it here I might accidentally blow up the city with my one punch(One punch man)

oh I read a book in the library said that. There's a forest in the city I live in

this city's name is Blue wind city there's a forest that's this world's dangerous forest called "Tyrant Forest'

Let's Go there

After 10 minutes

"it's really a long road to come Here"I Said As I I'm flying over the forest Checking Where's a Monster

Suddenly a monster Entered His eyesight he checked this monster "This monster seems to Be in Qi Headmaster realm Hah Weak"

He landed in front Of the fox like monster"hah"

He Launched A Punch with half of his power After punching The Whole Ground Shook

Some monsters which were weak died just by the ground Shaking in the surrounding 50 killometre

Don't even say about Where Lucifer Was

The Ground was Filled wiith a crater that was going for Thousand miles

just this by hitting With Half power This happened What will happen when I'm Hitting With full Power"Let's fly towards my house it's getting late

Lucifer(King of hell) Pov

"What are you saying Spy Why did he go to the forest what will happpen if he Was hurt"

Said the king of hell to the spy with fury That shook the heavens

the spy said"Your majesty We protected Your son from Strong Monsters But Your Majesty The Good news Is Your Son Was Just Born 5 Days ago but his Cultivation Is in the Qi Sovereign realm"

The king of hell was surprised but after some time It was replaced By Love as he said "Protect him send Some Qi Fiendgod Realm an many Qi Supreme realm Experts"


"Yes my majesty" Said a man next To Lucifer This Was obviously Diablo

Lucifer (Mc) POV

As got to the House

I was bombarded With The Questions of Reinhart-San As I was punished for going Out Without Saying Anything To him About Going Anywhere

My Heart was filled With Something That I Never Ever felt in my pastlife.....Warmth

Well after the punishment I flyer Towards The Yard To cultivate The "Supremely Divine Body Refinement Technique"

After 12 Days

Finally Refining My Body is completed Now let's cultivate I know that my mind is screaming that cultivate when you're 12+ But I'm still going to cultivate Till I reach The Qi FiendGod Realm Let's Start

After 20 Days

"I reached The Qi Immortal peak Stage realm After 20 days" says Lucifer "I heard From Reinhart San There's The awakening Ceremony Where The Clan members Children Are Turned Humans In 10 Days I need to prepare For That"

Let's ask Reinhart-San How are my Sisters ;) And Brothers :(

"Chirp chirp"I said to Reinhart San And he Again Understood and said With Sadness"They're Fine And during this 1 Month They are fine But Both of the girls are Arrogant and spoiled and one of the boy is arrogant too but the last Boy is kind and not arrogant"

After 5 Days


These five Days I've Been Training With A Grade 12 Greater WarSword Called "Grand Demon God Sword" With a Grade 12"Heavenly God Sword Technique" It has Five Stages But I completed these Five Stages In five Days It was Hard But not That Hard that it can't Be Helped I Really Really Wonder Why in the martial Training House There isn't martial Techniques better Than Grade 3 Then I saw in the Library Again shocked me dead -

(1-2)Normal.(3-4)Rare.(5-6)Super Rare.(6-8)Ultra Tare.(8-10)Supreme.(11)Heavenly.(12) Godlike

So I've Been Training In Godlike Techniques

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