《Tame》Chapter 3: Devouring Method


"Uncle Pax... which method of cultivation do you use?"

Hearing these words Pax had a sort of epiphany. Magical beasts have unique type of cultivation that is fairly passive and since they are not human it doesn't have the core center as the base. Humans cannot practice it mainly because the don't know the methods to do so and they would rather grow intelligent and powerful at lightning speed. Magical beasts cultivation is unique but its build up is often slow unless the individual's talent is high. Which is exactly why Pax was excited, What if a human used the Devouring Method?

"Fay I use the great Devouring method!"

Pax said this like he was trying to sell it to Fay. The little Fay had a smile on his face because he thought Pax was the coolest person there ever was in the world. Seeing Fay look like he was about to jump up and down he decided to start giving him a description of the method:

"Fay this method is what makes magical beasts, like myself, so strong! The devouring method of cultivation allows you to passively absorb natural essence into your body and store it in your body. However the best thing is it also allows you to absorb natural essence of whatever you eat, hence the Devouring Method!"

Magical beast cultivation is unique in that it nourishes the entire body by containing the natural essence in their body. Letting the natural essence sit in the body has enhancing effects but it is slow. It is for this reason they eat, they devour each other. Drawing out and storing the amount of natural essence stored in another beast's body by devouring it. Humans also subconsciously store minuscule amounts of natural essence but not enough to help them strengthen themselves the way magical beasts due because they store and refine most of it in their core center.

After telling Fay all of this he couldn't help but remember he forgot one thing. So he exclaimed with great effort: "But that is not the best part! Anyone who practices this method releases their innate ability once they reach the seventh level and it gives great power!"

Fay, whose eyes were already shining couldn't help but wonder, What would my innate ability be? Fay already knew about the innate abilities because he had heard from Aiya that Pax's ability is the he can manifest his purple wings to sweep through his enemies and soar in the skies.


"Uncle Pax I choose this one! I want to be powerful like you!"

Pax hearing this felt a tinge of warmth in his heart. So he heartily agreed: "Of course! Why wouldn't you want to be powerful like myself!"

From this point on Fay made a life commitment to the path of the Devouring Cultivation Method.

Beside the lake at bottom of the mine there was a young boy who appeared to be no older than six and he was laying on the hard gravel filled shore. When he suddenly opened his eyes and started whooping and shouting with joy: "Uncle Pax! Uncle Pax, it only took me a year! I can now absorb the natural essence into my body!"

Pax was standing outside of his house with a smile on his face. For Fay it was like a stopper was taken out so he could now start developing himself. For the last year Fay had tried to sense natural essence to store it passively in his body. This proved difficult for Fay, whereas magical beast can naturally start doing this from the day they are born but he is human. Fay had to naturally grasp this method because it can't be taught like how one might learn to cultivate like a warrior or mage, to magical beasts absorbing the natural essence into their bodies is almost like breathing.

At this moment Fay could feel a tingling sensation all over his body as a small amount of natural essence was slowly building up in his body. If any other human felt this much energy they would likely laugh because it is such a small amount but one must remember this process happens passively after they first start absorbing the natural essence. From this point the only thing to do is devour.

With Pax's own happiness plastered on his face he yelled out: "Good job Fay! You should now have stepped into the first rank! Come, we are going outside!"

Saying up to this point Pax transformed into an enormous tiger, his purple wings spread out. Fay with with a playful laugh climbed up Pax's side while tugging his fur. Sitting on Pax's large back Fay had a large smile as Pax began to beat his wings. With a whoosh they shot out of the mine and into the open air. This was Fay's first time outside of the mine since he arrived there.


Arriving at least a mile from the mine Pax landed in the tall grass. Fay sitting on Pax's back could see that fifty feet ahead was what appeared to be a bear like creature with large tusk protruding from its face. It stood on its hind legs but was only about three and half feet tall. It was currently munching on what appeared to be an average hare.

"Kill it"

These were Pax's only words because that magical beast was only about a rank one magical beast. A rank one magical beast is only slightly stronger than normal animals. Pax felt that Fay needed the experience.

Fay nodded repeatedly to himself before jumping into the grass. Fay in his dirty rag like clothes crept through the grass like a tiger, making no sound. When he was about five feet he jumped at the creature. He caught the beast off guard while it was eating, tackling it to ground from behind. The beast had its face hard onto the earth causing a slight cracking sound as one of tusks was broken off.

The beast let out an enraged shriek as it used its arms to push the ground, in the process throwing Fay from its back. Fay was now sitting in the dirt as the beast swung around. Its claws striking out at his head but before they could land Fay pushed off with his legs rolling to side.

Fay at this moment was more beast than man, he fully relied on his instincts. As he rolled out of the path of that strike he used this moment to jump behind the beast. He grabbed the broken off tusk from the dirt then shot off five feet ahead before turning around to face the monster. The monster turned to meet Fay letting out an enraged howl as it ran at Fay while blindly swinging its paws.

In the midst of forward risking being shredded by its claws. He dived into monster knocking it down once more but he now had cut all along his arms from those knife like claws. While on top of the struggling beast he raised his right hand holding the tusk before jamming it into its eye. Fay seemed to lose himself and take pleasure in the beast's howls as he repeatedly stabbed at its face. Before long Fay was covered in blood and the monster's face was now indistinguishable, nothing but shredded flesh.

Fay's arm was tired from stabbing, his entire body was wrapped up by fatigue. His arm slumped to his side dropping the bloody tusk. He was breathing heavily as he layed in the dirt next to the body. He didn't want to move, it hurt all over his body and his energy was gone. The thought of killing something couldn't help but shake his spirit a little since his face was bathed in blood.

After laying in the dirt for about fifteen minutes he got over the shock because he knew this was simply part of the natural order of things. Sitting up he looked at the monster corpse before finally realizing what he had to do. Picking up the razor sharp tusk from the dirt he jammed it into its chest the used leverage to tear open its chest causing a spray of gore.

He stood over the beast a hunger evident in his eyes before tearing at the beast's raw flesh with his bare teeth. He gorged himself on its raw flesh and blood without noticing the change in his body. At that moment the flesh that held the monster's natural essence was in Fay stomach. It's essence was being absorbed into his body strengthening him. At this moment as Fay dined on raw flesh and blood he gained the power of a mid-level rank one magical beast.

After about an hour only a bloody pile of bones was left in front of Fay. Eating so much with his small body made him feel uncomfortable and tired, so fell asleep. There was movement in the grass as Pax appeared next to Fay in his human form. He lifted Fay onto his shoulder before traveling back the way they came.

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