《Re: Hero and the Demon King》Tale 13 - Shiina


Author Notes:

Part 1... Please Enjoy.... I want to continue but Part 1 is too long already.


I have a wish.

A wish that I'll be able to choose my own fate.

If that wish would come true, i'll give my all to take the choice that I won't ever regret.


I am [Vivian Nialle Deneb]. My name was given to me by my mother, the deceased wife of the previous duke of House [Hugo]. Since my mother was a mistress, my surname wasn't adapted from my father's surname. My mother and I were sheltered by my father, away from the eyes of his family. One day, I pestered my parents to take me in a carnival that's being performed in the neighboring city. As we cross the forest which is between the two cities, we were ambushed by bandits. Our guards were easily annihilated because the leader has a high quality Gun's weapon. My family was taken hostage by the bandits and they asked my father's family to pay ransom for our safety.

The [Hugo] House, who didn't know me and my mother's identity, only paid for my father's freedom. Because of that, the bandits were angered and they molested my mother in front of my eyes. My cheerful and sweet mother, which gave me all of what she owns; her future, her dreams and her life, was being tortured by unfair fate. When they got tired of my mother, they killed her and looks at me with eyes saying that i'm next. Fear, Despair, Anger, and Anxiety, all of these were feelings that wells inside me.

Before they could even touch me, a voice inside my head spoke.

"Do you wish to change your fate?"

As a child, all I could do is to cling on the thin spider's thread that would lead me to my salvation. I hastily said yes. The voice responded.

"I know this might be too early for you to acknowledge me, but I know if I let you die here, you'll never get the chance to change your fate, like my previous life."


"Princess, Princess, wake up! Something is happening inside the royal hall."

"..Hhhhmmm? Did Sir [Lewis] arrive?"

"Yes, it seems like it."

I immediately ordered my maidservant.

"Quickly! Help me dress!"

"Yes, Princess."

I hastily changed to my royal dress from my sleepwear. I want to be presentable enough in front of the hero as a member of the royal family. Well, there may be other motives, but you couldn't argue with a maiden in love.

Yes. I ,the 2nd child of the present king [Shiina Crowell], 18 years old, is in love with Sir [Lewis]. As per my desperate request, I was betrothed to him. I know that according to the legend, the Hero and the Demon King were previously lovers, but I couldn't help but fall in love with him. Before I met him, I was known by the title "Unreachable Flower" among the nobles since I didn't entertain all of the marriage proposals presented to me by my father, the King. I lacked self-control, act boyish, and even quarrel with men, which makes all the knights and nobles alike within the kingdom afraid to approach me. Even my father trusted me that I could protect myself even without the aid of my personal guards.

One night, During my stroll without my personal guards at the royal labyrinth, I stumbled upon a hidden lever that gives access to the depths of the Royal Palace. I was overcame by the thrill for adventure, so I carelessly entered the dungeon. Before I could regret my actions, the door closed making me unable to return. Without any other choice to choose from, I explored the place with full caution. Good thing I was wearing men's formal wear, making it easier to move. Spike traps, swinging blades, and trapdoors were rampant in the area, but I know how these traps work since I obtained the knowledge which regards to dungeon exploration so I proceed with countermeasures. I lost track of time, since the only source of light inside the dungeon was brilliant gems that emit light. As time goes by, I was also stricken by hunger and exhaustion. As I proceed towards the lower floor, due to my exhaustion, I didn't noticed that there is a big spherical stone rolling towards me. As I ran for my life, I unexpectedly stepped on a trapdoor. I was dropped towards the treasury of the dungeon. My head and back slammed towards the solid floor, damaging my spine and giving me a head injury. I tried to move my body, but it won't listen to my command. As I focus my eyes towards the treasure, I muttered:


"Is this the end? To die in this unknown place, without anyone to give my corpse a proper burial? I may have discovered riches that could help my father, but in expense of my own life. It's a pity that I couldn't return even a speck of it to make my father proud of me. I must have gave him another thing to worry. I'm sorry my father."

As I wait for my death to come, thoughts swirled in my head. My consciousness was too hazy to think straight. As I think of giving up, I thought of my father's smiling face, my time with my brothers, my mother's etiquette lessons, all of the events of my life. I unconsciously muttered:

"God, if you could hear me, please give this daughter of yours another chance to live."

Before I lose my consciousness, I heard a surprised voice of a man.

"Whoa!? To think the palace have this kind of dungeon!"

When I heard his voice, I tried to get his attention. He was behind the huge pile of gold so he didn't notice my presence. I placed all my might but only a small voice goes out of my mouth.

"Please, help me!"

But what happened next was something I didn't expect.

"Hey [Qazar], what do you think are those swords?"

I think that man has a companion.

"Young [Lewis], those were the forgotten twin blades of life and destruction, [Maximus] and [Tranquil]. It's a good asset to have them. But keep in mind, those weapons have their own consciousness. If those weapon doesn't recognize you, it would never speak and show you their true prowess."

"Is that so, well let's take it. I'll use these rather than let them rot here."

"Wise decision for an easygoing man like you."

"Don't say that, partner."

The man laughs like an idiot. I wonder why I have strength to retort the actions on this man.

"[Qazar], could you hold all these treasures on your inventory?"

"You won't need these kind of junk. Take that eyepiece on the altar, and see what will happen."

When the man took the eyepiece, he instantly wore it.

"Oooh!! This is?!"

"That is the eyepiece of truth. When you wear it, you'll see all the truths of the world. No one could deceive you, making you immune to all illusion magic and lies."

"Eh... To think this artifact rest in this dungeon. Well, it's not in the level of the twin blades, but it's also a helpful tool."

"Hey [Qazar], why do you know all the artifacts within this dungeon."

"Well, the creator of this dungeon was a friend of mine."


"All of these gold coins were created by illusion magic."

"You're right.... Wait, is it that person we are looking for?"

Looks like he noticed me. He walks towards me and sits while not letting his bottom reach the floor.

"Hey, are you alright?"

The man pressed a wooden stick on my face. All I could do was get angry silently. I couldn't see his face because my eyes were already closed. I don't have enough energy to open my eyes, even retaliate.

"Stupid [Lewis], don't you see that pool of blood under his head? It looks like he hit his head hard on the floor. Looking at his posture, I could see that he also suffered some spinal injury."

"Oh, is that so?"

"I think this person also disarmed all the traps above except the last floor. If I could calculate his fall, it was directly from that last open trapdoor on the third underground floor."


"Oi [Qazar], he's still breathing."

"It's your choice to help him or not."

"Hmm.. Isn't that the [Royal Insignia]? To think he's a member of the royal family. I'll help him so that I could get that reward."

"Really, please remove your attachment to money, Stupid [Lewis]. Your reputation as a the [Hero] is at stake here."

"Yeah, yeah."

Before I lose my consciousness, the man muttered a spell.

"Ancient Spell Sanctuary"

I felt a warm feeling swirling around my body.



As I woke up, I heard a nostalgic voice:


It was my personal maid's voice. Her voice is full of anxiety and sadness.

"*Sniff* Princess! Thank God you woke up! Please wait for a moment, i'll report this to Your Majesty!"

She hurrily departs from the room. While waiting for my parents to arrive, I was thinking of a way to apologize for making them worry. I'll take all of the punishment they'll deliver to me.

After some time pondering, I couldn't forget the voice of the man who saved me. It's not that I fell in love, but I want to thank him for giving me this second life. I don't care if he took all my hard work that almost killed me, since he gave me another chance to see my loved ones.

Within 15 minutes, I heard a large crowd rushing towards my room. The first to enter was my father. He inclined his body with his head facing the floor. I noticed that his body was shaking. My eyes watered as I think of the expression in his face. All I could say was:

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Tears fell from my eyes. I tried to wipe it with my hands but tears won't stop falling. I covered my face with my two hands, I felt ashamed for crying since I know it's all my fault at the first place. My actions now makes it look that I want them to pity me for all that happened to me. I vowed that I won't cry but as I imagine my family's faces, I felt relieved.

All of my family members were outside. My mother covers her lips with both of her hands while her tear fall from her eyes. Both of my brothers smiled as tears also fall from their eyes. My father took a step and reached my body. He hugged me as his tears fall from his eyes. His hug tightened as I muttered "I'm sorry" continuously.

"It's okay now, my daughter. You're safe now. Please don't make your father worry again."

All I respond was a nod.


After the tension died out, I asked my father:

"Father, do you know the person who rescued me from the dungeon?"

My father looked at me for a while, but resigned himself. I wondered why he acts like this.

"He is the [Hero] of the legends. I asked for his assistance when one of your guards reports that you are missing."

"The guards reported that you went missing after taking a stroll in the labyrinth. Within two days, he found the entrance of the dungeon and you were discovered. But the thing is, he didn't know you're a girl. The details we gave was he is an important person of the royal family."

Then, his face changed and said:

"Now that you know that he is the [Hero], I'll say this for your sake. Please don't fall in love with him."

Since the whole kingdom knows his story of eternal cycle of love and despair, no one wants to fall in love with the [Hero]. The women who'll fall for him will taste the pain of one-sided love. It's also the same with the [Demon King].

"No father, all I want to do is to give my thanks for him saving my life."

My father reluctantly agreed.


After three days, I met the [Hero] by the help of my father.

"Greetings, Sir [Hero]. Thank you for saving my life."

"Eh?! You're a girl?!"

My image of the [Hero] was easily broke when I saw his idiotic reaction. To think the [Hero] of the legend is very different from the ideal hero of the humanity. The person in front of me looks mediocre in all things. His looks, height and build were average. He doesn't stick out if ever you group him with commoners. I don't see how this person was identified as the [Hero]. I respond with respect since he's my benefactor.

"Sorry for confusing you, Sir [Hero]. I'm really fond of wearing men's clothes."

"Is that so? But you look great on what you're wearing now."

What I'm wearing right now is a blue one piece dress with frills. I wear it when there is an event that I should properly show myself as a princess of the country.

"I'll take that as a compliment."

I didn't take his compliment that seriously since most of the people who wants to marry me always say the same flattery that I already got tired of it.

I tried to ask him:

"This may be a little bit rude, but are you really the [Hero]?"

Because I felt a little suspicion. I couldn't accept it that this average man is the [Hero] who'll save the humanity from the [Demon King].

"I know why you're asking it, but isn't it appropriate for you, a princess who dressed like men, should ask?"

He chuckled a little. His attitude really annoys me. I was known for losing my self-control, so I spoke something outrageous.

"Why don't we try to spar? If I win, I'll never recognize you as the [Hero] and my debt to you for saving my life will be erased. If you win, I'll recognize you as the [Hero] and I'll obey one of your request."

"Hmmm.. It's not that I'm against the duel, but you've just recovered, aren't you? If you would like, set a date, time, and place of the duel."

His argument sounds valid. I've just recovered from my injuries and I'm already asking for a duel.

"Then, 8 AM, Four days from now, at the Knight's Training Grounds. If you don't arrive, it'll be your loss."

I proudly announced the venue and time of the duel. The [Hero] chuckles lightly and said:

"What a proud woman you are, state your name! For I would remember your name throughout my lifetime!"

"Isn't it appropriate to say your name first before asking other people's name?"

I want to pay him back for insulting my preference when it comes to dresses.

"Hahaha! Sorry, Sorry! My name is [Lewis Nulan]. Now, please state your name."

I proudly announced my name.

"I'm [Shiina Crowell]. Nice to meet you, Temporary [Hero]."

"Ouch, that title hurts."

I laughed as he acts like an idiot. I know that he isn't a bad person.

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