《Bloodline Awakening》Chapter 7 - Demonic Nest Accident


Morning, 9 AM, all students have already prepared and are now inside the forest heading towards the demonic nest. Unlike yesterday, we didn’t have to make any groups, but everyone was still going with their group from yesterday, by the looks of it.

We encountered packs of demonic wolves along the way, but because of our number, we overpowered them. Each pack of wolves had about 4 to 6 numbers, and each of them was taken care of by two groups at a time, rendering them unable to fight back from the attack in all directions.

“Mr. Fernandez, how long does it take to get there? We’ve been walking for an hour already.”(Josh). He said as he drags his sword to the ground.

“Mr. Dison, shut your trap. I don’t want to hear another thing from you. Every time you open your mouth, nothing good comes out. Only complaining and mocking. Next time you open your mouth, think about who can suspend your allowance for a few months.”(Mr. F)

Josh didn’t speak after. His mouth had shut entirely after Mr. Fernandez had enough of him. This was probably the only time he actually closed his mouth without barking back. I guess everyone is scared when you’re allowance is on the line. And only Mark was amused by this in our group and is not hiding his giggles when Josh looked at him.

“Dude, you got owned. Hehehe”(Mark)

Josh wasn’t able to snap back at Mark as Mr. Fernandez was still keeping an eye on him.

“I’ll make you pay later, you little.”(Josh). He talked without opening his jaw.

“These two. Sigh. I’d really want to trade each of you for someone else.”(Cassey). She then turned her eyes on us. Julia and I were just walking right beside each other without caring about them.

“Both of you… Ask them to stop fighting or something.”(Cassey)

“No matter what we tell them, they won’t listen. Maybe they’re both meant for each other.”(Julia)

“What! You crazy b….. hm!”(Josh). He shook his head in anger.

“Dude! What is wrong with you!”(Mark)

“Did I hit the mark, Mark?”(Julia)

“Julia, you’re a genius.”(Daniel). I whispered to Julia as I chuckled at the reaction of both Josh and Mark. They both instantly shut their mouth and stopped arguing.

“That worked, huh.”(Cassey)

“Of course it did. I’m the leader after all.”(Julia)

“Oh-“(Mark, Josh, Cassey, and Daniel)


“Ahahaha! Dude, We totally forgot that you’re the leader. We thought it was Cassey and Daniel. Ahahhaha.”(Mark). He took this chance to taunt Julia back.

“Hehehe. Princess, Cassey’s stealing your man. What are you gonna do about it?”(Josh). Even Josh joined in with Mark.

“Whaaat? Joining together against me, huh. No wonder both of you really have strong chemistry. Right, Daniel?”(Julia). She pinched my side.

“Y-yes.”(Daniel). Josh, why did you bring me into this mess. Sigh.

“What? Daniel? You’re just going to do what she says? Are you even a man?”(Josh). Now he was taunting at me directly. I just shrug my shoulders.

“You brought my name into this.”(Daniel)

“Coward… Tsk.”(Josh)

“Geez… Let’s just talk about something instead of Mark and Josh's love for each other.”(Cassey)

“Dude, even you?”(Mark). Josh just stared at Cassey blankly, as if he can’t believe what he was hearing. All three of us were ganging up on them, after all.

“Sigh… Okay, okay. I lost. I won’t start a fight unless he starts it first!”(Josh)

“How about you, Marky-Mark-Mark?”(Julia)

“Yeah, dude, okay.”(Mark)

“Since this is settled, let’s talk about something.”(Cassey)


We spent the next 30 minutes in the forest walking and conversing with each other until we finally reached the demonic nests.

The nest was a giant cave that is probably kilometers inside. Just outside of the cave was full of blood, guts, and dead demonic beasts bodies. There were a lot of dead demonic wolves too. The soldiers might have killed off the ones in the entrance.

Mr. Fernandez was talking with the AE soldiers while the UDA soldiers were scattered in the area. A few minutes later, they finished talking, and the AE soldiers also went inside with the UDA soldiers accompanying them.

“Everyone, we decided that you will form your groups again. And all the groups will follow the soldiers inside. They will deal with the strongest beasts lurking inside. All of you will have to deal with the weakest beasts.”(Mr. F)

“Why do we need to form a group, sir?”(Mark)

“Each group will act as a person and will have to fight together with the other groups. While one group is focused on attracting and taking the damage, the others will focus on attacking.”(Mr. F). He cleared his throat and continued.

“When they are scanning the nest, they discovered that the nest was huge inside. There was also a high chance that the nest is connected to a labyrinth.”(Mr. F)


Labyrinth, there are a lot of demonic beings that lurk inside of them. There are also sighting of actual demons inside of every labyrinth discovered. Demonic beasts and demons are the same yet different beings. If demonic beasts are taken the form of animals, the demons take the form of humans. Unlike demonic beasts, they are in a completely different league and also very rare to encounter. There had only been five demons seen in the last decade, and only three of them have been eliminated.

They look like ordinary humans, but they have horns, wings, and their whole eyes are colored black. Unlike demonic beasts, you cannot tell their strength by the number of their horns. Sometimes, they do not have horns at all, but instead, you can tell by the number of their wings.

The AE soldiers have their own class tiers. The highest is X, the second is SSS, while the lowest is F. A demon, even with the lowest number of wings, two wings, will be strong enough to fight off three S-Class AE soldiers fighting it by itself. That is why it is required to fight in a group of six S-Class and dozens of UDA soldiers to fight off a single one with only two wings.

The strongest one ever recorded had four wings. It took the lives of three S-Class and one SSS-Class and dozens of UDA soldiers fighting it to their death, and hundreds of civilians lost their lives in the process. More than ten S-Class, five SSS-Class, and one X-Class soldier fought it and still received a devastating result in the battle.

That’s why hearing that there is a labyrinth connected to the nest terrified us even more. After all, they were sightings of six and eight-winged demons lurking in some labyrinth. Fortunately, there are now more high-class soldiers from both AE and UDA sides who could fight off a four-winged with a significantly better result and because demons don’t have magic of their own. Instead, they have terrifying, strength, defense, and speed.

But even with their incredible power, they are still treated as beasts. They may have copied the appearance of us humans, but they didn’t replicate our intellect.

“What are we going to do, Mr. Fernandez? Are you just sending us to our death then??”(Mark)


“No, that’s why the soldiers will kill off the strongest first and block the path to the labyrinth. As I said, you don’t have to worry. The only thing that all of you should be concerned about is the demonic wolves.”(Mr. F)

Minutes later, we started following the soldiers who went inside first. Mr. Fernandez and some groups of students will have to follow us much later. They will be the ones that would clean up the demonic wolves that managed to escape from us. And there are others that either went for different entrances or separated from us and pursued another pathway.

Currently, there are two other groups with us. The other groups with us had either followed a different path or were still outside the nest. We don’t interact with the other groups a lot, and the same goes for them. Only the leaders will talk to each other to discuss the plans we will be taking. Julia and the other leaders were talking to each other. The first one is a normal-looking black-haired girl with glasses, and the other one was a guy with short dark hair, like a military haircut.

The girl’s group is made up of two boys and three girls, including her. The guy’s group, however, is all male.

After a couple of minutes, Julia came back to our spot with a glowering face.

“What happened?”(Daniel)

“Those guys want us to tank the demonic beasts fully. I told them that the groups would alternate for tanking, but they didn’t want to since we had the highest kills yesterday.”(Julia)

“What?, those bas-“(Josh)

“What!”(Cassey). Cassey’s cry cut off Josh.

“Dude, are you serious….”(Mark)

“These guys probably want to take the advantage and claim all the credits.”(Julia). She kicked off a pebble.

“No, it’s alright.”(Daniel). I silently called the system and looked at my exp.

-Level 3 – EXP 20/50-

It’s now twenty from the demonic beasts that we encountered along the way. Each demonic wolves gives five to six experiences, and there are definitely more than hundreds of them. And not only that but, as long as it hostile towards me and died, even when it was killed by someone else, I still get all the experience without a cut. It’s a win for me.

“What are you saying? They basically want us to die. They’re worse than Mr. Fernandez.”(Josh)

“Trust me. Since I can use Fortification more and much longer, I could take a pack by myself. Although I won’t be able to last for even a minute, they will attack the demonic wolves, too, so it is alright. Just watch my back.”(Daniel)

“Fine. Give me the torch, I can hold it for you. Just in case the fire disappears, I can light it up again.”(Josh). Josh took the torch I was holding with my left hand.

“Dude, don’t worry, I’ll tank with you.”(Mark)

“I’ll support you from behind along with Julia.”(Cassey). She held her gun and waved it.

“Don’t try to overwork yourself…. I’ll report them later, okay? If you can’t tank anymore, I’ll exchange with you.”(Julia)

“Let’s start moving.”(Daniel)

An hour later, we have killed at least ten demonic wolves. I have also reached level 4, but leveling up didn’t restore my health, stamina, or mana. I looked at the system window.

-Daniel Bernal-

Health: 79 / 150

Stamina: 24 / 150

Mana: 13 / 70

-Level 4 – EXP 24/100-

19 – STR – Strength

16 – AGI – Speed

16 – INT – Increases Spell learning rate and prolongs Spells’ effectiveness time.

16– VIT – Health & Stamina Capacity

11 – DEX – Increases body armor and Health & Stamina Regeneration

11 – LUK – Increases Chances of critical damage and loot quality.

Hmmm. I leveled up, and all of my stats increased by one. Maybe I should increase DEX for health and stamina regeneration.

‘Hmm, wait a minute…. I leveled up, but my mana didn’t increase? System, why is this?’(Daniel)

-You cannot increase your mana by leveling up but by using your spells over and over. Currently, you are at 76% progress to leveling up your mana. Continuously using your Spells will increase the progress.-

I should’ve mana flow last night before going to sleep. If I knew that I couldn’t increase my mana by leveling up, it would have increased by another ten.

As I was sitting side a big rock, Julia sat beside me.

“You okay?”(Julia). She put her hand on my shoulder.

“Yup, just taking a rest. My mana’s exhausted.”(Daniel). I told her as I closed my eyes and pointed my face towards the ceiling. But suddenly, I felt a hand pulling my head, landing my head on a shoulder. It was Julia’s shoulder.

“Sorry. This is all I can do for now. Ahaha.”(Julia)

“Your brother must have loved you if you’re this caring.”(Daniel)

“Yeah. He would have followed me no matter where I went, to the point that I’ll either have to make him fall asleep or hide from him.”(Julia). She answered with a smile but sadness in her eyes.

“Sorry. I shouldn’t have brought it up.”(Daniel)

“It’s alright. Ahem. Since everyone is also tired, you can sleep on my shoulder. I’ll wake you up when everyone’s ready.”(Julia)

“Okay. I’ll do just that.”(Daniel). I closed my eyes and fell asleep for about ten minutes before moving again deeper into the cave.

Another hour later, the demonic wolves had been decreasing in numbers. In the last hour, we have only encountered six of them. Making my exp only halfway towards leveling up.

“Hmm, are we going in circles? Why are we not encountering them anymore? There should be packs.”(Josh)

“Either the other groups encountered them, or the soldiers already killed them all off.”(Cassey)

“Ugh. Dude, we have been walking for ten minutes. Kilometers inside the cave. Are we still inside the next or the labyrinth?”(Mark)

“Don’t f-ing joke around, Mark.”(Josh)

“Ya scared?”(Mark)

“Omg, these two lovebirds. Can the two of you wait until we get back?”(Julia)

After Julia spoke, a strong earthquake rumbled the cave.

“What was that?”(Cassey)

The other groups were also in a state of panic, like us. Without knowing what’s happening, they started retreating, leaving our group behind. We soon followed after them.

“Dang it! What’s going on.”(Josh). He said as the rumble continues.

We reached the other groups quickly. Rocks were blocking the way. The cave must have collapsed. Luckily there was still a couple of spaces big enough for a person to go through.

As time goes by, more and more students had already crossed to the other side. Julia and I were able to sqeeze through Mark, Josh, and Cassey a minute earlier, but we are pushed back by the other students trying to squeeze themselves into the holes.

“Daniel! Julia! Are you guys alright?! The soldiers are here! They are taking us back! We’ll wait for you guys! Hey, stop pulling me. I’m moving already!”(Cassey)

There are now few students, including us, still stuck on this side. Three others are left with us, which the two of them are already going into a hole. But then suddenly, a massive earthquake hit. The gigantic rocks were disturbed by the sudden shaking and crushed the two students that were trying to cross, leaving their lower half still outside in our side.


The guy who was beside us screeched loudly. The two was his friends, and now, not only are they dead, but he might soon join them.

“Wh-What do we do??”(Julia). She hugged my right arm tightly.

Another massive crumbling vibration was felt, causing more rocks to fall. It seems that the top of this area crumbled down and added to the weight.

The sudden weight caused the floor to cracked and gave up. The rocks pierced through the floor and went into another. There was a pathway just directly under us where the boulders have fallen into.

The thing is now that when they fell underground and cleared the way out.

“We have to cross.”(Daniel). I told Julia, who was tightly clinging to my arm.

But then, suddenly, packs of demonic wolves rushed from some of the small holes connected underground. The way may be cleared, but it seems that this floor was now connected underground because of this. The rocks down below are now acting as the stairs towards us.

“Dang it! We have to go back.”(Daniel)

“What??? Deeper into the nest?”(Guy). The guy spoke in a trembling voice.

“Yes! Julia, hold my hand tightly!”(Daniel). We ran to the opposite side of the soldiers. But because of the noises we made, some demonic wolves have noticed and chased after us.

Seconds later, Julia collapsed. She was still trembling in fear even while she’s unconscious.

‘Dang it, Julia!. We don’t time for this!’(Daniel). I carried her on my back and ran even faster.

‘System! Help! What can I do! I need to get stronger and faster!’(Daniel)

The system showed the stats window and the quest window.

“I see….. I get it…. This is only for survival. I’m sorry.”(Daniel). I chased after the guy who was still running in front of us. As I got close to him, I pulled the sleeve at the back of his neck. He fell down to the ground.


After he spoke, I immediately stabbed his neck with my sword. Fortunately, Julia was still unconscious. She won’t feel responsible for this.

After the first stab, I pulled my sword and stabbed him again in his chest.


“I’m sorry! You can hate me for this!”(Daniel)

Quest complete! – Kill another student! –


Achievement Unlocked! – First Blood – +100EXP & 3 Unallocated stat points!

Level up!

“4 DEX and 5 AGI! I picked the Hunter job!”(Daniel). I shouted as I continued running again. That guy’s corpse should slow them down for a few minutes. I looked at the window that was still in front of me.

-Daniel Bernal-

Health: 140 / 140 -> 140 / 170

Stamina: 123 / 140 -> 123 / 170

Mana: 64 / 70

-Level 5 – EXP 106/200-

19 -> 20 – STR – Strength

16 -> 17 -> 22 – AGI – Speed

16 -> 17 – INT – Increases Spell learning rate and prolong Spells’ effectiveness time.

16 -> 17 – VIT – Health & Stamina Capacity

11 -> 12 -> 16 – DEX – Increases body armor and Health & Stamina Regeneration

11 -> 12 – LUK – Increases Chances of critical damage and loot quality.

Hunter Job Bonus: STR, AGI, and DEX stats increased by 10.

Hunter Job Weakness Gained: Defense is 3x weaker.

STR -> 30

AGI -> 32

DEX -> 26

Now I felt even faster, stronger and faster. But my defense increased but easier to destroy because of the job weakness? Tsk.

I continued my way deeper, hoping to find a path leading to the outside world.

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