《Bloodline Awakening》Chapter 4 - Getting Ready


A week quickly passed by. This past week had been hell for us. Forcing ourselves to train until we passed out while knowing the day we will face the demonic nest comes near. Although that I don’t pass out myself, my body and my mind would still feel fatigued. And now that a week had passed, we are all ready and prepared.

The only problem was since it became harder to increase the proficiency with the Spells, we only managed to raise the effects by 20 to 30 seconds—almost the exact amount of time the students from B and C had done on the first day. As for myself, I can surpass a minute with Fortification, but only about 50 seconds for Regeneration. It is about an average of from 26 to 43 seconds for both Spells for Julia and the others.

We arrived at our destination, and it took two busses to take all LP students. There were also five black cars with us, two were at the front during the whole journey, and the three were at the back following us.

Inside the dense forest, there is a large cabin sitting beside a lake. The busses were parked in a small parking lot, with the other cars parked beside them.

Right now, I'm inside the cabin lobby, sitting on one of the tables. Julia's also beside me and with another girl and two other guys. We were told to get into groups of fives. I know the two guys in my group, Josh, who sits in front of my desk, and the guy who was asking Mr. Fernandez a bunch of questions in the Training Center, Random Guy A. But the girl, I absolutely have no idea who she was. She's probably in the other class, maybe class D or F.

The Josh guy has a red spike hairstyle and piercings in his nose and ears, and has red lazy-looking eyes. He is also tall.

The Random Guy A has really short black hair. He's even shorter than me, and not only that, his looks are above the average.

And the girl has long black hair, really long. It reaches her butt. She has big black eyes and a beauty mark under her left eye. I wondered why she didn’t tie her hair.

"I’m Cassey Dalisay. I’m in Class D. Just call me Cassey”(Cassey)

“Josh Dison, Class E. Don’t call me unless it’s important.”(Josh). He said whilst chewing a piece of gum.

“Mark Lee, Class F. Call me whatever you want, and I will be the leader of the group.”(Mark). He declared.

Josh raised his right eyebrow and disagreed.

“You’re in Class-F little guy. Do you think you can boss me around?”(Josh). He got up from his seat and got closer to Mark. They both had a standoff with each other until Julia stopped both of them.

“Break it off you two, we’re still not done with the introductions, and you’re already fighting each other. Name’s Julia, Julia Dalisay. Class-E.”(Julia)

Sigh, it’s my turn.

“Daniel Bernal, Class-E.”(Daniel)

“I’ll take the role of the leader.”(Mark). After Mark said this, Josh burst again.


“Hmm.. Why not make Cassey take the leader’s role. She’s in Class D, so it shouldn’t be a problem.”(Daniel). They looked at me, Mark and Josh didn’t say anything, but Cassey did.

“What!? No way!”(Cassey)


Sigh. What’s with these team members.

“Then I’ll take the lead.”(Julia). She said after Cassey protested.


“What, do you have any problem with that? You and Mark don’t get along. And Cassey doesn’t want to take a role. So I’ll take it instead.”(Julia)

‘Did she just forgot about me?’ I looked at her confusedly.

“What about me? I can be the leader.”(Daniel)

“Daniel….. Do you really want to take the leader’s role? There’s a lot of responsibilities you know.”(Julia)

True, it will be bothersome. But why didn’t she at least mentioned me?

“I could take them.”(Daniel). I said without thinking.

“You!? HAHAHA, do you see yourself?! Both you princesses, just sit down and let me take the job.”(Josh)

“UGH! This is getting nowhere because of you! Can’t you just shut up?!”(Julia). She sent a chilling glare towards Josh. If a look could kill, that would be it. I could tell that she’s had enough. I rarely see her get mad myself. The first time was when I accidentally dropped her ice cream. I’ll have to back down on this one.

“On second thought, I don’t want to be the leader anymore.”(Daniel). I said whilst avoiding her eyes.

“Good, now I’m the leader. This conversation is over.”(Julia)

Me, Josh, and Mark just nodded intensely, whilst Cassey looks indifferent. Why isn’t she nodding with us, its partly her fault.

“Daniel come with me.”(Julia)

“What? Where?”(Daniel). She suddenly grabbed my hand.

“I’m going to pee.”(Julia)

‘What???? With me?’ I thought with my eyes wide open.

“You want me to pee with you?”(Daniel)

“What? No! You’re staying outside waiting for me while holding my bag.”(Julia). She said with a pinkish face.

“Ohhhhh, that’s too bad.”(Daniel). I said teasingly. I hope that this would at least calm her down from her fury earlier.

“What?? Don’t push your luck with me Daniel.”(Julia)

‘I made it worse.’ I thought of crying right now.

“Then why didn’t you leave your bag with me there? I don’t have to come with you.”(Daniel). It was weird. I didn’t have to come at all.

“You’ll become like those two knuckleheads if I leave you alone with them.”(Julia)

“Are you treating me like a kid? I’m older than you by a few months.”(Daniel)

“June 6 and September 14 aren’t that long apart.”(Julia)

We stopped in front of the washrooms, she gave me her bag, and I stood outside and waited for her. After she finished, all students are suddenly called outside with their groups. There were a lot of weapon racks filled with swords, bows, and few guns. But the guns are only composed of handguns, but I don’t know what type. There were also few big metal boxes that resembled those of a garbage bin but filled with leather armors.

“One gun, two bows, and five swords in each group. Make sure to check each member if they’re wearing armor. They’re only leather, so make sure to use Fortification on yourselves. After half an hour, each group will go inside deeper into the forest. No groups are allowed to the team, unless against dangerous beasts.”(Mr. F)

“Even if you’re using a gun or bow, you will need to carry a sword. Groups are also not allowed to come back until 5 PM or when the siren rang. If you’re hungry, get your own food, there’s plenty of fruits in the wood. If thirsty, find a river, make sure they’re clean. Although I said no groups are allowed to come back, if injured or a member is missing, blow your whistles. Whistles are inside this box right here.”(Mr. F)


“Any questions?”(Mr. F)

“What are we hunting, Mr.Fernandez?”(Mark)

“Anything, preferably, demonic boars. Demonic wolves move in a pack of at least three. Unless you’re confident that you can beat them, then you can confront them. If your group is in danger, use the whistles, there will be AE and regular UDA soldiers coming to save you.”(Mr. F)

“If that’s everything, then start moving.”(Mr. F). Mr. Fernandez sat down to a seat nearby.

“Uhhh. So how do we distribute the weapons?”(Daniel). I asked Julia since she’s the leader.

“I’ll have the gun”(Mark & Josh). Both of them claimed at the same time. They both looked at each other as if they’re about to bite.

“We really don’t have enough time for this. I’m the leader, both of you will have to follow what I said.”(Julia). She shot them back down instantly.

“Daniel, you will be using a sword since you have stronger and long-lasting Fortification. Cassey, Mark, and Josh. Have any of you used a bow or a gun before?”(Julia)

“I used a gun before, I’m not that good, but I’m alright.”(Cassey)

“Okay, you get a gun. Make sure to take a lot of bullets. Mark and Josh, any of you can use a bow?”(Julia)

“Uhhh.”(Mark & Josh)

“I see…. Then both of you will carry a sword. I’ll use a bow.“(Julia)

“Is it okay if we only have one person using a bow?”(Daniel)

“I’m sure it’s alright. But you’ll have to carry more arrows for me.”(Julia)

“Me? Okay?”(Daniel)

After 10 minutes, each of us has equipped with leather armor with our weapons. Since Cassey and Julia still had to carry swords with them, they are a little bit sluggish.

“Now we just need to wait.”(Julia). She looked at her watch.

“What time is it? It’s getting hot out here.”(Josh). He asked as he started to fan himself with his right hand.

“Still early, 9:50 AM. Since most of us had already prepared, then it’s only a matter of time until they give us the signal to enter the woods.”(Julia)

It only had been a couple of hours since we left the dorms? It felt like an eternity. Yesterday, we were told to sleep at 7 PM. They even gave us sleeping pills. Then they called us LP students at 6 AM for light exercises and another mana flow training. Although we didn’t train until we’re exhausted, we were still tired from the past week. Luckily the busses arrived. Only then we stopped for a shower and breakfast.

“Since we’re here killing time, any of you want to add something from yourselves?”(Cassey). I can see her sleepy face. She’s probably trying to start a conversation to avoid falling asleep. Julia also noticed this and talked first.

“16 years old, I lived in Owlcraft town before the Academy. How about you?”(Julia)

“I’m older than you then. I’m 17. I live here in Whalelight, in the residential area, B-2. My parents are regular humans, though, but they’re part of UDA. My dad’s a UDA soldier. That’s why I know how to handle a gun.”(Cassey)

“That’s pretty nice. I also live here in Whalelight, south, C-5 area, though. Nothing interesting in me. I just lived with my grandparents and a friend.”(Daniel)

“You lived with your friend? Oh, sorry. 17, I came from Springshore City.”(Mark)

“Springshore City, that’s 500km north, what are you doing here? Don’t they have their own Academy or something?”(Cassey). Her eyes were gradually started losing her fatigue, and when Mark joined in the conversation, they were entirely gone.

“The Slepnine Academy, that’s the Academy’s name. It isn’t big and advanced in contrast to LionHeart Academy, and when my brother decided to move here for his job. I asked to come with him for the Academy in here.”(Mark)

“What’s your brother’s job?”(Daniel). I asked.

“He’s a researcher in UDA. He’s also an Enhancer. He’s the best brother one could ask for.”(Mark). He was smiling as he said those words.

“You really love your brother, don’t you?”(Cassey)

“of course!, when our parents died from a syndicate attack. He was the one who raised me. He was going to give me the house we had all for myself.”(Mark)

“How about you Josh?, Why did you join the Academy?”(Cassey)

“Why do you care?”(Josh)

“Forget about this dude.”(Mark)

“Julia how about your family? If I remember correctly, you have an older sister and a younger brother, right?”(Daniel).

I want to ask her questions as a payback from the last times, and because I still don’t know a lot about her. All this time, it’s me who’s being asked the questions. She basically knows everything about me. But as if she noticed what I’m doing, she smirked and whispered to me, ‘Okay, I’ll only talk because it’s you.’.

“My parents are normal humans. The same goes for my siblings. My sister and I are the only Enhancer in the family. And because of that, it sometimes feels distant.”(Julia)

Family, huh. Although, I have my grandparents and Mrs. Carla’s family with me. I still wonder sometimes if my parents were still here. Would I feel the same about them? If they were, am I still going to be as close with Cath’s family?

“But I don’t feel lonely here anymore. I can be myself without holding back.”(Julia)

“What do you mean?”(Daniel)

“Well, if you managed to piss me off. I can punch or slap you, and you won’t get hurt that much. But for my family, if I feel frustrated, hurt, or angry. I always have to suck my emotion up. Since if I let loose on them, I know I’ll regret what I would have done.”(Julia)

Is that why when she’s mad and hitting me, she looks happy and doesn’t hold back? I’ve always thought that the reason she’s always happy when hitting me was that she’s a psychopath, but I didn’t expect such a different answer.

Minutes later, the signal came. We now have to go into the forest and hunt for any demonic beast we find to ease the hunt tomorrow. Josh didn’t join our conversation after the time he was asked to join, but I know he was muttering something. He wanted to join in too.

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