《Does magic make you God?》#6: To become a true God, a little foundation work is required
Lex stepped into the bathroom and washed his face. He felt the sting of having a house full of women. Working society women were already a handful but at the end of the world women were another mountain entirely.
He walked back into the room and switched on the desk lamp. Pointing it towards the recliner that sat against the window. He dropped into it and pulled the first book out of the ring for Shadow magic.
It turned out to be a journal of an Elven merchant's son turned mercenary then assassin and why he created this ring before pledging his soul to the system. It was an interesting story that somehow taught Lex Elven language or maybe the system did?
This did look entirely like someone was passing down a family inheritance. Maybe that is exactly what it is and I became qualified for being a Shadow wizard? How many others have something similar?
The books that followed broke down combat techniques and how to best mold them to the user's needs. First explaining the difference between finishing techniques and quick-use techniques. It also explained more about the fact that warriors should utilize aura and not mana to become effective. Wizards use mana to mimic warriors abilities to limit mana wastage from easy fights.
-Wizards are often given a lot of respect for the very little they do for the common people. Yet, it is undeniable that the spells wizards developed lead to an awe-inspiring state. Sadly, wizards that utilize tier five spells and up to duel are fools. A tier one spell can be more deadly than any incense long chant or mana gathering runic spell. The proper way for a Wizard to duel is first to start with your foundation.
This section will begin with the external and then lead into the internal. Lastly, focusing on combination of spells that can ensure you output the most power in the least amount of time without fear of mana fatigue.-
It delivered several examples which then led into all qualified battle-spells that would end fights fast. Some were pure ocular spells that were a little insidious but caused intense pain before death. Or refined the soul of a weaker foe into soul crystals.
A few were what could be described as debuffs, meant to weaken warriors of their life, aura, speed, and strength. Followed by spells like shadow Lance or shadow bolt that had corrosive and penetrative might.
Just this book alone made Lex feel as if he was reading a lecture by a teacher or father. Something he would pass down in his family.
Yet, he stopped as the next book sent him to the support section. The spells, enchantments, and just plain knowledge left him scrambling to take notes.
To the point he made a trip out of the apartment to a store for binders, pens, and stacks of copy paper plus a hole puncher. He almost forgot tacks.
When he arrived back, Summer was reading in his chair while playing on her laptop. Legs crossed and biting on her bottom and from time to time.
Feeling irritated, he dropped onto the couch and pulled the table closer. His hands work quickly to furnish several binders. Then he pulled out the beginning support books and delved into them.
A lot of the spells or enchantments were things that were research based. Example would be an analytic spell that would allow the user delve into the human body without cutting it open. Spells to hide the trace of the invasive mana while studying an awakened subject. A total of seven enchantments set up in an array formation to study the mana value in a specific region.
A few spells made him think of how a cell phone works which made him think about how sci-fi movies that were on now. The main guy was using this hologram from a bracelet to report to his superiors. If these spells were put into one device, then that would mimic the very futuristic tech people dream of. He could open up a new market like how Apple did and live comfortably.
After all, these orcs weren't that hard to kill. These dungeons will push the level of top fighters higher and those that were scared would eventually become the common sloth.
Lex continued reading to the point that he found himself staring at a schematic for a communication orb. The author broke down the key points and discussed why this was both an advantage and disadvantage.
However, to Lex, this was just what he wanted. He pulled out the three thick rune books that were often referenced to and began plotting his first magical device.
Duncan sat on the back of the cargo truck with his squad. Feeling every bump that probably could have been miss, considering the streets were relatively clear. The driver had to be some new private with a penchant for mud riding. When it rocked to a stop, he became the first to rocket out.
Lightning crackled around him and he moved to the driver door just as the dumbass got out. With a passing pat, the fucker seized up and hit the ground.
Everybody shot sympathy looks at the Driver but moved around him. Who could feel any love for a jackass that ran over trash on purpose?
"Why do I feel as if we are the only ones clearing out these kinds of nests?" Pvt. Lemoore stretched his body.
"Because we are. Should have left way before this like the other groups." Lt. Yurt held a book in his hand.
"Guys, not right now. Let's just finish this and go home. I have steak in the fridge." Duncan yawned.
Duncan, LT. Yurt, and Pfc Burns raised their hands. Several dark clouds gathered and lightning crackled until several thick bolts of lightning hit the surrounding buildings. Buildings exploded and lightning-fires rampaged everywhere. Screams of rage chased after the crackling.
Orcs ran out of their homes right into blue spears. Orc wizards flew over and were hit by bolts thicker than hotels. They could only look up from the ground as titans made of lightning stomp them further in.
"When will warriors get our day to be awesome?" Lemoore complained.
"Didn't they drop a meditation booklet or something for you guys?" Pfc burns lowered her hand.
"They did but it is apparently not a hundred percent accurate display of human anatomy. So the nerds above didn't approve of it with the words, `in-development." Lemoore shot a random orc with an arrow.
"Better than finding out other guilds have developed a much better system and your weakest of them all." Duncan yawned again.
"Bah! Still going to end up behind them. Fucking leadership priorities a hunk of metal over a real killing machine. Doesn't he even listen the fucking reports?" Lemoore climbed into the driver seat.
"According to the leadership, he doesn't care." Duncan replied.
Lex sat down his pen and turned to the plate of steaming food. A short young lady was smiling in his face while trying to look helpful. He took the plate from her and she sat down with a bounce.
"What are you working on?"
"Developing a device similar to a futuristic cellphone."
"Oh, for what purpose?"
"To talk?"
"I know that dummy but I'm saying how does this fit into your future plans."
"Don't have a future plan."
"Going with the flow, so cliche for a main character."
"But this isn't a book. We don't know what the enemy is doing because we lack the ability to monitor them. This device is the start of all that. So unlike main characters in a book that acts dumb because the author is, I have a semi-formed plan."
"Mhmm. You are thinking of a plan now, huh? You're too pretty to be smart enough to plan ahead."
Lex waved his hand at the mother. "Come get this girl, please."
The girl spun and saw her mother's smiling face. "I'm not doing anything but helping him use his brain cells."
"He doesn't want to use them though." The mother replied.
"But he has too. A lot of people depend on him."
"But why are they depending on him, instead of themselves?"
"I don't know. I'm only eight."
"Let's leave him alone to eat."
"Fine." The girl turned around. "You got lucky this time, Harry." The girl jumped down and skipped off.
Lex blinked but kept the fork shoveling food to his mouth. Embarrassing to be called stupid by a child. Need to create some quantum theory homework for her. Teach her to underestimate me.
He finished eating and left his apartment. He walked right past Jay who looked as if he was stress smoking.
"You going out?" Jay flicked his cig butt.
"Yeah, you want to ride?" Lex paused at the stairs.
"So wife troubles?"
"You can tell?"
You had four butts at year feet and were staring lost into the star. If you aren't having pussy problems, then wouldn't you be inside.
"Just a guess." Lex climbed into the truck.
"She is complaining that I didn't pick wizard class with how the news praising them. But I'm not that smart and a lot of people are having trouble as wizards. Let alone a warrior." Jay sat his sword between his legs.
"Aye, yeah. Some magical theories actually reach the level of physics and crap. So a lot of Wizards will end up hurting."
"Swinging a sword is right for me but you know how irrational women can be."
Lex scratches his head. He didn't know how irrational they could be. "Why don't you raid a dungeon and get one of those warriors' meditation methods?"
"There is a thread on the forum that says the meditation method is outdated and will limit our future. I'm waiting for a breakthrough."
"Aye, I see."
"What about you?"
"I'm thinking about turning myself into a Dragon-tiger battle-mage."
"Is it very powerful?"
"No idea. Ask me after I succeed." Lex pulled into the Lowe's parking lot. He backed up to the door and went in for copper wires, the spool kind.
"You need this for that?" Jay loaded the last copper spool into the truck.
"No, this is for something else. Puppets and my watch design." Lex closed the truck tailgate.
"So what do you think the system does now that we have basically defended against the orcs."
"They are giving us a chance to develop because not everybody took up arms, most likely. Or it's a preset schedule when things are released and we could be nearing that timeline." Lex got into the passenger seat and set up his phone with GPS open.
"Oh, we are going to a dungeon?" Jay threw the car in drive and drove a lot more recklessly.
"Yeah, someone said there is a dragon on the second left. I want it's blood." Lex pulled out a book and fell into its contents.
Lex squeezed through a crowd with Jay following right behind. They walked through the crowded market and fell right in front of the portal.
Inside, the world was an open plain with charging rhinos with metallic skin that was constantly shooting rays of light around.
"Um? The fuck?" Jay half drew his sword.
Lex just waved his hand and they froze on the spot. Black lances shot from him and penetrated their eyes. Chuckling at the shock expression of Jay, they walked up to the rhinos frozen in a running position.
With another wave of his hand, dark black blades began carving the hide from the rhinos. While the loot flew up and landed in a cart that rose out of the ground. A blue crystal chest landed in the back and was quickly filled with well cut meat.
"All copper coins and that weird mana crystal." Jay dropped the coins back inside.
Lex shrugged and marched forward. They met waves of coyotes, wolves, bison, and even little prairie dogs. Before they reached the center and stared down a group of baboons hanging from an oasis of trees.
A large black circle appeared above the forest and a lava dragon came flying out. It slammed into the center, sending up waves of lava that drowned the offending party.
"How are we going to get the loot?" Jay stared helplessly at the lake of lava.
A chest landed in front of them.
"Like that?" Lex opened it up to find two books.
It wasn't written in english but he remembered some linguist breaking a few languages. Maybe they will be able to break the language barrier for money.
The rest was gems, ores, copper, silver, and gold coins. Plus the gate appeared for the second level.
"Of course, this dungeon is useless to warriors." Jay threw the chest on the back and followed behind the two crystal draft horses pulling a wagon.
The next floor was a desert with patches of oasis dotting the land. Lex and Jay had very little trouble slaying scorpions, too weird sand beasts or mighty sand worms.
The oasis held fruits and coconuts that sparkled with mana. Inside was eerily quiet but nothing attacked them.
"Feels like my mother-in-law's home when I first came home." Jay cut down a thorny vine.
"I didn't have that issue. They wanted me to marry their daughters as soon as possible."
"Alright, pretty boy. Watch the trouble find you."
They didn't venture into the mighty oasis that rested in the center of the desert. Instead another large runic circle and two lava dragons slammed down. What was left couldn't be described as a beautiful get away in the hot desert.
"Can this be played like this?" Jay waited for the chest to appear.
"Why can't it? This is real life where actually lava is terrible and not just another cool visual effect with a damage modifier." Lex channeled more mana into a circle when he didn't see any chest.
Right then, the ground shook and a large diamond head serpent rose up. It opened its mouth and liquid came flooding out. Yet, a black Lance slammed the gas station size head down. A black foot stomp down and the Lance tip pulled out and went right back in.
"So.. let's talk about how I could switch classes."
"There is a class change potion."
"Stop bullshitting me."
After the sixth stabbed a large chest landed before them, sending up tufts of sand. Jay bent down and sorted through the box. Lex reached past him as he saw an Elven book on puppets. He tossed it back down and moved towards the portal.
Third floor ended up being a rainforest with monkeys and more rats. The boss was a large bear. Fourth floor, a wyvern, and the fifth floor ended up not being a dragon but flaming wolves. Lex searched the plain for ores and found more than three beautiful mines. Two were basic ores, copper and iron. Yet, the last was aluminum. Couple pounds of gems between all three but iron dropped more than six tonnes. With aluminum output at four and one third. Copper was just four tons but this was good, all good.
Lex walked out of the dungeon with a smile. His little wagon train trailing behind him.
"Hey, I'm tired. So I'm headed back. I'll have Summer send the truck back?" Jay yawned and stretched.
"Okay. Be safe." Lex couldn't couldn't help copy the yawn.
Jay waved as he walked into the crowd that parted for Lex. Who headed for the towering building with bright purple-green Enchanter signage hanging out front.
With a wave of his hand, black and blue elemental golems lifted up the cargo on the back of the wagon. Following behind their master as he swagger to the front desk.
"Do you have an alchemy room?" Lex glanced at the bushy eyed clerk.
"Yes we do but only for members." The clerk looked up from a book.
"My name is Lexington McCallum."
The clerk's head turned to something below the counter and he smiled like he wanted to do his job now. He pulled out a silver card and passed it over.
"This is your ID card along with your bank card. You can store your funds on it and it will work at any branch of the Enchanter Guild."
Lex took the card and loaded several boxes of copper, silver, and gold coins to it. Copper and silver rounded up to the highest coinage.
"About that alchemy room?"
The clerk checked his tablet then grabbed two sets of keys. "These are the only open labs left. They are both the size of a ballroom but one has alchemy forging equipment and comes with assistance if needed. The other is just for potions and the like."
"Give me the first." Lex held out the card.
The clerk scanned it and handed it back along with the keys. "Let me show you to your lab." The clerk walked around the desk and down a hall.
Lex stepped on his heels, his eyes seeing the effort the guild put into the building. Gold lining the walls in intricate patterns that hid the runes. The lanterns that lit up the hall like it was day inside.
The clerk stopped at an elevator and hit the up button. "I always wanted to ask if you feel a type of way at being called the Dark Wizard? Being profiled as the standard evil that is outplayed in movies?"
Lex raised his eyebrow. "Well, I am a wizard but as for being considered dark? It doesn't bother me. We all do what we must for our survival or we die like the corpses that still lay on some streets."
"There is a rumor that all strong dark wizards used to be paid killers? Do…" the clerks fell off as the door opened and a woman in sundress walked out the elevator.
Her sparkling blue eyes drew both the clerk and Lex's eyes. Until they saw her the v cut that led to a wide expanse.
Lex's eyes moved away from the woman and watched his golems load up first. The clerk rushed to hit the floor button.
"To answer your question. I was a paid killer but I worked as security or bodyguard for my family company. Did I do a lot of killing, of course. A lot of clients were high profile criminals. Honestly, I admit to enjoying the work but when I fell in love, I got set up. Ended up in prison for a decade. So maybe my mind is filled with thoughts that make Dark more like family to me." Lex laughed and turned to the lady who stopped to listen.
"Sorry to ask but it is fascinating the way the magic picks and chooses people." The clerk glanced at the last of the golems who boarded the elevator.
"Mm, I guess." Lex's eyes never left the woman who stared him down. "Can I help you, miss?"
"I am sorry. Just trying to figure something out." Her thick accent sounded Russian but could also be Ukrainian.
"Well, this is my stop." Lex got onto the elevator.
The lady followed and held out her hand with the same bright red nails as her lips. "I am Natasha but my family calls me Tash for short."
Lex shook her soft hands. "Lexington but people call me Lex."
"Can I talk with you about merging our guilds?"
"I don't have a guild. More like a two-man party when needed." Lex stepped off the elevator and the clerk became last off.
"It is fine. I am willing to let you become leader of my guild." Tasha followed him to the alchemy lab.
"Give me your number and we will discuss it another day." Lex way the key card over the door and let the golems in. He dug into his jeans and pulled out his phone, passing it to her.
"Okay, but consider my offer please." Tasha inputted her number and sent a message to her phone. She returned the phone, turned and left, giving both males a view of the sway of her backside.
"Do you know her?" Lex walked into the lab and revelled at how large it really was. He could feel several enchantments at work just from the room. Not to mention the silent ones.
"She is the leader of a thirty man group. About eighteen wizards, four healers, and rest warriors. But they have been having a serious dilemma. Her and her ex-girlfriend are both co-leaders. Neither very good at leading in my opinion but Natasha is the core of the combat force. While Nicole is engrossed in enchanting." The clerk stood at the door and explained.
Lex nodded and started setting up the desk with herbs to make ink. The golems spread out the biggest pieces of iron and copper into one pile. Smaller pieces into another pile.
"Do you need anything else?" The clerk looked quite excited.
"Sorry, if you hear of these herbs." Lex drew pictures on a notepad, ripping it, and passing it to the clerk. "I will be grateful and can trade with equipment if needed."
The clerk took it and nodded. The man left and Lex closed the door.
He turned around and called Cher, walking to the herbs. He squeezed the phone between his ear and shoulder, sorting through the herbs for different inks.
"When are you coming home?" Cher didn't say hi, hello, how are you?
"Um, I'm using an alchemy lab. May take a few days to go between the dungeon and the lab."
"Oh, so why are you calling then?"
When a man tries to be responsible and humble, we get this shit? Why else would I call you if I don't plan on coming home? Fuck sakes!
"Just to check in. Didn't want you to feel as if I was discarding our possibilities." Lex picked at some plants, taking only stems or part of the petal.
"So you were thinking about us? I mean me and you." The sound of a door lock turning and the door itself opening and shutting.
Women. I casually just want to check in to stop future arguments and they start planning children's and my safety car, aka dad van.
"I mean, why else would I call?" Lex worked slowly to turn the leaves into liquid ink.
"I don't know. You could be asking for food, could be trying to issue orders, looking for Summer or Kathy."
Is she fucking with me? Do I not have better things to do?"
"Okay, Cher. I called your phone to look for other women. Really now?"
"Don't take that tone with me. You are the one that only looks for me when you are hungry or horny."
Okay, I'm getting annoyed now.
"Okay, I'm looking for you now just to chat while I make ink. Or would you rather me stop talking and send you texts from now on."
"You can text me if you are just going to be gone." The phone hung up.
Did she.. she really did!
Lex put the phone down and called back. She purposely let it ring, trying to play that petty game with him. Sadly, if she answered he would have begged a little but now. He canceled the call and went full score into his work.
Okay, we are playing those games but I don't have to sink to your level. Matter of fact, I don't even need the stress in my life.
His phone rang several times throughout the refining process. He only paused to answer when he noticed that the caller was Tasha. He moved aside the stemless flower, grabbed his phone, and sat down on a swivel chair.
"Hey, Tasha." Lex sent a tendril to the forge.
The forge exploded. Fire jumping out the mouth like a mighty dragon. It settled down quite quickly, looking like a gentle fireplace fire.
"Yes, I brought food for my Enchanter but she is being cranky. So do you want to eat with me?"
"Sure. The door is unlocked."
Lex checked to see how many times Cher called but it was only twice. The rest was from Summer, who he called right back.
"Yes, summer."
"I brought Kathy over to keep you company but was just about to head back."
"Oh, sorry I was making ink." Lex held up a hand. "Just come to the Enchanter guild and ask the clerk to lead you to me."
"Alright. Oh, we brought food as well and a few girls with magical talent that could use powerleveling."
"Ugh, alright."
Lex hung up and turned to the blue eyed foreign in a pale white dress. She held up the to-go plate and walked over to the couch that was closer to the front entrance. Her dress hugged her contours a lot better than the last dress.
Fight with one lady. In comes the next. They wondered why men cheat. It is easier than dealing with bullshit.
"So your ex who is fighting with you, didn't want to eat with you?" Lex sat down with a cushion separating them.
Tasha's lips turned up, displaying her laugh lines. "So you look me up and she isn't my only enchanter."
Lex shrugged and grabbed the plate she passed over. The smell of harsh seasons made him wrinkles his nose and turned to the side. "Next time you cook, cut back on the spices. I'm not fully human."
Tasha thin brows rose. "There is a next time?"
Lex looked at the mess of veggies dripping oil. He sat the plate back down and turned to the door opening. "Yes. I'm intrigued by your offer but will have to ask you to wait for a bit. In the process of foundation building."
Summer poked her head in and smiled but it disappeared upon seeing Tasha. Followed by Kathy, who elbowed her way in, carrying a large lunch bag.
Lex stood up and moved around the couch, crossed a distance similar to the living room to the bathroom, and took the lunch bag while dragging Kathy to the couch. He moved the spicy platw to the table and sat down with Kathy, turning his body so she was all he saw.
"Did you just get your haircut?" Lex opened the lunch bag while staring at her.
"Who the hell is this?" Summer blurted out.
Kathy, on the other hand, ran a hand through her hair. "I got it done while waiting on you to pick up."
"I am enjoying the new look. Makes you look a whole lot less depressing." Lex pulled out a wrapped plate and took a deep drink of the fragrant smell. "You cook this, right?"
Kathy tilted her head. "Yeah, apparently you pissed off Cher. She went straight to bed."
Lex nodded and dug in. "What's with the extras? Definitely mouth breather?"
Said mouth breather sat down in a chair and looked as if she wasn't offended. The other two girls were decent. The blonde sported the slender rectangle body with a little of everything. A mole just above the corner of her lip. The other girl sported an odd smell that just sat off hostility.
In other words, Lex didn't look at her more than a casual glance that lasted less than it takes to move over a stranger.
"They have decent magic talent and want to be useful." Summer glared, with a hand on her hip. "So you're replacing us, huh?"
"You definitely." Lex waved his hand at the two women standing at the door. "Take them back. I'm not going into the dungeon right now. I'm making use of this time to set up the requirements I need."
"Seriously? What happens if you run out of ore or something? You are going to go in and you can take them." Summer replied.
"First, I wasn't asking. Second, you can also leave immediately." Lex stopped paying attention to her.
Kathy moved to get up but he held her down.
"You just said you weren't going into the dungeon then I'm leaving." Kathy moved to the edge of the couch.
The fuck wrong with these women? Am I only good enough for sex and they all need to bounce? Don't I have a good personality? Ain't I fucking heroic? Fine, they can all fuck off.
"Alright, go ahead." Lex turned to the blonde. "I need an assistant now that I think about it. How about you stay and help me?"
"Sure, my name is Sophie. I just want to get ahead of the terrible nickname like `mouth breather." The blonde smiled wide.
Tasha burst out laughing then covered her mouth when she snorted. "Sorry."
"You'll regret this." Summer pointed at Lex while frowning.
I'm going to regret this? Does she think this is some anime and she is some force female lead? Need to think about whether returning or not is worth it.
Lex just smiled and turned to Tasha. "Okay, you can go too. Don't forget to bring me breakfast and to discuss cooperation."
Tasha nodded and grabbed the uneaten plate and left.
Sophia looked around. "So? Was that the breakup of the group?"
"Why do you say that?" Lex continued eating plate after plate.
"Because you were too quick to let her go. Didn't even try to persuade her even though I could tell you wanted to."
"Oh, yeah. I had the thought but she has her own thoughts as well. Instead of making her resent me, I might as well let her do what she wants."
"So is this the break up?"
"Maybe. I don't like to chase when I don't need to and well, do I need to?" Lex waves at himself and sits aside the empty plates.
"A little. Only cheap women don't want to be chased a little."
Lex shrugged. "Maybe later I will put in some effort. Right now, I'm getting that short term relationship vibe."
Sophia giggled. "Honestly, you are looking for love with too many women around."
Lex sighed and moved over to the forge that was making him sweat just standing near. He floated an enchanted bucket over and loaded it with iron ore before setting it in the refinery. It took him a bit to figure out how to turn it on.
"So the first thing we are making is a quantum pc condensed to the size of a watch." Lex grabbed a pencil and began sketching his plans, including the incredible detailed runes on separate sheets.
Sophia tacks them to the big brown board. Her eyes glowing just like the smile that never slipped. The more he explained and took the time to answer her questions. The deeper that glow spread.
They refined mana crystals into sheets that they cookie cutter into tiny chips. Followed by the making of more advanced magical tools made from mana crystals layered with enchants that worked just like a lattice.
A tiny laser point carve runes inside the chips, rising layer after layer until the face looked like alien tech. Two chips sat in-between mana gathering and a concealment array. Above them sat more arrays made from silver and gold.
"Have you made a watch before?" Sophie looked at the twelve discarded chips.
"I tinkered a lot in between guarding someone or just invading a place." Lex used a rod to push down on the clear quartz face.
It snapped into place and Lex sent a tendril of mana into the body of the watch. The watch glowed with blue light, taking several seconds before a black screen rose up.
"Success!" Lex rubbed his forehead and pushed the watch's body to Sophie. "Okay, you can begin."
Sophie organized the set of rune code that would make the main system of the watch datanet. Similar to ios of iPhone or windows for pc.
Lex began forging shelves for the mainframe out of iron and mana crystal.
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