《A crumbling autumn leaf》Making a fight be drawn out
The 'duel' was about to begin. Aki was honestly looking forward to it. His skill levels were still pretty much the same due to not having done much besides refine his image, and he hadn't spent his remaining skill points either.
He'd like to think he cut a scary and imposing figure as he sat there on the grassy plateau he'd made, upon an ornate wooden throne that perfectly fit his body.
Officially being two meters tall certainly helped with that, but his armour now having an artistic quality despite the amount of edges and interlocking plates certainly made him seem more mistic.
Honestly, he could probably create normal layers and wear the new suit like it was normal steel, but he could not resist letting the edges change colours into those of the inner layers, making it so that his elbows, fingers, toes, heels, knees, smiling demon mask and any plates locking together broke into black scars that opened to jagged blood red tips and lipless fangs.
Oh, and his helmet didn't have slits anymore. No more pesky eyeshots for him. Not like his eyeballs had been of much use out of social interactions and his two 'social' interactions.
He didn't have some crazy detection sphere yet, he was actually working on it though, but he had great definition on his mana sense for the first fifty meters and good definition for a couple hundred more, plus a small understanding of everything in around six to seven hundred meters radius.
Mostly it was because he had not refined his mana sense much further despite his recent upgrades, so there was still plenty of easy growth to come. Most of it coming from the potential image related detection skill.
Really, he'd apparently unlocked domain skill tipes, because that was apparently a thing, for all humans by creating his first blue grade skill, so it should be possible to create a dome of perception when coupled with his image’s intrusive quality, which would be great to fuse with some kind of magical and soul domain to increase his capabilities all around.
Maybe something with an absolute buff for himself? Considering he was nearing a full cascate of his attributes and how his skills and attribute grades influenced them, even a 5% all around would be worth a lot independent of how much he grew.
Perhaps expanding his spatial storage would make everything easier as well? WIth the increase in soul quality he might as well try to create a pocket of reality inside of himself, no cultivation bullshit stopped him from anchoring the correct spatial concepts to a hidden pocket he already had in his soul space either.
Actually, that would probably help a lot with developing his other images. A domain would also need to be far more complex than he currently could care to make with his specs for it to be satisfactory, so he might as well work on his understanding of the weave.
“Aki, when are we starting? The others are getting kind of anxious of you just sharpening that axe.”
“Uh? I’ve only been waiting for you guys and mounting up the psychological pressure, we could have begun ever since everyone got into the arena. Another minute and you guys do the first move sounds ok? I don’t even mind if you start preparing rituals.” He replied, the commander in question just having a blank expression after hearing his answer and nodding with a sigh before he returned. Was that Maghro or Maghra? He honestly couldn’t tell the twins apart no matter how much they pointed to their fangs. Both orcs were strangely androgenous and lean compared to their brethren, but also insanely good at cooperation thanks to a shared innate skill and quite fast.
He did have one fantasy or the other to be sandwiched by the pair in bed, but those generally stopped being hot where the weird began. Then again, he did look forward to fighting their unusual images. It’d be a great example for his own synergy to work towards really.
As he wondered about that, it was almost like he didn’t see the several glowing people, the activating skills, items and half formed images. Seven (Six if you counted the twins as one) were even formed completely.
The first to reach him was Septima, her eyes completely red and her hands, shield and khopesh seemingly covered in blood despite the battle having just begun. Allowing her to land a hit on his armored shoulder, which left a small dent, he immediately understood what her image was based upon.
Pressing him against all of his two regrets wasn’t exactly very effective though, specially with her mental influence being so small, but he could understand how several small cuts would lead to her enemies dying from losing their focus or even just accepting death if enough damage was dealt. Death had no sweat release for him anymore however.
Catching her with a gravity well, he stopped her from landing and rapidly fired a bullet of force and a gust of wind that sent her spinning away in the air, though he doubted she’d land out of the arena.
Next was Cesar, his bulkier armor and lesser agility having made him late to help Septima despite his image already taking effect and making Aki look directly at his knightly form, ready to defend his allies. So he Looked at him, making the man freeze at his magically infused presence, which was just enough for a gap on the ground to open and close as another gravity well shoved him inside, his head sticking out as he started to struggle when Aki looked away.
This time it wasn’t one person that got to him, but all the prepared attacks from all those with enchanted items and ranged attacks. Arrows, magical bolts, throwing knives, some bullets, all of it enhanced by one image of a hunting party downing a great beast, which in this case was him. Oh, and Robert was holding a gold and red banner with some drawings on it, which was clearly buffing everyone as well, but he also attacked with a mana orb.
Perhaps someone else would have panicked or tried to block in some absurd way. He just widened his armour's grin and decided to show off one of his new spells. Before the first attack could reach him, he, his armour and throne all turned see through, which was noted only by a few with higher investment to perception. There wasn’t really any time to allow for them to understand what that meant however, as soon around five dozen attacks ranging from fire to ice to poison to wood to pure force magic, like he’d just used, came and struck his position, which ended slowing down the charging party, everyone wondering what the fuck was going to happen next, not for a second thinking they’d succeded in killing him as he’d already drilled into them that nothing was dead before a kill notification came, sometimes not even then.
They did not expect his laughter to start filling the surroundings like that of a maniacal villain however.
“Well done, well done. I thought i’d be able to have some tea while I waited for you to tire, but it seems I underestimated you all. Since you managed to shave off almost a hundred points of my health, then I guess it’s fine if I get up, right?” He said with great mirth.
There was not one person present that didn’t know how much pride Aki had in his ability to insult others, because on the few times he did resort to such he’d easily go and make said people cry, scream and curl up in shame. Yet none could stop themselves from feeling pulled towards punching his helmeted face.
As their run began anew, they could all clearly see the dust cloud being washed out by a strong gust and the slow, drawn-out movement of the young man that lorded over all of them as he elegantly got up. Swinging out the axe he held in his hands this whole time, it quickly grew into a halberd fit for his stature, it’s color scheme following that of his armour and seeming to be made of the same material as well.
Before even taking a step forward, he levitated the trapped Cesar out of the ground and threw him towards the charging farvit with blood in her eyes, his prison also spinning rapidly as he was quickly made nauseous and disoriented by the throw.
Although he’d made a show of it, a few people were still not distracted enough to ignore what he was doing. Their next challenge was making him take a step out of that same place. At least he was using a proper posture though, as he wasn’t THAT invincible yet.
First of the wave of people to hit him was Bob. Lazy, scrawny and unkept Bob. Any other time and he wasn’t worth paying attention to, but when he was wielding a sword he was honestly so handsome it was distracting.
His halberd quickly became a normal sized axe. The underside of his blade hit the long saber he wielded with grace, it’s quickly slipping below the transforming weapon’s handle and creating a much smaller scratch against his armor through a quick and water like flow of movements.
The image behind it was exactly that of what had just happened. The man was so confident and self centered he was able to do something like that the moment he’d explained how to form an image. One could not take the fact that he had slapped four concepts together lightly however. Swordsman, Sword, Sword Heart and Death. All basic image concepts through the multiverse, yet all admittedly powerful. Exponentially so when put together and properly cultivated.
Unfortunately however… *Swush* Aki knew all about that.
As his defending axe suddenly gained traction after reducing the power of his cut, Bob was taken by surprise when he was forced to dodge to not receive a bone deep gash on his right arm.
‘The best way to stop the best swordsman is to take his sword away.’
As the sentence appeared in his head, the older man suddenly felt great doubt flood his mind, followed by a kick to the stomach that sent him flying into the arms of several elites.
With more people coming his way, Aki extended his weapon again, swinging the hammer head to break the legs of a couple of fighters, though that was defended and ended up only badly injuring one guy, so he decided to up his body reinforcement again.
He wondered how long it'd take them to notice that he'd stilled the air in the arena. Their stamina consumption would quickly ramp up if no one figured out a countermeasure to one of his simplest tricks.
His temperature control hadn't even come into play yet, so how could he allow them to just drop down so easily? He wouldn't forget to shout incentives either, but at the moment those would sound more like mockery no matter what he did, so perhaps spreading the sound through his mana wasn't the smartest thing, but he did think it necessary.
Ocissus Aki
Class: N/A
Lv: 0 (100%)
Tier 1 Nexus citizen
HP (R per hour): 1452/1452 (209,8)
MP (R per hour): 3307/3307 (485,3 *2.61)
SP (R per min): 1452/1452 (209,8)
Vitality (O): 120
Endurance (O): 120
Strength (O): 35
Agility (O): 36
Perception (O): 45
Archives (Y): 180
Madness (Y): 175
Search (Y): 145
Knowledge (Y): 170
Efficiency (Y): 140
Free points: 0
Physical skills:
Champion {Ruler} (B) Lv 108
Running Lv 81
Brawling Lv 85
Kicking Lv 21
Roar (Y) Lv 51
Wrath (G) Lv 147
Dodge Lv 91
Fitness Lv 129
Parry Lv 78
Athletics Lv 116
Fade (Y) Lv 85
Arcane power blow (Y) Lv 95
Keeper’s boundless body (C) Lv 192
Swimming Lv 6
Equip Lv 174
Climbing Lv 14
Halberd sweep Lv 32
Halberd thrust Lv 27
Halberd deflect Lv 27
Choke Lv 38
Rolling Lv 35
Will of the keeper (B) Lv 103
Arcane missile (G) Lv 153
Detoxify Lv 18
Well of life (Y) Lv 199
Pit of rot (Y) Lv 124
Molten core strike (Y) Lv 121
Lance of the four elements (Y) Lv 98
Boom juice (O) Lv 86
Disinfecting field (O) Lv 54
Infernal rage (Y) Lv 86
Screaming tundra (Y) Lv 81
Crying tempest (Y) Lv 22
Fury of the earth (G) Lv 46
Specter’s breath (Y) Lv 31
Dark blood (O) Lv 51
Unending falls (O) Lv 41
Blood carriers (O) Lv 32
Carriers of suffering (Y) Lv 85
Redirection (G) Lv 47
Wind tunnel (Y) Lv 34
Silphyan blessing Lv 41
Blink (G) Lv 35
Phase (C) Lv 27
Temporal acceleration (G) Lv 37
Partial clairvoyance (C) Lv 15
Soul bond (Unique) Lv 21
Lord of death (B) Lv 221
Alexandria's records (I) Lv 161
Keeper's grimoire (B) Lv 241
Record’s affinity (C) Lv 71
Inspire {Ruler} (B) Lv 162
Words of Power (G) Lv 51
Mana sense (O) Lv 266
Advanced mana weaving (Y) Lv 300
Advanced mana compression (Y) Lv 236
Multicasting (O) Lv 189
Extract mana (Y) Lv 153
Prolonged casting (O) Lv 86
Delayed casting (O) Lv 51
Spell transcription (Y) Lv 96
Underground survival (O) Lv 22
Wield hammer Lv 42
Wield shield Lv 32
Wear armour Lv 100
Wield sword Lv 6
Wield halberd Lv 65
Battle proficiency Lv 142
Forced skill overcharge (G) Lv 194
Flying mount riding (O) Lv 84
Rider’s link (Y) Lv 73
Undead knight (Y) Lv 56
Soft fall (O) Lv 27
Infiltration (O) Lv 31
Sabotage (O) Lv 29
Pacify (Y) Lv 179
Base system manipulation (Unique) Lv 39.
Aether manipulation (C) Lv 45.}
Massage Lv 97
Cleaning Lv 41
Intensive care (O) Lv 149
Armour crafting Lv 134
Weapon crafting Lv 117
Accessory crafting Lv 108
Dismantling Lv 87
Teaching Lv 127
Guided transmutation (G) Lv 156
One man construction crew (Y) Lv 98
Metallurgy Lv 101
Alchemical binding Lv 26
Macgyver Lv 31
First aid Lv 99
Negotiate Lv 56
Material refinement (Y) Lv 78
Swift ride (O) Lv 19
Steady rush Lv 12
Enchant (O) Lv 129
Formation laying (O) Lv 73
Advanced calligraphy (O) Lv 65
Leather work Lv 22
Thread work Lv 43
Cooking Lv 41
Alchemy Lv 53}
Geometria (Y) Lv 75
Arithmetica (Y) Lv 89
General biology (O) Lv 105
General chemistry (O) Lv 57
Geographical analysis (O) Lv 52
Galactical economics (O) Lv 33
Universal history (O) Lv 25
Three dimensional gramatics (Y) Lv 59
Literature (O) Lv 19
Physics (Y) Lv 110
Theology (G) Lv 151
Kratocratic statecraft (Y) Lv 99
Psychology (Y) Lv 95}
Fear resistance Lv 184
Pain resistance Lv 282
Fire resistance Lv 131
Poison resistance Lv 81
Arcane resistance Lv 137
Sleep resistance Lv 78
Ice resistance Lv 68
Acid resistance Lv 59
Resilient soul (Y) Lv 99
Shock resistance (O) Lv 55
Blight resistance (Y) Lv 37
Carcinogene resistance (Y) Lv 55
Drain resistance (O) Lv 78
Shadow resistance (Y) Lv 49
Light resistance (O) Lv 39
Void resistance (G) Lv 9
Dissonance resistance (G) Lv 6
Psychopath (G) Lv 281
Arcanum (B) Lv 292
Decisiveness (Y) Lv 205
Deep intricate analysis (Y) Lv 165
Inner peace (Y) Lv 230
Idol {Ruler} (B) Lv 99
Regality (Y) Lv 117
Taunt Lv 153
Intimidate Lv 215
Humiliate Lv 153
Persuade Lv 119
Charm Lv 65
Diplomacy (O) Lv 61
Nobility (O) Lv 67
Command Lv 34
Dominate Lv 21
Sexual stamina (O) Lv 51
Fingering Lv 23
Silky mouth (Y) Lv 31
Pleasure (O) Lv 79
Skill points: 1613
Explorer I (0/10)
Fearless I (0/20)
Trapper (0/40)
Pursuer (0/50)
Heavy defender I (0/50)
Cold blooded (0/100)
Elementalist (0/???)
Elemental Lance (0/100)
Transmuter (0/200)
Magical sight I (0/50)
Meditation III (0/250)
Blood warlock (0/250)
Greatest genius (0/????)
Pain immunity II (0/50)
Weather warlock (0/250)
Enterprising dungeoneer (0/100)
Solo dungeoneer (0/100)
Dungeon master (0/1000)
Intimidating I (0/50)
Hammer warrior I (0/50)
Halberdier I (0/50)
Tireless (0/100)
Charming I (0/50)
Lover I (0/20)
Masagist I (0/20)
Sadist I (0/50)
Kisser I (0/20)
Heretic LIII (0/2809)
Magus (0/500)
Metalsmith (0/250)
Magical smith (0/500)
Death knight (0/500)
Knight (0/250)
Charger (0/100)
System technician (0/???)
Defier (0/???)
Mind mage (0/250)
Goliath hunter (0/2500)
Fading I (0/100)
Damage maniac (0/2500)
Mana sponge (0/500)
Heat immunity I (0/20)
Raid leader (0/500)
Commander (0/100)
Sage of torment (0/???)
Teacher I (0/20)
Agent of pain (0/500)
Pacify I (0/100)
Guide to the way of purity (0/????)
Body refinement I (0/100)
Apprentice enchanter (0/100)
Grand scholar (0/500)
Spiritual refinement I (0/???)
Resistant (0/???)
Advanced fitness (0/250)
Athletic (0/100)
Warlock (0/500)
Search for the Akashic I (0/???)
Spirit hunter (0/500)
Magister (0/1000)
Space mage (0/500)
Time mage (0/500)
Precocious spellweaver (0/500)
+11 Free points per level.
+2 to all mental stats per level.
+240% experience gained.
Skill acquisition is 20% easier.
+55% damage.
+5% damage per level difference.
+125% skill growth.
All regeneration multiplied by 1.45x.
+1 to vitality per level.
+1 to endurance per level.
+1 mental stat point per level.
Mana multiplied by 1.59x.
Mana regeneration multiplied by 1.59x.
Health is multiplied by 1.21x.
Stamina is multiplied by 1.21x.
Health regeneration is multiplied by 1.1x.
Stamina regeneration is multiplied by 1.1x.
All mana using skills are twenty percent more powerful.
All mana costs are reduced by a fifth.
Thought speed and reaction increased by a fifth.
A fifth of the intelligence score also contributes to mana regeneration.
A fifth of the willpower score also contributes to spell power.
A fifth of the focus score now also contributes to spell stability.
A fifth of the control score also contributes to thought speed.
A fifth of the wisdom score now also contributes to your mana pool.
A tenth of the vitality score score now also contributes to your health and stamina regeneration.
A tenth of the endurance score now also contributes to bone density.
+1 to a random stat on a created item.
Increased nutrient intake from food.
Slightly increases bonuses gained from eating any dish.
Increased material influence over the final product.
+10% Learning rate.
+50% spell efficiency.
Skills related to mana receive twice as much XP.
- In Serial11 Chapters
The Biomes
Follow a new biome while it grows into an adapting ecosystem at the whims of its creator. Watch as outsiders try to claim it as their own and delve into its depths. The outsiders are desperate to survive and conquer at the cost of many lives. The biome simply wants to grow. What is a biome? Why do the outsiders throw their lives away so easily? Find out by reading from both angles and learn of the mysteries surrounding them.
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Call me teacher. Completed
Ду Кёнсү. Хүйтэн хөндий тэр залуу миний гэрийн багш.2020/09/14 2021/04/24
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No Matter What
I found my homie and my best friendI'mma be there for ya till the very end No matter what, no matter what , no matter what.
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Akif Kas - Champion of the Arena
Meet Akif Kas. He has a life of hardship behind him, but what happens when that life ends?With questionable social skills he is let lose in the world. Follow he on his journey as he, and the person he is paid to protect fills out the blank sheet of paper that is his life.The story starts of slow the first few chapters before picking up speed. Not a rebirth story. (Warning: 3-4k word chapters. Descriptive violence and gore written. Harsh language, and descriptive sexual content).
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Your Mundane Transmigration Into Another World
My second fiction here, it might be similar to the first, but I will focus on improving consistency as it was not very good. The idea is to make a completely ordinary isekai story, but make it right - no cliche, some originality etc. I do not yet know where it will go, but it will involve dungeons at some point, transmigraiton, demons, elves, humans, undead. I will strive for regular updates every friday, but my writing speed is that of a slime (not a native speaker), so I might not deliver every week. Feel free to write what you think, I welcome feedback. HIATUS - will continue after I am done with my other book, I am unable to write two at the same time.
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Wreak Havoc ♛ Robb Stark
Hera's family was murdered in cold blood by their enemies. Hera got away and went to Winterfell, where the Starks lived. She knew she would be safe there, because Ned Stark and her father were close friends. Now, years later, she still live there. The Starks have treated her like family, and she couldn't be more grateful.As a war starts, Hera is introduced to a darker side of herself. Her more vengeful and warrior side. Can someone pull her back into the light before she disappears into the darkness?OC x ROBB STARKCOMPLETEDCOVER BY @THEICEWOLVES
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