《The Unwritten History of Neah-Reath》Interlude: Voices in the Darkness


Two sat in the darkness, sharing a silence. They shared a silence of patient waiting, a waiting that had lasted for an undetermined time until they were joined by a third.

“Brothers, it is time. The twin conditions have been met” a regal voice rang out, strong and firm, with just a tint of age to it.

“You are certain? The Wisest was specific in what was needed” a gentler voice, soft but not weak questioned.

“Indeed, this will be the first time both conditions were met in the last forty-two attempts. You are confident that it has happened” a third voice asked. This voice sounded different, harsher. More wary of hope.

“I am certain. The sacrifice has unlocked the power without the wizard’s knowledge, and it is too late for the wizard to intervene, even if he did find out” The first voice answered confidently.

“How can you be certain? There can be no mistakes if we are to reveal ourselves. We will not get a second chance for it to work.” The wary voice questioned again.

“Yes, I am certain. The sacrifice has left, without the wizard learning of the power. By the time they meet again, it will be too late. The first lie will be exposed and the trust will be gone. Trust me in this, brother. I have spent my time these past decades watching this sequence play out again and again. There is no doubt as to what will happen now” the regal voice answered, seeming unfazed by the questioning.

“Can the sacrifice control the power?” queried the second voice. This voice had less doubt and more concern in it.

“So far, the sacrifice is not aware of it, but it has used it multiple times. With time and opportunity, it will gain the control needed.”


“That suffices” the second voice declared.

“Are you certain, brother?” asked the third voice. “We cannot risk failure in this.”

The second voice answered firmly “the power will out. We will ensure the guidance needed happens. Now, how about the second condition? The influence?”

“The sacrifice has a companion. The companion has feelings for the sacrifice and has interacted with the sacrifice in a past iteration. The sacrifice has shown that it has feelings for the companion in turn. When the time comes, the influence will be enough to sway the sacrifice and in turn, change the path of events enough for us to use.”

“Hmm, can we trust this? We have known that feelings in past iterations do not always reflect in current iterations. Have they progressed in their actions?”

“Feelings are hard” the third voice interrupted. “They cannot be forced, but they are needed for this. I have observed the companion together with the sacrifice. It will suffice.”

“Brother, you surprise me. You of all people put your faith in feelings? You are growing soft in your age.”

“Bah, the third voice replied. “Feelings have ever guided us. Such is the life that we have endured.”

“Brothers,” interrupted the first voice. “Are we agreed? Do we start the process?”

“Agreed” replied the second and third voices in unison.

“So, what first? Now, the sacrifice and the companion travel to the City of Glass and Stone. The sacrifice has used the power, but not enough. There is no control. It needs more opportunity to use it.”

“Which of our children are in the area?” the second voice asked.

“Some of the Tree-kin live in the forests they will journey by, but the sacrifice will follow the Road of Stone. The Tree-kin will struggle there.” The third voice stated doubtfully.


“Some Water-kin still live in the rivers there. The sacrifice must cross the Arches on their journey. The Water-kin shall take them then.” The first voice declared confidently.

“Two. Is that enough?” queried the second voice.

“No, the sacrifice will need more.”

“What else do we have?”

“It is hard” the third voice said. “So close to the City of Glass and Stone, the gifts have built their power. We could move some of the children through the darkness, but it will be risky. Too much now and the gifts will react in ways we cannot predict.

“The gifts will not move at this time” the first voice interjected. “The strategy has been successful so far. They are divided more now than ever. They will not respond unless the children damage one of the small cities. The children could destroy one of the groups of houses and little would be done.”

“Truly, the gifts have fallen low. Do we destroy the houses?”

“It is of no import” the first voice said. “The gifts will do it themselves in time. Let the children threaten the houses in order to push the sacrifice to greater heights. As long as they do not risk their lives, let them run free.”

“Agreed” said the third voice. Its wary tone was edged with excitement. “Let the children be themselves. The gifts will all know of us in time regardless, so what happens to them now is meaningless. The children will fulfil their role without risking themselves unduly.”

“Let us begin then. The Tree-kin will harass, the Water-kin endanger and the children will destroy.” The first voice declared in its regal tone.

“Do we wish to kill the companion now?” asked the second voice.

“We cannot. The companion has tasks that they must complete in the City of Glass and Stone to further the connection and remove the influence of the wizard further. In fact, we should have the children shadow their journey, to ensure nothing unplanned happens.” The third voice answered.

“Yes, the process shall be slow, but the companion will guide the sacrifice to the path we need. After the City of Glass and Stone, we shall see.” The first voice agreed.

“Truly, the gifts are naught but the monsters they condemn. To harm their own?”

“They have ever been such, little more than savages.” The third voice said dismissively.

“Then it is agreed. Let the children set forth. We make our move now.”

Silence resumed in the darkness. But now, the silence was that of action.

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