《The Big Red Button》Chapter Four: A Lack of Specification


“This is boring and I’m lonely! How big is this damn forest!? IT’S BEEN EIGHT DAYS ALREADY; I SHOULD HAVE DIED BY NOW! I’M NOT EVEN HUNGRY!! GOD DAMN IT!”

Azad couldn’t help but scream at the sky in anger. He had been walking in that one general direction for eight days without a day of rest. His efforts proved fruitless as he couldn’t see himself getting any farther out of the sea of trees.


He hadn’t seen a single living creature besides the green menaces that were the trees. Azad had grown sick of them and wanted nothing more than to be rid of them. Though it’s not he really needed to find any animals, as he showed no signs of getting hungry. He still got thirsty though, which bugged him in a way. If you don’t need food, why would you need water? It didn’t make sense to Azad, and in his situation something that didn’t make sense to him only made him angrier.

“Fuck this forest and everything involved with it!”

Azad really did not like this forest, and really wanted to get out of it and fast as possible.

“Why did you put me in this god-forsaken forest George!? Why couldn’t you just put me somewhere nice? Somewhere with beds, and toilets! And why do I need to shit if I don’t eat anything!? That’s makes no sense! Let me leave this place already!”

“You sure? I found you trying to make your way through the forest to be quite funny though.”

“Go to hell.”

“I would but I don’t have any sun screen, so I can’t go streaking there! I’ll get sun burns.”

“Fuck you, get me out already if you can!”


“Fine, fine. Don’t get so mad, it’s causes wrinkles.”

“Just do it already George.”

Azad didn’t really want to question how the god had talked to him, he was a God after all. What he did want to question though, was why the God hadn’t contacted him sooner, instead of allowing him to roam the green hell for a week. He wasn’t going to ask though; he wasn’t sure he could stay calm after hearing the answer.

“Where would you like to go?”

“Somewhere without a lot of trees,” Azad said Grumpily.

“O-kay then.”

It was then Azad was once again thrown into darkness, just like when he left the God’s Realm. It didn’t last long though, as the endless black was replaced by green, as he fell face first onto dirt and grass.

“I fucking hate you George,” He mumbled through the grass.

Azad grumbled and climbed to his feet and surveyed his surroundings. What he saw left him even angrier than when he was in the forest.

What surrounded Azad were endless fields and hills, a truly beautiful sight, breath-taking even. Though it was pleasant to look at, it showed that there was no village of any kind near Azad. It also showed that there were no safe places to sleep.

“Why in the name of God did you bring me here? THERE’S NO FUCKING TOWN HERE!”

“Well you said nothing about a town, just no trees. And there certainly aren’t any trees in sight here.”

Azad could only glare at the God.

“Then take me to a town.”

“No can do Azad, you used your freebie. Can’t help you for another year, so see you then!”

George seemed to have somehow hung up the telepathic conversation him and Azad were having.

“Oh for the love of God.”

Azad couldn’t even get angry anymore, and just started walking in what he thought would be a promising direction. This was a completely baseless thought, as every direction looked exactly the same as the other.

‘I will one day beat the shit out of you George.’

Azad made this vow as he set out on his second journey.

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