《The Thalisean legacy》Chapter 7: A land in awe


The young man clad in light dashes faster than the eye could perceive, and within moments he has already run past the giant's left leg, taking in another deep breath before he again dashed, this time a bit more faster than his last attempt, slashing at the giant's other leg, forcing him to fall to his knees before he could find the time to react.

The giant demon crashes to the ground, yet it does not falter, using its left hand to maintain a bit of balance. He attacks with his right blade, though massive, it is quick to meet the young man.

Only inches away from his face, he tilts his entire body to the opposite side, narrowly avoiding the demon's blade as it slams down next to him. Yet he was not fazed at all with the rubble flying everywhere.

Strangely enough it was as if his mark was getting brighter every time he would come close to the demon, or at least wound it with his blade. And the stronger it seemed to glow, the stronger his attacks became, and so did every other aspect of his body.

Before the demon could manage to fight back decently, it had been assaulted by an amazing array of slashes and cuts, forcing it to release its captive, the knight, winces in pain after being dropped abruptly to the ground. But he was relieved nevertheless, disregarding the other small demons around him.

He strikes with another powerful attack, one the demon could not even hope to parry. It reels in pain, staggering back as its torso bled, searing with a scorching pain, yet no fire could be seen being wielded by the young man. But it noticed, with a trembling fear in its eyes, the sword he was wielding, burning immensely, as if clad in a curtain of clear light. But it could have only been the strength of the mark, the very mark that they feared, and were taught to fear.

"Damn you!" it said, coughing up blood, staining his hand as it covered its mouth. "Your race was supposed to be dead years ago! But that mark, the very symbol of... fear, within us. The very thing we despised and sought to eradicate! It stands here before me. But, a great honor would be bestowed upon me when I slay you. There is nothing to fear from you, feeble weakling!" the demon screams, empowering itself as he recklessly chares at the young man, standing frightfully still, focusing immensely on the large being in front of him, holding his sword, tightly yet firmly in his hands.

"Fine, come, let us end this! I may be a coward inside with nothing but fear to back me up, but that doesn't mean I can't stand up when I see those I care for suffering like this. I don't even care if I have this power or not! I'll show you what I'm capable of!" he roared to the demon with great confidence.

He went past the giant who did not learn at all from his previous mistakes.

Winding up, building up an intense well of power in his arms, letting it loose like a wild beast, air forming around him as the intensity and pressure rose. He seemed to cut the air the way he slashed horizontally, slowly cutting away at the giant's tendons once more. Though it was reinforced and thick, the young man's sword was able to tear through the demon's flesh.

The giant fell to his knees, the last time he will ever fall. The young man then leapt on its back, scaling it using his sword as a means to ascend its back. And upon reaching its head, he plunged his sword downwards with a harsh prejudice, neglecting the blood spilling from it like a baptismal fountain.


But for the finishing touches, his mouth moved, a word appeared within his mind, enticing him to say it out loud. Unable to resist, he yells forth like a thundering tyrant wielding an iron fist, "Consecration!" his eyes became a luminous white glimmer, his hand and mark was engulfed in a radiance unlike anything it had produced up until now, and his sword, bathed in a sacred splendor, seemingly burning at the demon's impure flesh.

Finally, the entire town and beyond it, a burst of the white majestic light filled the land, as if blessing it. Those demons that were weak of heart ceased to exist as they bore sight to it, and those that were able to handle the fledgling's might escaped with what little strength they had in their legs as the light started cleansing the town and its surroundings of their presence.

I took the sword out from the demon's head, jumping down onto the stone floor with a dizzy and nauseous feeling wracking my head. My field of vision is blurry, but I managed to see the damage around me.

The ruined town houses were shattered and demolished, some parts of the stone streets were destroyed as well. It was like it was before, but worse.

On the brighter side, the demons have gone, leaving nothing but the dead carcasses of their allies whom were slain in battle. The threat was finished, or that was what I believed in. the giant stood there in front of me, blocking the sun's rays, dripping with blood.

I look around for someone and spot Ruziel, still standing with his backs to the walls, arms limp beside his waist. He breathed weakly, but his smile never faded.

"Z-Zach. You did it *cough* *cough* you, did it," he took steady breaths, pausing for a few seconds after some words, then resuming to speak.

"You're fine now. Everything's going to be alright. I managed to beat them, somehow. So just rest, and when you wake up, you'll be back in Lavis before you know it," I said, panting, but wanting to say everything I could before my voice decides to give up on me.

"Listen, I don't have much left in me. As you can see, I'm in no position to move, and all that's keeping me up is my optimism. But hear me out. I want to tell you something before I go."

I refrain from speaking, knowing that from the way he is looking at me, an argument wouldn't do any good, and that this was truly his last moments. I decided to listen intently, clenching my fists tightly, biting my lip, almost causing it to bleed.

"I don't understand anything that's happening, but you know, I never though in my wildest dreams would I ever live to see a Thalisean's light. The fabled white light of hope. It was amazing. It was like standing here despite being wounded was worth it. It's just sad that I wouldn't be able to help you, not that you would need my help, I think... Shit!" he cried, gritting his teeth, his legs nearly gave up on him. "Damn, I'll have to make this short. You're everyone's hope now. I know it's a big responsibility, but everyone needs you..." he turns silent for a while.

"I didn't know dying was this terrifying. You don't know what's waiting for you. Well, I guess this is it. And by the way, don't you dare let me see you following me to the other side. I don't care if you're a Thalisean or not, but you're all this place's got," he smiled, his eyes slowly but surely closing for the last time, like a curtain falling for the final show. His body fell to the ground, his head tilts forward, indicating that he has left, but still his smile remained, everlasting.


"Damn this! Why, why did I have to lose another one?!" I cried out to the sky, receiving no response other than a clear blue view of the sky.

I gathered up my emotions and kept them in check, refusing to let loose my feelings right now. There still one more person here that I hope is safe.

I ran for Sir Hark, his figure was lying down on the pavement, motionless, as if the worst has already happened.

"Sir Hark! Sir Hark!" I called out, kneeling beside him, seeing his chest swell and deflate, relieving my heart greatly.

He coughed, eyes twitching before opening. He had a pale and weak demeanor to him. But it was understandable as to why. He seemed pain when he tried to move his body as simple as a slight shift in position.

"Sir Hark! Thank goodness you're alright! I-I don't know what I could've done if you were gone as well," I said, appearing grim to him as my shoulders slumping, and the rest of my body relaxing.

"It looks like you've done it, Zachary. You saved my life, and maybe the rest of this place from that demon. I'm sorry, but will you give me a bit of time to rest, I don't think I can move my body that well yet. It's a miracle that I can still babble on like this, but without that I'd be screaming in pain," he said, lying flat on his back, looking at the sky.

I sat beside him, resting my tired body for a while, but not putting it to rest as the smaller demons may come back and prey on us.

"What did you say about me almost being gone as well?" he asked.

"Ruziel... He, he's gone. I couldn’t save him in time. If only I had been faster, then he might still be here."

"Don't blame yourself. You did your best, and that was enough. But tell me one thing. Was he smiling till the end?"

"Yes, he was," I said, in clear wonder and envy at how strong his optimism was until the end, choosing to smile rather than weep.

"Then that means he passed away content and happy. He would bear you no grudge, that much I promise you. I knew them all well. It… saddens me that they are all gone now, just like that. Is this how a father would feel if he lost his sons?" Sir Hark lamented, closing his eyes, shedding a tear for their abrupt passing. "I take full responsibility for not having led them through this."

A pang in my heart formed. Though he took the responsibility of their lives in his hands, I could not help but feel my own responsibility hanging above my head. It's clear after all this, it has to be. The path that was hidden from me, the one I chose to walk.

I don't want anything like this to happen. As long as it does, I don't have the luxury of being safe. This mark proves that I can change something.

I looked at the mark behind my hand, fading quickly into nothingness. I feel the energy that it gave me fleeting away, returning to whence it came from. It was like the energy from me was being siphoned as well by a powerful vacuum or a vortex.

A heavy toll of pain assaults my head, my heart beats quickly, letting out a lash of thorns and heat, forcing me to clutch my chest tightly, unable to bear it as I fell to the ground, clearly alarming Sir Hark as I hear his voice calling out to me.

The place where the mark appeared, there it was the most painful. The feeling of a sharp, searing sensation was being etched onto it. My throat felt dry, and finally, I was unable to hold on, feeling delirious from... everything.

"Can, I lie down for a while, Sir Hark?" I asked, trying to hold on for just a bit more before I could collapse. "I don't great at all. It feels like I'm going to pass out entirely if I don't get any rest.

"I don't see why not. Go ahead. Rest a bit and regain your energy for a while. I'll guard you. A broken shoulder won't stop me from killing any demon that comes into sight. So rest assured," he says, standing up with a loud grunt of pain, managing to get up with his right arm, his left dangling to his side.

I fell to the concrete stone street; my mind went blank, and my eyes became a blur, turning dark within seconds.

"How are you feeling, Zach? want to go training for a bit?" a limber, spry, old man asked, walking with his cane towards a clear glassy plane, devoid of any obstruction, not a tree in sight, nor a cloud in the sky. It fairly decent morning.

"You bet! I have so much energy to spare that I think I can go on training for the rest of the day without a break!" I say, exhilarated, freedom stretching boundlessly into the horizon, feeling the fresh breeze blow past me.

"Good. I like that kind of spirit. It feels great when I see you inheriting one of my traits. Unfortunately, I don't think you'll be able to match me, but still, I am proud of how far you've gotten."

"If only your back weren't acting up I would've shown you a thing or two, old man. Things aren't the same from when I was a kid. I've changed. I've become stronger! Look, I even have this mark now. With this, I'll be able to save as many people as I can. I don't want anything bad happening to those I care about."

"Oh? Is that so? Then why couldn't you save your mother, or me?" he asked, turning a stern expression, taking on a serious voice.

"Wait, what do you mean?" I laughed wryly. "What are you talking about now, old man. Saving you or Mom, what does that mean? I thought we were training, not joking around. Come on, we can do that later!" I said, slightly unnerved by some reason. I know he would often make lighthearted jokes, but this came off as suspicious. Where am I exactly?

"Who you are, what you are. It's all useless. You failed to save us, and we desperately called your name. If only you could have felt the lash of pain the flames inflicted upon our bodies. Scorching us almost to death, if it weren't for you. But by that time, it was already too late, you weakling," he says harshly and bluntly, making a wide, maniacal grin, a face I'd never seen Dad make in his entire life.

"I don't understand. Where is this all coming from. And where's Mom anyway? Get a grip on yourself already, Dad. This is no time to be playing around!" I took a step forward, trying to ease him, but he swatted my hand away.

"You are nothing, and you are meant to be nothing. Your mother's gone, dead. You failed to save her after all. You're useless. If only we hadn't taken you in, then we would have not had to worry about taking care of you. After all, you amount to nothing."

"No... that can't be. Tell me you're lying!" I shook his shoulders, seeing his wide grin up and personal.

He then burst out into a laugh, forcing me back, feeling terrified as I ran as far away as I could be from that man, the sky turning red and dark, the green grass becoming a dead expanse of land, barren and lifeless as far as the eye can see. But nonetheless I never stopped running, feeling his gaze on my back.

"You can't run away from this! You know that, Zach. This memory will always haunt you since you are weak. And maybe forever if you are like this for eternity. Now come, join us," I heard his voice, sly and cunning. However, I never turned back.

Wherever I ran to, it never ended. The sight continued on, and the scenery was the same as it was when I first saw it. Almost as if I was in a trance, one that felt too real for me to even think of believing.

Feeling a pair of eyes on me, I turn around, seeing Mother and Father, both terrible bloodied, the same state I saw them in when I got into the house and took them out from the fire. They were heavily wounded and frowning at me. It looked like they carried a strong feeling of vengeance with them, but they inched closer, and I found myself unable to move and run away from them.

"Accept your fate. You are weak, so you deserve nothing but the same as us. Death. Being a Thalisean means nothing to us if you failed at even trying to save us. How pathetic," she said, holding her hand out.

"Yes. It is a feeble attempt at a dream that could never be achieved. Now come, join us forever and we shall forgive you," father extended his hands out to me as well.

I stared at his hand, and then I felt a slight twitch on my right hand. It moved by itself, charmed by the offer, but terrified by what was happening, and what they were saying. I couldn't yell for help, but my mouth was not blocked by anything. It was simply because my voice wouldn't come out.

... Wake up!

A voice made me spring up. Cold beads of sweat formed on my forehead, and my breathing was ragged and fast.

"Nightmare?" Sir Hark asked, sitting close by.

"I-I don't know. It felt as if though it was real. I almost did something I might have to regret, but I'm not sure what to believe anymore," I said, clutching my head, hearing a faint ringing sound fading away.

"So, do you think you can get up? There's no way I can lift the level with one arm and another broken one. So you're our only hope of escape, or do you think we can jump down the ramparts?"

"No, I think I can do something about that. You need any help walking?" I said, standing up, feeling a bit more refreshed than before.

"Don't pity me yet, kid. I still have a bit of strength in me," he stood up, weaving slightly side to side, but regaining much of his composure.

After that, I opened the gates with my remaining strength and found that some of our horses were still there despite being surrounded by the initial chaos.

With the dusk setting in, we took two and decided to let the rest go and take what we can, leaving for Lavis after having said our prayers for those that passed.

Earlier as the defeat of the giant demon came, the majestic blast of light spread across the land, appearing to be brighter than the sun as many found themselves captivated, but oblivious as to where and who this light came from. However, there were those that were aware, curious, and skeptical.

The castle was in an uproar, people ran here and there, carrying papers or information. Many flocked to the king's hall, requesting an audience, all wanting to say the same thing, the great phenomenon.

The hall was brimming with energy and voices. People were talking to each other, discussing what happened outside. Though there were many who did not believe it, the rest filled the halls and showed their curiosity.

A man wearing a semi regal and semi-formal coat came in, a golden-crested crown sitting on top of his head. An air of superiority but compassion could be felt from him, strongly emanating.

Everyone became silent as he entered the room, standing in front of his throne, and his subjects.

"I have a vague understanding of why everyone's here. I saw it as well. That bright, luminous light of grandeur, unlike anything that we have ever seen before in our lifetime. The fortunate ones who have might know of something that we don't. Now, tell me, what troubles your minds?" he asked them, pointing to one of the men in attendance.

"My king, I remain positive and sure that it is indeed a Thalisean. As it was said in the scriptures, there is no light brighter than what the grand race of the Thalise could produce. It was even said to have been the envy of the sun. That light out there clearly defeated the sun!" he said, preaching about the wonder he saw.

The king pointed to another one, a woman who worked in the castle as do many others.

"This is an auspicious day, my king! That light only means that the Thalise have returned to eradicate the demons! I-I felt my hopes rise when I saw the light, it was as if our grief never existed. Only a light such as that can exude such feelings. I am sure that I am not alone in this," she looked around, seeing many nod in her question.

"Well then, what does my council and advisors think of this?" he asked the upstart, noisy, and well-dressed men standing on the side of the throne. They carried an exuberant, and excessive amount of grandeur pointed to themselves.

"We the council were enjoying the afternoon when this happened. We could not help but discuss what could happen and consult you, your majesty. Thus, I have come as the representative of a majority of the council. I, Lucius Kafra, propose that we find this source at once and arrange for the Thalisean to an exalted guest in this grand kingdom," said a plump man wearing regal clothing that might overshadow even the king's attire with the amount of gold and jewelry on his person.

"So you propose that we find this Thalisean and have him or her fight the battle?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at their proposal.

"Well, isn't it natural that the ones fit for the task should undertake it? Our people's weariness seems to have been quelled shortly with this display of luminosity. It would do them even greater if the Thalisean would be presented here. They cannot neglect their duties after all!" he said pompously and confidently.

"What do the advisors say about this?" he faced the right side of the hall, where esteemed and distinguished looking men stood in silence.

"Forgive us, my king, but we are still in the middle of convening. If you'll allow us an audience, then we could discuss this without the presence of the public. It is a matter of great importance, after all. We should not be swayed by anyone's decisions but ourselves. Though the public means well, this decision rests heavily on how we make our next moves. Our thoughts need to be sincere and well thought out, otherwise we might make mistakes that we might regret. Will you allow us that, your majesty?" one of the old, stoic, and well-build men wearing a full set of armor and an eyepatch knelt on one leg, placing his right hand over his chest where his heart was.

"Ridiculous!" said Lucius, outraged, siding with the people as he glanced back and forth from them and to the advisors. Convincing the public majority quite skillfully. "The people have a right to know about this. After all, our hope has returned. This is a chance that we absolutely cannot squander, and making it private would only divide us when we should be united in this opinion!"

Many nodded in his remark. But the old man did not back down. He held a firm resolve and took a deep breath in, then again attacked with his claim.

"Then what if that was a demon's ploy. They are capable of casting magic, even the very smallest ones. What if they mean to lure us to wherever that is and eliminate us? Needless to say that the kingdoms surrounding us are very capable of that. Many can cast a light that bright with a sufficient amount of energy. I should know. I am half a mage, and the apprentice of a magus. Now, will you all let your emotions run freely, or will you allow us to discuss this in an orderly manner so that if we have expectations, they are not put that high up. Disappointment can destroy a man's psyche," he retreated, stepping back with his arms crossed.

All looked to the king for the final resolution, holding their breaths as he stood there, his eyes closed.

"This is how we are going to handle this. We will convene, but afterwards, we shall announce our findings and plans to the public. But I shall advise you all now, just as Advisor Horatio said, don't get your hopes up too much. We might be deceived, or it might be real. Leave it to us to find out the truth. Is that a good enough proposal for you all?" he asked, meeting to resistance as they all nodded in agreement, clearing the hall in an orderly and timely manner.

After most of the public and the two political factions had cleared out, he sighed, slumping on his throne. "This is why I hate politics. I'm just glad it's not that bad."

"Needless to say that you were splendid, my dear," an elegant and gentle voice soothed his exhaustion. He glanced to his side, seeing his wife, the queen, walking towards him with a long, white dress, and a shoal to cover her white, slender shoulders.

She had a long, straight, brown hair along her back, and her ocean blue eyes complemented her clear beauty. Exuding a motherly aura, she giggled upon seeing him tired and complaining, easing his worries just with her presence.

"It was a resolution that everyone agreed to. Their faces looked content when they left the hall. No doubt that it was the right decision to make," she continued.

"Ah, Roxanne. So, you saw everything, huh? I guess it was alright. But tell me, what could you have said to them?" he asked, standing to meet her eyes, a bit taller than her.

"Now, now. No need to ask me. Otherwise you would doubt yourself again. Leave it at that and be confident in your decisions. Everyone here depends on you, so you should lift your head a bit more," she laughed as he did as she told.

"Wha- what's with the laughing?"

"Lorelei and I are the only ones that can see you this distressed. It's quite the sight when we look at you from the side while you are working."

"sigh, well, isn't that just natural? I have to unwind and be myself whenever I'm with my family. By the way, where is Lorelei? I haven't seen her after we ate breakfast."

"Right now she is in the garden with Sofiya and a few guards, resting after finishing with her studies. I will be heading there. Would you care to join me?" she asked, lending her arm to him.

He intertwined his arms in hers, and they walked side by side, entering a long corridor with countless of doors on one side, and rows of tall windows on the other side. They were guided by a long, red carpet. "Naturally. I wouldn't dare miss spending time with you two," he said, smiling warmly at her.

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