《Mite》1.02 - Rampage On The Loose - Rewrite



When they arrived at the station, the officer left them to sit at her desk and explained that Hunter could call whoever he needed. The officer disappeared into an office.

“Who do you wanna call?” Silas asked.

“I was thinking I could ring mum.” Hunter pulled out his phone.

“Ain’t she gonna be pissed?” There was a few moments silence, “at us?” A look of awkwardness crept along Silas’s face.

“Probably.” Hunter dialled his mother and his face soured when she answered the phone.

“What’s up son?” her words were slurred together.

“Can you come pick me and Silas up from the police station downtown?”

“What did you two do?” Clarity returned to her words as frustration took over.

“We tried to stop someone robbing a bank. And we hurt the guy.” Hunter’s voice went quieter as he spoke.

“You what?” Her scream hurt Hunter’s ears, even though the phone was a few inches from his face. He ended the call.

“We could’ve rung your parents.” Hunter put the phone away and looked around the station.

“Nope, no way. I don’t want them to know I went about this hero thing the wrong way and ended up at a police station. I’d be in trouble for sure.” Silas tapped his fingers in waves on the desk.

“By taking your games away? That’s real bad.” There was frustration in Hunter’s voice now, he could just imagine what tonight was going to be like when he got home.

“What do you think they’re gonna do to us?”

“Detain us, press charges? Maybe that Copter guy will come after us. Who knows.” At that moment, the officer returned.

“I’m officer Robertson. Do you understand why I brought you two down here tonight?” She sat down at her desk and looked at the two of them.


“Because a guy got hurt. He got hurt because we have no proper training, nor are we sanctioned heroes or being mentored,” replied Hunter.

“Pretty much on the mark there, yeah. Look, most of the police have no powers, but we have a job to do. It ain’t easy going up against some of these crazy villain types that the heroes take on. Heck, most of us get told we’re just ‘back up’.” She adjusted herself in her seat. Hunter’s phone went off, but he ignored it.

“Wanting to help uphold justice and the law is great. They’re good goals to have. This city is bonkers, and we need all the help we can get. But, if you don’t know what you’re doing, it can become dangerous, fast. I’d hate to see two young kids such as yourself, get seriously injured, or worse.”

“Oh, you mean dead,” said Silas. His tone was flat, but he forced an awkward chuckle.

“I’ll be keeping a record of everything that happened tonight. But, unless we hear from this Copter fella, you won’t be getting into any serious trouble from us tonight. But consider this your first and final warning.”

“Okay.” Hunter and Silas replied in unison.

“That guy there.” Robertson pointed to a guy in a green padded suit. He was cuffed and being brought in by a pair of officers. He was covered in blood and looked as though he was gonna be sick. “Tried doing the same as you two, just now. Person was killed.” Hunter and Silas looked at each other.

“We’re sorry, officer Robertson,” said Silas.

“I’m Rampage, and you’re all a part of the problem!” Officer Robertson looked over their heads and her eyes went wide at the sight.


A musclebound man that stood over seven feet tall and covered in scars had stormed into the police station. A desk had already been flung across the room and shattered against a wall.

“Get to the back of the room,” said Officer Robertson. She picked up her gun and started to shout orders at the man.

A drowning cacophony of several officers all barked orders at the man, all with their guns held up.

“I’m here to cure the disease!” The man who called himself Rampage was being swarmed by officers, like ants against an elephant. He easily threw them off.

“Final warning!” screamed Robertson. With no sign of him slowing down, six officers started to shoot at the new attacker.

“Come on.” Silas pointed to the back of the room. Hunter looked at him and shook his head.

“We make a stand, here and now.” Hunter opened up his other flask of dust and spun the dust around his hands.

“Have you seen that guy?” The disbelief in Silas’s voice was tangible.

Almost all of the officers were now lying on the floor. Rampage cackled like a madman.

The entrance to the police station burst open and Hunter watched in horror as his mother walked into the building. Rampage failed to notice the newcomer.

As Silas’s mother approached Rampage, shiny blue and silver metal crawled across her skin, forming a high-tech suit, complete with an enclosed helmet.

She leapt across the room using her propulsion boots and smashed Rampage in the back of the head. He crumpled like wet paper.

“Sentinel, I didn’t think you were still active?” Officer Robertson approached the armoured hero.

“I’m here for my son.” She pointed at Hunter.

“But the-” Robertson started, but Sentinel stormed across the room and grabbed her son by the shoulder.

“We’re going home. Silas, you too.”

“Sure.” The three plodded out of the station. They all failed to notice the shadowy figure on a rooftop across the street.

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