《Mite》1.30 - A Mammoth And A Flying Beast



Hunter, Jimena, Gauzelle and Silas couldn’t come to an agreement on whether they should recruit a fifth member into their team.

“All three of those candidates seemed like cool additions,” said Silas.

“Yeah, but the four of us work so well together,” Gauzelle pointed out.

“That happened really fast,” Silas noted.

“Its okay, there’s no need to rush,” said Michael. “There are a few other potentials that I think would fit the team well.” Michael’s communicator beeped and the hologram projected Claw’s face.

“Michael, I’ve got some leads. Should have some answers soon, but I don’t like where this is going.”

“That’s okay. Stay low and keep at it.” Claw ended the transmission.

“Has he said anything yet?” Hunter asked.

“Not yet. Its okay, he’s the best there is at what he does, even if it isn’t pretty.” Michael smiled at nobody in particular. Michael’s communicator buzzed again. Another face appeared; one Hunter didn’t recognise.

A large part of her face was knotted with an ugly scar. It ran up through her hair, leaving a large jagged lightning bolt of bare, mottled skin.

“What’s wrong?” asked Michael.

“There’s a monster rampaging over at Sunny Glades. I can’t make it there; do you have anyone?” Sunny Glades was a quiet suburban district down the East side of Athena City. It was a strange mix of city and large town living.

“You lot ready?” Michael asked.

“Of course.” Hunter’s tone hid is faltering confidence. Hearing the word ‘rampaging’ made him think of Rampage and nerves flitted through his body.

“Hey, Excelsior. Can you teleport us there?” Silas asked.

“I think I can just this once. But hold on, it takes a while to get used to. Horrendous motion sickness.”


Michael grabbed his communicator from the floor, attached it to his wrist and pressed a sequence of buttons. The blue, purple light they had seen only recently flashed over them.

It felt like a hook tried to pull Hunter’s guts through his stomach.

Silas doubled over and took deep breaths. Jimena wobbled a little on her legs. Hunter’s head was taken over by a sudden headache. It poked behind his left eye and immediately disappeared.

Something large smashed through the roof of a house next to them. For a moment, the house looked normal. Then suddenly, it collapsed on itself.

An angry roar rumbled from the debris. The debris shuffled and a large shadow leapt out of the rubble.

Hunter took the figure in. Standing in front of them was a monstrous bipedal mammoth. Easily over eight feet tall, its bulging muscles were hidden under shaggy brown fur.

“Howsit going Excelsior?” the mammoth growled. The voice was deep and guttural.

“Not bad Mammoth. What’s happening? We were told a monster was rampaging over here, so I brought a team to help out.”

“That’s your new team? They look a little puny,” Mammoth laughed.

“Something just sent you flying,” Gauzelle snapped back.

“Settle little one, I only meant it as a joke.” Mammoth rolled his shoulder and it popped and cracked.

“So what’s the problem?” Hunter asked.

“That,” Mammoth pointed. The team turned and saw a large red dragon circling in the sky.

“Come on, what the heck are we supposed to do with that?” said Gauzelle.

“I don’t know. I’m strong but there’s not much I can do. Excelsior, don’t you think you should take them away from here?” Mammoth squatted, preparing to launch himself at the incoming dragon.

“No, I think they should be here. There are other ways to help then direct combat,” said Michael.


“What do you want us to do?” Silas asked. Michael looked at Hunter and gave an imperceptible nod.

Hunter looked around him, noticing for the first time there were residents out on the streets. Most were looking at the dragon, some at Mammoth and the group. Some had phones out and were filming everything. Most of them looked scared.

“All right, I want people to start evacuating now. This area has become too dangerous. Follow me and my team, we’ll guide you to safety,” Hunter called out to the crowd. The team looked at Hunter and nodded.

The team spread out. Michael rounded up the crowd that had gathered, using the communicator to amplify his voice.

Mammoth blasted up toward the dragon. It saw him coming and opened its mouth. A geyser of red-hot fire burst forth. Mammoth retaliated by shooting out a cloud of ice from his trunk.

The ice quickly dissipated, but it was enough to allow Mammoth to rocket forward with only slight burns. His fist cracked into the snout of the dragon. Its head turned to the side and Mammoth’s momentum carried him through.

The dragon’s immense tail slammed into his side, sending him plummeting to the ground. The impact left a small crater.

Hunter approached a house and knocked on the door. No answer. As Hunter turned to walk to the next, he heard something crash from within the house.

“Are you all right?” Hunter called out. There was no response. “I’m coming in.” Hunter tried the door handle, hoping that the door was unlocked. As he gave it a jiggle, he was relieved when the handle turned.

Hunter ran in and was overwhelmed by a burning smell and fierce smoke pierced his throat. Hunter put his elbow over his mouth and made way toward the kitchen.

“Help,” a faint voice called out. Hunter looked down to see an elderly woman laying helpless on the floor. She looked to be in a lot of pain. Hunter squatted down.

“Hi there, my name’s Mite. What happened?”

“An accident with cooking, and I’ve fallen over. I think I broke a rib or two,” the elderly lady spluttered. A violent coughing fit took hold and she whimpered in pain.

“Okay. Let me help you up.” Hunter helped her to sit up. He put her arm over his shoulders and wrapped his arm around her waist. “On the count of three, we’re going to stand up.” A loud pop burst from somewhere within the smoky haze and Hunter could feel the rising heat.

“I don’t think I can.”

“Yes you can. You can do this. One.”


“Two.” Hunter readied himself.

“I can’t.”

“Three.” With all his might, Hunter pulled her up along with him. They wobbled for a moment, but they were able to manage.

An explosion burst forth from the oven. The door shot through the air, narrowly missing the two of them.

“Let’s go.” Hunter and the elderly lady awkwardly hobbled out of the burning house.

The two managed to make it back to where Michael was guiding the residents away. Mammoth had drawn the dragon far away from the gathering residents. Hunter was surprised he was able to continue fighting such a huge monster.

Hunter was so preoccupied in helping people evacuate he didn’t hear Michael on his communicator.

“Thanks Lancelot, I think that’ll help him.”

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