《Mite》1.18 - Pizza Run



The four teens were exhausted. Training with Stick had been gruelling that day and Hunter wasn’t sure if they were going to complete it.

They were all sitting in the living room, the t.v. droned in the background. Some criminal was destroying something. It happened so regularly; the type of news was seen as white noise for most.

“Today sucked,” said Jimena.

“Agreed,” said Silas.

“It wasn’t that bad,” Hunter lied.

“Why is she so tough on us?” Gauzelle asked.

“We basically gambled with Michael. We wanted to help against a powerful villain even though there’s no way we’re ready,” Silas informed.

“Hunter pushed it,” said Jimena.

“You all wanted in,” Hunter replied. He fished through the refrigerator for something to eat but was said to find it almost empty. “There’s nothing to eat.”

“What do you mean?” Jimena asked.

“Exactly what I say. There’s nothing to eat. Stick has some leftover leaves but that’s about it.” Hunter’s stomach groaned and ached.

“Now that you mention it, I’m feeling hungry too,” said Silas.

“Me three,” Jimena chimed in.

“I don’t,” said Gauzelle. She flicked through the channels and an advertisement for Inferno’s Pizzas came on.

Inferno’s Pizzas was considered among the best pizzerias in Athena City. The main reason being their cooking method. A terracotta oven was used, like most, but it was the heat source that made it stand out. The owner of Inferno’s Pizzas was the heat source himself. Blake Inferno could turn into a flame, cooking the pizza himself, he always knew when each pizza was perfect.

“Do…you eat, Gauzelle?” Silas asked.

“No. I don’t need to drink either. No body under here, remember?” Gauzelle unravelled her torso and they could see the couch behind her.

“What about sleep?” Silas asked.

“Yeah, I still need to rest. But not for long. Only need about two hours for every eight the average person needs.” She wrapped the bandages back into place.

“When did you get your bandage powers?” Silas asked. He wasn’t sure if he could ask such a question so bluntly, but he couldn’t help himself.



“You don’t have to answer him,” said Jimena.

“No, no. I, just don’t remember anything further than six months ago. Pretty sure Gauzelle isn’t even my real name.” There was a wistful tone to her voice.

“Well, yeah. That would just be weird,” Silas blurted out.

“Shut up,” Jimena blasted at him.

“Did you guys want some pizza?” Gauzelle asked, her tone now picking up.

“Yes, I’m starving,” said Hunter.

“Do you think Stick would mind? She did say we’re not meant to leave,” Silas started to sound worried.

“We’re heroes in training. As if we can’t just get some pizza?” Jimena chimed in.

“Is she asleep?” Hunter asked.

“Let me go check, I’m pretty stealthy.” Gauzelle unravelled into her long, single bandage form and slithered away.

“What did Michael say to her?” Silas asked. “I mean, one minute we’re stopping her robbing an art gallery. The next, she’s joined our team, Young Revengers.”

“No. Stop trying to force it. It won’t happen if you try to force it,” said Hunter.

“It doesn’t matter what he said. He sees her as being a great fit,” Jimena was standing now, getting ready for their field trip.

“I don’t care she’s joined. Its cool that she has. I just want to know what he said.”

“He said ‘You can continue this life of crime, one that will get you nowhere. Or you can help pull a team together. Two of them are all right, but the bouncy one is a real pain in the ass’”. Gauzelle had returned and stood in the doorway, nobody had heard her come in.

“Sorry,” Silas blushed.

“She asleep?” Hunter asked.


“As team leader, I declare we can get pizza from Inferno’s. I’ll personally take all responsibility,” Hunter declared.

“This seems a little out of character for you, mister serious,” said Jimena.

“Hungry Hunter is angry Hunter. Let’s go.” The four of them left the sterile light of the treehouse and made their way through the Primal Lands. Hunter had learnt the way through.

As they ran through the Primal Lands, it had been smooth sailing until they had just about reached the doorway to make it outside.


A large tyrannosaurus rex was standing there, blocking the way. Almost as though it knew they would come through.

“Anyone up to take that down?” Jimena asked.

“Should be pretty easy for me,” said Silas. He inflated, kicked off the ground and shot toward the dinosaur. It roared and headbutted him, bouncing him in the opposite direction. He flew into the trees, leaving the other three standing there.

“Gauzelle, how strong are you?” Hunter asked.

“No idea, why?”

“Can you wrap around its mouth? Maybe that’ll agitate it enough it’ll leave?”

Without replying, Gauzelle leapt forward and unravelled, shooting forward as one long bandage. She made it to the mouth and started wrapping around the jaws as tightly as she could.

The dinosaur shook its head a little and when it realised it couldn’t open its mouth, it shook its head more violently. The t-rex stomped around, making the ground vibrate.

“I don’t know how much longer I can hold,” Gauzelle’s voice was strained.

“Coming through,” Silas called. He barrelled through and crashed into the side of the dinosaur’s head. The head hit the wall with such force, they were all surprised it didn’t crack. The dinosaur was still standing but it looked a little wobbly on its feet.

“Let it go now Gauzelle.” Gauzelle unravelled. The t-rex let out a whimpering cry and stomped away back into the forest.

“All right, lets go.” Hunter approached the keypad and put his hand on it. The doorway opened and now they were out on the street.

“This way,” Jimena instructed. The other three followed her.

“Help, he’s got my purse.” The group had made it three blocks before this latest hurdle.

Hunter picked up his pace and went after the purse snatcher. His fitness had greatly improved since training with Stick. The criminal looked over his shoulder, gawked at Hunter and doubled his efforts.

“Jimena, slip him up.” Jimena had caught up to Hunter. She nodded and shot a few slime balls. She cracked him in the back of the head, and it sent him flying face first into the ground.

“Not exactly what I meant.”

“Sorry.” They approached the fallen criminal and Hunter grabbed the purse. He flipped the body over and it was someone he recognised. It had been the same purse snatcher as the one a few weeks before.

“Here you are ma’am.” Hunter returned the purse to the civilian and was surprised it was the same lady who’s purse he had rescued last time.

“Hello again,” she smiled.

“Hi again.” The group reformed and kept running towards Inferno’s Pizza.

The team had almost made it. They could see the storefront approaching.

“Pizza!” Silas whooped.

An explosion rocked the pizzeria and the window blew out, sending shards of glass everywhere. Gauzelle wrapped around everyone’s ankles and pulled them to the ground just in time, avoiding the deadly projectiles.

The four of them stood back up and watched as a man stepped out of the smoky building.

He wore a spikey leather jacket, something that looked like it had been made at home. He had motorcycle boots and his right arm was a metal rod with an oversized circular blade at the end.

“I am Slicer,” he called out to nobody in particular. Hunter thought his arm looked like a giant pizza slicer.

“Not now,” said Hunter. The four of them rushed him at once. Gauzelle wrapped around his ankles. Jimena splatted him with two slime balls. Hunter released dust and induced a sneezing fit and Silas knocked him into the brick entryway. He was out cold, still sneezing.

Blake Inferno stumbled out of the building. He was obviously distressed at the sight of the destruction to his pizzeria.

“Mister Inferno?” Silas asked.

“I’m sorry kids, but there’ll be no more pizza tonight. The oven is ruined.”

“No,” the group said.

“You kids hungry?” They turned and saw Stick. She stood there with three pizza boxes.

“You knew?” Jimena asked.

“I’m not,” added Gauzelle.

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