《Mite》1.14 - An Old Enemy



“You humiliated me and fractured a few bones last time. But I’m back and I’ve got this nifty new toy.” Copter waved his gun, though kept it pointed at Mite.

“I’m sorry. It wasn’t meant to happen that way.” Hunter took a step back and felt for his flask of dust.

“Sure, sure. It happened and I’ve been wanting to get even with you ever since. I just didn’t know how to find you. Imagine my excitement when I saw you show up to me robbing a bank. Again!” The gun in Copter’s hand had a faint white and orange glow to it.

“I had to stop you; you were robbing a bank.” Hunter opened the lid of his flask as he slowly stepped away from Copter.

“You never had to do such a thing. You and your friend could’ve left me be. Is he here, the fat one?” Copter looked around feverishly, his eyes burning madly.

“No, he’s not.” Hunter slowly gathered the dust about his body, being careful to barely move.

“That’s a shame, I would’ve loved to try this new weapon on both of you. Oh well, I guess you’ll have to do.” The gun gave a jolted groan and whirred into life.

Hunter closed his eyes, unsure of what to do. He braced himself for whatever impact the gun would do but felt an incredible force knock into his left. Hunter was sent skidding to the ground, grazing his face. He opened his eyes and saw his uncle, standing there, being hit with electricity. Copter’s laughter quickly died off into confusion and Bulldog stood there, unfazed.

“Is that the best you got, old timer?” Bulldog asked.

“You’re The Bulldog, aren’t you?” Copter asked. The madness flickered in his eyes. The glowing of his gun changed colours, it now had a faint red and yellow glow to it.


“Yeah, what of it?” Bulldog slammed a fist into a palm, cracking his neck. Hunter couldn’t believe the showmanship his uncle displayed. It was the kind of hero he didn’t want to be.

“You don’t recognise me?” Copter took aim at Bulldog again.

“No. Should I?” Bulldog jeered.

Mister Blade ran over to Hunter and helped him up off the ground.

“He’s got a dangerous weapon; I think you need to stand a little further back.” He led Hunter to the other side of the street.

“You’re not going to help him?” Hunter asked.

“Of course not. He’d be insulted if I did such a thing. It takes a lot before Bulldog admits he needs help, even from his own team.”

“Forty years ago, you repeatedly defeated me. Thwarting my every attempt at anything I ever tried to do. I’ve spent a lot of time recovering from injuries because of you. I am Copter.”

“Sorry, can’t say that I remember you at all. You must’ve been a chump.”

“Get ready to burn.” Copter pulled the trigger and a jet of fire burst from his gun. It hit Bulldog square in the chest, but the hero stood there, unaffected.

“You really thought you could do something to me with fire? Electricity did nothing. This won’t take long.”

“Typical superhero, full of ego.” Copter shot with his gun again, this time a geyser of water shot from his gun. Copter grabbed the handles from his backpack, thumbed the buttons and the rotary blade extended out from his pack.

Copter started to ascend but Bulldog grabbed his ankle and pulled him down onto the ground. The rotary blades clanged and sparked against the sidewalk before coming to a stop.

“Typical villain. Always a joke.” Bulldog crouched down and knocked Copter out in one hit. His head hit the pavement so hard, Hunter winced.


“Is he always so rough?” Hunter asked.

“Yes. He believes in absolution. It upsets a lot of other heroes,” replied Mister Blade.

“Its not the kind of hero I want to be.” Hunter looked at his uncle with embarrassment.

“Be better. He’s got some great qualities, but they are often taken over by his shortcomings.”

“And what great qualities would those be?” Hunter watched as Bulldog flicked one of his coins at Copter. He picked up the gun and walked over to Hunter and Mister Blade.

“He’s fiercely loyal and a great leader and tactician. What have you got there Bulldog?”

“His weapon. Some kind of element gun? I’ll make sure it gets looked at. You sounded like you knew him kid. You tangled with him before?”

“Yeah. A few weeks ago. He didn’t have the gun though, that’s new.” Hunter tried to get a good look at the strange weapon and then shot a glance at Copter’s unconscious body.

“Don’t worry, he had it coming. They’ll take him away, make sure he’s not injured too badly and send him on his way.”

“You’re just going to leave him on the street? This is Crooked Downs; he’ll probably get stabbed or robbed. Or both.”

“You can stay with him if you want. You failed tonight kid. I’ll call Michael and let him know what went down.” Bulldog started to walk off.

“What do you mean fail? I didn’t do anything.” Hunter clenched his fists.

“Exactly. Which means you or your team members could’ve been killed. You’re not ready for this. Stick to doing homework and taking care of your alcoholic mother.”

“You asshole.” Hunter ran up to his uncle and punched him straight in the gut. A cracking pain exploded in his wrist and up his arm.

“Pathetic.” Bulldog walked away. Mister Blade left in a different direction and Hunter went over to Copter’s body and stood there until the police showed up.

Hunter was relieved to recognise one of the officers. It was the lady who had brought him in after his first encounter with Copter. He never caught her name.

“Knocked the old geezer out again I see,” she smiled.

“Bulldog did it.”

“What are you doing running with the likes of him? I didn’t pick you for the vigilante type.” An ambulance arrived, assessed the elderly villain, and took him away in their vehicle.

“Didn’t really have a choice.” Hunter gave a quick explanation of what happened. The officer nodded and offered to buy him a coffee to help settle his nerves.

“Its cool that you’ve managed to get recommended by the legend Excelsior himself. But if you turn out to be one of those vigilante types, I’m gonna come after you myself.”

Hunter thanked her for the coffee, and she offered to drive him back to the Primal Lands.

Stick let him in through the same way he left. She asked about the training, but Hunter wouldn’t respond.

Hunter crawled into bed and fell asleep the moment his head touched the pillow.

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