《Phantom Wings (pending rewrite)》Chapter 20: This War of Mine
“In five days' time, Europa will launch the largest coordinated aerial attack in history.” One-six stated, looking around at the seven other people seated around the large table in the storage room. “The entire air force’s fighters will be sent out to escort a ‘mothership’, with only two squadrons of F-51s staying back to guard the city.”
“So how many fighters in total are we looking at?” Asked Lenn.
It has been less than an hour since they touched down in Valkyria, and already they were discussing how to save the world. It felt like it was all part of a fever dream, and he was going to wake up in his bed for a sortie any moment.
His teammates seemed to have the same thoughts as him, since they all looked bewildered and confused.
They thought that running away would be the end of it all, and they’d be able to have some peace. But no, running away only brought them closer to the fate of the entire world. And tied them more closely with the wellbeing of their city than ever before.
Right now, the eight of them including the European pilots, are the only people in the world who can prevent this.
“We are the only ones,” One-six had told them. “That can stop Europa from taking over the world. So are you going to lend us a hand or not?”
At the time they were too dumbfounded to really oppose One-six’s proposal, so they said yes, they would help One-six with whatever crazy plan he had. And after all, they weren’t going to stand idly as their city gets wiped from existence, even if they were wrongly accused as traitors by that very city.
“Hundreds, thousands even. Every single combat aircraft available will be sent out. They are betting everything on this one attack.” One-six said, pushing a document across the table for Lenn to read.
While in Europa it was normal to use tablets and holograms for briefing, these documents used good old paper and ink to prevent information leakage. It was also more comfortable for the New Asians who were used to physical, printed files for mission briefings.
Lenn flipped through the pages. He scanned the timeline, rows of coordinates, targets and objectives, and stopped at the page which detailed the design and purpose of a big transport plane-like aircraft codenamed “The Weapon”.
“What is this?” Lenn asked, pointing to it.
“The Weapon, a new experimental weapon Europa will deploy against New Asia in the coming offensive. It is an energy based weapon which fires a bolt of plasma that multiplies in power when in contact with metals.” Two-five explained, looking down at her computer with a scholar-like manner. “When fired upon New Asia, the bolt of energy will expand to consume the entire city, turning it into basically melted steel and powdered concrete.”
Lenn and his teammates remained silent, somewhat mystified at the brief explanation.
“I’m not sure I believe that.” Rei mumbled. “Sounds like sci-fi to me.”
“We have videos of the device in operation,” One-six answered. “Although it is hard to say whether it is real or not due to how advanced computer graphics have become.”
“I’m sorry but, you want us to prevent this whole thing from happening?” Lenn asked, looking through the rest of the file with a desperate expression. “Just the eight of us? Two planes, against the entire European air force?”
“I’m not saying that we must stop the entire operation, all we really need to do is prevent The Weapon from firing.” One-six answered.
“So you’re saying that…”
“As long as we can damage the carrier aircraft to an extent which it cannot fire upon New Asia, we can prevent the success of the offensive by giving New Asia time to react and mount a counter-offensive.”
“And how do you want to do that?”
One-six stood up from his seat and flipped the file to a diagram of the formation to be used during the offensive. It showed a swarm of smaller fighters and interceptors, each arranged in diamond shaped squadrons, and all surrounding the carrier aircraft. Like a swarm of bees sorrounding their nest, the fighters formed an almost impenetrable shield around the carrier.
“Because of the property of the plasma to consume metals and multiply in power, if the planes are arranged close enough, a misfire of the weapon could cause the plasma to form a chain reaction and destroy the entire air force at once.” One-six explained. “The plasma is stored inside a magnetic chamber while the weapon charges. If we manage to breach this chamber during that period, we can cause the plasma to become unconfined and trigger the chain reaction. We ran the math, it should work if each airplane has less than fifty meters of separation between them. The problem is how we are going to cause that breach.”
“Missiles won’t work, there’s no way they would come even close to the carrier with the amount of aircraft in the air.” Kang muttered, counting off each scenario with his fingers. “Guns aren’t gonna work either because it’s impossible to get close enough. Laser turrets maybe, but attenuation means we need to keep the beam on the carrier for an unreasonable amount of time.”
“Well that’s what we are trying to work out.” One-six stated, pacing around the room. “But I think I may have a plan…”
Kang hastened his steps to catch up with Lenn, who was walking ahead from the rest of his team.
“Do you even think the plan will work?” Kang asked as he fell into step besides Lenn.
Lenn shrugged. “Maybe,” he said. “Hopefully.”
“You know all of this just sounds like crazy nonsense right?”
“I know.”
“So then why are you trying to do this?”
Lenn stopped and turned to Kang, the rest of his team halting their steps too just a few paces behind. “So what do you expect me to do? Do you want me to just sit here and watch Europa take over the world?”
“Sure? Why not?”
“What do you think is gonna happen after that? There’ll be peace after the war is over, sure. But then? We fall under the control of Europa and lose everything. What do you think they’ll do to us? We are New Asian pilots, you know.”
“They won’t know that we are pilots. We can just stay here, in peace, until this whole thing blows over. Even if Europa takes over the world, so what? What will change?” Kang shouted. “It doesn’t matter to us anymore, you know, we aren’t part of New Asia anymore.” He paused for a moment, feeling some regret for his outburst. “We’re just four guys, with a plane, trying to survive out in the world.”
Lenn couldn’t find an answer to that. He knew that he was being selfish, he knew that Kang’s proposal was the much wiser and safer thing to do. He looked up at Rei and Ying, who avoided his gaze. He sighed, and turned around.
“Don’t follow me.” He muttered as he began to walk away.
“Where are you going?” Kang shouted.
“I don’t know. Just don’t follow me. I need to sort my thoughts out.”
Kang and the others watched in silence as Lenn’s outline disappeared into the town, not once looking back as he walked away. Rei, the tallest of the three, wrapped his arms around the other two.
“What?” Kang asked irritably.
“He does have some good points.” said Rei, “Even though I’m free from the control of the New Asian military, I still feel an obligation to protect my city. I just can’t stand by while my city gets burnt to the ground.”
“So you want to help him with the plan?”
Rei shrugged.
“Where do you think he is going?” Ying whispered, still staring in the direction Lenn had gone.
“…I think,” Rei mused after a moment of thought, “I know exactly where he is going to go.”
“So do we follow him?”
“No no, not yet.” Rei chuckled. “We go have a drink at the pub first. Enjoy it while it lasts, you know.” He laughed heartily, giving both Ying and Kang a pat on the back.
He knocked a few times on the heavy wooden door of the looming mansion. He heard footsteps approaching, and it opened to reveal Takeshi behind it.
“Hi, Mr. Takeshi,” One-six said, “Nice to see you again.”
Takeshi paused for a moment, then a wide smile appeared on his face again.
“So you’re back?” He asked rhetorically. “Did you deliver my message?”
“Yes, and we also brought you a reply.”
“Haha! How brilliant!” Takeshi laughed excitedly, taking the letter which One-six held out and tearing it open.
One-six and his team watched from the doorway, slightly amused by how excited Takeshi seemed.
“Never would I have thought that Captain Steiner would know you personally.” One-six said. “If there is nothing more, I guess we should leave now.”
“Ah, well, thank you very much.” Takeshi said gratefully. “So what are you four going to do now?”
“Right now we are going to go and do some maintenance on our plane, since we assume the workers here probably don’t have much experience working around the F-51, we figured we’d just do it ourselves.”
“No I mean, on a larger scope. After you fix your jet, what are you gonna do?”
“We are going to end the war.” One-six stated plainly.
Takeshi nodded slowly. “Well I hope you the best.”
He gently closed the door, and walked over to his dinner table to read the letter. He carefully extracted the folded sheet form the envelope, and flicked it a few times with his hands to straighten it out.
Dear Takeshi,
Goddamn has it been a long time since we last met, and so much has happened since then. They are tightening down on security so I haven’t been able to send out any letters or messages.
The four pilots are on their way to hopefully end the war, so this letter may not make it to you before the war is over. For better or for worse, whether we win or we lose.
If the war has not yet finished, then you may still have time to do something. Europa will be sending a huge offensive in the coming days, one sure to eliminate New Asia in one fell swoop. I have given my four pilots all of the documents about the offensive, in the hopes that they may be able to prevent it from succeeding. If you can offer any help, I beg for you to take action.
I know this is a bit of a selfish request, but please, make sure Europa doesn’t win the war. I hate this city with all my heart, but it is still my city. I alone doesn’t have the willpower the sabotage the operation, but I’m sure you and my four pilots do.
Now for the second scenario.
If the war is already over, and you are still alive to read this, then this will likely be my last message to you. They know that I’m bad, they know I am up to no good. But before the war is over, they must keep me. There is no one else who can succeed my position and ensure the attack succeeds, there is too little time for them to find a replacement. I guess I'm just that brilliant of a general. Information is being leaked constantly, and it is only a matter of time before New Asia will retaliate.
Honestly, even if the attack fails, I will still likely be dead. If the attack fails, the first person they will find is me. I’ll probably be tried in court martial, sentenced to death, and gunned down by a firing squad as the New Asian air force overwhelms us.
Ah… this letter is turning out to be quite pessimistic huh. Oh well.
I almost forgot to ask. How you doing? Old man. Is life in whatever village you’re staying at good? Damn I almost wish I had run away with you that day. Whatever, that’s the past now.
I still hope you have that healthy mustache and beard of yours. Also don’t forget to exercise and keep in good shape.
I’ll have to sign off now, time is running out and I have nothing more to write. If we meet again, you’re gonna take us to a pub and we are gonna get absolutely stoned.
Your best friend, Max
Takeshi grinned widely upon finishing the letter. He scrunched it up with his fists and chucked it into the little pond.
“You pessimistic bastard,” he said to himself. “What the hell, of course I’m gonna help them, you didn’t even need to ask. Also, I’ll make sure personally, that you live long enough to drink your heart out with me.”
But before he could do anything else, there was another knock at his door. He went over to open it, and this time Lenn was standing there, alone.
“Oh hi,” Takeshi said, “I got news that you four came here, but I didn’t think you’d pay me a visit so soon. Where’s the other three?”
“Not with me right now.” Lenn answered plainly, a hint of annoyance in his voice. “You helped us again didn’t you?”
“Help you again? I’m not so sure I know what you mean.”
“You know exactly what I mean.”
Takeshi sighed and looked down at the ground. “Yeah, it was me.”
“How the hell did you even manage?”
“You know what, don’t try to tell me, that’s not what I’m here for.” Lenn said, holding his hand out to cut off Takeshi. “Would you happen to know where the European pilots are?”
Takeshi looked up at Lenn, a mix of bitterness and understanding on his face. “They came here just a moment ago, they said they were going to do some maintenance on their jet.”
“So over at the hangars?”
“You know, even those Europeans are better than you.” Lenn muttered. “At least they can let go of their past and get on with things.”
Takeshi didn’t answer.
Lenn shook his head dejectedly. Not only because he was frustrated at Takeshi, but also because he was angry with himself. Deep down he is very thankful of Takeshi, but on the surface he still treats him with hostility.
He just reminds me of myself too much. Lenn thought.
The past which he had tried so hard to bury away, the past which had haunted him for most of his life. He never knew why he had such an urge to fight for his city, but he finally understood that it was because of his past, because of this war. It was because of that day.
Yet sometimes that urge would go away. Sometimes he just wanted to throw down his weapon and lie down on the fields of the fighting. But he would quickly wash those thoughts away.
He decided that, if he was in any way a decent person, he would see it until the end. He would be the one to end the war which has, in more ways than one, shaped him into the person he is now.
“What are you going to the Europeans for?” Takeshi finally asked after a long moment of awkward silence, the tinge of hostility still hanging in the air. Perhaps Takeshi could tell that Lenn was hiding things, and his apparent dislike towards him was only a facade to help him keep some of his dignity.
Lenn raised an eyebrow. “To end the war.” He stated.
Takeshi couldn’t help but chuckle a little. It was more of a proud chuckle than a jeering one.
“You remind me of my young self,” Takeshi told Lenn.
“And you remind me of myself too, though I would rather hope you didn’t.” Lenn replied, and walked away briskly before Takeshi could ask him to clarify.
Watching Lenn’s figure disappear around a street corner, Takeshi sighed heavily. Lenn’s words had hit him harder than he had realized.
He too, had had the intention of one day ending the war for good. But that wish had long been buried below the sands of reality. He had had the intention of one day getting on good terms with his daughter, but that plan had seemed to fall through too. Even though Ying had stayed in this very house, he had been unable to speak a single word to her. Like that day when he received the letter, the couldn't find the courage to do anything.
“What a disappointment I am.” He mumbled to himself.
Young men and women were losing their lives for a meaningless battle, while he sat comfortably at home, thinking of what could have been.
And now those young men and women had somehow broken through the iron curtain dividing them, and had come together to try and end the war for good. All the while he had to watch from the sidelines.
He clenched his fists together.
“Of course I won’t just watch from the sidelines.” He said to himself as he turned away from the door and headed towards his office. “I’ll make sure that this war meets its timely end. This war of mine.”
“Are you here to service your plane too?” One-six asked as Lenn entered the spacious hangar.
It was already becoming dark, and large floodlights illuminated the hangar floor from above. Their VX-200 and the F-51 of the Europeans had been transferred to an empty hangar by themselves as to not interfere with trade and other, more important operations. The villagers didn't want two military planes parked out front to give their town a had appearance.
Lenn found it kind of funny how military planes would usually be considered top priority. But here in Valkyria, they took a second seat to even the most insignificant of traveling merchants.
“Yeah,” Lenn replied briefly.
But that wasn’t the real reason. In reality, Lenn just really wanted to chat with the European pilots.
He took out a small tool case from his fighter and climbed up onto the wings. There he began to idly remove bolts and panels for no real reason, checking gauges and valves which he already knew were perfectly functional.
The Europeans were hard at work on their plane too. During the firefight and their hurried escape, it had sustained minor damage. Some panels had to be replaced, tanks needed to be refilled, fluids needed to be replenished and hinges had to be cleaned.
One-six was sitting atop the wing of his F-51, disassembling a pipe assembly to clean it from the inside. One-five and Two-five were in the cockpit, checking software and flight systems. Two-six stood besides the wing, helping to hand tools and parts to One-six.
The clicks of monkey wrenches and tinkling screws were the only sound to be heard in the otherwise soundless hangar.
“I’ve a question.” Lenn began, breaking the silence.
“Go ahead.” One-six replied without halting his work.
Lenn took a moment to gather and phrase his words. He inhaled deeply, “Why are you so set on destroying your own city?”
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