《The Empath [hidden]》chapter 9


After 2 days of Grinding alchemy i made thousands of potions which made me reach intermediate level after which the leveling slowed down.

The leveling system for production no any skills is a little complicated, you can easily reach intermediate in two or three days, then it takes month of grinding to reach master level, after that it becomes so realistic that you won't advance a level without gaining some understanding of what you are doing.

By more underatanding i mean recreating things in different manner and so on, to explain it more broadly, let's take alchemy for example at beginner level all you have to do is put in ingredients smash it up and voila you have your product.

At intermediate level you will need to learn how to smash it up, how to boil it and so on, gets a little realistic but still the system will provide assist so it's not really much of a problem you just have to follow the assist images.

However at master level you won't be able to level up the skill if you can't do it manually without assist, I.e., from procuring the ingredients, handling it, storing it properly, then the whole ordeal of processing it to get desired product, all of this you have to do manually to gain levels but you can also do this with system assist but you won't really gain any experience this way.

So many leave it at master level one or choose not to learn it at all and as described this applies to all the other skills, apart from the nonsensical magic skills you can actually use whatever you learn in game in real world too, like if you practiced martial arts, running, cooking, etc, etc., though you won't be as successful as in game you will still be able to do the basics.


Though there were complaints at first about the whole system but people got hooked up with it as game progressed.

The game company's reason for putting in place such hard system is simple, like all other games it is also based on the award system but unlike other games is pretty usefull and realistic afterall when you are just handed down gift without doing much will you appreciate it? No you won't.

So the company made the gamble of making it near realistic so you need to put in a decent amount of work to get the skill, but so as to not bore everyone out it was designed so that it will only get realistic at master level, thereby making it so people won't find it a hassle.

And all that was left was wait for them to run out of things to do after which they naturally gave it a try and it worked splendidly and pretty soon people found out that they can actually use some skills they learned in game at least at a basic level, like wood works, building things, sculpting, painting and so on.

The game company went so far as to employ pros from different fields to get a knowledge and understanding of their fields and implanted it in the game thereby making the skills use able in real life.

Anyway moving back to the game, now that I reached intermediate level there is no need to rush I guess, after all its not like I can master it anytime soon.

The divine scripture skill though is a little bit reasonable and at the same time a bit nonsensical though it provides tips on just about everything for writing like holding the pen or quail in this case correctly then comes how much pressure I put in it so apart from this it also include details such as spacing, the way I write.


and then it also gives tips on how to explain certain things, different perspectives, how to keep the readers attention and so on, very very detailed but it also started explaining how much mana I pour in and how to control it parts where I should pour in more and so on.

As for magical repair it is something close to visualization and concentration, when you pour in mana on a damaged item a image of the item in its pristine condition is displayed and something like a gif displays it turning from dented one to repaired one.

So now all you have to do is concentrate on the dent then recall the giff, the better you visualize the faster it repairs itself, of course you can simply disable this option and wait for game like repair too without you needing to do a thing, but using the gif method you get bonuses time to time.

Anyway the repair skill is still hanging at 6th level since I focused mainly on alchemy skill grinding.

Back to matter at hand I had 100 high level potion which healed 10000 points, 700 medium potions that healed 1000 points and others were low level potions that healed 50-100 points.

Honestly low level potions are useless for me and so is it to other players and selling it at shop is useless so I decide to get some brownie points and donate all the low level potions to the guards.

I sold 500 medium level ones to players at a price of 50 silver per potion making 250 gold coins, then he went back to the inn to meet up with his slaves it's time for dungeon diving.

As he was making his way back he looked at his two slaves status which was fairly strong compared to others at the same level.

NAME : Maria Level : 357 Class : Divine Paladin

Hp : 120000 Mp : 54000 Sp : ?????

Name : Anna Level : 326 Class : Huntress (Hybrid)

Hp : 64000 Mp : 32000 Sp : 20000

Other than that the skill and stats point windows were locked stating he will only be able to view them after he reaches similar level, but he didn't really care what he needed to know was which potion to give them and how much could be needed.

Reaching the room I heard chatter of the two, one sounded as if being violated while the other sounded strongly pleased, not wanting to walk into awkward situation I just knocked the door and stated i was coming in.

The sound died down as I entered the room only to find several bags of normal dress, clothing and such, dress up games? I thought but looking at the two who were full equipped in battle suit with weapons I let out a sigh.

I wondered if i should praise them for getting ready so soon by putting on the Armour or scold them for playing around till the last minute but then again I might be wrong.

They just might be viewing through dresses to pass time as they waited full prepared but I somehow doubted that was the case, ignoring Maria who was trying to say something i took out the potions, handed 75 mid and high level potion to Maria and 75 mid, 25 high level potion to Anna, keeping the remaining 50 mid level potions for myself.

I didn't prepare any mana potions because I had the op ring that boosted the regeneration while the other two were so high leveled that he concluded they couldn't need to use much of their skills against low level monsters and can easily make do with their natural regeneration.

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