《Spiritual guardian》Chapter 3


Ash the goblin is having a bad day and everything had started out so well. He'd been wandering the mountain when he noticed some shiny pebbles and Ash LOVES everything and anything shiny. It was on the side of a cliff edge surrounded by a ring of sharp rocks and long white sticks. Such a good thing left alone must mean that it belongs to Ash so of course he did his duty in stealing no not stealing but appropriating yeah.

What was Ash thinking about? Ah the shiny pebbles yes, so Ash appropriated the pebbles and made to leave when he stumbled over the white sticks on the ground. With a yelp Ash realized the white sticks were actually old bones. That's when he saw 'it', a massive ant like creature with an armored head twice Ash's height. Scrambling to his feet Ash summoned his snake spirit and flead as fast as goblinly possible up the mountain straight past his fellow goblins.

"Sreeeeeeh" Ash howled feeling his spirit summon get annihilated. Looking back Ash almost turned gray from the sight of three massive ant monsters chasing him down and trampling the handful of goblins in their path. Yup Ash is most definitely having a bad day.

Focusing Steve saw a small mass of ants rampaging after the little goblin he'd inspected earlier. It seemed to be carrying a handful of crystal balls glowing a faint green. Quickly forcing on them brought up a pop-up.

Mountain scourge ant egg, dangerous individually and a disaster in larger numbers this species eggs can grant power to anyone who has survive long enough to consume them.

"Of course he had to kick a literal ant hill" Steve groaned slapping his ghostly hand into his forehead. With a sigh Steve directed the hundred or so goblins in the surrounding area to attract. The goblins responded by either summoning a spirit weapon or animal to fight the eight foot tall ants. All types of ethereal animals from a tiger with glowing claws to a fish swimming through the air trying to take bites out of the ants swarmed them. They seemed to be doing some damage but a single hit from the massive ants would destroy the summoned creatures.


Two of the quickest goblins holding a misty spear and hammer reached the leading ant when there was only a dozen or so spirits harassing them. With a scream the spear plunged into the joint of its front leg. Snapping at the first goblin his partner took advantage of its distraction and used his summoned hammer to crush the front leg on the other side. Losing balance the leading ant crashed to the ground. Jumping on the monster the other weapon holding goblins hoped on and started smashing and hacking at the ant.

The small victory of killing the first ant didn't last however as the other two ants smashed into the mob of frenzied goblins. A short and brutal fight of swinging weapons, goblins getting crushed and the sole surviving spirit animal a bird clawing the antenna of the monster raged. By the time all the ants were dead only four of the thirty or so goblins with weapons stood.

Looking over the bloody mess Steve was surprised that he wasn't horrified over it just annoyed that his goblins died. Speaking of goblins where did that little goblin carrying the egg go?

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