《Growing Wings》Windmills


Nordausa was a small town built on a network of tributaries from the larger river that flowed northwards, formed by the melting ice from the mountain range. Lots of stone footbridges connected the various parts of the town, mostly built with grey masonry. Several watermills and windmills lazily turned giving this little town a sleepy feel to it.

Bright parasols and awnings reflected in the waters, giving the otherwise grey village a colourful and vibrant feel.

Grau’s house lay carved into the hillside, nestled beneath a windmill idly turning gently in the breeze.

Xellie rapped on the blue wooden door sharply, then sat on the cobbles leaning against the wall.

“What are you doing?” Mattos asked, puzzled by the behaviour.

Xellie giggled and closed her eyes.

The door opened cautiously. Grau, a tall, lanky man with large spectacles and long dark hair tied back neatly looked around.

“I did NOT take that long.” he chided Xellie gruffly, who stifled a laugh and stood up. “Who is this?”

“This is Mattos. He helped me in the mountain pass and wants a consultation.”

“I suppose. Come in.”

Xellie and Mattos entered the neat living room, furnished very simply with a low table and cushions to sit on. Light filtered through the trees and into round windows.

“Are you done out there?” Grau called in the direction of the yard spread along the side of the house. “You got a visitor.”

“I got a visitor?” a cheerful male voice called back. “Tell them to call back later!”

Grau nodded his head toward the back door.

“Go on, you know he’ll be out there ages.”

Xellie poked her head around the door and looked into the yard.

“Niko!” she called, diving back in and sitting on the cushions.

“Niko?” Mattos asked. “You mean...”

“He’s just a regular guy,” Grau said with a smile, pouring some tea out for everyone.

“Oh yeah completely average,” Xellie said with a stern nod.

Niko burst into the room, his athletic form looking as if the basket he was holding could be boulders.

“You made it!” Niko exclaimed, dropping the basket, herbs spilling out all over the floor, much to Grau’s visible disappointment. Niko rushed over to grab his sister by the shoulders and stand her up. “Are you okay? We have so much to talk about!”

“I’m fine,” Xellie replied, burying her head against his firm chest. “I missed you.”

“You gave us a scare alright.” He said, ruffling her hair. “Who’s this? Boyfriend?”

“What? No.” Xellie pushed her brother off. “He helped me in the pass, it was kinda infested. OH! He’s from Alpinheim.”

Grau and Niko shot each other a concerned glance at the mention of Alpinheim.

“I know this is hidden knowledge to only the highest level hunters...” Mattos began, sipping his herbal tea. “But, we both want to know how to locate Ashmeviti.”

Xellie nodded, sitting on the cushion next to Mattos, facing Grau.


“Yea, we know it's taboo but, it’s not like we’re going to unleash him.”

“Giving you of all people this information is a terrible idea,” Grau grumbled. “I can’t think of anyone worse suited to...”

“Now hold on.” Niko elbowed Grau gently. “Xel, did uh... Umm... Uhh... Anyone... you know... Suggest...uh... does Ra...Uhh... Karyn? Does Lady Sunna know you’re after this information?”

“Karyn...” Grau rolled his eyes. “If she’s signed off on you seeking Ashmeviti out, she’s dumber than you are.”

“She knows.” Xellie glared back at Grau. “Are you going to help us or not?”

“Grau, can we have a word?” Niko gently tugged at Grau’s robe as he stood up and guided him out of the room.

“The exorcist doesn’t like you huh?” Mattos whispered.

“They seem really freaked out about this,” Xellie whispered back, reaching over to replace Niko’s full teacup with her own empty one. “I don’t get it.”

Grau and Niko came back into the room and sat back down.

“We will share some of the more... quiet information with you,” Grau said, sounding concerned.

“However...” Niko added, looking into his teacup, puzzled. “There will be rules.”

Xellie nodded intently, and Mattos leaned back on his hands to listen.

“So, I hope you’re going to actually listen,” Grau said with a sigh. “There are various temples in Taode that are designed to block Ashmeviti’s power. He was sealed under the ground for a very very long time. Some of these temples are rather obvious, like the ruins in the forest around Jota... where you’re NOT supposed to go alone.”

Xellie’s face flushed red and she gazed downward at the floor as Grau continued on.

“The temples although they block his power, also serve as areas that he can manifest as a human within, although powerless. A breakaway part of the church... self-proclaimed truth uncoverers have been working to remove these temples so they can face the truth of the world by facing Ashmeviti. Now of course, we know that this group was spearheaded by his own minions and they’re mostly dealt with, but we assume they achieved their goal to completely destroyed the temple in Alpinheim, allowing him some roam of the land.”

“One can only fight him by approaching one of these temples, but if it is damaged he will have his full power since it opens a tear into his dimension leaking power to him....” Niko said, following up on Grau’s explanation. “So basically he can only be fought with where he can do the big magic.”

“Where are the temples then?” Asked Mattos. “Jota forest, Alpenheim, where else?”

“Some are lost to time,” Grau said with a shrug. “Anyway, the biggest is Anshara. As you all well know, Anshara is just a demon attack town.”

“You can’t even get close to the one in Anshara anyway, the towns guardians would shred anyone who dared,” Niko said. “So what you would need to do is find the next one his minions intend to attack and intercept him there.”


“The devil’s library should have all the information on finding them, but good luck with Ash.”

“I can work that guy,” Xellie told Grau confidently.

“Now.” Grau folded his arms sternly. “That’s the how to find him talk, now let's talk about him. He reaps souls, but only ones who died with certain emotions. Negativity, despair, fear, cowardice, regret... He can’t see other ones, so he can’t steal them away, but those that he does see, he will continue to breed those fears from them to feed from.”

“You really don’t want your soul caught by this guy and I know... I know.” Niko glanced over at his sister. “I don’t care how strict Vanis was with emotional training and wards against miasma, that stuff isn’t even a drop on this guy - you just gotta like, really be ready spiritually because... I don’t even wanna think about this... Are you sure Karyn is okay with this?”

“She didn’t talk me out of it.” Xellie shrugged. “Niko uh, do you know the identity of the demon that attacked me in the forest?”

“Yea. The area has been cordoned off... Attacks increased from there... it’s pretty tough.”

“It sounds really bad...” Xellie said quietly.

“Have you been in a coma or something?” Mattos asked. “How do you not know about these things?”

“She was actually,” Niko interjected. “The worst case of miasma poisoning we’ve ever seen, she was in the area when the Jota temple blew.”

“Oh sorry,” Mattos replied. “I didn’t know.”

“Come on you.” Niko stood up and offered Xellie his hand. “We have a lot to talk about. No offense, it's family stuff.” He added, addressing Mattos.

“None taken,” Mattos replied, turning to face Grau. “May I ask you a few things?”

Niko guided Xellie through the house to a room at the back, closing the door and sitting on the bed. Patting it to invite her to sit next to him, he asked;

“What do you remember?”

“Nothing,” Xellie replied hesitantly, settling next to her brother. “Just the nightmares and the fever.”

“Raye saved you,” Niko uttered in a low tone. “She ripped your soul out before Ashmeviti could push you to despair and take you for himself.”

“So she killed me?!” Xellie stood up and looked around the room. “Then what am I now?!”

“Not killed like, she took your soul out and it shocked your body or something something I don’t understand Valkyrie stuff.” Niko sighed and pulled his sister to sit down. “She said something like you had to be sent far away to recover and eject the miasma from your body away from his reach.”

“How long have you known about her?” Xellie hissed, sliding away from her brother a little.

“Ah... I felt a bit stupid.” Niko buried his face in his hands. “I worked for her for years but only met her face to face when you were injured and she told me who she was.”

“No way. She suckered us both.”

“Seems so.” Niko laid a hand on Xellie’s shoulder, pulling her closer. “I thought you were dead at first, then she did some hocus pocus. Anyway, we had to keep it secret because it's hard to tell who is dirty nowadays.”

“Like Talynn yeah?”

“Talynn? What did he do?” Niko asked, raising an eyebrow.

“He was talking with demons and tried to mess with me.”

“Consider him dealt with. I never liked that little worm.”

Xellie leaned back against Niko’s shoulder, looking out of the window at the bushes rustling outside. Being near her brother gave her a warm sense of security that she hadn’t felt in a long time.

“Are you going to be powerful like Raye?” she asked him.

“Nah, only you.” Niko pouted. “I’d like to be, but I don’t really want the bloodlust that comes with that kind of power.”

“The... you what?” Xellie gripped Niko’s arm. “Bloodlust?”

“Raye said you’ll be drawn to battle. Maybe it will make you crazy. Don’t go crazy, I really like when you’re half sensible.”

“I’ll do my best,” Xellie said absently, reminded of the terrible dream she had of killing children.

“I can’t believe Raye would allow you to want to fight Ashmeviti...”

“Raye wants me to do it to prove myself.” Xellie urged Niko. “And it would reduce demon attacks in the area by so much! And free Alpinheim!”

“Huh.” Niko scratched his head thoughtfully. “Well if Raye insists and she’s watching you, it might be okay. But uh... Do you even have a plan?”

“Umm... Raye gave me a really cool sword.” Xellie replied jokingly, considering Niko’s question. She hadn’t really thought that far ahead.

“Hey, my sword is cool too,” Niko replied. “But not kill-a-demon-lord levels of cool.”

“He can’t be invincible though, can he?”

“Well, I dunno why nobody else thought about killing him the past five hundred years or so,” Niko said, rolling his eyes. “But if Raye thinks there’s a chance... But I can’t bear the thought of you being used for that...”

“For what? Used for what? Niko.” Xellie poked Niko in the ribs. “Niko what aren’t you telling me?”

“Raye didn’t tell you.” Niko facepalmed with an audible slap. “Okay well... uhh how do I put this... So you know how Raye picks up heroic souls?”

Xellie nodded apprehensively.

“And he can only pick up distressed souls....”

“Yeah... What’s that gotta do with me?”

Niko lowered his voice until it was barely audible.

“He’ll use you to create beings that can do both.”

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