《Making a World Into Fantasy》Chapter 12- Chronicler of Epochs


He really needed to stop waking up like this.

Lukas pushed himself up from the floor and massaged his temples, visions of his inner psyche flashed through his mind. The pounding sensation that plagued him slowly faded away.

It was a technique he used to do in his past life to help keep himself grounded when things got rough. Normally, it wouldn’t result in him blacking out nor would his inner psyche look so monstrous and unrecognizable.

Several notifications made themselves known in his mind at that moment. There was a small backlog and all of it seemed incredibly relevant to his personal growth.

[Unnamed Spell. Source order. Use Source in a risky manner to force self-introspection on a deeper level that borders micro-macro realms present within an individual. There is a high chance of death or similarly lethal consequences, but upon success can induce guaranteed enlightenment unique to the individual.

During the process of the spell, the target is in an unconscious trance. If the target is interrupted from the trance, at the least expect catastrophic injuries within the inner psyche, mind, body, or soul.]

[Please name the new spell!]

The spell he had accidentally crafted seemed to be one of the Source level, which from his understanding meant that it used pure Source from the environment combined with some in his body.

Lukas started to sweat bullets as read the spell description.

It seemed to have turned into a possibly lethal spell if there were any errors or interruptions. Luckily he was in the library and nobody had been there to awaken him.

He silently offered thanks to whatever entity was watching over him and aptly named the spell: Enlightenment. Straight and to the point!

[Congratulations host! You’ve made the first Source spell that is not unique to you and can be shared with other individuals.

The reward has been sent to your inventory.]

Not unique to himself? He could teach it to Merla, but that sounded like child endangerment seeing how she grew up through hardship in the middle of the mountains.

But this also meant it couldn’t be counted for his task. The requirement for that was a Source spell that was unique to him.

[Congratulations host! You’ve awakened the Innate Source: Chronicler of Epochs!]


Speak of the devil, but what the hell was this name? Chronicler of Epochs- isn’t that just a glorified historian?

[Function [World Record] has evolved into [Book of Chronicles] due to a change in host’s soul and Fate.]

Oh, this is an interesting development.

A probable result of his enlightenment and the awakening of his Innate Source. He really needed to check on what that change entails.

[System has released some of the locked features of Sourcery cultivation.]

[Beings within Xerveres can now cultivate up to the Source Origin stage without facing Fate backlash.]

[Congratulations on cultivating your Source Core! Your heart has begun the arduous process of being refined by Source energy for its later transformation into the Source Heart. Fate levels have increased.]

Wow! That was a lot of information for him to take in, but the value of each message was incredible.

Enlightenment seems to be incredibly broken, but rightly so with the possible dangers that are tied to it.

Lukas imagined a scenario where he didn’t make it. There would probably be a splash of colorful rouge in the library at the behest of his demise.

Going back to the news of his advancement. He saw a dark-bluish sphere within his chest, it completely covered his heart and Source seemed to revolve around it before fusing with the core. He would’ve assumed he died if he didn’t hear his quiet, but still-beating heart.

His Fate increased also, so that means that the create function wouldn’t be so limited in the future.

There were other matters at hand though. He opened up the [Champions] menu:

Name: Eliott Hearthrom

Title: ---

Tier: Source Core- Apprentice

Innate Source: [Chronicler of Epochs]


(First Order- Prestidigitation, Source Bolt, Subtle Haze, Coat of Fire)

(Second Order- Conflagration, Healing Glow)

(Source- Enlightenment)

Evaluation: An interesting fella who seems to have stumbled onto a path that most would flee from. An observer has its limits after all!

[Innate Source: Chronicler of Epochs

As a representative of beings forced to be observers, Source empowers your entire existence permanently when you fully witness major Fate shifting events. While witnessing such events, the Chronicler will gain a significant boost in power temporarily for personal protection.

You are able to summon your [Book of Chronicles] to record events.]


[Book of Chronicles. Holds records of Fate shifting events that the Chronicler/system has witnessed, but didn’t participate in. Through recorded events within its pages, the Chronicler can spend some power to dive back into those events as a soul apparition that can only observe.

A fusion of personal technique and system features with the enforced limits of an observer.]

One could argue that the power given to him was great, amazing even. However, as someone who had grand plans to make himself a hegemony of magic in this new world that he crossed over from. An observing role was not going to cut it.

“System, what the hell is with this observer shit? How does this even correlate to what I do or did?!” Lukas was fuming.

[Host, your Innate Source is determined by your soul. The system currently does not possess any capabilities of changing the Fates of souls, otherwise, there wouldn’t be any need for the host.]

“So are all my dreams and plans for this world gone now? And who made these so-called limits?”

He wasn’t necessarily angry about the limitations imposed on his powers, but more so on the fact, it was thrown onto him by some invisible force.

The powerless feeling he felt in his past life and the one left by Eliott, had once again reared its ugly head.

Lukas sighed and shook his head. The system words stated that he was limited to observing to be able to harness the full extent of his Innate Source like the [Book of Chronicles].

The shadow of a memory of a fancily-dressed, red imp passed through his mind. Didn’t it hold a similar role in that one game he used to play? Impossible.

A ghost of a smile traced over his lips before a quiet chuckle rumbled out. He looked out the windows of the library.

It was nighttime, he seemed to have once again broken sleeping records within a library.

Lukas took this opportunity to clean up the mess he and Merla made of the library from their lesson.

With the desks and bookshelves tidied up, he cast Prestidigitation to blow out the lights within the library. Standing before the door, he peered inside, it really did look like a decent place to consider a base of operations. A bit small though to replicate something like the Eternal Library that the system made.

He locked the doors and headed back to his home. Gareth must be worried again, working hours in this world were quite lax, especially so for a librarian in a mountain town.

Lukas silently messed around with Source and theorized spellcraft on the way back.

Silent shadows followed him from a safe distance, their eyes in awe and shock at the powers they witnessed Lukas perform. The blue swirling energy that swirled around him like wind imprinted in the minds of many watching individuals.

All of them are aware of each other.

But there was no comradery between any of them. The atmosphere between these shadows was filled with tension and subtle murderous intent.

In the presence of the shining moon, brief flashes of light are reflected on the shining edges of flying daggers. The smell of blood permeated the air of streets and alleyways in Phyranhol that night.

This was only the beginning of the turbulent era ahead of the town.

In a small house fit for two men, Lukas recounted his day to his father and the two talked about their future in a merry mood. Both seem to have let the events of the previous night in the past already.

[Innate Source spell has awakened and devoured the spell [Subtle Haze]!]

[Spectator’s Cloak. Source order. A spell that devoured another to awaken and protect the being, Eliott Hearthrom. Source actively hides the presence of Eliott from interested parties and is slightly resistant to spells weaker than Eliott's Sourcerer stage.

Can be toggled on and off, but drains a large amount of Source when active.]

He had just wanted one night in this new world to enjoy, but of course, the system wouldn’t allow Lukas to forget its existence. It really did seem clingy.

He raised a glass to Gareth.

“To a new day! Tomorrow!” He shouted merrily.

“To a new day! Tomorrow!” Gareth echoed.

The two drank and laughed the rest of the night away unaware of the trouble Lukas inadvertently brought to Phyranhol.

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