《Making a World Into Fantasy》Chapter 10- Birth of Three Champions II


Lukas slowly opened his eyes.

He was back in the old library and in the chair, he rested in before the system took him into the Eternal Library space.

Gareth was still on the table just as he’d left him.

Another table had three new books on them and each glowed with a faint light similar to the orbs he created in the Eternal Library. Standing up, he walked over and examined the books.

The titles read:

War Tempest

Soul of the Occulus

Figure of Falsehood

Under each title, a faint image moved around the cover: a storm of swords, a beast with many eyes, and a humanoid silhouette that was half faded. Each of the energies was familiar to him since it was exactly the same as the orbs.

Lukas became lost in thought as he studied the books. These must contain a more complete method of advancing through the magic tiers that aligned with their innate Source.

Was it similar to the books he had that explained the origins and some basic lessons about Source? Also, did this mean that Merla didn’t gain a book since her innate Source was discovered through natural means?

He became muddleheaded.

Lukas shook his head and gathered the books in hand. He looked around the dim library, he might as well put them on the shelves.

Based on the memories he could work with and personal experience in the day, strangers rarely walked into the library. There weren’t any curious folk that wandered deep enough that would give him trouble if he chose to hide away the books here.

Reaffirming this fact, he walked to one of the deeper parts of the library near the back-center wall. This was a small alcove where Eliott usually hung out when the library was open to read books or to just laze about.

On one of the empty shelves, he carefully took out some old books and replaced them with the three faintly glowing ones. They fit perfectly. A sudden idea flashed through his mind.

After some time, he had wandered around the library and switched out some old classics of this world to replace them with copies of the Source: The Beginning books from his inventory.

Through this, maybe some lucky souls would find themselves an opportunity and gain a natural understanding of Source without the use of the Eternal Library. He could also check the character of people who would want to borrow or buy the books.

Lukas felt like this method would also help him build up the natural presence of the library in this world to attract more promising talents like Merla.

He looked outside the windows, it was midnight or just past it now. The explosion that he made earlier seemed to have been taken care of, it seemed much quieter outside.

The decision to carry Gareth back to their house was eventually made after a few minutes of self-deliberation. Not only would the environment be better for Gareth’s rest, but he would have a bed to sleep in as well.

Eventually, the shadow of two figures could be seen on the streets and disappeared when some clouds covered the moonlight.


In another part of the world trampled by warfare.

Septimus found himself back in his personal tent. A red-gold orb the size of his head floated before him, the image inside seemed much friendlier and enticing than when he was in that other place.


He checked himself for any other changes that might’ve been brought with him. Besides the orb and his unstable demeanor, nothing seemed out of place.

Finding his chair, he sat himself down and recalled his almost dreamlike experience in… the Eternal Library. The god-like being pressured him by just gazing over his direction and the magnificent scenes he saw behind it.

Source seemed to be the reason it had all that power and now he was given the opportunity to also handle it. There was also another place that was mentioned at the end… a library in a town located under the foot of a mountain?

More explanations and answers about Source could be found there if the orb wasn’t enough. Speaking of which…

Septimus slowly gazed up at the orb. It hadn’t moved and stayed in the same position.

Thoughts of personal power and gain rushed through his mind. The orb was said to contain a method of being able to use Source that was tailored for him.

His mind further wandered to the other two individuals that shared the experience with him. Although they couldn’t see each other’s faces, the names were enough.

Jack Lantier and Thearessa Hart. Both respected individuals across the majority of the world for their own self-made legends.

One was the founder of the Dark Sun cult, it was unknown information to the general public, but the churches made shared his information and offered high rewards to any kingdom that could bring him down and provide proof.

The other was the Hermit of the Northern Sea, a woman who rivaled most scholars in the world in terms of knowledge. She had a falling out with several King-level figures after they dissed her advice as nonsensical talk and disappeared from the public eye from then on.

Both of them would definitely not pass up the opportunity to rise up with limitless power. It would be irresponsible of him to not take it himself right?

Septimus’ eyes shook as these thoughts rushed through his mind. He had already kneeled before that powerful being, it was stupid that he still considering his choice.

He reached towards the orb and touched it.

Immediately, the orb’s form shattered and transformed into wisps of energy that rushed towards him.

It engulfed his head and a deafening roar of swords and war resounded through his mind, almost shattering it, but he held on with gritted teeth.

Before him, there was a vast plain littered with blood, corpses, and weapons. Septimus looked around, his heart beating uncontrollably.

He noticed that his sword was already in hand and the other carried a flag that exuded an inexplicable aura. His blood boiled, it was the same feeling he got when he personally led the charge into battle.

This place was a battlefield. A battlefield that never saw the end of war. And the lingering bloodlust was infectious.

Septimus looked around and finally saw the shadows of figures all embroiled in the heat of conflict. Arrows whistled through the air. Swords were swung. The cries and grunts of warriors invaded his senses.

Something in him snapped.

He roared and raised both items in his hands in the air before he charged into the fray of the endless battlefield. The closer he got, the darker his vision faded, until his roars of dominance eventually stopped ringing in his ears.


Septimus opened his eyes. He groggily looked around, he was still in his tent but had apparently collapsed on the ground.

Just where did he go?

He pushed himself up. As he did so, he felt a refreshing feeling course through his body. His chest area felt much lighter and less congested.

Looking to where the orb floated previously, there was nothing as he expected, it had disappeared. He assumed it had entered his body and provided him that vision of the battlefield.

Tingling sensations ran across his arms when he recalled the feeling in there.

At this moment, Septimus felt as if his mind had reached a point of clarity. There was something that occupied the empty space that was his ambitions now; a tattered, blood-red banner embroidered with a storm of golden swords floated there resolutely.

He served his kingdom but said kingdom needed a banner to rally behind during times of strife.

Septimus wanted that banner to be his and Source seemed to be the only way to make it happen. He silently offered thanks to the almighty being in that place in the clouds.

The refreshing energy that coursed through his body and emanated through his chest ignited his repressed ambitions. Now he was sure that it was the most correct decision and that the other two would also reach for their hindered ambitions after being stagnant for such a long period.

He breathed in and closed his eyes, he felt the energy around him now. It was vibrant and lively, this must’ve been the change he felt the day before.

He called over an adjutant.

“Make a list of all towns at the foot of some mountains that contain a library. Keep this discreet. You have your orders.” He relayed his thoughts.

The adjutant saluted and quickly made their way out of the tent.

An exciting light flashed through Septimus’ eyes, he had the power but wanted to know more. To harness this new energy, he needed to find that library fast! The edges of his mouth curled upwards.

He raucously laughed out of giddiness. The stagnant future now seemed limitless!


In different locations and rooms, both Thearessa and Jack had experienced a similar change in temperament.

Each fully accepted the orbs’ power unto themselves and saw the fringes of the images that had laid in them.

For Thearessa, her vision came true. After the orb engulfed her, a beast shrouded in mist stared at her with its many eyes. It roared, snapping her back into reality.

She immediately gathered her most important things fit for travel. Standing outside her home in the North, she melancholically sighed before turning to leave.

A town at the foot of some mountains awaited her. Unfortunately, she had no idea where to start except to take the first steps and admire the new world she found herself in after awakening the ability to see Source.

Jack, on the other hand, faced the procession of many minds all offering their life to a shadow that could barely be seen in the sky. It had brought its hand forward before thrusting a long finger onto his head, pushing him back into reality.

The feeling of new energy coursing through his body, made the old artifact he had gotten in the past seem insignificant.

He felt younger and slightly more powerful but was aggrieved when he found out that he didn’t know how to utilize it.

Calling forth an emergency meeting, Jack announced his search for a small town under the foot of some mountains and made it a priority mission for the whole Dark Sun cult.

What confused the agents that accepted the mission, was the specific requirements needed to report to the higher-ups. The town needed a library and to not make a scene.

The gears of Fate slowly started turning once again, but in a different direction, as three prominent figures started making their moves to find the small town of Phyranhol.


Lukas had just settled Gareth in his room and managed to wash himself down when the system made an announcement in his mind.

[World Record has been updated.]

[First Deviations. The world’s first Champions have awakened their ability to use Source. Already, their small actions have deviated from the original Fate of the world. The beginning of a new era is at hand!]

He raised his eyebrows as he made himself comfortable in his bed. He didn’t expect them to immediately accept the foreign concept of magic.

Either way, this was a good outcome.

Lukas smiled to himself and mentally congratulated his tireless efforts in the Eternal Library. Maybe it would have taken longer if he didn’t perform that show with illusion magic.

[Congratulations host on completing the Chosen Few task! You’ve successfully influenced the awakening of some powerful people to be Champions of this world’s Fate. Please continue to find Champion candidates!]

[Rewards have been distributed.]

[Main task established: Home Sweet Home. Establish a secure base of operations where you can operate in this new base. This must be an area where there is a naturally high concentration of Source.

Reward: Weak Source Fountain]

Interesting… He wasn’t forced to think about doing things as quickly as possible. Maybe tomorrow he might get some time to consolidate everything he’s learned in the past two days.

Merla might also visit the library tomorrow if that first world update was related to her.

Lukas sighed to himself. It’s only been two days and he’s already made some waves in this new world.

He closed his eyes and slowly breathed, sensing the Source in the air. It writhed and moved around with the air circulation. He smiled.

Exhaustion took him quickly to a quiet night.

In other parts of the world, many individuals were disturbed from their daily routines as the actions of the three Champions roused their interest. It wasn’t because of the people themselves, but rather the goals of each.

It didn’t take long before the search for a certain small-town library at the foot of some mountains reached the ears of many dormant figures in the dark.

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