《Making a World Into Fantasy》Chapter 8- The Eternal Library


[World Record has been updated.]

[Wings of Change. The world’s first innate Source spell has been born! The special power of fate was incorporated in the spell! A remarkable individual has fully awakened in the new world, their future is boundless.]

Lukas was surprised. What did it mean by an innate source spell?

With the record being written by the system, this meant that his self-created magic wasn’t considered innate. He had a few ideas of what that could mean.

He then remembered the Source phenomena that happened around the figure of the little girl he met earlier in the day.

This must be because of her. Otherwise, the name of the recorded event wouldn’t relate so closely to birds would they?

Lukas chuckled and bitterly smiled at his own inability to make an innate source spell despite being the reason for its existence in the first place.

After offering a silent congratulations to the girl, he put his focus back into analyzing the way to manipulate Source to heal. It should’ve been an easy task since the energy itself is alive and wildly compatible with natural life.

The process was arduous but found some enlightenment after some time passed and recovered some energy. His father was still unconscious on the table, breathing laboriously but still alive.

Sweat had formed above his scrunched brows as he guided the energy over the open and burn wounds of Gareth.

With gritted teeth, he imagined the kind of effects he wanted to happen and willed the energy to follow his will.

Lukas unconsciously muttered a phrase. The energy that hovered above the wounds started to glow green.

Motes of Source gravitated towards the green glow, turning from blue to green before settling into the wounds which had started to repair themselves.

This task took some time and eventually, Lukas found himself gasping for breath and holding his head on a nearby chair. It had taken a lot more energy than he realized because he had to stop a few times to gather energy before he could continue.

Yet he pushed on and completed the healing.

Gareth lay on the table breathing much easier than before the operation, most of the injuries and burns had disappeared leaving no evidence of harm on the body. The brand that marred his face was reduced to some reddish inflammation, but Lukas deemed it would be fine after a few days.


Even if he wanted to do more, his reservoir of energy had simply emptied after concentrating on the healing spell for so long. After he remembered the experience of blacking out, he had decided to stop before he followed the events of the previous evening.

Various notifications had littered his mind amidst the healing and Lukas took this time to go through them all.

[Healing Glow. 2nd order magic. The caster must concentrate after casting the spell to keep it alive. Heals non-fatal wounds slowly under its light. Potency can be slightly increased by being closer to the glowing source.]

It was second-order magic, no wonder it drained so much energy. Lukas had been concentrating for a long time to heal his dad before it got any worse.

[Congratulations host on completing the Filial Piety task! Not only have you shown the brutes the consequences of messing with your family, but have also shown off the power of Source to some powerful forces.]

[Rewards have been sent to the inventory.]

It was only his second day in this strange new world and Lukas felt like he had finally made some progress in personally assimilating into this world. His dad was saved for one and the soul of Eliott should have been avenged.

Nobody else but that thug Logan could’ve poisoned his body right?

[Due to recent circumstances in the world, three individuals have been preselected by the system to become champions.]

[Rewards for the task have been changed.]

[New reward upon completion of the main task: Crystal Focus]


Lukas immediately straightened up in his chair out of sheer rage and surprise at the system’s audacity to change the rewards.

Before he lambasted the system, another notification popped up in his mind.

[New task established: Personal Skills. You are a mortal god on this plane yet you are so weak and have fallen behind in terms of personal power! Enter the Core Creation stage and establish your first innate Source spell.

This means the spell is unique to you and cannot be used by others.

Reward: New ‘Create’ function.]

Oh- he was weak now?

“System, you better have an explanation!” Lukas questioned, barely holding in his rage.

[Current conditions have been analyzed. The host is taking too long to complete basic tasks!]


[Prepare to greet your new champions!]

“Wait what?!”

Before he could say anything else, he felt lightweight and was flung towards the skies at an incredible speed.

Lukas was suddenly jolted awake and slowly opened his eyes.

He was sat behind a grand wooden desk in a celestial-looking place that exuded worldly knowledge that felt ancient.

Towering wooden shelves rose up from the ground.

Rows and rows of books lined these shelves. Each brimming with information, of which he could vaguely comprehend with a brush of his mind.

Clouds hid the bases of these monolithic shelves, forming a circular barrier of cloud cover that surrounded Lukas’s desk and the area it overlooked.

Before his eyes, he saw several pieces of parchment with some information and profile pictures of some strangers he didn’t know that littered the desktop.

His desk was on a balcony it seemed and was surrounded by an exquisite-looking wooden railing gilded with gold. It matched the ancient and scholarly feel of this place.

“System, where am I?” Lukas asked in awe taking it all in. He had stood up from his comfortable chair and was admiring the vast new world he seemed to be in.

[Welcome host to the Champion space: The Eternal Library!]

[A separate space created by the system after profiling the character of the host. This space protects the host and preserves your anonymity to allow the host to choose Champions to herald the new age brought about by Source.]

[All invited guests will be given appropriate methods of harnessing Source. It will be up to the host to give them anything more or less.]

‘Interesting… so he was given leeway to choose to empower others or to just awaken them.’

Lukas felt that as long as he was in this space, he was practically a god here.

[Precise reasoning host! You will be required to choose at least 3 Champions every week or so until more native-born sourcerers are born or acquire the ability to harness Source.]

Wait. Didn’t that mean there were already people here?!

The system said they were preselected due to some special circumstances before it fragged him here.

Lukas peered over the edge of the balcony and stood in the center of the empty space were three people.

A man dressed in warrior’s clothing akin to the Roman legionnaire of his past life stood resolutely with a hand resting on the pommel of his sheathed sword. He looked warily around but gave off a cool demeanor.

A woman dressed in seemingly thin garments that weren’t quite see-through. Her silver hair seemed to be in a frazzled mess that reached her waist, but it accentuated the curious light in her eyes as she wandered around the empty floor.

A dark-hooded figure stood in one place as they stared right up at the balcony Lukas was on. His eyes emitted a mysterious and expectant light as they made eye contact. This sent goosebumps up Lukas’s arms.

An interesting set of chosen individuals.

Lukas then realized that they matched the profiles written on the documents that covered the desk. Conveniently, all in the same order from left to right as well.

After taking a quick look at their information, he felt like he should definitely put on an act in this place. They were going to receive some tailored Source techniques after all and were the faces of the new era!

Lukas walked to the balcony railing which gave him a perfect view over them and coughed.


All three looked up at his figure with a mixture of emotions; caution, wonder, and worship.

“Welcome to the Eternal Library! You three have been chosen to represent the oncoming age of Source, magic, and limitless possibility.” Lukas’s voice boomed and echoed throughout the space.

Source and light danced around him, which helped him pull off the almighty figure he wanted to exude.

“Before you leave this place, you will be given the ability to harness the awakening natural energy of the world- SOURCE!”

Lukas clapped his hands and summoned a river of pure source to paint a grand illusion behind him which depicted many fantastical scenes of things unheard of in this small world.

Mythical creatures!

World-rending magic!

A new world after an apotheosis of Source!

The three were gob-smacked and were in awe at the display.

They could feel their blood boil. Not because of the possible power they could wield or the rebirth of their world. No, it was something greater.

This opportunity was… limitless!

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