《Making a World Into Fantasy》Sourcery & Spell Tiers


7 stages of Sourcery w/ three sub-tiers (Apprentice, Adept, Master):

Source Opening:

The body is opened to accept the source energy of the world to build a small pool within it. The pool’s depth can determine innate talent to cast spells.

Source Core:

The practitioner gathers the pool of Source in their body to form a blue sphere around the heart to temper it for its eventual transformation. There may be different core variants based on the individual’s Fate or Innate Source

Source Heart:

Through constant tempering the heart evolved into the Source Heart, allowing the natural creation of Source within the body. You are considered a true Sourcerer at this stage.

This stage offers immunity to most sickness and poison, but advancing to this stage can be dangerous as the heart may not be able to bear the source energy.

Longevity increases by 50 years.

Source Body:

Naturally produced Source within the body is used to refine the blood, flesh, and organs of the individual. Lasting ailments are cured through each refinement.

Longevity is increased by another 250 years.

Source Origin:

The mortal heart and body are shed by the Sourcerer. They can also use this stage to modify their bodies to whatever form they wish and effectively create a new race; can be fatal if not done correctly.

Longevity is increased by 1000 years and Sourcerer is virtually immune to physical wounds and ailments.

Source Star:

Sourcerers begin to crystalize their soul into beautiful and unique “star crystals” that can act as a phylactery, to store their soul. The star can be used as a life catalyst in creating small worlds that are unique to the individual.

If death ever meets the Sourcerer, a fragment of their will is spared within the star until it is destroyed.

Source King:


The Sourcerer’s star is fused with their small world, becoming a world core and infuses Source into it allowing them to rule that world like a god. The Source within that world is unique to their Innate Source; making it innately hostile to foreign Source Kings or Sourcerers.

Upon death, as long as the world core exists, they can eventually resurrect within the world after a long period of time.

Spell Orders

1st Order:

Spells that are quick to cast and have effects that could be improved by modifying the energy input. Incredibly weak and effects usually don't linger for more than an hour.

Most Sourcerers would consider spells under this order party tricks. They are very prevalent in civilian communities.

2nd Order:

Spells that are more complex to cast than 1st order spells. Some even require material components to be able to cast correctly. They have the damage potential equivalent in strength to bears or other large beasts.

Sourcerers can start to affect the immediate environment around them through these spells as their effects are more potent and last longer.

3rd Order:

Spells that surpass the basic knowledge of sentient beings. Their effects are esoteric in nature and can be considered a true kind of magic. The damage a Sourcerer can cause with these spells is comparable to a small natural disaster.

Trained Sourcerers use these spells as their bread and butter during wars and fights against other abnormal existences.

4th Order:

Spells that use Source to bend the natural laws of the world. Most beings would avoid using these kinds of disastrous spells within populated areas unless they are well prepared or have a clear insincerity of life.

Veteran Sourcerers would use these spells as one of their trump cards in difficult situations. When one is cast, its damage is easy to see as a large calamity.


5th Order:

Spells that can alter the natural laws of the world or even make new ones. Just one step away from the miraculous effects of Source order spells, but are the pinnacle of normal spellcasting.

Source Kings usually have specifically tailored spells of this tier that they are well-known for. With enough practice, spells in this category can rival special Source order spells that were derivations of Innate Source abilities.

Source Order:

Spells that are completely unique to an individual’s Innate Source and/or require an anomalous amount of Source to cast, but the effects are almost certainly worth it. If they aren’t derived from an Innate Source skill, they can be taught to others.

Their effects are all-encompassing and are borderline miracles that are tied to the caster's own Sourcerer stage. The higher tier Sourcerer, the more miraculous the effects.

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