《I want to restart my world but still have my knowledge and a few cheats》Chapter 6- Entry to Grey Heart Sect


After that 3 day massacre Lee got to Grey Heart Sect.

Lee (The line is so long. This is going to take forever.)

The Sect floor is filled with so many 16+ teenagers. Like almost 10,000 of them in which all of them are taking the entrance exams to the Sect.

Grey Heart Sect is a sect in which they accept almost everbody. The students have a lot of freedom. You can even do nothing if you so choose and not get punished.

A male student passing by wearing fancy clothing is passing by.

A bastard [Look at all of these talentless people. They won't probably make it to Heavenly Rank in their lives. Hey you the front of the line is reserve for genius only.]

The guy cut the line while everybody back up.

Lee (Seems like there are bastards everywhere I go)

There is a girl behind Lee at the end of the line.

Girl [Looks like I have to wait a little bit. Hm....A kid. Why is a kid at this sect?]

Lee turn around to see a girl noble.

Lee [Because I want to.]

Girl [Did you get lost? You're a little young to enter Grey Heart Sect don't you think.]

Lee [Who cares if I a little bit young?]

Girl [What's your name? My name is Cui Long.]

Lee [Ok, my name is Lee Chen.]

Cui [Lee huh. What level test are you taking?]

Lee [Great Grand Master level for all test.]

Cui [Wait What? You must be joking. People who lived for thousands for years can't pass those tests.]

Lee [Then they are complete dumbasses.]

Cui (Who is this kid?)

For several minutes Lee and Cui talked while the line shorten until they get to the entrance.


Entrance man [Name]

Lee [Lee Chen]

Entrance guy [Your test is Great ........Are you serious?]

Lee [Don't worry about and give my test]

Entrance guy [Ok here you go]

The guy gave Lee 10,000 pages of test paper for each subject. Math, Cultivation, Alchemy, Equipment, Geology, plants and animals, history, and enchantments.

Lee and Cui got their papers. Lee have 80,000 test paper to complete while Cui have only 90 papers to fill out. This is because of the difficulty of each test. Great Grand Master, Grand Master, Master, Grand Expert, Great Exper, Expert, Senior apprentice, apprentice, starter. Great Grand Master have 1000 pages while starter only have one. 1-10-20-50-100-1000-2,000-5,000-10,000 in increasing difficulty.

Lee (Fuck, why do I they have this many pages for a test.)

Cui [You have quite a lot of papers to fill out.]

Lee [Tests are stupid in my opinion.]

Cui [Well you have to take them.]

Cui and Lee take their seats and start the test. The test is a day long and most have headaches while taking the tests even thou they are taking the starter test.

Lee (Is everybody here a complete dumbass. Most of them have starter test.)

Lee looks at Cui who is trying her hardest to remember the answer and went back to his test.

Cui (OMG what is the answer. The Apprentice test is so hard. I wonder how is Lee doing.)

Cui looks at Lee's paper and see him zipping through the test like it was nothing.

Lee (Done. Who the fuck made this test. It is stupid as hell.)

Cui is shocked from Lee's speed in taking the test.

Lee [Hey teacher. Do I just leave my test here or do I give it to you?)


Teacher [You can just leave it there. You can also go.]

Lee left the testing with 80,000 of test papers. Everybody is looking at the test papers in awe. Finishing 80,000 papers on Great Grand Master level in under 5 minutes.

Lee (I finish the test without using the power of near omniscient.)

Woman (A person finish already.)

A beautiful woman walks up towards Lee.

Woman [You finish your test early.]

Lee [It's a stupid test.]

Woman [Why is the test stupid?]

Lee [It is super repetitive and it have a lot of remember and write down questions. Not the best questions in the world if you ask me. It also have some questions that are misinformation but is common knowledge.]

Woman [Oh]

Lee [Seems like I have to wait a while.]

Woman [You should prepare for the second stage of the exam.]

Lee [Don't need to]

Woman [Why not]

Lee [Because I'm strong]

Woman [You're acting pretty arrogant for a young kid for yourself.]

Lee [Arrogant? Hardly. I didn't even show a faction of my power.]

Woman [I probably see that power in the next stage. So I have to go now.]

After a day everybody finish the test. Cui takes a seat right next to Lee.

Cui [Ah..Clean air. Oh, it's you Lee.]

Lee [Greetings.]

Cui [The test is hard. I barely know half of the answers.]

Lee [The test is easy as fuck. You take an easier level.]

Cui [You're not the respectful person are you.]

Lee [Why should I. It's not like anybody can force me down. Of course I won't be expecting any respect.]


Woman [What is the small child test score.]

Teacher [He got all 100% across the board in Great Grand Master difficulty.]

Woman [Seems like we have a super genius here.]

The next stage have started and it was to just to get as many stuff as possible.

Lee (Ok, then. I just genocide the entire forest population.)

Everybody took off.

Cui [So what are you going to do Lee.]

Lee [I going to kill some things.]

Cui [I going to hunt some animals. Want to be together?]

Lee [No]

Cui [Aww. Why not?]

Lee [Because you are a deadweight when I fight.]

Cui [....]

Lee [Goodbye.]

Lee teleports away to a very large tree.

Cui [Wait did he just teleported?]

Lee in the meanwhile is using a death dimension rifle to kill basically anything in his way.

Lee (10,000 animal Collateral. Not bad. Let's see if I could beat that.)

Lee machine gun his gun and is homing into their targets and can change directions in an instead due to some techniques like Colors and Shapes.

Lee didn't genocide the entire forest but instead massacre half of the population of animals. Which basically a few hundred million.

*That is one big forest. But what is the cultvation world without big stuff.*

Lee (Ok. Next region.)

Lee teleport to the next region.

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