《Being Human (Completed)》The ferocious battle for Dark Glade. Pt 2


Jax's perspective music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ut0DFMclk54

Jax and the terror of the void size each other up, the dragon then roars in challenge.

Jax grins while still moving towards the dragon:"You vile corrupted beast, I will cleanse your existence from my namesake!"

Jax throws both axes with enhanced strength and accuracy, both nailing the dragon's eyes followed with a pained shriek. As if out of thin air a stave appears in his hands, he uses it to propel himself into the dragon's face with a spin to his leap. Landing the hit on the dragon's jaw, the stave shatters and the dragon slams Jax back into the ground with its head. It sniffs the air and pinpoints Jax's position, giving him no time the dragon hunches back and opens its mouth sending fort an inferno of grey that engulfed Jax. It keeps this up for a good half a minute, to waver a bit midway and then stop. It could no longer see, so it decided to listen and smell. It smelled a lot of things roasted, and crackling flames all around the area. And also, it heard loud and deranged laughter.

Jax:"I'm Fireproof you void cur!" his clothes completely burned off, the now naked drakeling laughed full heartedly. The dragon underestimated him, it allowed him to blind it as it couldn't range his strength and didn't try to avoid it. Not that it could.

The dragon let out a roar of anger, green blood lined its eye sockets all the way down to its neck. It opened its wings wide, clenched the ground beneath it and leapt forward at full speed. Jax tried to dodge but the dragon's claws carried him along as they both crashed through the battle going on at the walls, void beasts and mercenaries alike were simply thrown out of the way as the dragon crashed into them to only stop once it dove headfirst into the wall. It left a large dent in the walls, making even more a mess as it trashed to raise itself.

Jax walked out of the rubble, dazed and still bare naked:"Fucking crazy monster...Wait where did my clot..." he never finished his sentence.


The dragon heard his lamenting and leaped at his position, clawing the ground Jax stood on multiple times. A loud "Shit" was heard as a figure was thrown into the barracks. The dragon heard the crash and sniffed the air to acquire its target again, once it did it flew upwards for a couple meters then charged downwards haphazardly at the barracks, Jax barely dodged out of the way as the giant beast raised the building to the ground. It shrieked yet again in pain as pillars of metal broke some of its bones, leaving it moving with a limp from its front left leg.

Jax looked at the creature:"You're one crazy mother fucker, I'll give you that" as he grimaced at the dragon that yet again charged forward.

This time the dragon's intent was to stomp Jax flat, but was soon left even more angered as it didn't feel the drakeling crushed underneath its claws. It immediately stopped after noticing the missing drakeling pancake, it sniffed the air and then snarled at multiple directions. It had lost Jax's position. Suddenly it sensed something behind it, it wasn't smell, it wasn't sound and it definitely wasn't visual. It sensed strong magic being activated behind it.

Jax :"Any more hits and I'd be dead without a single intact scale" he sighed "I've absorbed enough of your attacks, let's see if you can survive your own power in your current state."

An ember flame engulfed his whole body as he charged forward with a stave. He met the dragon head on as they clashed in mid air with brute strength, his stave shattered once again but this time something was different. His undamaged body started to grow wounds and bruises at a rapid pace, as if the damage dealt by the dragon was finally sinking into reality. With a half roar half shriek of pain the dragon was propelled backwards down the street at massive speed, making it crash into the main buildings last standing floor. The beast was dead, a jumble of lifeless limbs lay in its place.

Jax stood for one last remark :"Guess you coul..dn't handle it...huh?.." He limply fell forward crashing into the floor in front of him, unconscious. His magic strained him too much.



Kurt's perspective music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXu55weXiZk

Kurt ran above the wall, slowing to a jog then coming to a full stop. He looked down at the beast that chased his subordinates, it was a waste of his time but the others where preoccupied and his men weren't strong enough. He decided to go full out from the start, to end this quickly before more lives were lost.

Kurt he gave the rift one last glance:"Time to end this charade, that thing is too dangerous to leave open." as more and more void beasts rained out of the rift as if to mock him. He leaped off the wall, hands wide open. He was in full werewolf form, but his form started to grow even larger.

You see, Weremen such as Werewolves were special. They possessed a different ancestry than other weremen, their origins was a specific type of spirit beast long forgotten by even its own kind. The transformation from wereman, to werewolf was only 1/3rd of their existence. The stronger werewolves could go further and become a Dire Werewolf which was Kurt's main combat form normally. But when faced with the impossible, when brought to into a corner. Rarely...their true and ancient form unfolded. Kurt's form increased in size dramatically, towering over even the Void Titan Dragon. His form, that of a wolf that actually stood on four legs. With saber tooth twin fangs, long pointed furry ears twice the size they would proportionately be, a dark black mane from his chest adorning his neck to the top of his back and two long and thick tails instead of one. The beast glared at the dragon, as even it stopped in its tracks to look up at the terrifying Lycan standing another storey and a half taller than it.

The dragon snarled at the new hulking giant and prepared to breath flames, but it was too slow. With impossible speed for his size, Kurt beheaded the dragon in one toothy bite. After the burst of speed smoke rose in large amounts from his Lycan body, shrouding most of it. He raised his head as an ear wrecking howl engulfed the whole battlefield, power radiated forward from his howl sending legions of void beasts spiralling forward and forcing mercenaries to duck and hold on to something for dear life as more flew over their heads. The howl lasted for about twenty seconds after which Kurt leaped forward twice, easily shortening the distance between him and the rift. His left paw climbed the rubble of the main building first, his right paw followed resting on a dragon's corpse until he came to an abrupt stop. He looked around, thousands of void beasts littered the roads and with them hundreds of mercenaries, some he himself had trained for years. He looked on with a glint of sadness in his eyes as he saw subordinates on their bloody backs, comrades limp on the ground, friends that took their final breath. In the distance he saw the three he cherished the most, brothers and sister in arms for years. He took another step forward towards the Rift, thoughts flowing through his mind.

Rifts can only be closed in two ways, waiting for it to collapse on itself or forcing it to collapse. Once open the first direction taken is permanent, others from the opening used to move between realms could keep using it resetting the collapse. Those on the side receiving the travellers could not pass to through. No....They could...But never make it to the other side in one piece.

He leaped forward, with his size and strength easily going through the gaping rift in the sky.

At first, darkness. Then spiralling green and black, tearing at his body. He focused, he forced all his power, all his will, all his might into one final battle cry. A white aura surrounded his body, as he tilted his head upwards for one final howl.


Author: Sorry I didn't post this earlier with Pt 1 xP, Pokemon Go has me in its clutches!....I'm hooked...Send help....Thanks for reading xD.....ZUBATS!

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